I don't even know what to say....
Spent around £80 and over 20 tickets to try for Gilgamesh and no luck. Didn't want to go any further, not one Rainbow. Very lucky and big congratulations on that insane pull.
Alright, I think after struggling to do some of these raids, my chances of getting Yshtola are getting lower and lower. I'm thinking I"m going to come back to Exvius especially since I rolled Noctis. Anyone mind helping a fellow out and adding me so I can at start farming PROs? It would be much appreciated....
ID: 677,352,448
Added you (but try add "GAF" somewhere in your player greeting so you don't get randomly kicked for space

Need some TM help. I'm looking at my list of units and wondering if the following units are worth farming at some point:
Leo - Aegis Shield - I get that it's the best shield, but I only have 2 Leos and by the time I finish farming it it seems much better shields will be out (Genji Shield and Metal Slime Tray seem really good to me.
Medius - Growth eggs - They're cool but I pretty much exclusively use Cactuars.
Ingus - Letters and Arms - I thought it would be cool to have because they stack, but outside of Ramza or some random hybrid unit I can't see the point in farming this at all.
Unless someone can see some value in my farming these at some point I'm just going to fuse all my dupes into one.
I went for 2 Growth Eggs and really glad I did. It has let me quickly max a unit out for or during an event that I want to use.
1) This event I wanted to try Firion and he wasn't maxed, and I was able to quickly max him out with 2 Growth Eggs, ADV Vortex and a few refreshes.
2) For the FFType Zero event, I equipped both Growth Eggs to one of my Bonus units, ran the event as normal and ended up maxing that unit to 80/80 before the event ended.