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Final Fantasy XIII |OT|

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nubbe said:
There is so much moaning and groaning in the dialog I almost think I am watching a softcore porno at times.

I hate how Vanille constantly moans while in combat. For that reason alone, I never want to use her in combat.

The moans and groans are the single worst thing about Japanese game voice acting, it is completely embarassing to play these games in front of normal people.


So after 20 hours I got at the big area and all I have to say is that Square is dead.

I don't know...If the box didn't (and it shoudn't) say Final Fantasy, I'd say that it's a decent game.
Very disappointed at Square. Easily the worst in the series.
They must remake FFVII asap. I don't think FFXV will be ready for this gen, so it's the only way to deliver a great single player jrpg.

What exactly were they making for so many years? The game is a mess.

-Story. WTF is this? Fal'cie, l'cie ,focus....I DON'T CARE. FVIII's orphanage twist is better than everything I've seen so far in this game.

-Characters. Worst ever. In a few weeks I will not even remember their names. Everything they do or say makes no sense at all. I hated Zidane in FFIX. In this game they are so boring and uninteresting that I cannot even hate them.

-Gameplay. 20 hours running at a straight corridor doing battles every 30 seconds.I thought people exaggerated...

-Music. There is music? Didn't notice.

-Graphics. Great. Can Square make CG with no airships in there? I have only seen a billion of those.

-Battles. The only somewhat good thing in the game. They have a nice flow. The system is easy and addictive.

FF7-8-9, Xenogears, Chrono Cross, Vagrant Story, Parasite Eve , Brave Fencer Musashi....all in one gen. What happened to that Square?
Now that I think of it, maybe they should not touch FF7 at all...

Japan is in deep crisis. I really think The Last Guardian is their last chance.
Cep said:
Very much agreed with the most of this, though I never thought to see the day that a main entry elicited this sort of reaction from you.

I'm shocked more than any of you could ever be. But, as I mentioned there was still plenty of things I loved. It's just that I already expected to love those things. Outside of them, the game just didn't offer me a lot. It was just a poor excuse for an FF game. While I was playing, I was digging the battle system so much that I was like yay this is way more fun than the other games and the graphics are amazing and yadda yadda, but after the flaws grated on me and I thought about pretty much every other installment in the main series, the disappointment settled in. I usually listen to videogame music while I'm outside jogging, and I recently put FFIX's score on my iPod, and just listening through that score reminded me how amazing the series used to be. Not just the music obviously but it allowed me to reminisce on FFIX and some of the others in general and when I think about FFXIII in comparison I sort of wanted to cry.

So, I just cried here. :lol


thanks "asshole" who told me to go push through Chp12...

It killed my motivation to keep playing to get back to Gran Pulse. Why did I leave Gran Pulse!? This chapter is fucking terrible! It goes on FOREVER

P.S. FFVIII's story is still way less coherent than FFXIII's. FFXIII is just six characters saying Focus, Focus, Fal'Cie, Fal'cie, L'Cie for 40 hours. If you understand those terms you understand the story. FFVIII is a bunch of bizarre nonsensical bullshit strung together by lightly peppered sub-fanfiction ero novella crap for the preteen set.
Amir0x said:
thanks "asshole" who told me to go push through Chp12...

It killed my motivation to keep playing to get back to Gran Pulse. Why did I leave Gran Pulse!? This chapter is fucking terrible! It goes on FOREVER
Wait until you play the final dungeon, it's shorter but its idea of fun is to force you to have a Sentinel in play at all times


fuck that if I ever MAKE IT to Chap 13, I am literally never progressing further.

Easily the worst FF game ever. Jesus christ. Never have I thought I'd be anticipating a MMORPG Final Fantasy game. Now I basically cannot wait for FFXIV. Maybe that was the point of FFXIII? Drive people away from the offline FF titles so that they can make them long for their true money cows, their MMORPGS?

It's a thought.


protonion said:
Japan is in deep crisis. I really think The Last Guardian is their last chance.

What?! Japan is gonna blow up or something if they release another bad game?! Everyone who lives there, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!
Amir0x said:
P.S. FFVIII's story is still way less coherent than FFXIII's. FFXIII is just six characters saying Focus, Focus, Fal'Cie, Fal'cie, L'Cie for 40 hours. If you understand those terms you understand the story. FFVIII is a bunch of bizarre nonsensical bullshit strung together by lightly peppered sub-fanfiction ero novella crap for the preteen set.

Told you.


It's still an abysmal story though. Like, truly awful. But at least you can understand it. There is no possible way to understand FFVIII's story. People who pretend they understand it do not. They just invent elaborate theories to try to fill in the near endless plot holes.


Amir0x said:
It's still an abysmal story though. Like, truly awful. But at least you can understand it. There is no possible way to understand FFVIII's story. People who pretend they understand it do not.



