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Final Fantasy XIII |OT|

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And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
astroturfing said:
quick question:

i just killed the chapter 11 boss and the airship to Cocoon is waiting.. but uhh i want to go back to do hunts in Gran Pulse, and there's no teleportation cieth stone around apparently... do i really have to walk back?
There's a
C'eith stone in Oerba!


Yeah, the boss is glitchy or something, he died on me at around half his bar too. You're almost there, go all out now :D !


How do I 5-star Mission 2? Mission 1 was easy, you can pre-empt him. Mission 2 his minions are looking in every direction so you can't pre-empt, and the best I can seem to do is 3 star.
Just finished FFXIII last night...

The game was pretty average. I kept waiting for intense moments or awesome revelation but the game fell pretty flat. The story has to be the worst in the franchise. Fal'Cie, L'Cie, Cieth, Crystals, and Focus were pretty annoying words at the end of the game. The battle system was pretty detailed and was probably the best the series has seen in awhile. Since you only control one character the pacing was extremely fast and the Paradigm Shift allowed for cool strategies.

The game took 48 hours to complete which was overly long for a FF game without doing many sidequests on Gran Pulse. The music was pleasant to listen to while playing but lacked awesome melodies that Uematsu would crank out with every game. There is only 4 to 5 songs that I can remember off the top of my head. (The main battle theme being one of them.) Don't get me started on the weakling villian, Barthandelus. He silly banter and long non-manicured nails drove me insanely bored. A Kefka he is not. This wasn't a horrible FF game but a game I am surprised took over 3 years to develop.


Himuro said:
Ahahaha no way is this story better than FF8's. NO WAY. :lol
finished? and
yes the ending is awful and very short and confusing with lots of things remaining unexplained.
Awntawn said:
Here's my analogy for FFXIII

Say you sign up for a cruise. Because cruises are awesome, from what you've experienced before and from what people tell you. You're totally hyped for this cruise. Then you get on the boat, and it's easily the shittiest cruise you've ever been on. The food sucks, there's nothing to do, and the place smells like hell. You're stuck on this shitty boat for a few days.

Then you arrive at an awesome city. The whole place is a party, you spend a couple nights there and have a great time. Unfortunately, some of the best clubs that you hear about won't let you in if you're with the cruise (because of the lingering smell I guess). So after you've had enough, or you've done all that you can possibly do on this visit, you get back onto that shittyass boat for a few days and go home.

Then there's the option to fly black to that awesome city and check out those clubs that wouldn't let you in before. If you are so inclined.

Wait until the end, and then tell me if you can still make any sense of it :lol

hahahahahahaa....!!! perfect!
astroturfing said:
thanks for replies guys. guess i gotta walk back to find that stone.

If you remember where the first save spot was, right at the beginning of
, on the cracked pavement area, just walk straight forward. You will see it. The mission is crazy easy, also, although will require more backtracking into
to complete :/


Yoshichan said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again... if you don't like the characters from beginning to chapter 7-8, there's no chance that bond will improve in any way :lol

Thank God I loved all of them. Yes, even Vanille~

lol, Vanille's my favorite character.


That crazy Japanese Moon Language
Am I the only person who liked all the chapters preceding chapter 11? They were fun and they each had their own constraints/challenge level, not to mention they were freaking gorgeous. I think you guys are forgetting how utterly linear the other FF games were... sure, you had a world map, but you were blocked by mountains/water and told to walk from point A to B and then had a 5-7 screen dungeon with high encounter rate + boss battle thrown in. Towns were only visited once, events happened, then you went on your way.

FF13 is a fine tuned FF6. Same character split ups, same linear structure for each party group, and much better battle system.
Amir0x said:
P.S. FFVIII's story is still way less coherent than FFXIII's. FFXIII is just six characters saying Focus, Focus, Fal'Cie, Fal'cie, L'Cie for 40 hours. If you understand those terms you understand the story. FFVIII is a bunch of bizarre nonsensical bullshit strung together by lightly peppered sub-fanfiction ero novella crap for the preteen set.

