It's just that her character has gone through various adjustment phases and you're simply used to older versions so you want to stick to them - these versions aren't even consistent between each other, look at the last pic of yours, that's just utterly anime!You done fucked up Nomura. I don't what this obsession with younger, cute looking characters is, but original Stella was much more distinct/unique. Been 2 months, I haven't adjusted. I don't think I will either.
And honestly, can you call "obsession with young" on THIS game of all things? Which showcases a bunch of old bearded men as main characters?
By the way, I've rewatched 2011 trailer and Stella's line about the "light" Noctis can see is pretty much verbatim from the dialogue between the two about how they both can see the light the dead people give off before they're taken to the land of goddess Etro, the land of dead, and ponder the meaning of that.
It's really amazing after so many years it seems like the game hasn't strayed from its initial ideas much, heck, if at all. So that image of Noctis sitting on the throne? Stella and Noctis taking a stand against each other? I fully expect those to be in the final in some form.
He did that in one of early trailers.And I swear to god if the smart one is pushing his glasses up all the time...