oh neat, my preorder copy of stormblood finally was delivered today. just in time
thanks best buy
All healers get Esuna at 20 now.
Ahh, good to know. Yeah, I should have expected that.Healers get Esuna as a role ability at 20 now.
Thanks to the people who suggested to do Palace of the Dead to get my feet wet. I'm starting to remember how to play this game again.
QQ, though. When I try to assign Stone I to my hotbar, it automatically adds Stone II instead. Is that a new thing? Can I still cast Stone I?
Spells like Stone scale automatically with level now.
This would have felt terrible on NIN so I'm glad it's not going to be a thing.
for Bard, i thought Skill Speed affects how strong my poison/windbite ticks are.....
DRK is gutted. I switched from PLD to DRK in part due to the animations and stuff (I play Death Knight in WoW, so there's some crossover class fantasy wise), but mostly because it was a million times more fun to actually play. Lots of oGCD's and choices to make when it came to mana and managing it. I switched back to PLD, because PLD is legitimately more fun to play now.
A bunch of DRK's abilities got taken from them, neutered, and then turned into role abilties, they only have two combos now, Dark Passenger is nerfed into the ground, Scourge is gone (so no more DoT management), Blood Price is pathetic. I could go on. It's beyond shitty what they've done to some of the jobs.
Well this is annoying. I wanted to give this a try having not played in a couple of years. It keeps saying it doesn't recognize my email for a password reset, but it's definitely the right one
I had someone told me that they do good damage now, tho. Was he full of shit?
Also,yeah, it does feel gutted. I was playing DRK before picking my class to MSQ with and kept trying to do the fuckin Delirium combo smh.
where are you trying to log in? the launcher? a friend of mine had a similar issue the other night.. it turned out it was because her subscription wasn't active and she didn't have any game time left on her account. (she was doing this through the launcher)
Try going here -
I'm sure it's fine damage-wise. Even in 3.0 afaik, PLD was usable even if it wasn't optimal. A tank is a tank and is always needed. It just sucks that they took the job I spent 2 years playing and took out all the fun.If DRK is doing good damage and doing a decent job as a tank then that's likely what I'll level next. I can deal with it being more boring than before as long as I'm contributing
If DRK is doing good damage and doing a decent job as a tank then that's likely what I'll level next. I can deal with it being more boring than before as long as I'm contributing
When I say DRK seems gutted I am referring to their feel and kit rather than output. DOT removed, low blow (a cool kick animation) removed, shadowskin (another cool animation) removed, low blow reset similar to shield swipe removed, dark dance removed, blood price nerfed to near uselessness, dark passenger nerfed to near uselessness, and the mana management changes.
At least for mine things are perfect now.Gonna get back in soon to finish the HW story. Are there still server problems in NA?
Almost have DRK to 70 now and I'm really starting to feel it all come together. The combat flow is a lot better than I thought it would be, playing with enhanced blackblood is a huge gamechanger. And dropping grit and going ham with enhanced length blood weapon has never felt so good.
The new weapons can't be bought with tokens?been farming has primals all afternoon not a single katana or bird.....
34 expanse tokens 27 hive tokens...
rnjesus please....
Originally I tried the ps4 login, but didn't know the password reset, so it directed to that site you gave me. I tried forgot password there and it sends an email saying it doesn't find my email address. It's definitely the right one because I still have registration emails from them. My account expired ages ago, so maybe that's it? I sent them an email
I know Verity is gonna become outdated (sad lol?) in a few weeks...but what's the rate via level 70 activities? Like I think its 15 for the EX Primals? But what about the 70 Dungeons.
80 per dungeon; EXDR has an 80 bonus, 50/60 roulette has 120, leveling has 100,trial has 60. Gear is cheaper in general too--chest and pants are 425, ring is like 180, gloves etc are somewhere in the 200s.
Verity is super easy to come by and depending on if/when you plan on hitting the primals you potentially only really need to fill the six left-side items and one ring, since you can get all the other accessories from Lakshmi and the weapon from Susano.