Thing is, I understood those terms, but didn't understand the story. At least, what was happening after chapter... 7? I don't know. If someone asked me what happens in FFXIII I wouldn't know what to say, but at least with VIII I could have more of a discussion :lol
Digital-Hero said:
Just finished FFXIII last night...

The game was pretty average. The battle system was pretty detailed and was probably the best the series has seen in awhile. Since you only control one character the pacing was extremely fast and the Paradigm Shift allowed for cool strategies.

The game took 48 hours to complete which was overly long for a FF game without doing many sidequests on Gran Pulse. The music was pleasant to listen to while playing but lacked awesome melodies that Uematsu would crank out with every game.

That needed to be spoilered?

Anyway, I do agree about the battle systems, paradigm shifting was pretty fun and allowed for cool strategies at the first 35 hours of the game. After that period pretty much only 3 of the paradigms were useful for making any sort of progress though.
brandonh83 said:
Thing is, I understood those terms, but didn't understand the story. At least, what was happening after chapter... 7? I don't know. If someone asked me what happens in FFXIII I wouldn't know what to say, but at least with VIII I could have more of a discussion :lol

I got it.

The other characters all died when Anima fell into Bresha, the rest of the game is their dying dream.

They just get superpowers right as they "survived" something that should have easily broken every bone in their body.

Coincidence? I think not.


Fimbulvetr said:
I got it.

The other characters all died when Anima fell into Bresha, the rest of the game is their dying dream.

They just get superpowers right as they "survived" something that should have easily broken every bone in their body.

Coincidence? I think not.
:lol :lol :lol
Speaking of impossible to survive falls,
I love how Snow drops Hope's tough mom, and she falls into the bottomless abyss, dies, and he falls in the exact same spot and busts his ass

I almost didn't even bother spoiler-tagging that but I just got unbanned.


Unconfirmed Member
Well, I was playing FFXIII, and it's been fun. But, I picked up GoWIII. Just freaking wow. Will probably continue the game when I'm finish. But, OMG, I hope I never finish GoW.


I'm having trouble with mission 55 for the
Growth Egg
. I get destroyed on the first or second round. Non of my characters are over 10k hp but they are close. Maybe I should grind some more.

Any advice gaf?
FFXIII's story is less convoluted than most, if only because it's really simple and uses window dressing (like the totally unnecessary "first 13 days" flashbacks) to try to make itself appear more complex than it really is. It's not really as enjoyable, story-wise, as the one in FFVIII, though. Both stories are utter shit and badly told though and I don't know why I'm getting into a conversation about comparing them.

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
Himuro said:
Beat it andddd I'm making a review as I type.

brandonh83 said:
Speaking of impossible to survive falls,
I love how Snow drops Hope's tough mom, and she falls into the bottomless abyss, dies, and he falls in the exact same spot and busts his ass

I almost didn't even bother spoiler-tagging that but I just got unbanned.

Guess mom's aren't as tough as we thought.
hateradio said:
Why do we press X? It's not a fighter! It's messed, it's compulsive to press it, even though it doesn't do anything because the ATB is loading. I mean QTE would have been interesting in that battle, and would make use of it...
My X button is sticking now. My God... I'm going to break the X button on my controller on a game that doesn't even require one to mash it. It's a subconscious reflex action that's completely unnecessary. :(

(Stupid ingot farming...)


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I've been wondering, what was FFXIII environment theme like?

FFVII had a slum theme, FFVIII had a modern city theme, FFIX had a medieval theme, FFX has a beach theme.

I couldn't understand FFXIII's theme, the environment was... Futuristic abstract?


ULTROS! said:
I've been wondering, what was FFXIII environment theme like?

FFVII had a slum theme, FFVIII had a modern city theme, FFIX had a medieval theme, FFX has a beach theme.

