Grats to all that got the thunder God!!!! My daily and couple ticket pulls got me all the other banner units lol. This event will be super easy to obtain the currency with all these bonus units. Very pleased with that.
Gumi pls.
I can't believe I rage pulled, wanted to only use 5k lapis for bonus units but only got sh*t and it's so easy to click summon again T-T
Well I got 1 Soleil at least! :lol
Feel bad to be back at 5k Lapis/30 Tickets though.
To make it worth it I'll have to get all the important event items with my 225% bonus.
Seeing sucky pulls everywhere, my 10+1 wasnt anything special, had 4 golds there no event units.
I have only 1 ticket left to buy from King Mog. Got 2nd time 3 Red Chocobos. Pulled with 2 tix got
Krile = Thundaga tm get
Shine = Its my 4th Shine, awesome stuff \o_
Can't be mad with this when I already have a lot of 5* base with only 100 spent :
Ramza x2
The Emperor
Dark Knight Cecil
As long as I can get enhanced Ramza I feel like I can tackle everything. At worst I have 3 Agrias waiting her enhancements too.
For new people I started at soft launch late May.
And that is really nice haul of base 5*, add Maxwell there too.
So I thought, what the hell, and tried a few more times...the last 3 11 pulls I got a Blue which turned to Gold, which hadn't happened on the first set of pulls. Anyway...
Blue....Gold....RAINBOW?! What....could this be....*stares at the screen, wondering if I'm about to get trolled*
Woahhh, Yes!
Right I'm done with getting lapis and chasing Rainbows until Cloud comes out in 6 months or so! Time to save up, a lotdamn this game to hell.
Can't be mad with this when I already have a lot of 5* base with only 100€ spent :
Ramza x2
The Emperor
Dark Knight Cecil
As long as I can get enhanced Ramza I feel like I can tackle everything. At worst I have 3 Agrias waiting her enhancements too.
For new people I started at soft launch late May.
Jordan Pippen Rodman would cream that trio. Greatest team in NBA history!
LeClair Lindros Renberg
You're right but no one really called them the big 3. The Celtics trio really started the "big 3" trend.
Nice! Gratz. How many pulls?
six 5* bases for $100 is a steal imo. There's a lot more players who've spent a lot more and got no 5* base units.
9th Ticket.....
Ummm maybe 11 10+1 pulls (and all the tickets I posted results for a few pages back) :/ luckily I can afford it right now, and hardly buy anything lol. Still, lapis prices are a complete rip off. Anyway, like I said, that's me done, until Cloud, seriously. Daily pulls all the way and saving up all my tickets. I wish I hadn't done so many 11 pulls trying to get Gilgamesh too and should have saved them on this banner. The Rainbow rates are terrible now. I didn't get the likes of Yun, Emperor, Olive, DKC, and few others, so I'm saying this is my reward.
I'm away most the day today, but will be traveling soon and will sort out my units, team, level up some of my units and use up NRG/Orbs before I get into this new event.
(It's going to be weird not sharing Noctis, but do you guys want Orlandeau shared instead?)
Friendly reminder to post your horror stories as well everybody. It helps others ease the pain of not getting what they want. Sometimes on forums you just see everyone posting "got em!". But in reality for every one person who does there's tons who didn't. They just don't post about it![]()
This has got to be the easiest event ever, my average Luneth with no TM can practically solo it.
22 tickets got me an Ovelia, and nothing else even remotely good for even TMs. Bunch of Duane Charlotte Gilbert Cinque etc. Just wanted some banner units! Not even a Lawrence!Friendly reminder to post your horror stories as well everybody. It helps others ease the pain of not getting what they want. Sometimes on forums you just see everyone posting "got em!". But in reality for every one person who does there's tons who didn't. They just don't post about it![]()
Chasing rainbows is costly as hell guys. Be mindful of that my friends. A driving force for me is this community. I love being able to help everyone here. You guys make this game.
