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Finally watched SW Episode 1 and 2

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Drunky McMurder
Willco said:
You win the award for the greatest stretch to justify one of the dumbest lines in movie history! Congrats!


He very well could be that awkward, but what's her excuse?

Anyway, I just watched Phantom Menace(for the first time). First of all, it's actually a decent movie. It could just be that I was expecting something that many feel is inferior to Attack of the Clones, but that's just a small possibility. I enjoyed this movie, I enjoyed that Episode 2 ended. There's a huge difference.

My point being...Jake Lloyd was more convincingly in love with Natalie Portman than Hayden Christensen did. That's pretty damned pathetic right there. At least Lloyd had the excuse of being a ten year old kid who was awkwardly crushing on a queen. Christensen didn't have that much to fall back on, he just came off as creepy date rape guy and Padme ate it all up for some reason.


Willco said:
You win the award for the greatest stretch to justify one of the dumbest lines in movie history! Congrats!

Sheesh I've seen people in real life come up with more awkward shit than that sand line. People can say the most idiotic things when they are nervous.


Hollywood Square






Creepy Date Rape Guy: You WILL let me taste of your sweet nectar...

*waves hand*

Seriously though, who eats fruit with a knife and fork? Even Bad CG fruit?
The other thing is yes, not only did Jake Lloyd have more chemistry with Natalie Portman, but he also got her into his bedroom within like 2 minutes.

"Want to see my droid?"

This kid is good ... real good.


I just watched the original Star Wars with director commentary. Did anyone else think that the part where George tried to explain the "parsec" thing sounded completely retarded? He said that he knew parsec referred to distance rather than time, but in Star Wars the speed of a ship refers to the quality of its navigational system and therefore the distance it has to travel around objects to get from one point to another. So Han's ship is the fastest in the galaxy because it has the best navigational computer. I'm no Star Wars expert (not even much of a fan really), but it just sounds stupid to me; isn't space mostly made up of um, space? It sounded like nothing more than him covering his tracks after he heard that he'd used the word parsecs incorrectly.
snaildog said:
I just watched the original Star Wars with director commentary. Did anyone else think that the part where George tried to explain the "parsec" thing sounded completely retarded? He said that he knew parsec referred to distance rather than time, but in Star Wars the speed of a ship refers to the quality of its navigational system and therefore the distance it has to travel around objects to get from one point to another. So Han's ship is the fastest in the galaxy because it has the best navigational computer. I'm no Star Wars expert (not even much of a fan really), but it just sounds stupid to me; isn't space mostly made up of um, space? It sounded like nothing more than him covering his tracks after he heard that he'd used the word parsecs incorrectly.
well, i guess your navigational computer would need to be able to plot out ways that avoid smashing right into planets etc, and also not get into areas where the gravity of stars doesn't adversely affect your ship's performance...


My thoughts on Ep 1 & 2 flaws

Phantom Menace
Midichlorians: Horrible, potentially undermines the entire mystical nature of the Force. It's the Force - it is not supposed to have a rational explanation.
Yipee!: Didn't bother me. Jake Loyd's stilted acting did.
Jar-Jar: Didn't bother me. At least the Gungans aren't Ewoks.
Anakin's incredible 'luck' in the final battle: Silly, implausible, and unnecessary.

Attack of the Clones
Anakin: Worse acting than the previous movie. I also hated that he started the movie already a whiny teenager. The entire period where him and Obi-Wan were friends and companions, critical to showing the change in his nature, was never seen. Instead he is already argumentative and arrogant by the time the movie begins. This also makes it difficult to sympathise with his character.
The Romance: Contrived, awkward and unbelievable.
Pandering to the fans: It seemed as if many things were added merely because they thought the fans would find them cool, and not because it added to the story. Jango Fett didn't bother me - they worked him into the story pretty well. The Death Star and Yoda's lightsaber fight did bother me.

