My U+ Update:
100gem pull was 4star, but dupe-trash.
This was -by far- the easiest d140 and d160 fights that I've ever done.
First try on d140, third try on d160.
Setzer(80) - Power Breakdown // Magic Breakdown -- Feral Might
Relm (99) - Protectga // Curaja -- Haste
Mog (80) - Multi Break // Curaise -- Haste
Terra (99) - Leviathan // Shiva -- Savior of Spira
Kefka (80) - Dancer Shellga // Chain Blizzaga -- Sorceress Vow
RW - Squall's Ice OSB - (Did 20k first time, 38k second time)
Setzer has Major Fire Resist, Everybody else had Moderate Fire Resist. He truly doesn't hurt at all with fire resist, shellga, multibreak and magic breakdown stacked. I absolutely destroyed him.
Setzer (80) -- Magic Breakdown // Mental Breakdown -- Feral Might
Relm (99) -- Arise // Curaja -- Haste
Mog (80) -- Multibreak // Curaise -- Haste (Mog's Scarf relic was handy as well)
Terra (99) -- Darkra // Ultima Weapon -- Prey (Element Weakness boost) (Also used Starburst, but didn't do much really.
Kefka (80) -- Dancer Shellga // Drainga
RW - Jecht's Burst
I saved most everything for the last 50% and then I let loose with Ultima Weapon, all breaks applied, and Jecht's Burst. The actually burst does about 2500 a hit for 8? attacks. But the real key is Command 1, it did 3500-4k x4 every single time. For pretty much the last 50%, Setzer was spamming Command 1.
The first two times I lost, I used Arise and it was awesome. The time I won, I didn't even use it.
So we've got 3 MC3 in the last 24 hours or so.
I broke Rosa, Gilgamesh and Thancred -- I now have 2 99's in every realm.