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FINAL FANTASY Community Thread: XV Mainline Entries and Counting


Figure this is the best place to ask: will be doing myself good by playing the Steam versions of the Final Fantasy games? They're all on sale so I'm curious.

Correct me if I'm wrong but my understanding of the ports are:
3: DS port, best and most content rich version? Not sure if that's the case or not
4+After Years: DS port, this is the one I'm most iffy about as it seems to be quite mechanically different from the PSP version and other sprite based versions (changes many say are for the better though), not sure if progression or story is different at all between em. PSP also has the Interlude and I like the sprites more than the 3D. I don't think there's a consensus as to which is better lol
5 and 6: Mobile ports that have all the content from previous releases and then some, though they look the worst (mods just came out that remove bilinear filtering though so they look nicer now)
7 and 8: Old 90s PC ports that are essentially the PS1 games in higher res. Already have 7 and I have no qualms with it (I think the PS4 version actually has more features now though but nothing dealbreaking), I assume 8 is the same
13 series: Best versions.
(and yes I know 3 and 4 are mobile ports based off the DS remakes but that's too much of a mouthful :p)

Does that all spund about right? Basically just looking for some opinions and reassurance from people who are likely more knowledgable about these ports than I. None of them seem like offensively bad ways to play the games, really just looking to know if I could do significantly better than these versions. If it means anything the mobile sprites for 5 and 6 aren't that bad looking to me even if I think the SNES/GBA aesthetic is overall superior. It would be really nice to have most of the series on Steam (assuming 1 and 2 get ports of the mobile versions and that the X|X-2 leak pans out, who knows about IX and XII though)

Probably not going to buy all of them right now but it will be nice to know this stuff for future reference.
Figure this is the best place to ask: will be doing myself good by playing the Steam versions of the Final Fantasy games? They're all on sale so I'm curious.

Correct me if I'm wrong but my understanding of the ports are:
3: DS port, best and most content rich version? Not sure if that's the case or not
Yes, the best version. You don't have to jump through multiplayer to unlock the optional dungeon and the secret class. The ui is pretty bad looking but there is a mod out there to fix it.
4+After Years: DS port, this is the one I'm most iffy about as it seems to be quite mechanically different from the PSP version and other sprite based versions (changes many say are for the better though), not sure if progression or story is different at all between em. PSP also has the Interlude and I like the sprites more than the 3D. I don't think there's a consensus as to which is better lol
I don't know about the after years, but 4 on the PC is mechanically better, since it allows the player to slightly customize their characters and the difficulty is better. Unfortunately, the game is rather ugly and battles are only 15 fps. I would recommend it if you have already played FF4 and want to try a remix version of it.
5 and 6: Mobile ports that have all the content from previous releases and then some, though they look the worst (mods just came out that remove bilinear filtering though so they look nicer now)
They are the best versions imo. 5 and 6 were never lookers to begin with and fix the problems with the previous versions (bugs, translation, content, etc)
7 and 8: Old 90s PC ports that are essentially the PS1 games in higher res. Already have 7 and I have no qualms with it (I think the PS4 version actually has more features now though but nothing dealbreaking), I assume 8 is the same
7 has quite a few mods that make it stand out, though otherwise it's pretty much identical to the ps4 version. 8 has a frameskip option and better character models but worse music. I dunno if they patched that out. Otherwise, the best version
13 series: Best versions.
Yeah, but they're not optimized. Just don't expect constant 60 frames and you'll be fine.LR does have some missing content but nothing too large.
(and yes I know 3 and 4 are mobile ports based off the DS remakes but that's too much of a mouthful :p)

Does that all spund about right? Basically just looking for some opinions and reassurance from people who are likely more knowledgable about these ports than I. None of them seem like offensively bad ways to play the games, really just looking to know if I could do significantly better than these versions. If it means anything the mobile sprites for 5 and 6 aren't that bad looking to me even if I think the SNES/GBA aesthetic is overall superior. It would be really nice to have most of the series on Steam (assuming 1 and 2 get ports of the mobile versions and that the X|X-2 leak pans out, who knows about IX and XII though)

Probably not going to buy all of them right now but it will be nice to know this stuff for future reference.
I put my answers in bold
So is the FF4 android port ok?

Looking at it on steam and the UI screams "made for touch"and I am thinking of giving that version ago on the ol' nexus 7.


13 hours in. I just returned to Lindblum after
Brahne attacked it
. Gonna explore the city another time, then I'm on my way to
the Outer Continent
. I just hope I don't have to wait much longer before I can finally free-roam.
13 hours in. I just returned to Lindblum after
Brahne attacked it
. Gonna explore the city another time, then I'm on my way to
the Outer Continent
. I just hope I don't have to wait much longer before I can finally free-roam.

Well, it's actually going to be a while if you're talking about the whole world map.

