Hell yeah, just got my 160 relics (am I the first around here?). Now I can go for those longshot pot and giancryst missions. That's 80% TM ready for Rikku or Tidus
Hell yeah, just got my 160 relics (am I the first around here?). Now I can go for those longshot pot and giancryst missions. That's 80% TM ready for Rikku or Tidus
Hell yeah, just got my 160 relics (am I the first around here?). Now I can go for those longshot pot and giancryst missions. That's 80% TM ready for Rikku or Tidus
Yep I got it this morning too. Got my third giancryst tonight too, these things are working out pretty nice for me!
For rerolling, Syntsui posted this a little bit ago
Nice! My 3rd giancryst attempt just came back as a success too. I've gotten a power, black, and guard T4 for free this week. Couldn't ask for a better spread.
Edit: Ok I bit the bullet and rolled a JP account. I got a bunch of garbage from my first try though. How do get rid of my old account and start a new one? I don't need to save the old account but if I delete the app and redownload it remembers my old account somehow.
Yea it's nuts. I pulled a 3rd Ayaka with my 5* EX ticket but then I pulled Beatrix off-banner with one of the tickets!!Got my 5th rainbow on JPN today being Fohlen. It's kind of insane just how generous it is. 30 tickets out of nowhere?
I was looking at that, but that's for saving an account on a second device in case you want it later, right? How do you get the first device to forget your account so you can start over?
Hell yeah, just got my 160 relics (am I the first around here?). Now I can go for those longshot pot and giancryst missions. That's 80% TM ready for Rikku or Tidus
I see that JP is getting the first 3* espers this week. Shame the first two are lowsy for summoning damage.
Next month, when 3* Shiva arrives, that should a nice damage bump for the best damaging esper outside of Bahamut.
Oh... and in before the Great Salt Lake of the Dead Sea forms about JP's explorations being light years superior to Global's version. At the very least, JP's version is better because of the ability for units to gain trust on explorations, the rate of which increases with consecutive days played in explorations.
Oh, yes. It WILL happen.
Lol, it's almost like they are doing it on purpose. Like they are under contract to always be better.
Alim: "Gumi is giving a month of free summons for their anniversary? Quick, give everyone 30 regular tickets and a 5* one right now!"
You guys couldn't even let us have this month?
All you people getting those premium rainbows on JP just for the pulls and kicks are making me real scared to use my own 5* ticket. I have a good feeling I'm gonna pull either a Lightning or Delita![]()
Got my 5th rainbow on JPN today being Fohlen. It's kind of insane just how generous it is. 30 tickets out of nowhere?
Im number 12... My days of glory are gone lmao
All you people getting those premium rainbows on JP just for the pulls and kicks are making me real scared to use my own 5* ticket. I have a good feeling I'm gonna pull either a Lightning or Delita![]()
Japanese Hippo's cousin sold it to him probably.I have a friend who bought an JP account for 500RMB in China (75US) and the account has almost all the premium characters you can think of (Cloud, Noctis, Ayaka, Roy, Eileen, 2OKs, the list goes on). It is so filled to the brim with rainbow characters we both suspect it might have been a hacked account lol.
On top of that, after he bought the account a few weeks ago he pulled like 4-5 rainbows including Sage Sakura, and Lotus Fina (!) from last night's 5* ticket. I swear to god something is up with that account lol.
Too bad I'm already knee deep invested into my own account. I would have bought something like this too if I just started!
Japanese Hippo's cousin sold it to him probably.
^ This.
Also, I know Full Break does what, 30%, and Armor Break does 15%. Is there a better DEF break ability?
What is the name of their move(s) that makes it better? I have Yda and Shine. Need one to tackle a debuff job, but also at same time trying to learn the names of ones that are better. Unless I guess they're more specific to units. Guess I'll go wiki them.
Thank you.![]()
Ling has:
Feint Step - 45% AoE DEF/SPR
Daunting Step - 45% AoE ATK/MAG
Yeah... I don't have Ling.
I wanted Ling. I pulled on banner for Ling. Instead I got Yun. :/
RIP. I thought you were asking generally.
For details on skills you can always check the wiki:
Yda has 40% breaks as part of her comboes.
Shine has a 40% break (Surprise Attack).
Yeah... I don't have Ling.
I wanted Ling. I pulled on banner for Ling. Instead I got Yun. :/
It will be awesome once Gumi announces WoL 6 star awakening tomorrow! ITS HAPPENING GUYS!
Yeah, I checked after Valentus mentioned them. Because they're random things that aren't like Armor Break or Full Break, wasn't sure of anything else.
I have both Yda and Shine. Yda seems like too much work for the Large Sword Mastery, so taking Shine with me here in a moment.
Give GL 8 months and it will be in the same state as JPN.
Let's not forget Alim is Gumi with another name, the guy who has the final say or at least the group of people that decides how they should handle things that affect the game's economy is probably the same Yakuza leader.Honestly, I don't think GL will ever be in the same state as JP.
The moment Alim glances at its rear view mirror and sees Gumi catching up, he'll speed up again and leave Gumi in the dust.
Let's not forget Alim is Gumi with another name, the guy who has the final say or at least the group of people that decides how they should handle things that affect the game's economy is probably the same Yakuza leader.
Edit: Tried it once but going to guess that guest Orlandu wasn't enough. Since everyone and their mom is using Elza or Maxwell, including random strangers, makes getting anything else done impossible. Ugh.
Large Sword Mastery? Do you need me to put up Ling and have her paper cut the dark espers to death? it takes a LONG time though >.>;
I put up mine with Irfrit for beast killer and the bird killer materia. He should hopefully get the job done.
No problem, I understand
It's beast and bird iirc
Guaranteed 5* summon banner will be 5k lapis
Well it's 5k for the free 5*... and no news on WoL![]()
Didn't they already confirm the the 5k lapis?
No WoL news does not surprise me haha. Still, no banner news at all so there's more to come I guess.
In INT Maze, why is there empty rooms. No nodes, no enemies. 2 Runs 2 rooms per run are empty from enemies and nodes.
From running it the last few weeks in Japan my guess is that there are now three doors and three options.
3. The door returns you to the room you were trying to exit aka try again. (Hence why the items and enemies are gone, you already got them)
IT's harder to get to the end of INT maze for that reason, but at least it isn't two exits to one progression.