Final Fantasy XIII-2 E3 Information Thread [Trailer, BioWare Storytelling, More]


Tragic victim of fan death
gembel said:
thanks! shot 7 looks terrible.. they didnt make any improvements to the engine?? the graphics looks outdated :(
Graphics look fine. I just hope they fixed up the blocky models like the fingers. Textures also need work if it's like XIII.


kayos90 said:
Graphics look fine. I just hope they fixed up the blocky models like the fingers. Textures also need work if it's like XIII.

The rain in the stills doesn't help...


Tragic victim of fan death
Seda said:
The rain in the stills doesn't help...
I forgot about the rain. Still, I think the graphics are still fine. they might not be perfection but it still looks good for this year.
Rahxephon91 said:
Off topic. Does anyone think they have started on 15 yet?

Pretty sure all teams Wada would trust with a mainline title are busy. I'm sure there's at least some brainstorming going on though and maybe a rough outline of the scenario.


Tragic victim of fan death
Gram Negative Cocci said:
Looks fantastic. There are actual DUNGEONS in it. Square listened to their fans for once.
You know it's still a freaking line right? It just bends in a spiral or square manner.


Tragic victim of fan death
V_Arnold said:
Sarcasm? Parody of all the linear-sayers? I hope so...
Well every dungeon is linear in some shape or form. All we've seen so far are spirals and wide open spaces. No branching paths and major dungeon design change. It still seems like a boring map design.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
So much negativity on this page...

gembel said:
Thank you.

It looks... interesting. More of the same battle-wise, really. My ears are reaching hard to hear the music. :lol

Kinda disappointed that it doesn't seem like you can engage in conversation with NPCs, but you're just running by them eavesdropping on their conversations. Though it looked like some of those NPCs have speech bubbles above their heads, so you probably could!

That Temporal Rift tutorial...

Minigame incoming? "Tile Trial". Edit: Just noticed that "Datalog Updated!" flashed on the screen right after. Looks like we have a Datalog again.


Tragic victim of fan death
It seems like development is going along fine but how come we're not seeing a simultaneous launch for this game?


Dark Schala said:
Kinda disappointed that it doesn't seem like you can engage in conversation with NPCs, but you're just running by them eavesdropping on their conversations. Though it looked like some of those NPCs have speech bubbles above their heads, so you probably could!
I think one video showed that you can talk to the NPCs with the speech bubbles over their head.Somewhat like FFXII,something I really like.I'm quite surprised that this map I saw on the first page isn't a dungeon map.The Bresha Ruins Map seems to be a town,shown on the last three videos.


really liking the atmosphere in this one. I've always liked Serah's design and Laura Baily's voice work so I'm glad she's here as a main character. The night time setting with the mist and the blue moon light is dream-like. Plus, music is very good so far. Pretty melody at the beginning, and a good remix of (what sounds like) the XIII battle theme.

All I ask is for a shorter tutorial and I'm there.


feels weird to not get stringed along for years with CG movies
i like it

although i hope they don't gimp out on them
i want to see lots in the game


Well, it looks OK. People to interact with; cities; Cocoon. Maps look more interesting than the original hallways.

Please tell me that new hero Noel is not Yet Another Seventeen-Year-Old Boy™ protagonist. After seeing an interesting guy like Sazh in the original game, I don't want them going back to this tripe.

His name sounded more like "Kreis" than "Christ" to me. "Kreis" is German for 'circle, if that means anything.


Crystal Bearer
BTW I think that landscape shot above is from the Xbox version. The foilage wasn't that dithered in the PS3 one I played and the colors not as washed out. I'll see it again tomorrow to check though.


With FFXIII, Square FAILED in so many key areas.

-Shitty story line. The setting was pretty good but there werent really any memorable villains and only half of the party were likable characters. All that stuff about FalCie, LCie was pretty tiring. Also the Jihl thing is just terrible writing and scenario.

-No Towns: How you can take town exploration out of an FF game is beyond me. Its one of the best things about the series. Selecting to travel from a menu just made the game world feel so dead. I like visiting the various shops and all the other things to keep you distracted.