Here's my analogy for FFXIII

Say you sign up for a cruise. Because cruises are awesome, from what you've experienced before and from what people tell you. You're totally hyped for this cruise. Then you get on the boat, and it's easily the shittiest cruise you've ever been on. The food sucks, there's nothing to do, and the place smells like hell. You're stuck on this shitty boat for a few days.

Then you arrive at an awesome city. The whole place is a party, you spend a couple nights there and have a great time. Unfortunately, some of the best clubs that you hear about won't let you in if you're with the cruise (because of the lingering smell I guess). So after you've had enough, or you've done all that you can possibly do on this visit, you get back onto that shittyass boat for a few days and go home.

Then there's the option to fly black to that awesome city and check out those clubs that wouldn't let you in before. If you are so inclined.
Amir0x said:
It's still an abysmal story though. Like, truly awful. But at least you can understand it. There is no possible way to understand FFVIII's story. People who pretend they understand it do not. They just invent elaborate theories to try to fill in the near endless plot holes.
Wait until the end, and then tell me if you can still make any sense of it :lol


It's so funny how much everyone hates FF XIII here when I am fucking loving this game :lol Everytime I come and look here it's just all hate.


Gran Pulse is WAY better than the rest of the game. More of the game should've been like Gran Pulse.

Why do they even introduce the upgrade system in Ch4 when you don't really get to use it until Ch11? For people who take their time (ie. Me), it took me 32 hours to get to Ch11. That's a hell of a long time before the game really shines. The combat system is much better with 3 characters than it is with 2, but they make you use 2 for the first half of the game. What a terrible idea.


Dries said:
It's so funny how much everyone hates FF XIII here when I am fucking loving this game :lol Everytime I come and look here it's just all hate.

Yeah it's hated on now by a decent number of posters but I think eventually it will be looked at fondly. I think it's a great game.


Here's my analogy for FFXIII's story:

There's a car. The car takes you somewhere. The scenery is fucking beautiful, it's goddamn jaw dropping, and you ask the driver if you can get off to take pictures. The driver stops the car and beats you up until you shift paradigms.

Then the car reaches the destination. But instead of letting you out, he leaves the car, and you watch him walk away and turn, only to flip a switch he takes out of his coat pocket. The car explodes. You should have died. But you summoned an eidolon. You beat the fuck out of the eidolon, while on fire, until it turns into a spaceship.

You get into the spaceship and nestle into the pubic region of the ship while it flies to the space pope. You kill the space pope, where upon you run to Mexico. But Mexico is empty of human life. They're all gone. You loot through the ruins until a highly improbably chain of events forces you back to your city. You find the driver that blew up the car. You beat the fuck out of him and as you are about to kill him, he shoots you in the chest, and you see a twenty minute cutscene before finally dying.
Finished the game last night with max tier 2 weapons for everyone and 3 main roles maxed on Crys. 9 for everyone. Any good CP farming place to head for end-game that I will be able to take down? Still don't think I can beat a Adamn.

Edit: < Ugh really? I confirmed like 80 times my avatar was within the limits and have had it for a year. Now this? Is Tinypic banned now or something?
Dresden said:
Is it? I figured it would be pretty puzzling if you haven't cleared the game. I'll just spoiler it then.


I thought the driver was the terrible hack who wrote this stuff. :lol



Awntawn said:
Wait until the end, and then tell me if you can still make any sense of it :lol

well it wouldn't surprise me if it made no sense. That, in fact, would be exactly what I would expect.


Lothars said:
Yeah it's hated on now by a decent number of posters but I think eventually it will be looked at fondly. I think it's a great game.

I think it'll be just the opposite two or three months, or even a year down the line. I think people will wake up and realize how utterly unreplayable the game is, and how unmemorable it is in the larger FF canon. Just my op.


Just beat it... I need to think about ending, but I think with certain suspension of disbelieve it makes sense. Sort of.

I wish they had some final datalog entry after you beat the game.

Was lucky to get the final boss trophy on the first try. Thats a relief, cause I have no intention to go back to that horrible place again. Thanks to this thread, I stocked enough deciptol to make last chapter almost painless.

At the end, awesome battle system carried me through the game. S-E, please build up on this system for FFXV. Just add formations and ability to change leader in a fight plus few improvements to AI and that will do, thank you.

Also, bring back:
a) explorable towns
b) side quests (one side quest per game is not enough, sorry)
c) puzzles (i was hoping all the way till ch13 that at least one puzzle will show up)
d) minigame (and no, chocobo digging in this game is too primitive to be counted as such)

I also find it amazing that they were able to build up a 50+ hour linear game with no back tracking (if you ignore missions) and fast combat, thats achievement, I guess. Some amazing locations there as well, sadly they often feel underutilized.

Also, I didn't get a feeling that crystals were in the center of the game world, as I expected from a game in Fabula Nova Cristallis series. People could have turned into stones with the same effect, basically, and crystals doesnt play any other roles as far as I can recall.
Magnus said:
I think it'll be just the opposite two or three months, or even a year down the line. I think people will wake up and realize how utterly unreplayable the game is, and how unmemorable it is in the larger FF canon. Just my op.