I couldn't understand FFXIII's theme, the environment was... Futuristic abstract?

Futuristic "utopia" and the wild jungle/wilderness.


finished chapter 9,i'm at 20 hours now...going by the times the last 2 chapter trophies unlocked this freakin airship dungeon took me over 5 hours,so yeah,i dont like the length of the dungeons

the game also lacks cool bosses,its only random robots and monsters so far...i want to beat up that hot chick with the glasses
ULTROS! said:
I've been wondering, what was FFXIII environment theme like?

FFVII had a slum theme, FFVIII had a modern city theme, FFIX had a medieval theme, FFX has a beach theme.

I couldn't understand FFXIII's theme, the environment was... Futuristic abstract?

There is no theme. It's like SE's artists just vomited every where hoping something would work.


The environments reminded me of Phantom Menace, so generic sci-fi shit is just about right. That being said, it's much more impressive when in a videogame than in a movie - different expectations I guess.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Got to chapter 13, should be able to beat it soon, but I went back to do more hunts first. Did the end of 12 REALLY need those enemies constantly trying to cast Death on my party leader? It's like the game tries its hardest to make the game hard based on the combat engine's shortcomings.
B-Rad Lascelle said:
My X button is sticking now. My God... I'm going to break the X button on my controller on a game that doesn't even require one to mash it. It's a subconscious reflex action that's completely unnecessary. :(

(Stupid ingot farming...)

It gives the feeling like something is happening, though my thumb starting hurting after facing Chapter 9, 11, 12, and 13 bosses lol.


ZephyrFate said:
And produced some absolutely gorgeous designs.

True, but they have no understanding of a little something called 'cohesion.'

Many of the designs feel out of place and are simple jammed together.
ULTROS! said:
I've been wondering, what was FFXIII environment theme like?

FFVII had a slum theme, FFVIII had a modern city theme, FFIX had a medieval theme, FFX has a beach theme.

I couldn't understand FFXIII's theme, the environment was... Futuristic abstract?


Two primary settings were decided upon; the technologically advanced city world of Cocoon and the wildly organic planet of Pulse.

Cocoon, of course, encompasses the technological side of Final Fantasy XIII. The developers designed Cocoon as a gigantic city that hovers over the surface of the planet Pulse. Pulse is the conflicting parallel of Cocoon. It is a world of radical, natural evolution where animals and plants will grow to tremendous sizes and incredibly abstract forms. “It’s not the kind of ‘nature’ that people are used to seeing. We wanted to create a natural world that had no human interference. We wanted to exaggerate nature and to show just how far evolution could go if uninterrupted,” says Toriyama.
“There was a problem with finding the balance between a pulsating organic style and an industrial style and making it all believable to the audience. This was probably one of the largest challenges that his team faced. The color palette that we chose for the Cocoon world is actually very vibrant," says Kitase. “Making this believable was a chore because typically developers choose a more monotone palette when dealing with realism and machinery. We chose to depart from that and still have the player believe that they were in a war type, industrial setting.”


stolin said:
Finished the story part of the game a few days ago in 55 hours. I spent good chunk of time working on the missions before completing it. Since then I'm now at 80 hours as I've been working through all the endgame stuff. Here's my thoughts..

First 24 hours were too linear and simple, I understand the reasons but it should have been shortened. I didn't like the locked characters & contant switches. The next 30 hours were awesome. Once the game opens up and you have free roam to explore and do some missions I remember why I really wanted to play this game. All the parts that I missed from FFX & FFXII were now back in some form.

The next 25 hours were really about understanding the game systems, fully upgrading in Crytarium, upgrading weapons & accessories, 5 starring most of the missions, hunting for materials, party stategy & setup . This was my favorite section, there's a lot of depth here if you play this stuff.

I suspect I have about another 20 hours to do get the Platinum. It's going really fast now and I'm over that last hump. For as much as I felt let down by the beginning the end game has really paid off for me. My 2 cents.