Here's a cosplay I found of Garnet. I find it stellar. Looks down to the T.


I'm playing through XII for the first time. This and III are the only mainline games I haven't played. I really like Ivalice. It seems a lot more alive than the world of XIII.

Also Balthier would have been a better protagonist.


Seems like I've picked a bad time to play FF9.

Anyway, I finally obtained the boat. Time to explore the other two continents.
As for my party:
Regarding Eiko, I'm a bit disappointed to now have a second white mage. What's the point? I guess it's to have a healer whenever Dagger's not around, but why are the eidolons split up between them? Some can only be used by Dagger, others only by Eiko. This sucks.





Well, it's actually going to be a while if you're talking about the whole world map.

Here's a cosplay I found of Garnet. I find it stellar. Looks down to the T.

Thanks for the replies, by the way.


Yeah, that's exactly what I meant when I posted "I'm so sorry lol"

(I didn't know about this prior, if you're wondering)

Oh, that's the trailer. I hadn't watched it yet; I just skimmed through the screenshots in the Famitsu article. Yeah, it looks way better.
The 9 news is pretty cool, but I can't help but feel a tad confused when we still haven't gotten a port of 1 and 2. I would assume it would be the easiest to port between themselves, 9, and 10. Maybe they are planning on doing another remake for the 30th anniversary in 2017?


I can't decide whether to use Dagger or Eiko as my White Mage. It looks like Dagger can use way more eidolons, but when I search for opinions online, most people suggest Eiko, for a multitude of reasons.
I can't decide whether to use Dagger or Eiko as my White Mage. It looks like Dagger can use way more eidolons, but when I search for opinions online, most people suggest Eiko, for a multitude of reasons.

You can alternate between both.

Yes I am super ecstatic for Final Fantasy IX getting new ports. Now even more people can play the game that changed my life.


that puzzling face
I can't decide whether to use Dagger or Eiko as my White Mage. It looks like Dagger can use way more eidolons, but when I search for opinions online, most people suggest Eiko, for a multitude of reasons.

edit: holy shit I thought this was the FFRK thread.

I need sleep.
I can't decide whether to use Dagger or Eiko as my White Mage. It looks like Dagger can use way more eidolons, but when I search for opinions online, most people suggest Eiko, for a multitude of reasons.
Near when you first get them, it doesn't matter too much. But generally Eiko is classed as White Mage with a Summoner secondary, and Dagger is the opposite. Once I started using Dagger as a summoner/support instead of WM, it made total sense.


So in FF7 when Cloud was planting the bomb early in the game, what was up with Sephiroth communicating with him mentally like that?


I have decided to go through the Final Fantasy series this year, and I have been playing them for years but have never completed one. So I have started up Final Fantasy VII for the first time, and is currently stuck at Sector 5, were I am supposed to plant a bomb. It is the second bomb in the start of the game. I have just seen the flashforward of
Tifa's father dying
but I don't know what to do from there. I can't find the reactor.


FF9: The part where
Zidane rejects his friends in Pandemonium
was sublime. The music was perfect.

On disc 4 now. Gonna spend a few more hours doing sidequests and collecting the Ultimate Weapons.


I'm at the point were I have to fight Rufus now, and he made me cry, so I'm gonna try again. The cast is okay so far. I like Cloud, Barret and Red XIII. But Tifa (besides being his childhood friend), Aerith, Wedge, Bigs and those guys are pretty forgettable. Though I heard I'm gonna get a lot more background story after I beat Rufus.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
So, when do you guys see Dissidia Final Fantasy releasing on PS4? FFXV is totally Q3 or Q4 this year so...Q1 2017, maybe still Q4 2016 in Japan? We know there's at least a one year wait, but one year would be as close as late November this year.
I'm at the point were I have to fight Rufus now, and he made me cry, so I'm gonna try again. The cast is okay so far. I like Cloud, Barret and Red XIII. But Tifa (besides being his childhood friend), Aerith, Wedge, Bigs and those guys are pretty forgettable. Though I heard I'm gonna get a lot more background story after I beat Rufus.

Yeah, a lot gets revealed very soon.


Is FF Explorers supposed to be a Monster Hunter clone or PSO clone? Looking forward to it, but I've never been able to get into any MH games.


When I was listening to some FF9 tracks on YouTube a few days ago, I noticed several "FF9 Coca-Cola Commercial" songs in the related videos. I was puzzled, but I didn't care enough to check it out.

I'm taking a marketing course this semester. The professor always arrives twenty minutes early and plays random commercials from all over the world until the lecture starts. Guess what he played today? Yeah. Funny coincidence.


So Final Fantasy Explorers is like a couple weeks away and the silence on this game is deafening. Is the game that bad?
Hello. :)

A friend is asking if there is a fan translation of Type-0 in script form or any document that is not a patch. Does anyone know if it exists?
So Final Fantasy Explorers is like a couple weeks away and the silence on this game is deafening. Is the game that bad?

