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Final Fantasy I!!!! Thread O' Love


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Ok I have been putting in work on the Final Fantasy I + II on the GBA. And let me tell you this[\b] is the greatest version on Final Fantasy I there is. I have yet to play II on the GBA so I cannot say if it rocks or not. But to be honest I would have been just as pleased if I only had this version of FFI; II is just a bonus at this point.

They have gotten rid of the out of place FMV (of course) and have touched up the sprites and animations for the characters and magic. the music owns, remixed goodness from 1987! you can save anywhere, anytime, which on the whole makes the game easier than it was (this game is pretty hardcore). However adding the save anywhere makes it idea for people (like me) who play their GBAs on the go. (Phantasy Star Collection WTF???)

FFI was lightyears ahead of its time, still is a better RPG than most game released in the last few years. So my main question is what happened? Final Fantasy used allow you to have a pretty high degree of control of your characters, even you could create what kind of party you wanted in the first. Each class with +'s and -'s... as a player I feel much more connected with characters I created and named... characters I turned into badasses! Why Doesn't the FF series go back to its roots! Next Gen old school craziness!!!!


I doubt they'll go back to a 'create a party' type experience because of how story-centric the games are....would kick ass if they did, though


I'm interested in this collection, but where are my SNES FFs ports? :(

I personally loved it in 1991, when I first played FFII(US), that characters had a class associated with them. It allowed them to do a bit more storylining that way. Off course, they could always go the way of Bioware, and have your main character entirely customizable, with the rest not so, but still, I don't think it would fit the series well, not where it is right now.
FFI was lightyears ahead of its time...


I thought it was fun, but, man, was the game pretty plain compared to other RPGs of the time...unless you're comparing it to other console RPGs. PS I smokes it, but it's nice that it's a good version and all.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Gattsu25 said:
I doubt they'll go back to a 'create a party' type experience because of how story-centric the games are....would kick ass if they did, though

I know.... but why did this happen?? FFIV was story based and it rules, but then they went to the job system in V and showed you can do both story based and "create a party" at the same time and dropped it for main characters that suck!


It's not like there were that many character customizations in FF1 anyway. You choose 4 out of 6 characters to use, and they get to advance once to a different job(out of 2 choices).
Compare to V, X-2, and FFT, that was nothing.

As opposed to choosing 4 out of 6 to use thru the entire game, you just have an entire party of 7 or 8 that you can use. You can still customize which 3(or 4) to use in battles:p.

edit: blah, forgot you don't even get to choose from two when you advance the characters in FFI. Why did I think it was two choices...???


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
MightyHedgehog said:

I thought it was fun, but, man, was the game pretty plain compared to other RPGs of the time...unless you're comparing it to other console RPGs. PS I smokes it, but it's nice that it's a good version and all.

Sorry I should say I am comparing it to other 8 bit console games... even 16 bit console games for that matter! You could go all over the place... like PC games from that era... and if you were too weak..you'd just get owned... no other way to put it... they did have "road blocks" ("omg I need to fix the bridge, but I lost my toolbelt can you find it" type of roadblacks) but not as many as you see in games from last gen and this gen....


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
jiggle said:
It's not like there were that many character customizations in FF1 anyway. You choose 4 out of 6 characters to use, and they get to advance once to a different job(out of 2 choices).
Compare to V, X-2, and FFT, that was nothing.

ok.. X-2 is on a 128 bit system using DVD media... V rocks hard can't wait to see it make to the GBA... FFT is FFT can't praise it enough.


Either it was done by the desires of the series creators or to please the fans, I'd assume. To be honest, I'd love to see the series adopt a character created party-type setup...so long as you can choose to use your character or the pre-built ones (if needed) and have the pre-built ones appear in only the cinematics that they need to be in (but NOT fights and if they MUST then dopt a 'party xp' or 'shared xp' type of system). The series doesn't seem to have lost sight of that, as FFX allows you to customize almost every aspect of your fighters..even allowing them to change roles...though the option to change a characters role did come later in the game than it should


Gattsu25 said:
To be honest, I'd love to see the series adopt a character created party-type setup...so long as you can choose to use your character or the pre-built ones (if needed) and have the pre-built ones appear in only the cinematics that they need to be in.



jiggle said:



if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
6.8 said:
Off course, they could always go the way of Bioware, and have your main character entirely customizable, with the rest not so, but still, I don't think it would fit the series well, not where it is right now.