-Poor sidequests. There was nothing as good as Triple Triad, Chocobo racing, breeding, hot/cold or even Blitzball. Square failed hard.

-Character building. The game doesnt really open up til your 3/4s of the way through. Even at the end, the chrystarium seems like its forcing you to make all your characters the same.

If they can fix these aspects of the game I'd be really excited for this. Not likely though.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Myriadis said:
I think one video showed that you can talk to the NPCs with the speech bubbles over their head.Somewhat like FFXII,something I really like.
Ah, thank you for clarifying that.

Dunan said:
Well, it looks OK. People to interact with; cities; Cocoon. Maps look more interesting than the original hallways.

Please tell me that new hero Noel is not Yet Another Seventeen-Year-Old Boy™ protagonist. After seeing an interesting guy like Sazh in the original game, I don't want them going back to this tripe.

His name sounded more like "Kreis" than "Christ" to me. "Kreis" is German for 'circle, if that means anything.
Website mentions "seinen" in his description (青年), so perhaps he isn't that young? I hope.

It's Kreiss. So perhaps a corruption of the word? *chuckles* They're just switching languages constantly now. I don't think his last name would mean much, though.

I'm hoping that Noel isn't the protagonist that the game focuses on, but the trailers and demo makes it seem like that's the case. At least the town doesn't seem like a setpiece in comparison to the towns in FFXIII.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Kagari said:
BTW I think that landscape shot above is from the Xbox version. The foilage wasn't that dithered in the PS3 one I played and the colors not as washed out. I'll see it again tomorrow to check though.


1. PlayStation 3 version is the only playable version in E3.
2. The landscape screenshot doesn't look like the one on the PS3 version.

I guess we know what that means! FFXIII Comparison Thread Redux incoming. :p


Crystal Bearer
ULTROS! said:

1. PlayStation 3 version is the only playable version in E3.
2. The landscape screenshot doesn't look like the one on the PS3 version.

I guess we know what that means! FFXIII Comparison Thread Redux incoming. :p

I will find out tomorrow if the Xbox one is playable. Obviously the Xbox one wasn't at a Sony party :p
Dark Schala said:
I'm hoping that Noel isn't the protagonist that the game focuses on, but the trailers and demo makes it seem like that's the case. At least the town doesn't seem like a setpiece in comparison to the towns in FFXIII.

After the rubbish main character we got last game, I'm hoping he IS the protagonist.


Dialogue seemed quite bad from the trailer. At least environments look much more open this time, so that's good.


Oh man it is Hamauzu on the website too. I'm almost crying from happiness this is ridiculous. I'm having an eargasm.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Thanks, Kagari!

AlphaDragoon said:
After the rubbish main character we got last game, I'm hoping he IS the protagonist.
Vanille ended up being the protagonist in the end, right? Or at least, the character that's focused on for much of the game.

I didn't like Lightning much either...

We'll see. Not much you can tell from a 2 minute trailer about the guy, really.
Kinda weirdly awesome that switching Paradigms ALSO switches out what monster is in your party, so it seems you can assign monsters to Paradigms... or perhaps monsters are limited in what Paradigms they can be a part of.

It's party switching AND Paradigm shifting at the same time!


Crystal Bearer
ZephyrFate said:
Kinda weirdly awesome that switching Paradigms ALSO switches out what monster is in your party, so it seems you can assign monsters to Paradigms... or perhaps monsters are limited in what Paradigms they can be a part of.

It's party switching AND Paradigm shifting at the same time!

Yes. And they have different Cinematic Actions as well.


I haven't listened to the podcast so I don't know if this is addressed, but it looks like the sword icon isn't tied to your current selection after all. I wonder what it's for.
Kagari said:

My verbal impressions... excuse the tiredness. Been up since 5AM and went to all 4 conferences today.

Also, I'm told the Xbox version might not be at the booth. Lead platforms only.

What a surprise.
I like what I see as it seems like more of the same, I'll check your impressions, thanks.

EDIT - nice impressions, very indepth, sounds like a great deal of asset reuse though.
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