Question about Heavensward. Did they make the open world somewhat challenging to explore? I was told that SE was looking into the open world. If they did make the world challenging I hope they put valuable materials behind them for crafting stuff, though I'd imagine it wouldn't last long with how fast gear would be outclassed (I wonder if Alchemy is king in this game, would people even need it though). I would have played a lot longer if challenging monsters dropped things that were worth farming. I mainly killed Apkallu for their eggs in trains, the challenge was shooing people away from my camp somehow, and killing fast enough that I could have them all.
One of my best times was when I crossed a type of Hunt monster for the first time by mistake. I was bored, just sitting at Camp Tranquil in South Shroud. I started fixing my macros and button layout on monk 47ish. I saw a ffxi damselfly and didn't realize it wasn't normal for a while, and it eventually killed me. I then revenge killed it many times until I realized how worthless it all was (sadly my first FFXIV revenge kill I think. Maybe a big FATE but that's a zone event and I can blame everyone else). It woke me up, and I had fun for a bit. I also loved the hunter journal thing while I was leveling up at the beginning, but that was killed when I made it to the monsters that were locked behind dungeons. SE and their darn dungeons!!! I hear you can enter them solo now at least.
I know the topic of the challenge presented in the open world is a touchy subject, aka tedious, and annoying, just like elemental resistances. I'm just curious, and it's ok if it's the same as ARR base game. And for what it's worth, I agree that elemental resistances probably wouldn't work in ffxiv with it's gcd and circular rotation, fixed sort of simon says gameplay. Also classes already have limited spells as it is. I did sort of like BLM's Ice Fire rotation, mana goes up and down so fast, free casts, and such, it got old to me eventually though. The same for the other class rotations. Maybe if I try it again I won't mind it as much after such a long break. I did not like the monk stacks thing, dodging things and being forced to lose them make me cry. The odd thing is I've played other games with GCD and they seemed ok to me. It's probably just the design of the gameplay with the constant moving around to dodge things.