Final Fantasy 9, FINALLY X_X
I was hoping for a trance zidane, but I'll take anything relating to FF9 <3.
This was taken from the reddit thread:-
FF9 Banner
Black Waltz 3* ~ 5* - Thunder magic focused.
Steiner 4* ~ 6* - Similar to Glauca. Can also serve as a tank; will have passives to increase HP and DEF.
Eiko 5* ~ 6* - White Mage based summoner. Can use any party members Summon. Can dispel allies (similar to using Gilgamesh's ability).
Beatrix 5* ~ 6* - Stronger version of Orlandu. Probably won't have any debuffs, but will be a stronger attacker than Orlandu. Also, in addition to her signature skills from FF9, she will be receiving some FFBE original abilities as well.
Past FF9 Character Awakenings
Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Kuja will all go up to 6-star (Yes, even Vivi).
Zidane - Will get Dual Wield for daggers and a multi-hit ability. Mentioned he will become a tricky unit.
Garnet - Will be able to use any party members summon just like Eiko.
Vivi - Will receive Doomsday (Jihad?), and it will work just like in game: deals dark damage to allies and enemies.
Kuja - Will get Flarestar (AoE Flare?), and Dual Black Magic.
There are images for the 10 character battles too.
Random ticket pull:
I haven't been this disappointed in a long time.
To all of those who pulled Orlandu:
You're the man now, dog.
RIP my friendlist for the Ifrit event. The units I was relying on have almost all been swapped out.
AHAHAHA! Just did another 11 pull, and who do I get? Fucking Gilgamesh...are you fucking kidding me Gumi? After that shit I had to go through to get him on the PC?
Still lacking Squall the best in FF!!About time for that FF IX upgrade, now they can finally start releasing 7 stars units![]()
Y'all know my bad luck with rainbows. Until yesterday's Yshtola I had never got a single rainbow.
I just got Orlandeau from my very first 10+1 pull. Didn't even use any tickets.
Holy shit.![]()
Since I'm F2P, all this orlandu talk has me itching to reroll, just to see how bad it would be...
But I have a good team now, and can't Facebook save it.
Must remain strong.
Since I'm F2P, all this orlandu talk has me itching to reroll, just to see how bad it would be...
But I have a good team now, and can't Facebook save it.
Must remain strong.
I hope the Dissidia game comes over soon.
Yeah... even if you wanted to reroll, I don't think this would be the banner to do it on. FF10 maybe? FF12?
This is definitely 'barely secured the prize unit' privilege speaking, but to those who didn't grab him, just remember there's always someone bigger, someone better, someone newer, there're GL exclusives that may disrupt everything, and you never know what's going to pop out of your random daily. Don't break the bank. Lean on friend units to get through this (joke-level easy) event and live to pull another day.
Hang in there! Better overall banners will come, lapis is still flowing, and Orlandu isn't the game-wrecking character he was for JP. Think of all the story and exploration content you'd have to re-do to get to the place you are now - likely missing essential roles in your 'best team' along the way.
Trying to stay strong and not pull more myself.
Never felt so free after deleting this. 150 pulls and all junk, maybe a handful of yellows, and all junk ones. I hope the Dissidia game comes over soon. Is the Fire Emblem game any good?
Damn, Olive just destroys ELT. Already ran into 5 packs of Chocobo's. Bought the 30k trust moogle and about to get the cactuars. Should be able to buy everything in the damn place in like 3 days lol.
Oh my god you guys.......
Yeah Miku!!!!
Lol phone autocorrect. I guess you can be Miku
Will definitely play this one when it'll comes out, supposedly 6-8 months after the JP's launch (like Record Keeper/Brave Exvius) so August/October?
Fire Emblem Heroes is trash.
It's nothing but a unit builder simulator since there's no meaningful content to use them on.
Well, against my better judgment: Up to 165 pulls with 0 Rainbows now.
Like, really? That's just ridiculous.
Oh well, maybe the few events tickets or a daily will be good to me for once. Haven't gotten a single good unit off the daily since it came out though so not holding my breath =p
I guess that's not too far so that's cool.
Good to know. Thanks.
Are both the swords worth it this event? The 18k orb one I will probably get but the 79 is kinda pricy. I don't really have any TM weapons yet, but I have all the high-powered f2p ones (except gilg trial).