But that supposes using Cecil AND WoL in the same party... for F2P, I see it, but I've got to be missing something. Since you and Valentus are on the same page, I clearly AM missing something. I had birthday shots, so I'm gonna ask a dumb question.
Is Yun, Ling, Cecil, Marie, Refia, friend Noctis worse than using WoL subbed in for Cecil? Because I just don't see where WoL shines if you've got other breakers?
For someone like me, that has no Ling, Yun, Marie or even Olive, this is pretty much the best team composition I could come up with. For F2P, it's also more realistic to expect them having Cecil, CoD and WoL than these other guys. Note my team composition has Refia, she is a must with DC.
As I said early, I'm not implying WoL should take Cecil spot, they work better together. What Valentus meant is, WoL is more important for this kind of team because he is the one responsible for the breaks AND is beefy as fuck.
With this in mind, this is honestly the best possibly poor's man team possible to face this challenge:
CoD for first turn Barfira (crafted) and Return every other turn
WoL for the breaks/possibly provokes when you have the chance
Cecil for the Curajas and Focus, he will cover all the time too
Refia for DC curajas, arises and barfiras (she will be with carbuncle)
Firion for the damage, Fin Briar every turn
Friend Noctis/Olive/Yun as the other source of damage
This is a very realistic team composition as they are mostly 3* (with WoL and Refia as exception). The thing is, everyone should have around 5k HP, DC is a must on Refia, DW is recommended for WoL (but not a must), another DC is recommended for Cecil (but not a must). CoD must have one Jeweled Ring too.
That's pretty much my team, but I use Noctis instead of Firion and Rain instead of WoL (which is not a good idea, I'll bench him).