Stone Ocean
If only I had done EX roullete for my 330 spearshield oaaath
I haven't played in a few days. I think the game is finally starting to wind down for me.
commit death by jumpIf only I had done EX roullete for my 330 spear
Fuckity fuck
I don't have an immediately better solution at all. They're not terrible, just not interesting either. They just kind of seem like they're there because of reasons whereas the other characters are interesting and have some purpose.
Unrelated Stormblood spoilers
I can't believe they build you up as the Warrior of Light and Slayer of Dragons throughout ARR and HW just to have you job to Zenos. That was real bad. They should have come up with a less awful way to make him menacing.
Ew guildhests. Thanks lol.
I just did the first two Omega raids on normal. I didn't get shit for the second one. What should I be rolling? I assumed everyone would do greed to give everyone the same odds. I think that's how it works.
My static and I suffered through V1 Savage again tonight and got the clear. I just had to die once every run. God I get so frustrated that it just leads to more mistakes. How do I remain coolheaded? Raiding is new to me.
It's a dance and you're learning the steps.
v1s is all about memorizing those half dozen or so fireball patterns. And making sure you're out of the way of Clamp.
How perfectly do you gotta know the mechanics to Extreme Primal fights and the harder content in general? I joined a Susano EX party just to get some practice in but everyone was on me the two times we died. I admit I just watched a video and tried to learn as I fought the battle but damn. It seemed like both loses were because of something I did or didn't do.
EDIT: Finally won after about 6 tries in a practice party. It probably was me fucking up on that other party. I probably didn't pay attention to the markers on me. Shit gets so chaotic at the end. Lakshmi looks even harder. I can't even imagine Savage.
Lakshmi is actually super easy as long as you remember to use the Vril everytime something happens during Chancalla. Interestingly the hardest spot on this fight in my opinion is OT, since keeping up threat can be a pain in the ass and if you don't it causes wipes so have to provoke fairly often and keep track of everyone else threat. In a perfect world the MT shirks you so you can shirk him back and not be behind on threat and people use their aggro tools, but most of the pubs it's just basically, do all that shit on your own cause no one's going to bother to help at all.
InterestingPatch 4.1 will introduce a large scaled pvp involving "Mechas", where 2 forces of players will fight against each other.
So geomancers are... masters of wind and water? Leveva, you what?
I'm pretty sure that's not what "geo" means at all!
Literally just provokeshirk every once in a while, if the MT in a pug doesn't work with you, tell them to. With the tools they've given tanks threat should rarely ever be an issue.
Then again, I always seem to have unrealistically high expectations of DF.
The only wiping part in Susanoo is when he puts the orange marker thing(push back then line to stand in) while the lightning is up on the side of the arena. If it's lined up with the boss, you have to move to the sides so the lightning bar aoe isn't right in the middle of the safe zone. If it's on the sides, you just make sure you're standing a bit behind so it doesn't cross right on top of the boss which is annoying(not wipe but just annoying and some people might die). Other than that not too much, do have to move to the other side when you have purple marker but this one is both easy to heal through and easy to avoid.
Lakshmi is actually super easy as long as you remember to use the Vril everytime something happens during Chancalla. Interestingly the hardest spot on this fight in my opinion is OT, since keeping up threat can be a pain in the ass and if you don't it causes wipes so have to provoke fairly often and keep track of everyone else threat. In a perfect world the MT shirks you so you can shirk him back and not be behind on threat and people use their aggro tools, but most of the pubs it's just basically, do all that shit on your own cause no one's going to bother to help at all.
But other than the aggro thing, Lakshmi is simple yeah, just a lot of people seem to forget to vril especially the last phase, when really what you can do is just See chanchalla > vril > ability has been used that removed vril > vril and you'll be fine, don't have to time them they last 40secs so they always last until next ability.
When the cloud spawns near him on the north side, run through Susano up next to it, he doesn't cleave aside from Stormsplitter, and the MT can easily dodge the lightning AOE.Yeah that shit wiped us three times. The tanks kept having Susano on the top corner so every time a cloud spawned near him we were pretty fucked.
The job known as the Geomancer in the west is more accurately translated as "Feng-Shui user", which can be literally translated as "master of the way of wind and water". Thr job does classically use a lot of wind and water element attacks too.So geomancers are... masters of wind and water? Leveva, you what?
I'm pretty sure that's not what "geo" means at all!
Soken loves Female Au ras.
Yoshi-p chooses his own hair style and outfit. He uses hard wax. Snow boarding is about the only hobby outside of gaming, that Yoshi-p can instantly come up with. He prefers women who are like Female Au ra.
The development of the male bunny outfit has currently stopped, but it's almost time they start working on it again. They had a look at a male Hyur in the bunny outfit and their bottom looked sexy.
Haven't played the game since getting my 330 chest piece a week ago.
Stormblood was OK overall and it was fun to get back into the game after taking an almost two-year-long break, but now at lvl 70 it's just the same grind that HW was. Like exactly the same: three dungeons, two primals, one four-part raid with regular and savage versions. You'd think that they would have come up with something new, shake things up a bit, but no, it's exactly the same. I couldn't muster the energy to keep running the same content week after week in HW, and I can't do it now in SB.
Sorry, just felt like ranting. Feels kinda weird to be so down on the game when just a month or so ago I was still really into it.
Both front and back will be flat as a board won't they?🤔
skin disease and waifu cringe
well at least the male au ra got to look dope
All hips and bad faces.
Keep going through the patches. You should amass tomes over time that'll help you catch up in gear. You can't do anything past 60 until you pick up Stormblood.Hey guys, couple of dumb questions.
I just re-subbed for 1 month to see if I wanted to get back into this game. I stopped playing around patch 3.1 so my item level is only like 205 ish.
So what should I do about gear to catch up? I see you can now trade poetics for i260 stuff? Any other tricks to speed it up?
Also, I haven't purchased Stormblood yet, as I don't want to drop $40 on it unless I know I'm going to stay subbed, so can I not gain exp past level 60 until I install stormblood?
I'm pretty sure male au ra have the biggest hips in the game. Male roes don't count.
Don't ask me why I know this.
Keep going through the patches. You should amass tomes over time that'll help you catch up in gear. You can't do anything past 60 until you pick up Stormblood.
The bright side is, the leveling curve in Stormblood is really good. By the time I hit the last few zones of Stormblood, I'd left behind entire settlements of sidequests. Dungeon queue times even as a DPS are mostly normalized due to cracked clusters (gives you Grade VI materia) being offered as the adventurer in need bonus for leveling roulette and are back to 20-30 minute queues for a DPS as a result. MSQ EXP is really large this go around too. There's also a chance FATEs will spawn with a bonus XP modifier, as well as an enemy (Forlorn Maiden or The Forlorn) that can randomly spawn in FATEs that grant bonus XP to the next FATE you complete after the one it spawned in.Crap, I was hoping the quests I did while finishing the 3.x storyline would give me the exp, but I guess I need SB for that. Thanks.
I'm pretty sure male au ra have the biggest hips in the game. Male roes don't count.
Don't ask me why I know this.
Hi. Got my fishing up to 43 and my retainer is holding damn near a full inventory of fish. What am I supposed to do with the ones not used on leves? Just sell them?
I wish SE would pull a 2.4 and release a tank or healer in a patch lol. I wanna level more dps but I'm tired of long queues lol. PvP is cool but most of the time I'd rather zone out in a dungeon and kill mobs. I can dream, right?