Wish we could.
But some people are clearly only here to sharpen up their sarcasm skills.
I'm only here for the bitches.
Wish we could.
But some people are clearly only here to sharpen up their sarcasm skills.
But you didn't explain it. I want you to explain why Serah is so bad when she is serious. All I did was ask you to explain your opinion. If you don't want to, then fine, but I didn't think it was too confusing.
Well... are going to explain it or not?All you did was ask me to elaborate, and I did. You didn't specify what you wanted elaborated, and it isn't my fault if you don't elaborate on what you needed elaborated on.
Can't we all just get along?
But you didn't explain it. I want you to explain why Serah is so bad when she is serious. All I did was ask you to explain your opinion. If you don't want to, then fine, but I didn't think it was too confusing.
Well I don't disagree that the writing could get really corny at times. But 13-2 had less of that, imo.I haven't played 13-2 yet, but if the writing is on the same level as it was in 13, I can definitely see how that could happen.
Most of the writing in 13 was quite terrible and was only made tolerable by the mostly good voice cast.
Well I don't disagree that the writing could get really corny at times. But 13-2 had less of that, imo.
You're trying too hard, bruh.You shouldn't call your friend corny
Can't we all just get along?
Well I don't disagree that the writing could get really corny at times. But 13-2 had less of that, imo.
Excellent, something to look forward to.
Seriously guys.
Kagari thinks LR is bollocks and I think it's loads of fun and we still kosher.
It's really nothard.that
Out of curiosity, have you met these many real girls with the personalities of Lightning and Serah? Your obsession with Serah suggests a different story altogether.There are many real girls with Lightning and Serah's personality. When you insult them you're indirectly insulting girls like them. Many times I've seen a fictional character get insulted only to have it offend a real person because they have a lot in common with that character.
People can develop a strong emotional attachment to fictional characters. People like you tend to think that's weird and stupid, but it's not. You demonstrate a complete lack of understanding when your response is basically "she's not real, you're stupid."
While the writing is generally less corny, the flip side is that XIII-2's story makes *much* less sense than XIII's (and that's saying something).
Caius has the right idea:
Anyway some shots:
how's the game running for you compared to XIII ?
Nice shots.
Despite these dialogue choices not affecting the game, I have fun with them:
I think they do. There are paradox endings
worse. It shuts down my computer and the fps being slow. but my computer is old as hell though.
Despite these dialogue choices not affecting the game, I have fun with them:
Noel and Serah are so cute together. hehe.
hmm Debating whether I should I buy it..I mean my PC isn't the best and I expect a remaster on PS4 next year(which SE will give serious attention)
hmm Debating whether I should I buy it..I mean my PC isn't the best and I expect a remaster on PS4 next year(which SE will give serious attention)
And yes Noel-Serah is a good couple...SE artificially stopped the relationship from happening just because they wanted to keep forcing serah and snow..Noel and Yeul
Noel barely asks about Serah in LR..Despite the highly tragic ending in XIII-2
And yes Noel-Serah is a good couple...SE artificially stopped the relationship from happening just because they wanted to keep forcing serah and snow..Noel and Yeul
Noel barely asks about Serah in LR..Despite the highly tragic ending in XIII-2
Argh totally forgot about this - and 1080p as standard?? And so cheap?? Christmas has indeed come early.
Is there a way to turn off MSAA entirely? I don't want it, it's worthless.
Distant past style character trust into a futuristic world.
That was a great read. I'm still holding out hope that SE will finally get off their asses and really put some work in to fixing these ports.It seems like character discussion almost killed this thread. No wonder
Anyway, I did some in-depth technical evaluation of the port for PC gamer.
It seems like character discussion almost killed this thread. No wonder
Anyway, I did some in-depth technical evaluation of the port for PC gamer.
Yeah, people take stuff like that too seriously. It's supposed to be a lighthearted moment. Maybe those are the same people that get so upset at "Crazy Chocobo". It's supposed to be stupid. Final Fantasy pretty much always had those goofy moments.I had forgotten about the goofy "Limit Break!" boss theme.
It's stupid...yet fun. That damn tomato wailing at you while some vocalist is going DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT is too absurd to not be enjoyable.
The whole soundtrack is colorful, varied, pretty damn great.
Great work! Really appreciate having someone around that's willing to figure this stuff out.Okay, so I had given up on the file format in FF13-2, but someone linked me to a tool which can decrypt and encrypt the filelist files, so I spent some time to figure out how the FF13-2 container format works. It is super similar to the format in FF13, but it has a few bizarre differences which ended up being a bit of a hassle to figure out.
I haven't done extensive testing, but I think my tool can now extract and repack the files in FF13-2. But people will need an additional program for decrypting and encrypting the filelist files. You can find that tool here: http://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php?p=90451#p90451
My updated ff13tool is here: http://www.tzarsectus.com/tools/ff13tool.rar
And source code for my tool: http://www.tzarsectus.com/tools/source/ff13tool.rar
Yeah, people take stuff like that too seriously. It's supposed to be a lighthearted moment. Maybe those are the same people that get so upset at "Crazy Chocobo". It's supposed to be stupid. Final Fantasy pretty much always had those goofy moments.
The soundtrack is just all around great.
Another set, i'm still trying to complete the game...
Is this edited in any way not possible without third parties? Game looks amazing for screen shots.
hmm Debating whether I should I buy it..I mean my PC isn't the best and I expect a remaster on PS4 next year(which SE will give serious attention)
I actually forgot the dialogue choices exist..
And yes they were a fun addition in the game.
And yes Noel-Serah is a good couple...SE artificially stopped the relationship from happening just because they wanted to keep forcing serah and snow..Noel and Yeul
Noel barely asks about Serah in LR..Despite the highly tragic ending in XIII-2
<Odin Screenshot>
I don't know what do you mean, i'm not using nothing special... just 4K res.