Final time 102:24:32 for Platinum. I still stand by previous comments, except now the last 50 hours were my favorite.

For those still claiming it's too easy and too simple, as I did for the first 25 hours, the real challenge is at the end game. 5-Star all the missions, kill a Long Gui, etc, if you don't run to an FAQ by default these things are challenging and will make you understand the Paradigm Shifts & Character Setup.

It's not 10 mins of info as I've read in this thread, it has depth you just have to go for the end challenges.

My 5 cents.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
FFXIII's plot isn't good (it has some neat ideas and I enjoyed it as much as I enjoy most games stories) but it isn't hard to understand, at all. Still, if you're disinterested enough to not remember what's the difference between a L'cie and a Fal'cie I can see how one wouldn't be able to keep up (although it takes a lot of disinterest since they repeat those concepts each 10 minutes). I concede that the ending bullshits around a bit but it's nothing far away from the realm of JRPGs.
I've been banned for a month while this was out so I haven't had a chance to rant yet.
It's very strange that times I have both loved and hated this game to extremes. I found myself loving the fact that this game was actually difficult at times and not just a win button like almost every RPG, but then I got pissed as hell at the fact that even basic enemies could kill be near the end of the game if I turned my head away from the screen for a few seconds.

For what ever reason I love the battle system of 13 so much! It gives the combat an interesting twist in my opinion and make it more than just slamming the x button while doing something else. I really thought that they added needed difficulty to the game for once and it wasn't really even difficult, you just had to keep paying attention. I felt like it added some strategy to the fights and for the first time in a FF ever, I used buffs and de-buffs. I mean ever; I never bother with even haste in other FF games, there just isn't a reason too. The summons were cool looking and a bit interesting but I never thought they did much damage or helped. Usually I just just they to take a break and get health back. Oh, I love the use of libra so fucking much I almost cried. Just the fact the if you use libra, you change your auto attacks and then remember them if you fight that mob again is so perfect. It was the best part. It really kept the combat from dragging on too much.

I love the visuals, both in cocoon an on Pulse. It didn't feel like they recycled previous FF mobs into HD.

I liked the weapon and accessory upgrade system. The shops system felt complicated though. They didn't need more than one shop selling the same stuff, and I didn't get what was going in with the some of items not being used at first. I'm having fun with the hunting mission but I'm not getting many 5 stars yet and I don't think I'm going to do these many times over and over. The crystal system (whatever it's called) is basically a new sphere grid but hey I loved the sphere grid. I actually don't like that they opened all the classes up. I already beat the game and I'm going to use the same classes for people anyway, it's just a huge time sink.

It didn't bother my at first that there were no towns and you really ran a straight path. I'm glad this FF did something different than the others. However, I got annoyed after a few chapters because not only was each map section connection in a one way long line, but each map was boring as hell. There often weren't even any branching paths to explore often. The analogy I read about running down a long tunnel for 20 hours is actually very true.

The story was my biggest issue. I had a large amount of confusion in the beginning over many of the terms (l'cie, fal cie, so on) used and what the hell was going on. There are good ways to tell a non linear story and in FF13 it didn't really work for me. The confusion over the division of Cocoon and Pulse went further too. I though that maybe each side had it's own Fal Cie that were like god and the l'cie were the warriors. If that is the case then it wasn't clear enough. I thought for the entire game the no one lived on Pulse and it was all monsters and demons or something and when you finally get there
there are no people anywhere but they don't say anything about it. Were they all dead?. They also didn't make it seem like Vanile and Fang had been frozen for very long at all, but they were there at the last great war right? ugh
I won't go on more as people have covered it, but it went thin and rushed even for a FF game.

Oh, I'll ask this: Is there any defense stat in this game. I couldn't figure it out at all. There wasn't any armor and it never felt like my character got tougher, they just added HP

Loved the graphics
Loved the combat (mostly)
Loved the character models
Loved Sahzs, felt like a real guy to me. I actually liked hope too. Normally I hate the whiny guy in the Jrpg, but I thought he had a very good arc to his confidence. He should start a little scared and whiny but he got to a good place.
Liked the weapon upgrades and hunt quests.

