I've underestimated the Macbook Pro...
I guess I'll be using this to raid in Heavensward after all.
Pfft considering it's DX9 you might as well stick to PS4.
I've underestimated the Macbook Pro...
I guess I'll be using this to raid in Heavensward after all.
I've underestimated the Macbook Pro...
I guess I'll be using this to raid in Heavensward after all.
What is she eating.
Machinist AF preserving that ZR.
What is she eating.
grey or brown guys >_<
What is she eating.
What is she eating.
Fried salty tears from BRDs, who aren't anymore the only support job in the game.
Sorry BRDs, you're time is over!
I think it's a single, perfectly-formed Dorito.
A Dorito.
corn pizza
I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw that.
[15:29]Challenge log entry Hooked on the Reeling (HQ) complete!
I think this is the first time I have ever actually done that Challenge Log entry.
please send help
I am actually really curious how they'll handle dual support DPS classes. Right now things are kind of structures so that when you have two jobs fulfilling the same group function you want one of each--WAR/PLD, SCH/WHM. Bard has squeaked by as unquestionably worst DPS because lolutility. Does Machinist get equally reduced DPS? Do they get redundant support skills making it either/or? Do they get better DPS but weaker support skills? Do they get complementary ones encouraging bringing both roles (this cannot be the answer it is too dumb)? Are they just going to add redundancy to everyone so you finally don't basically need any given role?
That is false. My incredible 390 DPS was the top one on World of Darkness last night. BRD superior class.Bard has squeaked by as unquestionably worst DPS because lolutility
olgoi #2!
they changed the bust size in 3.0 but not the ass size? rest in peace
What the hell.
What the hell.
Got 4K DSR working (UI bug was ignoring my Fullscreen choice):
I thought that was a min/max comparison. Regardless, life>hometown.
{You can have this.}
It means they tried to hard to make some of their emotes cute that it came off as unnatural and not cute at all. Like bad anime.What does that even mean.
They seemed about as silly as every other race/gender's emotes, which I guess means most emotes in this game are anime.no seriously, what does that mean
It's a bad habit."[insert thing] is so anime" comments are getting sorta dumb.
Everything set to max:
My miqo'te is ready.
FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward Benchmark
Tested on: 4/27/2015 5:30:31 PM
Score: 10832
Average Frame Rate: 84.940
Performance: Extremely High
-Easily capable of running the game on the highest settings.
Loading Times by Scene
Scene #1 1.406 sec
Scene #2 6.197 sec
Scene #3 5.105 sec
Scene #4 4.481 sec
Scene #5 4.357 sec
Scene #6 1.786 sec
Total Loading Time 23.333 sec
Screen Size: 1920x1080
Screen Mode: Full Screen
DirectX Version: 11
Graphics Presets: Maximum
-Wet Surface Effects: Enabled
-Occlusion Culling: Disabled
-LOD on Distant Objects: Disabled
-Real-time Reflections: Highest Quality (DirectX 11 Only)
-Edge Smoothing (Anti-aliasing): FXAA
-Transparent Lighting Quality: High
-Grass Quality: High
-Background Tessellation: High Quality
-Water Tessellation: High Quality
-Self: Display
-Other NPCs: Display
Shadow Quality
-LOD on Shadows: Disabled
-Shadow Resolution: High - 2048p
-Shadow Cascading: Best
-Shadow Softening: Strong
Texture Detail
-Texture Filtering: Anisotropic
-Anisotropic Filtering: x16
Movement Physics
-Self: Full
-Other NPCs: Full
-Limb Darkening: Enabled
-Radial Blur: Enabled
-Screen Space Ambient Occlusion: HBAO+: High Quality (DirectX 11 Only)
-Glare: Normal
Cinematic Cutscenes
-Depth of Field: Enabled
Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200) (10061.fbl_impressive.150410-2039)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (VRAM 3072 MB) 9.18.0013.4990
FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward Benchmark
Tested on: 4/27/2015 7:17:28 PM
Score: 1969
Average Frame Rate: 15.671
Performance: Slightly Low
-Capable of running the game, but may experience some slowdown. Adjust settings to improve performance.
Loading Times by Scene
Scene #1 16.856 sec
Scene #2 62.213 sec
Scene #3 59.791 sec
Scene #4 51.834 sec
Scene #5 41.486 sec
Scene #6 15.704 sec
Total Loading Time 247.886 sec
This is why I play on a PS4.
Score: 6542
Average Frame Rate: 51.242
Performance: Very High
-Easily capable of running the game. Should perform exceptionally well, even at higher resolutions.
Loading Times by Scene
Scene #1 9.192 sec
Scene #2 30.961 sec
Scene #3 12.180 sec
Scene #4 15.821 sec
Scene #5 12.439 sec
Scene #6 6.316 sec
Total Loading Time 86.914 sec
Screen Size: 1920x1080
Screen Mode: Full Screen
DirectX Version: 11
Graphics Presets: Maximum
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.150316-1654)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4440 CPU @ 3.10GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 Ti OEM (VRAM 1991 MB) 9.18.0013.5012
It's difficult to explain without talking as if there are different levels of 'anime'. In the case of the Au Rau males they look like something off a 12 year olds deviant art page.Just seems like a weird way to describe things. A lot of their unique hair styles do look like something you'd see in an anime, but then 90% of all gear, animations, dialogue, and so forth are also something you'd see in a typical anime. That style is pretty intertwined with JRPGs to begin with. (for obvious reasons)
Oh and male Au Ra got a lot of the other race's male hair styles on top of the super saiyan hair, so if that's all that's holding you back it's not a big deal.