This might be closer than you think... XII's battle system oddly looks a lot like KoTOR's


Gattsu25 said:

Final Fantasy X-2 matches pretty close to what you just described.

edit: okay, you don't really create characters for this. But there's lots of customization in their jobs and appearance during battles. But the default models are used for cinematics/cutscenes.


Blackace said:
This might be closer than you think... XII's battle system oddly looks a lot like KoTOR's

Only to those that didn't play FFXI :b

edit: in regards to changing their roles, yes, but not in player created characters. besides, FFT and FFTA allow you to change classes and are much more enjoyable in my eyes, but I won't get into it
Blackace said:
Sorry I should say I am comparing it to other 8 bit console games... even 16 bit console games for that matter! You could go all over the place... like PC games from that era... and if you were too weak..you'd just get owned... no other way to put it... they did have "road blocks" ("omg I need to fix the bridge, but I lost my toolbelt can you find it" type of roadblacks) but not as many as you see in games from last gen and this gen....

Oh OK. The soundtrack, back then, rocked, though. All of the early 2D FFs rock all over the newer ones...I don't care what people say about the 'advancement' and 'sophistication' of the newers ones...they suck. All of 'em...at least, compared to the older stuff. Then again, Square has pretty much sucked since going 3D, IMHO. The sad thing is, when next-gen is here, and the real-time visuals will be able enough to replicate a very good CG-level of detail, Square will (more than likely) still opt to bloat the games with prerendered nonsense and buckets of slickly-done non-interaction... Anyway...back to the love.


I actually think 6 was the major 'turning point' in regards to the pre-3D FFs and the current ones, not the switch to 3D itself (excluding FF11 and possibly FF12)


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Gattsu25 said:
I actually think 6 was the major 'turning point' in regards to the pre-3D FFs and the current ones, not the switch to 3D itself (excluding FF11 and possibly FF12)

I always hear that, and while I did love 6 I didn't think it was better than 4... However really sitting down and playing one again has shown me that number for its time still holds its own against games coming out this gen...


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Crazymoogle said:
2 looks to still be broken....:(

I am scared...to play it hahaha but really the gba version of I is worth..II is just a bonus game...like an unlockable ;p
Blackace said:
the gba version ownsssss.... not joking.

Hmmm...might have to get this when it hits the 'States. Hopefully, the DS will be out by then and I won't have to go blind playing on the infernal GBA screen of death.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
one thing I forgot to say... they added a run button when you are not on the over world map.. makes everything a little faster as well


MightyHedgehog said:
Oh OK. The soundtrack, back then, rocked, though. All of the early 2D FFs rock all over the newer ones...I don't care what people say about the 'advancement' and 'sophistication' of the newers ones...they suck. All of 'em...at least, compared to the older stuff. Then again, Square has pretty much sucked since going 3D, IMHO. The sad thing is, when next-gen is here, and the real-time visuals will be able enough to replicate a very good CG-level of detail, Square will (more than likely) still opt to bloat the games with prerendered nonsense and buckets of slickly-done non-interaction... Anyway...back to the love.

Someone's letting nostalgia cloud their vision...the old games had as many problems as the "new" ones do


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
belgurdo said:
Someone's letting nostalgia cloud their vision...the old games had as many problems as the "new" ones do

The title is "thread o' love" not thread of hating on someone else's opinion


Gattsu25 said:
I doubt they'll go back to a 'create a party' type experience because of how story-centric the games are....would kick ass if they did, though

Well, FFXI, but you knew that (come on, they had the 6 original starting jobs, even!). :)
belgurdo said:
Someone's letting nostalgia cloud their vision...the old games had as many problems as the "new" ones do

Yeah, but the kind of problems I have with the newer FFs are the kind that are exclusive to them. Nolstagia is a bit of a factor, sure. Still, I like as much interaction in my video game story-telling as I can be afforded. I love flashy CG sequences like everyone else, but they really do tend to pull me out of a game faster than anything...particularly in a heavily story-driven title. FFIX was that last FF I could actually find myself really enjoying (mostly) while I played it. Part of the problem, to me, is that the scenarios and the characters in the newer games are just so well-defined for the player and that can go either way with me...I haven't liked most of the characters (and scenarios) that Square has offered me in a newer FF. Just my preference.

Anyway, no mo' derailment from me...