Hated the story to a point it really brought the game down a bit.
Didn't always love the combat, resetting my paradigms every time was evil, and in so many fights it felt like they were just dragging the fight on too long and wasting my time.
The level structure and limited exploration for 3/4 of the game didn't bother me at first but by the time I got to pulse I was just screaming to run around.

My loves in this game are strong, but so are my hates. I don't think I've even given a FF game a mental 10, but I can't say this was a 9 to me. I haven't slotted it in my FF list yet but I think this goes in spot 4-5 right now, just ahead of FF3 and just behind FF9. That may change
Himuro said:
FF13 is nothing like FF6. You have not played FF6 in years, that much is obvious.
In the vaguest sense of structure, they both start out linear and have a more open-world second half. But that's where comparisons must end, because otherwise they're completely different games and the similarities have to be blown waaaay out of proportion to call 13 the equivalent of 6 with a better battle system. :lol
Fuu said:
FFXIII's plot isn't good (it has some neat ideas and I enjoyed it as much as I enjoy most games stories) but it isn't hard to understand, at all. Still, if you're disinterested enough to not remember what's the difference between a L'cie and a Fal'cie I can see how one wouldn't be able to keep up (although it takes a lot of disinterest since they repeat those concepts each 10 minutes). I concede that the ending bullshits around a bit but it's nothing far away from the realm of JRPGs.

At the end
I had no idea what Barthandelus' intentions were, what he was trying to get the l'Cie to do, what he was trying to get to happen to Orphan, what... this and that. I was just so lost at the end of the game because it wasn't explained well at all. Nothing was. The game literally starts assuming you know what every term means which is even more evident by the little "we have cutscenes and voice acting but here's some cliffnotes because you have no fucking idea what that dude just said" and just runs rampant without any intention of giving anything any sort of context. Oh, okay so Cocoon is terrified of fal'Cie, and there is a fal'Cie running around in Bohan, oh shit that's bad, but on the other hand we have fal'Cie that govern us and power our way of life and those are good fal'Cie, we think, but there's a Pulse fal'Cie in Bohan... I rest my case. It's convoluted as hell and I don't feel dumb for losing grip of it in the long run.

I didn't think FFVIII was nearly that confusing. Convoluted? Absolutely, but I was able to stick with it.
brandonh83 said:
At the end
I had no idea what Barthandelus' intentions were, what he was trying to get the l'Cie to do, what he was trying to get to happen to Orphan, what... this and that. I was just so lost at the end of the game because it wasn't explained well at all. Nothing was. The game literally starts assuming you know what every term means which is even more evident by the little "we have cutscenes and voice acting but here's some cliffnotes because you have no fucking idea what that dude just said" and just runs rampant without any intention of giving anything any sort of context. Oh, okay so Cocoon is terrified of fal'Cie, and there is a fal'Cie running around in Bohan, oh shit that's bad, but on the other hand we have fal'Cie that govern us and power our way of life and those are good fal'Cie, we think, but there's a Pulse fal'Cie in Bohan... I rest my case. It's convoluted as hell and I don't feel dumb for losing grip of it in the long run.

I didn't think FFVIII was nearly that confusing. Convoluted? Absolutely, but I was able to stick with it.
I didn't confuse Fal cie and L'cie, once I heard it 3-4 times. At first since I had no idea, I really didn't get it, not until we saw a fal cie. About the end
I did get that. He wanted to kill everyone on cocoon at the same time because it was supposed to call the worlds original creator/god back to them. I'm not saying it was great but I understood that.
Zoe said:
She got hit by the blast and shielded Snow. The FF series is notorious for not showing blood.

Well she got hit buy the shockwave, sure, but she wasn't anywhere inside the blast zone.
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