Loool someone straight got to level 70 without even getting past Raubahn Extreme.
Seeing this thread really makes me want to get back in and finish ARR and get Heavensward.
Loool someone straight got to level 70 without even getting past Raubahn Extreme.
Gotta say, after wanting SAM for so long and finally getting it I almost feel like RDM is the more fun class. Such a disappointment considering how much fun SAM was in 11. Only 51 with each so it's way to soon to tell.
Doing the last few story quests in Heavensward and I don't think I can progress any further. "Fly Free, My Pretty", in which you have to fight normally, then pilot a magitek rider, then fight normally again, is just impossible. Having lost some of my major magic (Fire II... it's gone), and already being at the level cap for this fight... any tips for a BLM setup with no Swiftcast, Fire II, or Thunder? I can't even imagine a non-DPS doing this fight...
Wait what, fire 2 and thunder are gone for you? That doesn't sound right at all.Doing the last few story quests in Heavensward and I don't think I can progress any further. "Fly Free, My Pretty", in which you have to fight normally, then pilot a magitek rider, then fight normally again, is just impossible. Having lost some of my major magic (Fire II... it's gone), and already being at the level cap for this fight... any tips for a BLM setup with no Swiftcast, Fire II, or Thunder? I can't even imagine a non-DPS doing this fight...
what part of this thread have you been reading
It's pretty bullshit but at least new footage of Monster Hunter World is coming out on the 20th.
That's the only thing I'm thinking of while playing this game.
Monster Hunter World.
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this is a different issue from the Rauhban one, it's happening after the first primal. After beating it, people get stuck in the instance and can't access their characters. Maybe for several days(!!)
That's horrible. I dont want to do that and overpower everything. Only level 61 here.... but the Pipin bug is way worse than Rauhbahn.
MCH is weird, not sure I'll continue leveling.
Sounds like you should stop playing this and go play some Monster Hunter then.
Check your Role Skills and set them (under the "Role" tab in your action list). Swiftcast is level 32. You still have Fire 2 and Thunder. Thunder 2 is now AOE as well. Check your skills and your bars. Stuff got swapped and changed but it's still pretty much all there.Doing the last few story quests in Heavensward and I don't think I can progress any further. "Fly Free, My Pretty", in which you have to fight normally, then pilot a magitek rider, then fight normally again, is just impossible. Having lost some of my major magic (Fire II... it's gone), and already being at the level cap for this fight... any tips for a BLM setup with no Swiftcast, Fire II, or Thunder? I can't even imagine a non-DPS doing this fight...
This is correct based on what I'm reading; got through it okay last night but then team #skipcutscenes and it sounds potentially cutscene related.
Fun fight but as a precaution I'm not risking trial roulette until a developer confirms the issue and that not seeing the cutscenes will protect me from it.
It's the same bug, they just shifted around when you'll run into it. Still solo instance throttling, and I think people who have been clicking Pipin since they made the change to Raubahn are now probably about where people who'd been clicking Raubahn since servers up were when they made the change. If they keep shifting it, there are a lot of spots in the story it can happen (5 in 7 levels so far I think?) so get hype.
The job is broken at 60 now; the changes they made were huge and while they removed the old system (cast times) and added a new one (heat gauge), at 60 you have absolutely nothing that interacts with the heat gauge. At some point I'll get it to 70 and figure out if the finished job is fun to me, but leveling it right now below 60 has to be awful because they removed all the parts that made it work, and added nothing yet.
It's part of my larger "who are these changes even for" question, since it went form being too much all at once to being like... nothing.
Oh look. Kicked out of game and 90k again.
Jesus Christ.
Just discovered I actually still need to do all post 3.0 MSQ.
Seeing this thread really makes me want to get back in and finish ARR and get Heavensward.
Doesn't come out until 2018.
Doesn't come out until 2018.
All those things are still in. I did have to rebind some of them like Thunder II and Swiftcast.
Wait what, fire 2 and thunder are gone for you? That doesn't sound right at all.
What level is Swiftcast on the role abilities?
Check your Role Skills and set them (under the "Role" tab in your action list). Swiftcast is level 32. You still have Fire 2 and Thunder. Thunder 2 is now AOE as well. Check your skills and your bars. Stuff got swapped and changed but it's still pretty much all there.
I'm only level 30, and now I can't find a group for the story quest I have that sends me to Haukke Manor.![]()
It almost seems like every mmo developer has a running bet on who can make the worst launch. Wildstar is still the king but the weekend is young and there's already a glitch that's literally breaking people's characters for days until they hotfix.
OK, I'll go into that menu and see if I can rebind these things. They're sort of greyed out with a red slash through them on my hotbar.
Somehow I managed to win that battle without them; I'll do a full overhaul at some point once I unlock the new stuff... which, I think, is just a few quests away. Can't wait!
I'm not liking the expansion that much, at this point everything feels too formulaic, especially after one expansion.
Zones, types of quests, everything is predictable and a bit dull. that's just my opinion though.
Expansions in other MMOs usually shake things a lot more with new features and mechanics, even if they still are a bit "formulaic" too.
Checking in. Should I bother logging in yet or is cold steel still broken?
I feel your pain bro.All of this and they will probably continue to say that they don't need a test server...
I just want to play Stormblood content. This is very disappointing. =(