Kings and queens of jobbing and making healers' lives miserable.
If only there was a way to apply Chaos Thrust without Disembowel.Dragoons aren't kings.
There's nothing better than playing on a couch, except not being able to talk to anyone because talking with the controller is such a pain.
This is why you don't treat furniture with any amount of respect.
I was going to do this in the giveaway thread but I wanted to do a FFXIV contest for it because it originally was for my FC.....and out of the 300 members...not a single one uses the forums lol. They Lucked out, whatever.
I'm giving away my GTX 680 since I just got a GTX 970
this GTX 680 is the one in particular and its fucking huge
You can enter in this thread with the Title FFXIV Giveaway
that way I can search real quick, Cutoff will be tomorrow night by midnight Central Time. April 27th Midnight Central
Post your most breathtaking in game screenshot and I'll pick a winner on Tuesday
the screenshot cannot be altered! However external capture software can be used....because we all hate that watermark and quality
and hopefully get the card out by the end of this week! I work 12 hours so its not easy to get to the post office or UPS store.
Apparently the earring added to the cash shop last night is from an event in 2011? I guess it's nice they're getting around to making 1.0 stuff available.
I want 1.0 titles
Like Bards.This is why you don't treat furniture with any amount of respect.
Like Bards.
Well you know, next time you want TP...
It's like Kagari hates the Disembowel debuff.
It's like Kagari hates the Disembowel debuff.
My group doesn't have a DRG.
Disembowel is not worth the amount of paeon that needs to be sung when they get raised.
Your group also doesn't have Tengetsu!
Isn't Goad that thing commonly wasted on tanks?
I don't see that as a negative :0.
I appreciate every second of it.
think of my fracture uptime!
Isn't Goad that thing commonly wasted on tanks?
Isn't Goad that thing commonly wasted on tanks?
Go back to summoner where you belong.
It's wasted in general because Bard will have to use Paeon anyway for themselves.
Your BRD and DRG get no Goad love?
To be serious for a moment, Bard getting the first Goad (~30-45s into the fight) and then the other melee getting the second on cooldown puts off Paeon by a fair amount.
Realistically, I can get by without a Goad for nearly 5 minutes if I have to actually tank things since IB / Steel Cyclone use; even PLD is sort of fine with Shield Swipe procs and any stance dancing costing 2 GCDs.
My group has been rotating the first two Goads of a fight between my MNK and the BRD since forever. I believe most NIN+2nd melee groups have been doing the same thing.
T12 Bennu phase at least isn't a problem anymore thanks to echo-induced 3 Bennu Dream.
Regardless, it works out to the same total TP recovered so it's really just about using the first one early in the fight rather than in between 1st and 2nd Invigorate or something.
My group has been rotating the first two Goads of a fight between my MNK and the BRD since forever. I believe most NIN+2nd melee groups have been doing the same thing. Paeon is only used in T13 if one of the DPS dies soon after popping Invigorate or something, wasting all that TP.
I'm gonna go with the first option.I wonder who died more in T13 progression. Bards from Blood for Blood or Dragoon from being Dragoon.
Doesn't the Ninja run out of TP?
Doesn't the Ninja run out of TP?
I probably would've wiped us if we got 4 \o/
Gotta aim high! When are we trying 2 Bennu pulls?!
Alternate answer: after we stop being bads. So never.
Score: 4846
well i wont be playing on max setting need that 60fps
I like how you can tell who's on SSD or HDD
so who's going top drama's Total Loading Time 152.401 sec
Score: 4846
Average Frame Rate: 37.424
Performance: High
-Easily capable of running the game. Should perform well, even at higher resolutions.
Loading Times by Scene
Scene #1 1.452 sec
Scene #2 4.998 sec
Scene #3 5.261 sec
Scene #4 4.484 sec
Scene #5 4.219 sec
Scene #6 2.019 sec
Total Loading Time 22.434 sec
Scene 2 takes me 16 seconds for whatever reason. The rest are only slightly higher than yours, yet my overall score is 1000 better. You running on SSD?
I have a 120gb SSD but it is for windows only.
Doesn't the Ninja run out of TP?
yea ssd what card do you have i got a 7870 my cpu is running at 4.2Ghz also
It's possibile to swith on fly directx 9 and 11 during the benchmark?
Score: 8005
Average Frame Rate: 66.011
Performance: Extremely High
-Easily capable of running the game on the highest settings.
Loading Times by Scene
Scene #1 5.237 sec
Scene #2 16.642 sec
Scene #3 7.033 sec
Scene #4 6.921 sec
Scene #5 6.336 sec
Scene #6 6.416 sec
Total Loading Time 48.589 sec
I've underestimated the Macbook Pro...
I guess I'll be using this to raid in Heavensward after all.