I was bored, so I made a video of 1 turning ELT.
Loaned Hippos Yun. Thanks bro.
I feel like I'm doing a different fight than everyone else. Everyone has 30-50% fire resist via equipment (which will go up when my Fire armors are done crafting tonight). I've got Marie's barfiraga, Rain's Leadership buff, Noctis' Thunder Flask MAG debuff all up, and everyone's still dead after turn 2 despite a dualcast Curaja from 435SPR Refia. Gonna try swapping Cecil in for Randi, he's not actually ending up all that useful here.
Ah, damn. I had been using FMS before I started using Thunder Flask, but I also ended up quickly dead so I assumed FMS's debuff wasn't enough. (edit: I think some of FMS's debuffs were getting resisted sometimes, too.)Gotta break ATK too. Use Cecil. Focus helps. Randi might be useful for Full Moon Slash (if you have the materia), but not in place of Cecil.
Ah, damn. I had been using FMS before I started using Thunder Flask, but I also ended up quickly dead so I assumed FMS's debuff wasn't enough. (edit: I think some of FMS's debuffs were getting resisted sometimes, too.)
I shouldn't need Focus if I'm using Leadership, right? Or should I drop Rain?
Ah, damn. I had been using FMS before I started using Thunder Flask, but I also ended up quickly dead so I assumed FMS's debuff wasn't enough. (edit: I think some of FMS's debuffs were getting resisted sometimes, too.)
I shouldn't need Focus if I'm using Leadership, right? Or should I drop Rain?
A few pages ago someone was emphasizing how important MAG break was, I've definitely been ignoring ATK break as a result.ATK break is the most important thing in this fight, aside from Barfira/ga. Get it up turn one and make sure it doesn't drop off. If you can put a couple extra breaks - Power Break on your Ifrit holder is even sufficient if you can get Embolden/Leadership/Protectga up turn 1 as well, depending on HP totals.
I don't actually have a Noctis, I've just been taking friends' for the last few rounds because FMS was too unreliable. If I've got Noctis Warp Breaking every round, do I even need Randi for his breaks? Chizuru has been my DPS, and she has the bonus of being able to equip Flame Mail.Randi w/ Full Moon Slash (and Dual Wield, so it checks twice for the breaks) should be sufficient, though it's a big drop from a Ling break or similar (both incoming and outgoing damage).
If you have FMS on Randi I'd run, say, Cecil/Randi/Noctis/Marie/Refia. Provoke, Full Moon Slash, Barfiraga/Shellga dualcast, Embolden turn one. If Randi doesn't land an ATK break on Ifrit, have Noctis Warp Break for another two chances at it. Probably he'll be Warp Breaking anyway, actually... should make it through the first turn with no deaths and not much meaningful damage.
Marie Anti-Element, Refia stays on Curaja duty, and Randi/Noctis DPS along with your friend unit. If you're maintaining Shellga then you don't even need Focus, just have Cecil keep Provoke up and... I dunno, defend or something. Check Ifrit every turn (as a good habit, not that it's necessary - breaks don't fall off early or anything) to make sure something doesn't slip through the cracks.
This is why I run a DPS-light, redundancy-heavy team. Obviously the option isn't available to everyone, but I have:
Ramza (with Dual Wield) - Weapon Break hits twice, so twice the checks. This is usually sufficient on its own. If this fails...
Redundancy, redundancy, redundancy.
288,409 points so far. Rank 8,279 lol
How many points you guys have so far?
I was bored, so I made a video of 1 turning ELT.
Loaned Hippos Yun. Thanks bro.
Is there a cactuar dunes event coming anytime soon?
So next JP event is a FFXIV raid and it's Titan this time, lol.
Ida and Papalimo (or whatever his name is) are showing up along with Minfillia, Y'shtola, and Thancred again.
I was bored, so I made a video of 1 turning ELT.
Loaned Hippos Yun. Thanks bro.
Good lord. I went out for birthday drinks.
Looking at Altema, Cecil isn't even in the top 6 tank anymore, wow.
Liquid Metal Slime enhancements are super good, hopefully we'll get the DQ event.
I was bored, so I made a video of 1 turning ELT.
Loaned Hippos Yun. Thanks bro.
Rain on the ground trying to kill himself... Glad I switch his ass out for WoL.
If i don't draw a Cecil from player's choice, is Warrior of light a good substitute? I mean once he gets his six star and all...
They are both tanks but at the same time still kinda fill different roles. Cecil mainly excels at stat buffs and providing curaja while WoL is all about stat breaks.
But I mean if what I am filling is the role of tank, are they both similar in that role?
Still no Y'shtola but 9 of her TM moogle already.
I'm up to 14, had to buy more unit slots. Gonna max her TM right away it looks like! I also have 100 cactuars to buy from the Type-0 event for her, assuming I get her before mog king goes away.
You've gotta be kidding me, they will rehash three fucking character and won't release Alphinaud?
My weekend.
My weekend.
I wish with these Trust Moogle ... moogles we could merge them. So maybe it can hold up to 50% or whatever dumb # they would probably limit us to. Because this is getting ridiculous. Here's Y'shtoals TM.... but we're not giving you her. Sorry.
I need some OP units like this![]()
I never thought I'd see Waifu Ariana in a chaining video.
Lol awesome!
Hoh great, well done![]()
Wow that's insane!! Impressive.
I can't even process this mentally (almost). Damn, man.
Lol thanks.Ya, Bonks Yun is on another level. It's fucking crazy.
O damn, Bonkeng be moving in on Val's turf.
Jk, great vid dude.
This is really amazing , great display of power bonk
My weekend.
Could always just hold on to the raid coins until you get to 1.2 mil points, grab Y'shtola and then use your coins.