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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT4| Gacha Crystals, Gacha Money

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Popcorn is ready, many flavors available.

Heck, I'm going to keep my phone on my nightstand just to check to see how many 6-alarm fires will be burning down GAF and Reddit if he-who-shall-not-be-named actually is not announced in a few hours when I wake up for work in the morning.

This has the potential to be almost as good as Christmas presents :)~

LOL OMG. If you got white cheddar I need some of dat.

This post is best post of day. +10 internetz

EDIT: Craaaaaaap!!! I almost one shotted Ifrit this time. After doing everything right this time. He hung on by nothing (then roflstomped of course)... and I have Beast Slayer on my Yun this time to help out. I dunno what I could do to eek out that little bit more.

Dispel'd with Chizuru
DEF down via Shine
Refia buffed (ATK/DEF)
Then chained with both Orlandu and Yun. Not sure if just unlucky or if timing was a little off... tbh didn't catch chain total. :(

Will have to try again later when Robo's Orlandu comes back up. I have a feeling it is just going to be slightly out of reach for me. -_-;


Lots of being cheap with pulls and saving up tickets got me to this point.

Ready for Rikku attempt. Got (19) tickets and 10,000 lapis.

Along with anniversary ticket, that could be 3 11-pulls and (19) tickets to get Rikku.

If I don't get her...

Don't forget to save 5k Lapis for the guaranteed 5*.

LOL OMG. If you got white cheddar I need some of dat.

This post is best post of day. +10 internetz

EDIT: Craaaaaaap!!! I almost one shotted Ifrit this time. After doing everything right this time. He hung on by nothing (then roflstomped of course)... and I have Beast Slayer on my Yun this time to help out. I dunno what I could do to eek out that little bit more.

Dispel'd with Chizuru
DEF down via Shine
Refia buffed (ATK/DEF)
Then chained with both Orlandu and Yun. Not sure if just unlucky or if timing was a little off... tbh didn't catch chain total. :(

Will have to try again later when Robo's Orlandu comes back up. I have a feeling it is just going to be slightly out of reach for me. -_-;

Have you tried using a finisher yet?

I think having 2 Orlandus with a strong finisher like Firion is better than having Yun. Try a different team if your current team really can't take the job done.


Just now I saw that Fryevia multiplier is 800% plus the imperil with her chaining move, no wonder she is melting every trial that they release lmao.


Professional Schmuck
Circling back one more time, I don't think anyone has a problem with the discussion about JP, it's that it's not immediately fucking obvious what the shit y'all are talking about if you're not playing it. I actually love reading about the other version of the game, esp as it helps guide my longer term choices and builds.

Please do keep discussing it. I don't care how many people are or aren't talking about the JP build, but I just think it's fair to make it obvious to everyone that this post right here is about [JP]. Most but not all are trying to do that and I know at least I appreciate the effort. Would love it if those few stragglers would try as well.


Don't forget to save 5k Lapis for the guaranteed 5*.

Have you tried using a finisher yet?

I think having 2 Orlandus with a strong finisher like Firion is better than having Yun. Try a different team if your current team really can't take the job done.

I tried several times after with slight variations.

What finisher would you recommend? Firion? Or is there a better one? Tbh, don't really know much about finishers.


I tried several times after with slight variations.

What finisher would you recommend? Firion? Or is there a better one? Tbh, don't really know much about finishers.

Firion is the best finisher right now (when his killer procs), even outclassing previous king (or queen) Olive. Not to mention much easier to gear up.

Also, his innate Killer passives grant him +125% to both beast and bird.

Dump all your atk gear on Firion including Excalibur. It will also help if Fin Briar is enhanced. Then gear your Orlandu with Durandal if you only have 1 Excalibur. Along with a friendlandu, this should be the optimal chainer+finisher set up.


[JP] I wanted another Cor so I could get another copy of his TM so I used one of my 4* tickets (I was saving them for the support and tank banners for WoL and Rikku).

What did I get? Fucking WoL. Then I use another average ticket and what do I get? Fucking Rikku. Not happy with this I use another average ticket and what do I get? Fucking Cor.

I literally got 3 characters I wanted in a row, this is unbelievable by all possible standards.