Heh :b
While I do believe that FFXI is a great game and should stay a numbered part of the series, when I speak of the FF series in general I often don't consider XI, XII, or X-2. (XII for obvious reasons :b)

edit: ah yeah...sorry for aiding in knocking this thread off topic :(
II is still broken, but it's patched enough to be broken and playable unlike the original and Origins, which was just fucking broken. I'm about 15 hrs in (nearly to the end) and really enjoying it.

One thing I learned this week which I didn't know was the extra content is about 10 hrs per game! This is a HUGE amount of new content for two 8-bit RPGs. FFI has four dungeons that open up post-fiends, a total of 100 floors between them. FFII has the new "story" that's sort of an epilogue to the main game. Very cool there's that much new stuff!


The game uses MP rather than the spell level system. Although I'm surprised that wasn't mentioned.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
RevenantKioku said:
The game uses MP rather than the spell level system. Although I'm surprised that wasn't mentioned.

Yeah but it still uses levels when you buy spells... Still a pretty big change..
JackFrost2012 said:
II is still broken, but it's patched enough to be broken and playable unlike the original and Origins, which was just fucking broken. I'm about 15 hrs in (nearly to the end) and really enjoying it.

What exactly was changed to make the game playable? The thought of smashing my own characters around for a dozen hours just to build stats isn't exactly appealing anymore.
Crazymoogle said:
What exactly was changed to make the game playable? The thought of smashing my own characters around for a dozen hours just to build stats isn't exactly appealing anymore.

It's rebalanced so that you will tend to have a more "natural" progression ... i.e. you have to cast a spell 5-15 times to upgrade, not 100. Also monsters have "ranks," so using low level abilities against high rank monsters gives more "skill XP" (there is no actual numerical skill XP, just ... stuff upgrades faster! is all)

You can still attack your own people to level up faster, which is goofy, but it's not REQUIRED, like it was in Famicom/Origins.

Also, the enter command/cancel bug has been removed as it's no longer necessary. (It was left in Origins, which should tell you something).

Another thing not mentioned about these versions is the scripts have been rewritten ... very cool. These are THE versions to get!
Kobun Heat said:


I mean, don't misunderstand me. It's not like it's a GOOD system, even "patched," and a bullet to Kawazu's head would still be best for everyone involved. It makes no sense and it's nonsensical and fighting your own people is still a faster/better way to level up than straight up battling. But at least the game is broken in ways that are PLAYABLE, now.
JackFrost2012 said:
You can still attack your own people to level up faster, which is goofy, but it's not REQUIRED, like it was in Famicom/Origins.

The game almost sounds...playable. Especially compared to the Famicom version which loved to just throw you in insta-death combat encounters within the first ten minutes.

Maybe I can just go back to shaking my fist over the FF3j noshow.

Edit: Kawazu?! Now it all makes sense. I don't know which mistake of his I regret more - FF2 or SaGa Frontier 2. Probably the latter if only because the art and music are basically workplace reference of what to do, while the gameplay is categorically the opposite.
My main question about 2 regards magic, particularly offensive magic. In Origins, at least, magic progressed at a rate similar to your weapons in power, but magic points prevented you from using much magic, so the magic was nearly useless just a short while into the game. Even Ultima was weaker than the average sword strike, and two weapons ensured that fighters were the only real method of attack most of the time and mages were relegated to healing/status.

Also, many spells had stronger versions available for purchase that were almost unusable because they started at level 1. 2 seemed to have more spells than most of the later games.

I just want to know, are Blizzard, Thunder, Fire, Ultima, and the like more useful now? Aside from bosses immune to physical damage there seemed little point.

Ah, I see my question was answered while I typed.

I loved the system when I first tried out the Famicom game, but the only games I have ever played that used it well was the first SaGa Frontier and possibly Final Fantasy Legend 2 (SaGa 2).

And a curse for no FF3 yet. That is perhaps the best game in the series gameplaywise, at least until the last few bosses who have no save point nearby and require much levelling.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
JackFrost2012 said:
It's rebalanced so that you will tend to have a more "natural" progression ... i.e. you have to cast a spell 5-15 times to upgrade, not 100. Also monsters have "ranks," so using low level abilities against high rank monsters gives more "skill XP" (there is no actual numerical skill XP, just ... stuff upgrades faster! is all)

You can still attack your own people to level up faster, which is goofy, but it's not REQUIRED, like it was in Famicom/Origins.

