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FINAL FANTASY Community Thread: XV Mainline Entries and Counting

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess

i don't know who this "nomura" is but he should do more stuff for square enix


Haha, FFXIII probably might've been salvageable with more Nomura involvement and his monster designs.
Slowly but surely people are starting to realize that character designers don't do much but draw characters.

Especially a character designer who keeps himself busy directing and producing his own stuff.

The only FNC games he was/is are Type-0 and of course Versus.


Slowly but surely people are starting to realize that character designers don't do much but draw characters.

Especially a character designer who keeps himself busy directing and producing his own stuff.

The only FNC games he was/is are Type-0 and of course Versus.

I blame Nomura for everything. Including gamers he didn't work on and it's all his fault that many interesting SE games are not localized. Yiou get that? It's all his fault.


I'm not disagreeing. I'm just finding it hilarious since many FF13 complaints involve variants of NOMURA RUINS ANOTHER FF ARGH!
Even then, I don't think the handful of designs he seems to have apparently done (the six main characters) were that bad. Most of it seems to have been the transition to the sterile, plasticky world of CG; his actual designs, which are, of course, identical outside of the colors and proportions, seem a lot more appealing. I'd go so far as to argue that the five non-Lightning characters are probably the best things about the game.
Hmmm how do you figure?
FFXIII's monsters are either just really boring or failed attempts at Nomura levels of wacky. Seems like Team One or whatever they're called has degraded since Nomura's had less involvement and Toriyama's more or less taken the helm. Of course, I have no real clue about any of the inner workings of the company but Nomura's name appearing less and the relative high quality of the stuff that Nomura has put out in a directing role makes me wonder what would've happened if Kingdom Hearts went to someone else and Nomura was in charge of the FFVII team.

I don't know if Versus will be the Jesus of video games but I have a feeling all the delays have had to do more with Crystal Tools being a failure and the rush to get FFXIII out more so than bad directing or even mediocre directing. After Versus, I wouldn't mind seeing a Nomura directed FFXVI or XVII...if he doesn't quit like all these other higher ups seem to after these huge projects don't save the industry and company.
FFXIII's monsters are either just really boring or failed attempts at Nomura levels of wacky. Seems like Team One or whatever they're called has degraded since Nomura's had less involvement and Toriyama's more or less taken the helm. Of course, I have no real clue about any of the inner workings of the company but Nomura's name appearing less and the relative high quality of the stuff that Nomura has put out in a directing role makes me wonder what would've happened if Kingdom Hearts went to someone else and Nomura was in charge of the FFVII team.
I agree that XIII's monster design is, on the whole, rather bland but gosh dang, those Adamantoises are some of the most stunning things in the series. I also liked the C'ieth in general, they were suitably creepy.

And ofc, the Miniflans from XIII-2 are the cutest FF monster ever. <avatar quote>
But Goblins are the cutest.

Okay maybe not cutest, but most endearing.

I don't know, I see this guy and I'm like "I like the cut of his jib. He's got moxie. He could be a contender"

I'd play a game starring this guy.
Picked up IX on PSN with some leftover credit. To be honest, the only FF game I've ever beaten is XIII (and XIII-2) and I've never played the PS1 games, so I went with the most universally liked PS1 FF. I'll be back with impressions!


I'll be back with impressions!

Looking forward to them. Feedbacks from people who play the series backwards remain fairly rare. Always interesting to know about those.
I'm playing FFXIII again (because I hate myself and have nothing better to do with my time than to replay games I hate apparently), and seriously, who the hell thought it was a good idea to create a battle system where the characters' position on the battlefield is really important but give you no direct influence on their position? That's like FFIX's "time is always going even when the animations are going on and especially when stuff is just loading" level of awful game design.

I second that FFXIII has awful monster designs (save a few standouts like the Flanitors). Most of them are overdesign putrid nonsense that look more like they belong with the aliens in Wayne Douglas Barlowe's Expedition than in a Final Fantasy. Doughnut-men goblins and ass-mouthed wyverns abound. Hot-pants wearing Behemoths with curly-cued flags on their heads.

EDIT: Nomura should be the monster designer for every Final Fantasy. Or at least bring back whoever did the monster design in FFXII, that was pretty great.


I'm currently playing FFIV for the first time, iOS version. Just got my first augment. Was wondering if I should just go ahead and give it to Cecil or wait till I get a White Mage and give it to he or she since its Auto-Potion?


I agree that XIII's monster design is, on the whole, rather bland but gosh dang, those Adamantoises are some of the most stunning things in the series. I also liked the C'ieth in general, they were suitably creepy.

And ofc, the Miniflans from XIII-2 are the cutest FF monster ever. <avatar quote>
The C'ieth would've been fine if the scene that introduced them and talked about their eternal agony didn't have Snow's generi-buttrock theme playing.
I'm currently playing FFIV for the first time, iOS version. Just got my first augment. Was wondering if I should just go ahead and give it to Cecil or wait till I get a White Mage and give it to he or she since its Auto-Potion?
I don't know how much you want spoiled or if you want to use a guide but some characters are temporary and giving them augments unlocks extra augments that are otherwise unobtainable. So giving augments you don't think you'll use to those characters might be a good idea.