After trying it myself a half dozen times and looking at the numbers breakdown on Reddit the INT maze seems...actually pretty bad. It costs more energy, it's harder to get to the end, and unless you do it perfectly the rewards are just the same as the BGN maze. I don't really see why you would run it unless you're desperate for burst pots. I was going to spend my NRG on it tomorrow but maybe I'll just get started on a new batch of TMs. Got machine killer done today (bring on Aigaion!), next up is Roselia, Zidane #4, Sozhe, and two Elles.
After trying it myself a half dozen times and looking at the numbers breakdown on Reddit the INT maze seems...actually pretty bad. It costs more energy, it's harder to get to the end, and unless you do it perfectly the rewards are just the same as the BGN maze. I don't really see why you would run it unless you're desperate for burst pots. I was going to spend my NRG on it tomorrow but maybe I'll just get started on a new batch of TMs. Got machine killer done today (bring on Aigaion!), next up is Roselia, Zidane #4, Sozhe, and two Elles.

I ran it for awhile today and did NOT get good results. I'm not wasting much energy on it anymore.


The maze is a fantastic source of materials, burst pots, cactuars and gil for new players. A couple of days playing it is enough for them to set up a complete team. It's not really something meant for us OGs.


Decided I'd do 1 run of int maze for the 30 lapis... What do I do? Make it to the end first try with no mistakes... Allowing me to talk to a moogle for secret option 3 and fight everything >.>; ok... I'll take it


Well INT is only few days (lefts after today right?). So its not like its here long to stay this time. I have gained ~10 mini burst pots from there. I figured if I get Rikku I need minis to finish LB max so I dont waste bigger pots while she is 4*.


So we have two free 11 pulls, one paid guaranteed 5* 11 pull, one free singular pull for 28 days, a bundle full of probably good stuff, a raid with hopefully good rewards and finally and most important than all, 6* WoL.

This will be a decent month I guess.


So we have two free 11 pulls, one paid guaranteed 5* 11 pull, one free pull for 28 days, a bundle full of probably good stuff, a raid with hopefully good rewards and finally and most important than all, 6* WoL.

This will be a decent month I guess.

I AM curious to see how 6* Garland can be tricked out though... He might be a dark horse...


EVERYONE remember to login every day in JULY to get that daily login 10+1 ticket.

So by logging everyday you get 2 free multipulls in 30 days time. One starting tomorrow after maintenance and another 28th (if you have logged everyday). If you miss one login day you still get the ticket (29th July).

Also you get free single pull per day for 28 days.


I AM curious to see how 6* Garland can be tricked out though... He might be a dark horse...

If you need top tier dps, he's quite easy to set up.

I did some maths, absolute BiS can get him up to 966. And he only needs one 5* TM, which is Deathbringer. The rest of his equipments are 4* or less. In fact, the only 4* TM he needs is 2 Quick Assaults. The rest are either free or from 3* units. Deathbringer can be replaced with Apocalypse, and he only loses 34 atks including DH bonus.


If you need top tier dps, he's quite easy to set up.

I did some maths, absolute BiS can get him up to 966. And he only needs one 5* TM, which is Deathbringer. The rest of his equipments are 4* or less. In fact, the only 4* TM he needs is 2 Quick Assaults. The rest are either free or from 3* units. Deathbringer can be replaced with Apocalypse, and he only loses 34 atks including DH bonus.

966? Not bad, I'd have to see what I have that I could tweak on him, but that'd be higher than Gilga... course I don't have Deathbringer >.>; Excal (bad), Save the Queen, and Apocalypse would be my choices. He could end up replacing my Lightning for now. Even if it was just 920, that still beats her >.>; So, we'll see, could be fun using someone new for awhile.


Funny how he completely replaces whatever the hell Lightning's role was lol. If you get Deathbringer he will become a solid finisher.

Also, if you manage to get some Victorias (future 4* mage with a 10hit dark attack) you can pretty much cheese any event that doesn't resist dark.

2 Victorias + 1 Garland + someone that breaks at least 45% DEF and SPR + someone that buffs ATK and MAG at the same time should trivialize the game.


If you have Deathbringer that mean you also have Dark Knight Cecil, enhanced he has 100% dark imperil.
And yes I have both so he's definitely will be stronger than my Lightning. Double Hand TM is still at 55% though :s


DKC is also invincible if you heal him in between his recoil :)

Definetely no need to bother with Garland if you have him lol. But don't fret if you don't have him, soon we will have a better Dark sword on a 4* character called Glauca.


Today's the last day of the Brave Frontier event right?
I profited as much as I could, we're not going to have another event with 500% bonus units from day one.