I'm not holding my breath. I have a friend desperate to play it with me, but I don't even have a 3ds... so that would mean a fairly significant investment. Think I'll wait til I hear some feedback...


One question about FF9 that wasn't answered ingame (or maybe it was and I wasn't paying attention): How did Steiner come to know Vivi? And why is he so respectful towards him ("Master Vivi")?
One question about FF9 that wasn't answered ingame (or maybe it was and I wasn't paying attention): How did Steiner come to know Vivi? And why is he so respectful towards him ("Master Vivi")?

Pretty sure Steiner regards Vivi with high regard due to his use/mastery of magic.

Steiner's pretty simple that way.
Pretty sure Steiner regards Vivi with high regard due to his use/mastery of magic.

Steiner's pretty simple that way.

Yeah, I believe Zidane commented on this. Ah, here are the quotes.

Zidane: "Why are you calling him 'Master'?"

Steiner: "You fool. That black mage has unimaginable powers... I don't
want to get him involved, but alas, it can't be helped. We
need Master Vivi's help to rescue the princess."

Zidane: "Alright, let's go talk to Vivi."


Anyway, I have now played FF7, FF7: Crisis Core, FF6, FFX, FFX-2, FF4, FF8 and FF9, in that order. Currently, I'm closing the circle, so to speak, by re-playing FF7 on my PS4 for the first time since my original playthrough in ~2007.

I deliberately skipped FF1-FF3 and FF5. I didn't hear anything good about them. I didn't hear anything bad either. Just.. nothing. Nobody seems to care about them in any way, so I didn't bother checking them out.

People seem to like FF12, though, so I'm gonna play this one at some point. Currently, I don't have a way to play it that's both convenient and legal, so I'm just gonna wait for the rumored remaster.

Won't bother with FF13 and its spinoffs.

Pretty sure Steiner regards Vivi with high regard due to his use/mastery of magic.

Steiner's pretty simple that way.

Yeah, I believe Zidane commented on this. Ah, here are the quotes.

Zidane: "Why are you calling him 'Master'?"

Steiner: "You fool. That black mage has unimaginable powers... I don't
want to get him involved, but alas, it can't be helped. We
need Master Vivi's help to rescue the princess."

Zidane: "Alright, let's go talk to Vivi."

Maybe I misinterpreted Steiner's statements. To me, it totally sounded like he knew Vivi from somewhere.
Anyway, I have now played FF7, FF7: Crisis Core, FF6, FFX, FFX-2, FF4, FF8 and FF9, in that order. Currently, I'm closing the circle, so to speak, by re-playing FF7 on my PS4 for the first time since my original playthrough in ~2007.

I deliberately skipped FF1-FF3 and FF5. I didn't hear anything good about them. I didn't hear anything bad either. Just.. nothing. Nobody seems to care about them in any way, so I didn't bother checking them out.

People seem to like FF12, though, so I'm gonna play this one at some point. Currently, I don't have a way to play it that's both convenient and legal, so I'm just gonna wait for the rumored remaster.

Won't bother with FF13 and its spinoffs.

Maybe I misinterpreted Steiner's statements. To me, it totally sounded like he knew Vivi from somewhere.

V is often regarded for its battle system and I find it to be the third best in the series. III I played the NES version and it took a toll on me. That last dungeon. The original Final Fantasy I'm surprised you never hear about because it's always mentioned top 100 games of all time or whenever discussions of NES games come up. I haven't played it yet myself, so I can't say anything.


Dumb question. Have a hankering for some FF today, picked up FF13-3 a while back but holding off on that one, FF9's not out yet (soon?)... FF12R is supposedly coming someday...

FF5 and 6... I've never finished 5, and I haven't seriously played 6 in at least a decade or more (never got far in the GBA/Mobile remakes)...

So stupid question: I have 5/6 on Android, are the saves compatible with the Steam version? If so that's a no brainer, move saves from PC to my phone and grind at lunch sorta deal.


Anyone know the best way to get the Chip Albums? I've searched everywhere and I can't find anything that let's me buy it digitally or even order it easily.

Also I just found this huge fan made VIII tribute album and I'm actually liking it so far. I didn't even know this was a thing being worked on and it's fun hearing a bunch of different people's sounds be applied to the track they worked on. Liberi Fatali wasn't that great but Balamb Garden gives me Chrono Cross vibes. I'm only up to SeeD so far.

Out of the Vita compatible FF titles currently on sale on PSN, which game has the best story?

Said game will be my first FF ever, by the way.

Preference is sci-fi and/or dystopian.

Thinking FFVI.

edit: Options are from 1+2 up to FF9, with the exception of FF4. Want a mainline game.


that puzzling face
For first game I'd say VI or VII depending if you want 2D or 3D. They've both aged equally this far out.
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