Good for outfitting alt jobs or just stockpiling it to see if they add anything that uses mats that can only be bought with Verity when they add the other tomes in.
The new weapons can't be bought with tokens?
They don't seem to have the fancy glow of the ones that drop, at least not when you try them on?
Please... don't tell me I'v been silly![]()
Wait, someone actually misses Dark Dance?
The glow is from the crafted ones (and exist as basically glamour options); the drop one and the token one are the exact same version without the glow.
If you get a Hive Forewing, the rest of the mats to get one made are probably pretty easy / cheap to get.
On the level 67 dungeonI forgot to mention some of my thoughts on the level 67 dungeonDOma Castle.
Are SE following some sort of template here? Haurchefant was killed in a level 57 dungeon and Gosetsu in a 67 dungeon. Does this mean new potential cool characters will keep being killed off every expansion? It kinda did hit me... I was starting to really like Gosetsu and his stuff with Hien
On Yotsuyu: SPOILERSI still dont really like her, tbh. Her motives aren't that great but her voice actress is really damn good. However, I saw her coming from a mile away.
She never really liked the empire... just forced to be there. In the end, she killed Gosetsu and herself and she broke down crying. I didn't really like her motives and as far as I'm concerned she's just a disappointing character since she was killed off super fast.
I expected more buildup by seeing her as a creepy child in that flashback but there she goes... not even a fight with her? Meh, she's just meh. I can see why people like her but her motives have been done a zillion times in the ff series.
Are you sure about that? To me it feels like the Framerate is much higher and it feels smoother to play. I thought it might be placebo, but when I played on my brothers regular PS4, it didn't feel as good, wnd he said the same. No actual tests thoughYou need a 4k tv or it won't show up.
Are you sure about that? To me it feels like the Framerate is much higher and it feels smoother to play. I thought it might be placebo, but when I played on my brothers regular PS4, it didn't feel as good, wnd he said the same. No actual tests though
For trash pulls: Grab aggro, use BP, spam AB, use Carve and Spit for more AB's, occasionally siphon strike if oom. One I have a solid lead drop grit, pop BW, and use as many Quietes's as I can. Only using DA DP if I have a mana overflow. Use delirium nn BP instead of BW if there are more than 3 adds.How are you running him?
For what it's worth, I feel slightly more active now, or at least more of a sense of chasing my GCD, with rotating DA on basically every GCD during the longer BW windows. Blood Price is essentially hot garbage now, however, and seeing _less than 100 MP triggers_ while leveling is fucking abysmal. I think I nearly let us die on the first long pull in the 61 dungeon because I just stared at "83 MP" and going what the shit at my monitor before remembering.
Still in the process of getting it to 70 but the pains have been there for some pulls compared to PLD/WAR leveling; at the same time, the damage side of it and out-of-Grit feels better as Delirium'd BW is an extended "I have too much MP please help me spend it all" mode. I do wish they kept one other oGCD, simply for the sake of the occasional non-DA'd GCD window needing a button press.
where my bloodbath go
I can take a step back and recognize Warrior is in an overall better defensive position with gaining Rampart, having more fights working well with their timers (60s, 120s vs PLD/DRK 180s), and getting to bank IBs if the situation calls for it (even if I secretly hope to never touch that button). We still have probably the best threat generation, albeit we're loathe to ever go that route unless absolutely forced into it. But goddamn if there's something off about the lack of Bloodbath and some better sense of self-preservation and I hesitate to Defiance-Equilibrium-Deliverance more than I've ever before.
Just a note, the email is case sensitive. I learned the hard way that they have mine with a capital C for .Com.
At level 62, I'm finding SAM much easer to play then NIN. People are telling me I'm wrong and SAM is way harder. Am I misssing something here, or just personal prefrence?
Very fun to play. Kind of on the low side balance-wise.Can't search thread since I'm on mobile. How is bard currently? Currently going through HW content and I don't see a lot of people talking about bard in this thread. Might have missed it though.