Did the trial first time (except esper kill). Megaflare is annoying as hell but otherwise was a fairly comfortable clear.
Any general tips? I tried and got wiped in one round.
Any general tips? I tried and got wiped in one round.
Thanks, Alkez.
I actually managed to beat him easily on my 2nd try. Went in with Cecil, Setzer, Yun, Refia, and Marie. Got everything but the esper reward.
Used my two tickets: Shera and Galuf. FFS!!
I feel like 4 stars have gotten so much harder to get since Christmas
Free summon :
Day 1 - Shine (New!)
EDIT : I see the Bahamut trial has Light resist, so Global already started the "we put Light resist on everything because Orlandeau is too OP" heh, a little sooner than I think it would.
I feel like 4 stars have gotten so much harder to get since Christmas, too many tickets trying to get Zyrus. Finally I can give Exdeath a break.
For sure. I've literally only had 2 on banner 4* this year. Ling and Shine.
you guys mind sharing Maries again please and thank you?!
If your Orlandeux are properly geared you don't need to break or buff for ELT at all. Huh.
Feel like it's gonna be a lot harder to stay in a good bracket for the rankings here than it was for Ifrit...
Whelp, smoked some Space Queen and decided to say Fuck It in the FFBE Discord and blow my 5 Tickets.
Blue-Gold-Rainbow... REBERTA!
Now I can use these event Moogles from the coin pull lol.
Blue-Gold-Rainbow... REBERTA!
Congrats Sean. Let us know how she is.
The orlandu chains are sooooooo strong it's laughable
What are people currently using on their healers: Equip H Shield + Force Shield or an extra HP +15/30%?
Edit: Just did some quick math. It seems, at least in my setup, that 5* Garnet after enhancements heals 550 more than 6* Refia.
On Reddit "you'll have your summon gauge ready at 50% easily", yeah...
5+ turns in a row without orbs.
At least it is done! Was really easy since he never used Megaflare at <40%, I never was in danger.
Grats, maybe someday we have Dragon fight where you need one (when killers are fixed).Honestly, she's probably just going to sit in my unit list not doing much. ><
Grats, maybe someday we have Dragon fight where you need one (when killers are fixed).
Honestly, she's probably just going to sit in my unit list not doing much. ><
Raid coins only stack to 9999. Annoying. Time to clear some space.
My Refia with Carbuncle. Arsha's Talismans are still in the works:
Which of the following will be a better weapon / ability combo?
Setup A
Weapons: Genji Blade / Sakurafubuki
Abilities: Dual Wield / Quick Assault / Blade Mastery / Dragon Killer
Attack: 761
Setup B
Weapons: Genji Blade / Excalibur
Abilities: Dual Wield / Large Sword Mastery / Blade Mastery / Dragon Killer
Attack: 987
B will have the resist but way more attack. I'm not sure how this compares to A when doing something like Divine Ruination. I'm also not sure how much extra damage the Dragon Killer does.
The latter for sure. Only the trial version resists light as far as I know, so for regular Raid farming it's fine.
My Refia with Carbuncle. Arsha's Talismans are still in the works
Crap, the "987" was supposed to be "897". But I'll share that build for you all then.
What's a good group for talking out Bahamut in the event? What's a good way to deal with MegaFlare? Just defend?
Ugh, did a few 10+1s this morning, hoping for Reberta.
1 rainbow - my 4th fucking Luneth. God dammit.
I have 4 luneths and 3 Delitas now. Enough Gumi, enough.