Also, the enter command/cancel bug has been removed as it's no longer necessary. (It was left in Origins, which should tell you something).

Another thing not mentioned about these versions is the scripts have been rewritten ... very cool. These are THE versions to get!

Yeah these are versions to get! Plus it's where it should have been the whole time on the GBA... I had a hard playing FFI in my PS2 for some reason.. the GBA is such a nicer fit, and or course these are just better versions
Crazymoogle said:
Maybe I can just go back to shaking my fist over the FF3j noshow.
If they do FF3 on the GBA, it needs a similar overhaul. I've never played through it (just messed about with the first hour or so) but a friend of mine who's an insane RPG nut did, and he actually had to use emulator savestates because it was so damn hard. And it still took him xty billion hours to do it.
Crazymoogle said:
The game almost sounds...playable. Especially compared to the Famicom version which loved to just throw you in insta-death combat encounters within the first ten minutes.
That's still there - I kept walking into enemies that cast Confuse 16 on me and dying all at once. HOWEVER, the ability to save anywhere goes a LONG way towards minimizing the damage this does, and you figure out which tiles are no-go within 30-60 minutes. After the initial "danger" curve the game tends to not kill you so often.

Diomedeskun said:
In Origins, at least, magic progressed at a rate similar to your weapons in power, but magic points prevented you from using much magic, so the magic was nearly useless just a short while into the game. Even Ultima was weaker than the average sword strike, and two weapons ensured that fighters were the only real method of attack most of the time and mages were relegated to healing/status.

That's still mostly the case; however, 20 minutes of battle system abuse (casting spells on individual enemies to use tons of MP/battle) just outside a town helped me increase my MP fairly significantly. You never really get enough MP to use spells willy nilly, HOWEVER you eventually get enough money to carry around 99 Ethers, so same difference.

Magic also upgrades MUCH faster than weapons ... weapons are pretty slow (prolly still close to 100-uses-per-skill-level, since you use them All The Time) while magic upgrades far faster. My offensive spells are keeping pace with my weapon levels fairly naturally.
Kobun Heat said:
If they do FF3 on the GBA, it needs a similar overhaul. I've never played through it (just messed about with the first hour or so) but a friend of mine who's an insane RPG nut did, and he actually had to use emulator savestates because it was so damn hard. And it still took him xty billion hours to do it.

Uh...what? I basically wrote the proverbial book on this one and it definitely wasn't that hard. Some of the bosses were a bugger, but I had an easier time with FF3j than with FFV.

The only gameplay allowance I would make is that like FF1, you really do need to spend some time levelling up here and there; it's not like FF4 where you can go from place to place (almost) uninterrupted.
Blackace said:
Yeah these are versions to get! Plus it's where it should have been the whole time on the GBA... I had a hard playing FFI in my PS2 for some reason.. the GBA is such a nicer fit, and or course these are just better versions

Yeah, I thought it was just a port of the PSX versions, but they're not. Final Fantasy I + II Advance are not ports of the PSX versions. The systems, cinemas, script, etc. have all been reworked from scratch, plus TONS of bonus content, it is teh hotness!

Plus, on the GBA these sorts of games are easy to play one-handed -- FOR WHEN YOU ARE STANDING UP ON THE YAMANOTE SEN YOU PERVERT!! Still, it's great to be able to run around and level during the daily commute! The platform just MAKES SENSE.
That's good enough for me. I liked the story in the game, but Origns started hard and got too easy. I also like magic use for bosses, but my magic was too underpowered.

I quit, but intended to return to the game. I will wait for the GBA version.

FF3 was not that hard until the end, although I will never go through the Invincible cave without dark weapons again (whoops, found them afterwards and the level took me up to half and hour for some fights).
Crazymoogle said:
Uh...what? I basically wrote the proverbial book on this one and it definitely wasn't that hard. Some of the bosses were a bugger, but I had an easier time with FF3j than with FFV.

Link to said proverbial book? I picked it up for the Famicom and am gonna give it a try post FFII. More worried about the kanji-less text and no-dash than the battles and systems. ;)


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
JackFrost2012 said:

Well there are still plenty of pervs on the Yamanote... anyways... You can tell it isn't a port from all the cool animations add... just the little touches...like when casting spells and what not.. those kind of little touches that makes the game feel so polished (FFI at least)
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