While i may have TGC I will share how much he cost me. $500. 11 pull after 11 pull and disappointment. He didnt even come from a rainbow. He was from a gold to rainbow. As i said when i started here almost a year ago, he was my goal, goal obtained, and now moby dick must sail off into the sunset. My whaling came from the money i had for my home purchase which was done back in November. Chasing rainbows is costly as hell guys. Be mindful of that my friends. A driving force for me is this community. I love being able to help everyone here. You guys make this game.
While i may have TGC I will share how much he cost me. $500. 11 pull after 11 pull and disappointment. He didnt even come from a rainbow. He was from a gold to rainbow. As i said when i started here almost a year ago, he was my goal, goal obtained, and now moby dick must sail off into the sunset. My whaling came from the money i had for my home purchase which was done back in November. Chasing rainbows is costly as hell guys. Be mindful of that my friends. A driving force for me is this community. I love being able to help everyone here. You guys make this game.
While i may have TGC I will share how much he cost me. $500. 11 pull after 11 pull and disappointment. He didnt even come from a rainbow. He was from a gold to rainbow. As i said when i started here almost a year ago, he was my goal, goal obtained, and now moby dick must sail off into the sunset. My whaling came from the money i had for my home purchase which was done back in November. Chasing rainbows is costly as hell guys. Be mindful of that my friends. A driving force for me is this community. I love being able to help everyone here. You guys make this game.
While i may have TGC I will share how much he cost me. $500. 11 pull after 11 pull and disappointment. He didnt even come from a rainbow. He was from a gold to rainbow. As i said when i started here almost a year ago, he was my goal, goal obtained, and now moby dick must sail off into the sunset. My whaling came from the money i had for my home purchase which was done back in November. Chasing rainbows is costly as hell guys. Be mindful of that my friends. A driving force for me is this community. I love being able to help everyone here. You guys make this game.
Already fought 3 different people with 5 Orlandu in arena lol....jfc some people are literally insane.
Already fought 3 different people with 5 Orlandu in arena lol....jfc some people are literally insane.
Daily Ovelia. Yay, bonus unit for once.
While i may have TGC I will share how much he cost me. $500. 11 pull after 11 pull and disappointment. He didnt even come from a rainbow. He was from a gold to rainbow. As i said when i started here almost a year ago, he was my goal, goal obtained, and now moby dick must sail off into the sunset. My whaling came from the money i had for my home purchase which was done back in November. Chasing rainbows is costly as hell guys. Be mindful of that my friends. A driving force for me is this community. I love being able to help everyone here. You guys make this game.
Have 5 spots open now. Please add me
Soon to be maxed Orlandu.
511 959 177
Final Fantasy 9, FINALLY X_X
I was hoping for a trance zidane, but I'll take anything relating to FF9 <3.
This was taken from the reddit thread:-
FF9 Banner
Black Waltz 3* ~ 5* - Thunder magic focused.
Steiner 4* ~ 6* - Similar to Glauca. Can also serve as a tank; will have passives to increase HP and DEF.
Eiko 5* ~ 6* - White Mage based summoner. Can use any party members Summon. Can dispel allies (similar to using Gilgamesh's ability).
Beatrix 5* ~ 6* - Stronger version of Orlandu. Probably won't have any debuffs, but will be a stronger attacker than Orlandu. Also, in addition to her signature skills from FF9, she will be receiving some FFBE original abilities as well.
Past FF9 Character Awakenings
Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Kuja will all go up to 6-star (Yes, even Vivi).
Zidane - Will get Dual Wield for daggers and a multi-hit ability. Mentioned he will become a tricky unit.
Garnet - Will be able to use any party members summon just like Eiko.
Vivi - Will receive Doomsday (Jihad?), and it will work just like in game: deals dark damage to allies and enemies.
Kuja - Will get Flarestar (AoE Flare?), and Dual Black Magic.
There are images for the 10 character battles too.