Do you have to use 10 characters for the 10-man thing, or can you just use 5 if they're strong enough?
.Can only have 5 on the field and generally they'll have different stages which somewhat force and encourage you to use different units. Some stages being phys immune, some stages being mag immune. Provoke tanks maybe being favored for specific stages and cover tanks for others and such. Could also just use a dedicated breaker and switch him out for turns where you don't need to use him or prepare a unit with infused element/stacked mag attack, switch em out and switch him back in later when you need them to deal dmg. I suppose sommoners could be used like that too -- switch em in when you need to do big dmg with espers.
These are just some examples.
Or if your original 5 get wiped you could just switch in the next 5...
So is Shantotto a valid character? I have a 3* or 4* I think, I could try to level her to 5* if she's worth it. I already got the recipes from the Shadow Lord raid so she'd have a nice set of items.
So is Shantotto a valid character? I have a 3* or 4* I think, I could try to level her to 5* if she's worth it. I already got the recipes from the Shadow Lord raid so she'd have a nice set of items.
So I'd be better off chasing other characters before her, since I'm only just getting started.
I actually managed to awaken my first 6* using all the rare crap that I can get from the Shadow Lord, so now I'm the proud owner of a 6* Ace... and a team of still 4*'s. Hey, I'm only 14 days old in this, I'd say I'm doing OK.
Mark today as the day of Rainbows. Holy shit.
JP - Posted about earlier but got a CG Nichol.
On main in GL decided to start off with half daily since it has been a while... Straight Rainbow. Orlandu. I can now be THAT person. LOL.
Decide right after to use a ticket. Hoping for banner units. Ticket used... Straight Rainbow. Prishe. WHELP! Guess I am done with banner ahaha. Did one more ticket pull as I planned to use two. Shadow. Haha. What an amazing day. Rare and I will never see it again.
WTF!!!!! Muku is winning!!!! Congrats!
She is a beautiful TM fodderThank you!
Shocked everyt time one came down Rainbow. Showed it to my husband every time and left him shocked as well.
Is Prishe good? If so may work on her today. If not may work on second 'Landu.
Thank you!
Shocked everyt time one came down Rainbow. Showed it to my husband every time and left him shocked as well.
Is Prishe good? If so may work on her today. If not may work on second 'Landu.
Mark today as the day of Rainbows. Holy shit.
JP - Posted about earlier but got a CG Nichol.
On main in GL decided to start off with half daily since it has been a while... Straight Rainbow. Orlandu. I can now be THAT person. LOL.
Decide right after to use a ticket. Hoping for banner units. Ticket used... Straight Rainbow. Prishe. WHELP! Guess I am done with banner ahaha. Did one more ticket pull as I planned to use two. Shadow. Haha. What an amazing day. Rare and I will never see it again.
Lvl them both up IMO (if you have materials to spare) but first lvl Orlandu as Orlandu would be a more direct damage increase since you have one of him already. Hope you have 2 Excals. Prishe is a combo setup character. Check the wiki for her abilities to familiarize yourself with her.
Congrats, Muku! That is some seriously awesome luck right there.
She is a beautiful TM fodder
Might consider her a good aditional to your future 10 man team if you lack good dps options.
Wilhelm's sprite freaking annoys me but good god man is the most broken tank in the game. Can we please get WOL enhancements so I don't have to look at Wilhelms ugly mug again plz Scumi???? I prefer the awesome sauce that is Veritas of The Earth but he does not really compare to Wilhelm.
Mark today as the day of Rainbows. Holy shit.
JP - Posted about earlier but got a CG Nichol.
On main in GL decided to start off with half daily since it has been a while... Straight Rainbow. Orlandu. I can now be THAT person. LOL.
Decide right after to use a ticket. Hoping for banner units. Ticket used... Straight Rainbow. Prishe. WHELP! Guess I am done with banner ahaha. Did one more ticket pull as I planned to use two. Shadow. Haha. What an amazing day. Rare and I will never see it again.
Oh hey, we should be getting a new slate of awakenings this week! The next 5*'s based on release order (ignoring Ramza of course *sob*) are Noctis, Emperor and Olive. Orlandu, Freyevia, and TT are after that so maybe some of them also/instead. We might see our first global exclusive 5* enhancements! I'd also be stoked for Emperor enhancements. I want that fire from below buff and +200% mag for 11 turns.
Oh gee, thanks...
Been waiting ages for Ramza and now you have to name drop Olive, Emperor and Orlandeau, which are all units I have.
Now they definitely aren't getting Enhancements.![]()
Oh hey, we should be getting a new slate of awakenings this week! The next 5*'s based on release order (ignoring Ramza of course *sob*) are Noctis, Emperor and Olive. Orlandu, Freyevia, and TT are after that so maybe some of them also/instead. We might see our first global exclusive 5* enhancements! I'd also be stoked for Emperor enhancements. I want that fire from below buff and +200% mag for 11 turns.
This brings back memories to when I pulled both my Orlandeau within 9 tickets in one day during his banner.
Haven't had that level of luck since.
By the way, CONGRATS!
You forget Yun..
Totally did. Noel and Yun it is then.
Super bummed about Rem's enhancements, since you guys got to talking about upcoming enhancement characters.
The 5 turn 100% Reraise is nice, but those -Ga spell enhancements are meh, and we already got part of her passive enhancement.
Hope they give us some GL exclusive stuff for her, I want to keep on using her for months to come.
Ugh, see what you did?!
You brought the mood all the way up just to watch us all come crashing back down.![]()
I need a little help beating this elt boss. What are people doing to actually down him
Turn 1: Buff / debuff
Turn 2: Verify weakness (either magic or physical), attack accordingly or prepare for the switch in Turn 4. Each phase lasts 3 turns.
Repeat. I only have strong physical guys so if he's resistant in turn 2 I basically wait it out. I need 2 turns to kill him with my 'landu and a helper 'landu / Darklandu.
I have a 1100 attack 2b, WOL with down atk/mag and def/spr, Yshtola, Tidus and an 900+ magic emp. Should i just focus on going in physical instead of carrying the one high end magic user?
I have a 1100 attack 2b, WOL with down atk/mag and def/spr, Yshtola, Tidus and an 900+ magic emp. Should i just focus on going in physical instead of carrying the one high end magic user?
I have a 1100 attack 2b, WOL with down atk/mag and def/spr, Yshtola, Tidus and an 900+ magic emp. Should i just focus on going in physical instead of carrying the one high end magic user?
I need a little help beating this elt boss. What are people doing to actually down him
Weird - boss just glitched and debuffed both DEF and SPR.
Sure you hadn't already debuffed him, like Full Break?
Sure you hadn't already debuffed him, like Full Break?
Yup, none of my guys have a SPR debuff except WoL, but I definitely used Arms Eraser with him. Both Luneth and Ace hit for full damage on the second turn.
I need a little help beating this elt boss. What are people doing to actually down him
Oh sh*t, iOS 11 has native screen recording, game changer!