Click menu -> return to title screen, log back again and it'll download the missing data.This is really fucking annoying. Every now and then when i log in this shit happens.
No quest, no vortex, just nothing.
Click menu -> return to title screen, log back again and it'll download the missing data.This is really fucking annoying. Every now and then when i log in this shit happens.
No quest, no vortex, just nothing.
This is really fucking annoying. Every now and then when i log in this shit happens.
No quest, no vortex, just nothing.
Click menu -> return to title screen, log back again and it'll download the missing data.
Had this on Friday,loads of things were bugged (friend feed was bugged, event exploration only showed INT one, new arena and questchanges kept popping up,....)I reinstalled the game and that fixed it for me (after redl'ing gamedata a bunch of times which didnt help)
Think you have what, 4-5 large area's left?
Oh, awesome, I've got plenty left, then. Does the difficulty spike at some point? I'm doing more than fine right now with Ace, Ashe, Prishe and the units I have from you Gaf people.Yup. 5 full blown areas on the world map. You're maybe halfway through the story. First letters only below.
-- M***
-- G***
-- P***
-- L***
-- W***
[End of Season 1]
Only if you set up imperil.
Oh, awesome, I've got plenty left, then. Does the difficulty spike at some point? I'm doing more than fine right now with Ace, Ashe, Prishe and the units I have from you Gaf people.
Heads up... possible temp free lapis alert...
There's apparently an "unannounced" Chamber of Experience PRO available for 20 EN. I'm staring at it right now.
Might want to run it once for the lapis before it gets "corrected" for a few months, much like how Cactaur Dunes and Gil Snappers PRO did.
I'm actually enjoying this event, :O.
I generally hate running big explorations, so I never farmed Megas. Here, I've been getting tons from speedruns of the ELT. Super quick and easy 1k currency and 750 rank exp with a bunch of MCs.
- Unit w/ Escape materia runs from all non-Mermaid battles.
- Keep going in and out of the same door, unless a collection point is in sight, until the Mermaid room.
- 1-turn Ariel, grab the 2 points.
- Grab the two points in the exit room and leave.
It's more engaging than just spending another week TM farming, if nothing else. 6 runs and I'm out of energy for 13 hours. I just wish there was more stuff to spend the currency on.
The bosses at P**** hits very hard. Without Def buff or ATK debuff on enemy, they will kill your team in the 1st turn (4500HP+)
yes in all honesty, after Ayaka, there is not really new unit with meta-defining character.
Cloud is just for hype machine.
At least until CG Sakura.
But it is hard to justify pulling when 3% rainbow is so close.
probably do 10 pull and hope i got sylvia.
Im throwin the book at the game to get Ayaka. I've decided it.
Refia I'm sorry girrr, but u need to take a seat A$AP
Man, I still haven't been able to open this game on my phone at all since the update. Just black screen, and no amount of restarting or clearing cache or game data or force stopping fixes it.
It runs ok on Nox for now, but I primarily played it on my phone until last week. What kind of QA testing did Gumi do on this patch?
Man, I still haven't been able to open this game on my phone at all since the update. Just black screen, and no amount of restarting or clearing cache or game data or force stopping fixes it.
It runs ok on Nox for now, but I primarily played it on my phone until last week. What kind of QA testing did Gumi do on this patch?
Man, I still haven't been able to open this game on my phone at all since the update. Just black screen, and no amount of restarting or clearing cache or game data or force stopping fixes it.
It runs ok on Nox for now, but I primarily played it on my phone until last week. What kind of QA testing did Gumi do on this patch?
Sigh.....I don't remember when was the last time I had a friend slot available, I now have 6 open slots, a sign of the times :-(
I removed Valentus, Dr. Rob, and a few other inactive gaffers.
408 213 179
A2, 2B, Fry, Orlandu, Trance Terra, etc.
Send you an a bro and accept.
PS. Not the biggest fan of those awakening daily missions. Especially since the system is bugged and i cant evolve some units like Garnet for no reason.
What device and OS are you using Pejo?