Overall I still liked both movies. Much less than the OS, of course.


episode 2 is such a stinker that its almost unwatchable. The actor playing ANakin was seriously miscast - the whole boyband look he had and terrible acting = :vomit fest


it had the worst dialogue/delivery in recent memory... I don't recall who said what first but it was between Anakin and Amidala

Amidala: ani, you've grown
anakin: and you've grown more beautiful
(accompanied by coquettish eye batting)

something like that. I couldn't watch this wretched dvd for all the cg in the world


it had natalie portman passed out on the sand to wake up as though she hadn't passed out or taken a hit.

mrkgoo said:
Adn that sand dune incident is hilarious:

*Padme gets knocked from ship, rolls down hill*
Padme(in pain): Uh...uh....uh...
Clonetrooper: Are you alright?
Padme: I'm alright
*gets up, runs like girl across the desert* (given it's probably not that easy to run through sand, but as George himself said, he doesn't care so much about realism as about what looks cool.

:lol :lol I thought I was the only one that scene irked the hell out of.

the whole movie was a load of rubbish. I don't own Episode 1 cause its OOP here but I don't know if I'd want to.


snaildog said:
It sounded like nothing more than him covering his tracks after he heard that he'd used the word parsecs incorrectly.

Honestly, I think the problem is that George clearly reads fanfiction. It has influenced him a great deal over the last 30 years. :p


Also...I've watched the original trilogy on DVD during the past few days(been years since the last time I watched 'em). Anybody who says TPM or AOTC is better than ROTJ is braindead.

Ewoks >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jar Jar(worst thing about TPM) and Hayden Christenshit(worst thing about AOTC). Never had any problems with the ewoks, anyway.


Hollywood Square
I like Return of the Jedi for the Emperor/Vader/Luke scenes and because I think it has the best score out of all of them.
jett said:
Also...I've watched the original trilogy on DVD during the past few days(been years since the last time I watched 'em). Anybody who says TPM or AOTC is better than ROTJ is braindead.

Ewoks >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jar Jar(worst thing about TPM) and Hayden Christenshit(worst thing about AOTC). Never had any problems with the ewoks, anyway.

Oh crap... I thought I liked Clones better than Jedi, but I guess my personal opinion for some reason was just plain wrong. I don't want to be braindead, thanks for showing me the ways jett!

Tell me, how do you feel about turkey sandwiches? I think I like them, but I don't want to be braindead again. I need your help!


mrkgoo said:
Creepy Date Rape Guy: You WILL let me taste of your sweet nectar...

*waves hand*

Seriously though, who eats fruit with a knife and fork? Even Bad CG fruit?

Dude, it's some sort of sci fi fruit. Who knows?

Also, I thought it was pretty basic that the Force guyided little Anakin to blow up the droid control center in TPM, not dumb luck. It's not that hard to piece together.
IAmtheFMan said:
My main beef with the kid wasn't his acting; he wasn't bad per se, but I found all the stuff that happened on Naboo just really bad. It just seemed like coincidence after coincidence; he just happens to turn on the star fighter, which just happens to take him to the middle of the space battle (why the autopilot took him there is beyond me) where he just happens to survive waves of droid fighters when he only kinda sorta knows what he's doing, and just happens to land in the hanger so that he's able to ACCIDENTLY blow up the ship. The whole situation wasn't necessarly unbelievable, just very implausible.

I liked what Lucas chose to do, i.e. juxtapose this idealistic, innocent kid with the completely corrupt soul that he'll turn into, but that last bit really bothered me.
There are lots of implausibilities among... almost any entertaining movie. In this case, though, I expect we're supposed to accept the Force as partially responsible. As for the autopilot, I figured all the fighters would've by default "followed the leader" as it were.

Bregor said:
Midichlorians: Horrible, potentially undermines the entire mystical nature of the Force. It's the Force - it is not supposed to have a rational explanation.
This never bothered me. Clearly from Anakin/Luke we see that there's a familial connection. That they've found a genetic reason and a way to test for it doesn't bother me. I'm sure with advanced enough technology we could pick out who's most likely to be a great artist, but would that make their creations less worthy?