If you don't know which characters aren't part of the final party and don't want to look it up, then, yeah, Auto-Potion could work when you get a white mage or summoner.


Crystal Bearer
Just a reminder that people need to use this thread to talk about general FF stuff... not the latest LR thread or whatever.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I do not approve of this title change.

Also, this thread probably won't be used for arguments that often because it's a community thread stuck in community.

Picked up IX on PSN with some leftover credit. To be honest, the only FF game I've ever beaten is XIII (and XIII-2) and I've never played the PS1 games, so I went with the most universally liked PS1 FF. I'll be back with impressions!
It's one of my favourites! You'd probably get more out of it if you'd played other games in the series, since there are so many throwbacks to other games in it.

I had a friend whose first FF was FF9 and he came out of it as a fan of the series, so it definitely doesn't hurt starting from there.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
At least it puts the series in a better light than the previous title did!

...I almost forgot we got/are getting FF14 this generation. >.>


Also, this thread probably won't be used for arguments that often because it's a community thread stuck in community.

Yeah, pretty much, the thread has about 5-10 "regulars," if that, and then a few random people who happen to pop by for a specific FF question. A general FF thread would work better in games proper since there is obviously daily chatter.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Well Gilgamesh was almost in, but he would have looked like this:


Can I just say I hate that shizo-tech bullshit they did for this game?

The summons were especially atrocious.

They couldn't use this concept due to Type 0 conflicting with the fact GILGAMESH is an L'cie.(Not a spoiler. Been clarified openly before) Which conflicts with the whole Fal'cie deal this design represented. But XIII-2 brought the swords that could dwarf small buildings aspect. Dude is huge and so are his swords. Any practical battle would result in dead Serah and Noel.

XII set the bar too high. How do you top Gilgamesh?

You can't.

He cannot be topped. Only GILGAMESH can top GILGAMESH.

GILGAMESH is one of the most powerful characters seen in the series. He is a potent warrior that has mastered basically any sort of weaponry, such as spears, swords, axes, etc. Even in games that follow the Job System GILGAMESH is an oddity, as he can use many different abilities, such as White Magic, Blue Magic, Jump amongst many others at any given time. As seen in Final Fantasy XII he can use powerful combos, unleash destructive shockwaves and bursts of energy for enormous damage.

His most fearsome ability however, is his ability to transform into a larger multi-armed version of himself, with as many as 6 to 8 arms. This allows his vast arsenal of weapons at the same time with deadly mastery, while also increasing his overall raw power. More recent games however, forgo this ability for he's shown by default with multiple arms.

Although he is a master of weapons, curiously he seems to lack analysis and he instantly assumes that any weapon he has is a powerful weapon, while a running gag is that he uses replicas, which do not seem to hinder his ability to use them effectivelly. Also in most recent games, GILGAMESH has been shown using more technologically advanced weaponry such as Gunblades and firearms, like Rocket Launchers and Submachine Guns. He's however far more skilled with traditional weaponry than with modern weapons.

His endurance and ability to survive seem to be second to no one, as he has been faced more times than any character on the series and remains alive, if not also becoming stronger in the process.

Shamelessly pulled from the FF Wikia. Ironically I didn't write it. And is a recent addition.

Though I still love TVtropes description.

Appearing in Video Games more frequently than in other media, this character combines traits of the Harmless Villain, Affably Evil, Large Ham and Fake Ultimate Hero into what is essentially a villainous version of the Boisterous Bruiser; a blustering, over-the-top buffoon who confronts the heroic party, often completely out of nowhere, pompously and dramatically introduces himself, and challenges the heroes to battle.

The Braggart is usually either competent but not particularly deadly, or a complete joke, but either way his comically over-the-top blow and bluster is played for laughs. He'll insist on making a dramatic entrance (sometimes backfiring spectacularly), pause to deliver long, bungling villainous speeches punctuated by megalomaniacal laughter that come off as more snickerworthy or just plain confusing than ominous, and when defeated will either promise an epic rematch and run like a chicken, or be foisted embarrassingly out of the scene by some humorous Deus ex Machina. Rest assured, this will be a Recurring Boss, of the most annoying kind. Even in the instance that you only fight him once, he'll probably have led you on some kind of bizarre Side Quest to reach that point.

Just how annoying this is depends on the way this character is used. He's similar to the Goldfish Poop Gang except that rather than diminishing in importance in subsequent encounters, he's likely to continuously power himself up trying to match you. He's also usually a solitary character; if he's part of a Gang or a Quirky Miniboss Squad, he's the one who's champing at the bit to engage the heroes and takes any slur against the team as "fighting words". However, he's more likely to appear as an Affably Evil Dragon to the more obvious Big Bad, or as a colourful Psycho for Hire who is set up as a dangerous opponent but winds being more bark than bite. This character type is never the Big Bad himself.