I have to go into app settings > permissions > turn off phone permissions every time to start the game. It'll then ask for permission, say ok and it works. I'm on the amazon version of the app. Hopefully it gets fixed, pretty annoying to do every time to avoid the black screen.
I had the same issue after I ran into the chamber of arms bug. In case it helps, here's what I ended up doing (on Android).
1) Delete app + reinstall, login to facebook, redownload
2) Still had black screen
3) Clear cache
4) Still black screen.
5) Delete app + reinstall, login to facebook, click Restore at that page, click OK
6) Kicked out to the farplane, so I was good!
I suspect only step 5 is actually necessary, but the fact that a regular reinstall didn't do it mystifies me. It's the kind of bug that really shouldn't get in.
Whew, managed to beat Sheratan with all achievements. Had to do it twice as i messed up on my first try.
I have a feeling it won't help me at all, but what units did you roll with? Any general strategy tips?
Overall, it's harder than Aigaion. But more enjoyable. Good luck![]()
Sent you a request just now. What's this about a new update? I'm in just fine.Sigh.....I don't remember when was the last time I had a friend slot available, I now have 6 open slots, a sign of the times :-(
I removed Valentus, Dr. Rob, and a few other inactive gaffers.
408 213 179
A2, 2B, Fry, Orlandu, Trance Terra, etc.
Sent you a request just now. What's this about a new update? I'm in just fine.
EDIT: Oh, 9 hours from now. Never mind.
What is your in game name? Limited slots and I'm trying to get all the gaffers in.
Hopefully they will address all of the problems. There really is no margin of error anymore.
Thank you for the breakdown!
I don't have DV, Orlandu, Ace, or OK from your selection, but your general strategy using EV, Tilith, and Soleil sound very doable. I guess I could get the DPS from my A2 chaining her OHC with someone else with a POD, or maybe with enhanced Agrias.
I was able to get Sheratan down to ~35% earlier today, but I just ran out of steam. Too many units dead and not enough MP left to take it down.
So how about this:
Main: Soleil, WoL, EV, A2, Marie
Reserve: Agrias, Tilith, Trance Terra, Luneth, and Rikku
Not sure what units to bring, in all honesty. Just going with my big hitters.
So is the general strategy to set up your buffs on the first round and then swap in the DPS units?
Yeah, my Wilhelm is took weak. Going to have to approach this the normal way instead of trying to 5 man it.
I'm sure you'll pull him eventually! I always find I pull these units way later when I least expect it.Sweet.
Ive been doing 1/2 price dalies trying to grab him, as my only 5* chainer is Aileen. (Have lots of 4* chainers though, including enhanced Agrias.)
So far have gotten 2 (more) Exdeaths and a 3rd Victoria whom Im debating on whether or not to level. I already have 2 Vickys max leveled and potted and cant really see the use for a 3rd...
I usually only max level 2 of each of the good units I have; except for Setzer, I leveled 4 of him.
ThanksGratz on joining the club.
Until you join the Ice Goddess Club that is.
I have to go into app settings > permissions > turn off phone permissions every time to start the game. It'll then ask for permission, say ok and it works. I'm on the amazon version of the app. Hopefully it gets fixed, pretty annoying to do every time to avoid the black screen.
When you transfer between two IOS devices the lapis stays the same right?
So you're running Marie, Tilith, Wilhelm, A2 and 2B, right? Do you have a TMR equipped on them that's providing an attack/magic debuff? Your core team doesn't provide those while the video you linked to has Dark Veritas with Impact, a -45% All stats debuff.
That might be the reason why Willy is having trouble staying up.
How the hell are we not friends? You've been here forever....
Whew, managed to beat Sheratan with all achievements. Had to do it twice as i messed up on my first try.
I don't know if this is particularly obvious or not, but I just use a FP summon (which can sometimes take care of the "summon a unit" quest, as well), and use a regular ol' cactuar on them which I usually have lying around from arena ticket summons or from the arena grid. That is usually enough to max them out for awakening and it's usually super cheap in terms of mats (stuff like beast meat, esper shards, etc).
So in one fell swoop, I can get the unit summon, enhancing, and awakening quests without spending anything of any worth.