EDIT : did a last run and 3 metal gods! I can say goodbye to this event now, I even got all 1% moogle.


966? Not bad, I'd have to see what I have that I could tweak on him, but that'd be higher than Gilga... course I don't have Deathbringer >.>; Excal (bad), Save the Queen, and Apocalypse would be my choices. He could end up replacing my Lightning for now. Even if it was just 920, that still beats her >.>; So, we'll see, could be fun using someone new for awhile.

Forgot to mention that is DH build for Garland. His DW build can get 946 atk. This is my estimates only, by no means it's perfect lol.

Greg still beats Garland as a finisher as Greg's DW build is better than Garlands, and also Divider has higher multiplier.


Forgot to mention that is DH build for Garland. His DW build can get 946 atk. This is my estimates only, by no means it's perfect lol.

Greg still beats Garland as a finisher as Greg's DW build is better than Garlands, and also Divider has higher multiplier.
He simply doesn't because we are considering dark imperil damage here, which is 2x more damage, no?

A Greg team would need to waste a slot with someone to set up some kind of imperil that synergizes with the element of his weapon for him to do as much damage as Garland with his own Dark Imperil.


I'm at ~3000 Lapis now. Need to save up 5000 quickly. Tomorrow will be packed with new content, can't wait.

Will you guys pull for Tidus or Rikku? Or both?


Tomorrow's event boss is immune to all elements and shift like Kefka, now I'm glad I finished all the key for that Apocalypse (didn't farm Save the Queen yet)
I'm at ~3000 Lapis now. Need to save up 5000 quickly. Tomorrow will be packed with new content, can't wait.

Will you guys pull for Tidus or Rikku? Or both?

Just Rikku but not going all in day one.


He simply doesn't because we are considering dark imperil damage here, which is 2x more damage, no?

If Garland is doing his own imperil it's +50% damage on his 2nd hit. His multipier for Dark Spiral is 280% + -50% Dark Imperil, 2nd hit is 420% (after imperil). For a total of 700% damage.

Greg's multiplier is 360% x 2 = 720% damage. That's without any imperil.


Forgot to mention that is DH build for Garland. His DW build can get 946 atk. This is my estimates only, by no means it's perfect lol.

Greg still beats Garland as a finisher as Greg's DW build is better than Garlands, and also Divider has higher multiplier.

I'll gladly wait until later Friday to gear him, BUT I will play with the unit calculator~ I could go either route, but have a DH made long ago...


So excited to Awaken Warrior of Light to 6* and use up all the Pots I've saved up for so long now :D. Loved reading all the news this morning, so much content.


Hopefully when Garland gets enhancements though, they reduce his costs... freaking hell 12 t4, and 4 t5 supports to buff his doublehand, and his dark spiral is 180% 50% ignore, and 75% dark imperil (6/3 power)


With both Tilith and WoL, I won't mind anymore of the "Ling MVP" guides. Her Reign has come to an end
well she's still super good!
I will finally have access to 45% breaks :')

EDIT : about the expedition, sitting at 148 relics and less than 24 hours to go.


It's just crazy that Gumi is dropping 6* WoL and Rikku on the same day.

1 of them is enough to significantly improve any team, let alone both.

So the holy trinity of 4* is formed on the same day the holy trinity of 5* is formed as well. Powercreep in full force.


It's just crazy that Gumi is dropping 6* WoL and Rikku on the same day.

1 of them is enough to significantly improve any team, let alone both.

So the holy trinity of 4* is formed on the same day the holy trinity of 5* is formed as well. Powercreep in full force.

Maybe we will get a surprise gift and ramza will get his enhancements. Would be super good for Robo Trial.

WoL, Rikku, Ramza, Tillith, Aileen with a friend Aileen? Or is Ramza obsolete because robo will knock him out?


Argh, this is what I was afraid of. I still don't have WoL and now that he's not on a banner, who knows if/when I'll ever get him.


Argh, this is what I was afraid of. I still don't have WoL and now that he's not on a banner, who knows if/when I'll ever get him.

On July you have 50 Free chances to get WoL and if you use 5000 Lapis you have 60 chanecs to get WoL + you will get atleast one Rainbow.


On July you have 50 Free chances to get WoL and if you use 5000 Lapis you have 60 chanecs to get WoL + you will get atleast one Rainbow.

Here's hoping! Been playing since day 1 of official launch (so a year tomorrow) and he's definitely been my white whale.
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