He's usually big, with an oversized weapon and bright, flashy clothes or excessively ornate armour. He'll usually announce himself as "The Magnificent _______" or "the Legendary _______". He'll almost always claim to be the greatest warrior, wizard, or whatever alive, and to be attacking the heroes simply out of the search for a challenge. He'll try to downplay any defeat he suffers, claiming he wasn't at his best or he let the heroes win, and when he does come back he'll usually be toting some kind of gimmicky new weapon or spell that is sure to beat them this time. He may be the instigator of Wutai Theft and has an irritating tendency to hijack himself into unexpected places (such as the end of a dungeon, a secret treasure room, or as the final opponent of a Tournament Arc), sometimes with upgraded power to compensate for how badly you thrashed him last time.

However, even if this character really is a challenging opponent, he'll never live up to his own hype, largely because he's so boastful that nobody possibly could. He's similar to the Fake Ultimate Hero, except that this character isn't seen as heroic, and instead of everyone believing him to be great and awesome, it's the Braggart himself trumpeting his glories. In fact, nobody in the story might believe him at all. Being an entertainingly Large Ham and most often a Harmless Villain, this character is likely to escape death (at least by the heroes' hands) and is a frequent candidate for Heel Face Turn. He'll probably claim at least once that the heroes have earned his respect, or even start addressing them as friends, but if the heroes react at all to this character it's probably with annoyance or simply bewilderment. In this respect, the Braggart Boss crosses over with the Unknown Rival.

GILGAMESH needs his own game. HIS OWN GAME.

Final Fantasy: EPIC of GILGAMESH

Make it happen.


Ya know, for all the Gilgamesh love, have you ever realized that Nomura probably designed him? Or at least the in-game design that started the craze. Hironobu probably wrote him.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Ya know, for all the Gilgamesh love, have you ever realized that Nomura probably designed him? Or at least the in-game design that started the craze. Hironobu probably wrote him.

Of course I know that. He designed GILGAMESH from the outset as a Monster designer for FFV. Design finalized by Amano.

Most well written character combining Benkei and the Epic of Gilgamesh together.

The artwork in the 25th anniversary Ultimania is pure art.


GILGAMESH is part of the reason I still like Final Fantasy.
Aight, so I cracked into IX. Just to clarify -- while the XIII games are the only ones I've beaten, I've barely touched I, II, and XII, and got pretty far in IV and X (the latter of which I would like to continue, but I'm stuck against a certain frustrating
boss. I'm fairly familiar with Final Fantasy lore though, having hung around the internet long enough and reading wikis.

Anyway, I just cleared the Evil Forest, so I'm not very far at all, but the first thing I thought about an hour in was "Man, they don't make 'em like this anymore." It's a real charmer, with rich prerendered backgrounds and winsome character animations (I love Vivi's little stumbles, and how the boss of Tantalus loudly kicks down each door while most of the other characters just push them open). It really is a gem of the PS1 age. I can see the seamless CG cutscenes blowing minds back in the day, and come to think of it, FFX and FFXIII are the only games that come to mind which do the same.

While there isn't much originality to speak of yet in terms of the plot or characterization (not that I expected it at this early juncture), the initial main cast are all likeable in their own right with room for chemistry and exploration, which I can see brewing in the low-key humor and tentative dialogue respectively. In any case, look forward to seeing how the story unfolds. I can't imagine the story playing it too safe after an array of predecessors full of memorable plot twists. I hear this is one of Uematsu's best soundtracks, too, so my ear will be on the lookout!


I actually think 9 has the worst of Uematsu's PSX-era work, but to each their own.

Also, if you plan to play 1 or 2, realize they are INCREDIBLY clunky by today's standards and will be a slog to get through. I did, but that's because I love the series and have nostalgia and a vested interest in seeing what has come before. You may not have that love.
Final Fantasy II isn't a slog, it's pure punishment in gaming form. A cut yourself with a knife and pour salt in the wounds kind of experience.

And why do you think IX is his worst?


Final Fantasy II isn't a slog, it's pure punishment in gaming form. A cut yourself with a knife and pour salt in the wounds kind of experience.

And why do you think IX is his worst?

No reason, it just wasn't memorable to me. I can hum and recognize a lot of FF7, 8 and X's tunes off the bat, but a lot of 9s just feel like elevator music. Just there in the background, nothing stands out.


Sure, you can name tunes and I could youtube them and go "Oh yeah..." but that sort of defeats the purpose.

Again, not saying it's bad by any means, just not memorable.
Sure, you can name tunes and I could youtube them and go "Oh yeah..." but that sort of defeats the purpose.

Again, not saying it's bad by any means, just not memorable.
Man, how did the track that plays when
Zidane pushes everyone away and tries to go it alone because he's depressed in Bran Bal
not stick in your mind after that scene??? That's one of the most memorable pieces of music in the whole FF pantheon, for me.

"You're Not Alone" :p
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