I'm replaying it right now and still loving it :/


I thought the world and characters were interesting but nothing was explained.

I thought that I wouldn't have a problem with linearity, and I didn't all the way up to ch.11. But after it moved on to ch.12 the return to the "walk forward to win" design was killing me.

The last boss and final cutscene were awesome though.


Kinan said:
I also find it amazing that they were able to build up a 50+ hour linear game with no back tracking (if you ignore missions) and fast combat, thats achievement, I guess. Some amazing locations there as well, sadly they often feel underutilized.

Man, if I skipped over Ch 11's optional missions and such, it was more like a 30 hour game, imo. I blew at least 10 hours wandering Pulse.


Junior Member
protonion said:
So after 20 hours I got at the big area and all I have to say is that Square is dead....

I'm giving it a chance, really I am (Chapter 10), but at this stage I don't give a shit if it opens up to Oblivion level proportions.

It's relying way too heavily on the battle system and though some of the bosses so far have been memorable there's so much junk in between.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Bearing in mind that I do think it's an okay game, I also think that FFXIII is God's punishment for people to bitched and whined overmuch about FFXII.


Kaijima said:
Bearing in mind that I do think it's an okay game, I also think that FFXIII is God's punishment for people to bitched and whined overmuch about FFXII.

It kills me the irony of all that "it plays itself" shit and we got a game that plays itself harder than any RPG in the past twenty years :(


Trickster said:
Is it possible to watch the CG parts without having to replay the game? I remember it being possible in FFX.
No, you either have to replay the game or watch them on youtube.


I do thoroughly enjoy this game, 75hrs in almost platinumed, but by god the X on my X button will be worn off by the end of this, it is a one-button button bashing game.


miladesn said:
No, you either have to replay the game or watch them on youtube.

It's so stupid not to have a cutscene theatre for unlocked scenes. They spent millions of dollars on them, they should want people to watch them as much as possible.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Himuro said:
Tips on final boss?

Well, I'm on
Orphan form 1
and the overall fight is easy, except for the status effects that get thrown at you. This wouldn't be a problem with the ai were competent enough to cast fucking esuna, but I have to do it all by myself.
I thought the AI has Esuna as their highest priority unless someone in your team has below 10% health?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Himuro said:
I just want it to eeeennnnnddddddd already.
For how long have you felt this pain man :(? You should stop if you really don't want to continue.
Yoshichan said:
I thought the AI has Esuna as their highest priority unless someone in your team has below 10% health?

Yup, that's how it works. If you have one only medic, then status effects will hurt. Got to use items.


Yoshichan said:
For how long have you felt this pain man :(? You should stop if you really don't want to continue.
I'm just starting chapter 12, and for some reason I just want to see it through since I'm apparently somewhat close to the end, like it'll build character or something.



Himuro said:
Tips on final boss?

Well, I'm on
Orphan form 1
and the overall fight is easy, except for the status effects that get thrown at you. This wouldn't be a problem with the ai were competent enough to cast fucking esuna, but I have to do it all by myself.

Vanille and poison. Yes, the character you hate the most is the most useful against the final boss


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Amir0x said:
It kills me the irony of all that "it plays itself" shit and we got a game that plays itself harder than any RPG in the past twenty years :(
... *Switches Paradigm Position*


sam27368 said:
I do thoroughly enjoy this game, 75hrs in almost platinumed, but by god the X on my X button will be worn off by the end of this, it is a one-button button bashing game.
Why do we press X? It's not a fighter! It's messed, it's compulsive to press it, even though it doesn't do anything because the ATB is loading. I mean QTE would have been interesting in that battle, and would make use of it...


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I've said it before and I'll say it again... if you don't like the characters from beginning to chapter 7-8, there's no chance that bond will improve in any way :lol

Thank God I loved all of them. Yes, even Vanille~
quick question:

i just killed the chapter 11 boss and the airship to Cocoon is waiting.. but uhh i want to go back to do hunts in Gran Pulse, and there's no teleportation cieth stone around apparently... do i really have to walk back?


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
astroturfing said:
quick question:

i just killed the chapter 11 boss and the airship to Cocoon is waiting.. but uhh i want to go back to do hunts in Gran Pulse, and there's no teleportation cieth stone around apparently... do i really have to walk back?
I think there was one in
, near a tree?


astroturfing said:
quick question:

i just killed the chapter 11 boss and the airship to Cocoon is waiting.. but uhh i want to go back to do hunts in Gran Pulse, and there's no teleportation cieth stone around apparently... do i really have to walk back?

there's a teleport stone in the center of oerba
astroturfing said:
quick question:

i just killed the chapter 11 boss and the airship to Cocoon is waiting.. but uhh i want to go back to do hunts in Gran Pulse, and there's no teleportation cieth stone around apparently... do i really have to walk back?

There's one at the beginning of
but it's still a long walk.
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