Want to thank those of you marking your [JP] posts as such, and would ask again for everyone else to start observing the same. short lived or no, obvious or not to you, not enough to become its own thread or not, this thread has become instantly less fun because of all the unmarked JP posts where I -- playing for 10 months now -- am not sure what I'm reading and can barely follow. I can imagine it's even more confusing and unwelcoming to new players.
It's easy and takes 4 strokes.
On one hand I have marked every post I've made about JP with
[JP] since you asked, unless it's been a response to someone else or it's a discussion about something that's not in game, where I would end up mentioning the words JP at some point.
On the other hand I was the one who mentioned all those other points so I feel like I got praised and burned lol.
I do think my points were valid though. I think it's more to do with who is posting and less what is being posted. 4 of the 8 most active users in this thread are playing and posting about JP. The difference between the user with the 8th most posts, Hippo, and the user with the 9th most posts, Rob, is 150 posts, so considering we make up a fair portion of the conversation that goes on here I can understand it feeling clogged with JP stuff
I guess because we've gone off topic so often and no one's had an issue with it (or at least said anything) that we didn't really think anything of it, especially as JP isn't really off topic. I'm not trying to make this thread less fun for anyone, but at the same time I think we've got into such bad habits with not talking about (GL) BE in this thread that it's difficult for people to understand why a line is now being drawn and adhere to it.
I think there just needs to be some patience, on both "sides". This may be a phase or it may be an adjusting period, it's hard to tell atm, but in time I think the thread will sort itself out.
Got her today with the free 5* ticket.
ALL THESE TICKETS (and 5*) and... *rolls around in tickets in JP*
Daily is... イリス。。。 Fuck this is the third one.
5* ticket..... *holds breath*..... OMG!!!!!!!!!! YESSS!!!!
Sakura is a magic caster, correct? If so, she'll be my first good one. Though might use cactaur I get on her to help level her outside of my regular crew right now.
Congrats and welcome to the Sakura club! Yup she is a mage, and one of the best out there. She can dual cast almost all her moves even though they're skills. Her thundaja is ridiculous, she can debuff lightning (and light and dark), buff team mag 100%, and just hit ridiculously hard with her final move. O and her LB hits 40 times lmao.
Oh right, I forgot they gave out an Omni-rod. So I guess 1031 for her now.
I don't know if I want to get the Genji Glove right away. I have 70% in moogles saved + 10% in Genji Glove specific ones so I need another 20% before then. If I did get it, I'd use that for her though so I can use another materia for more mag.
Yeah, The Mace of Zeus is a Zodiac/12 Legendary Weapon. It's not a rod but a flail. I'm using it on her because it has 98 MAG and that's higher than my other rods, lol. It also has Ultima Blow, on the off chance I want to use it. It's a AOE 500% Hybrid attack.
Hat has MAG, I mistyped it as ATK. It also has null silence.
Ah I see. Thanks for the info. A lot to look forward to with Sakura.