Events been a pretty mixed bag for me right now.
1. Medica BSB LD = 2/11
Ovelia BSB - Dupe.
Iris BSB - Pretty excited about this. IMO best medica BSB in the game and being a 5* dancer makes her amazing support. Too bad no wrath.
2. BSB+ LD = 4/11
Garnet BSB2 - Duper
Mog BSB - Nice needed a stackable Hastega Faithga for the longest time. Now I can retired sheep song.
Reno BSB - No clue how to use this. Its all physical, isn't he suppose to be a mage? I guess its pretty good for the few hard bosses these days that interuptable.
Refia BSB - Nice, I've been wanting this for a while. What I love about is how self contained it is. You can pretty much added her to any party and she'll destroy things with her own skills.
3. 6* LS
Rinoa CSB - I'm very weak with ice so this should help immensely. Also just recently found out I had Edea BSB so these two combined should be a pretty insane combo.
Bartz USB - This is my single most wanted item in the game. If this entire fest I only got the chicken knife I would be satisfied. Also allowed me to ignore banner 2. It pretty much had everything. 6* knife so pretty much equipable with everyone and almost as strong as sword 6*s. Covers 4 elements (amazing for magicite). Much lower orb suck than the other uber chases.
Free 30 Pull - 5/30
Tifa - OSB - Ehh not a dupe and I need Earth damage.
Rest I don't even remember except that they were trash
After all the LD and free pulls. I decided I was only going to pull banner 1 once and pull FF6 banner 1.
Banner 1 - 2/11
Luneth USB - Not bad. No idea how to use but looks good since wind is a rare resist.
Desch BSB - Looks like a really good magic BSB.
FF6 banner 1 - 5/33
Pull one - 1/11
Shadow LM - Crap if I don't get his USB, amazing if I get his USB.
Pull two -2/11
Both Setzer SSB - Pretty pissed at this point. 100 gems and 0 USB and BSBs to show for it.
Rage pull 3 - 2/11
Setzer SSB - Dupe
Setzer USB - OK not the shadow USB I really wanted but suppose to be another one of the uber USB. I just have no idea why.
So pretty decent fest so far (Probably not pulling anymore). Bartz USB, Setzer USB, Leuneth USB, Rinoa CSB, Tifa OSB, Iris BSB, Refia BSB, Desch BSB, Mog BSB for 275 mythrils looks like a pretty nice return.