Anakin: Worse acting than the previous movie. I also hated that he started the movie already a whiny teenager. The entire period where him and Obi-Wan were friends and companions, critical to showing the change in his nature, was never seen. Instead he is already argumentative and arrogant by the time the movie begins. This also makes it difficult to sympathise with his character.
Mostly agreed. The first time I saw the movie, though, I tried looking at it in a positive light. "Wow, he acts very awkwardly... I can really buy him as the future version of awkard Jake Lloyd."

shantyman said:
Dude, it's some sort of sci fi fruit. Who knows?
Good answer. :lol


being watched
Willco said:





Isn't that the point though?

Woman love the bastards.

If Skywalker was a nice regular joe who was their for Padme during her periods of dieting and period pains she'd probably tell him to fuck off. Pretty much a 100% accurate portrayal of the modern female from Lucas / Hayden IMHO.


The Force is treated no less mystically in teh PT - they only explain out the LINK between those that are force-sensitive and the link. The Midichlorians are NOT the force.

Anyway, that's what I keep telling myself.

Kidding aside, The great thing about all 3 of the original trilogy is that they were all enjoyable films, with the odd wincing moment, and many awesome ones. Like, I'd rate A New Hope something like 75% great, 20% good, 5% bad.

ESB: 85:13:2

You can argue all yuo want defending, how this is appropriate because of such and such reason, but the fact remains, that in Episode2, there are a large number of times I just wince.

Now, I REALLY like Episode I, it's on par overall with RotJ easily. Rotj, was a little weak, but some really outstanding scenes (space battle, and particularly lightsabre confrontation -really powerful stuff, asnd as Willco said, best score) really do elevate it. Same with TPM -lots of really good scenes - lightsabre battle, pod race, even the senate meetings were kinda cool. I don't mind midichlorians, I don't mind Jar jar. I don't mind Anakins dialogue and behaviour, only Jake Lloyd's portrayal (like someone said earlier - if he's going to Yipee, that's fine -kids do that -but he could atleast do it so that he looked happy.). In fact the only serious problem I had with TPM is the acting of Ric Olie (The Queens pilot) -he was by far the worst actor, in terms of not being able to cope with blue screen. Totally unconvincing. "That little droid did it! - by passed the main power drive!" - yes there's acting there, but inflection and stuff seem all wrong -it's not natural.

But overall, I'd still say TPM is probably somthing like 60% great, 30% good, 10 % bad.

Now Episode 2 falls flat mostly. The great scenes are few. I'd say 20% great, 45% good, and 35% outright bad. And that's me being generous. To me, that's a serious compromise in the series. One of the better performances comes from Christopher Lee, who still behaves and performs as a B-grade villain. this says something about Episode 2, and that's a real shame.

Probably the single most annoyng thing about Episode 2 was the portrayal of the universe at many moments - in that they were too "American". Aren't we supposed to be in another galaxy, far, far away? Isn't this a fantasy? SO why do the they still call their parents 'Mom'? It's something Americans may not realise, but it really snaps you out of the movie mood, when it's so blatantly American - yes, they all have American accents, but these kinds of lines just sound weird to me. I'm not asking for a "hello, Mater', but a Anakin referring to his mother as "Mother" would have been a huge improvement -keeps up teh mystique of the fantasy. After all, , "No Luke, *I* am your Dad!", just doesn't work the same does it?

It may sound like an odd complaint, but places like Jabbas palace and the canteen seemed out of this world, but the nightclub on coruscant? Deathsticks? a DINER FOR GODSAKES?! JEsus, it's another galaxy far far away, and the chef has 4 arms, and the best costume they can give him is a T-shirt? These things are really disturbing in a Star Wars universe. I'm surprised Obi-wan didn't order a coke and fries.
The nightclub was OK, kind of a nod to the bar in ANH, I thought it would've been cool if Anakin got distracted by some of the exotic ladies in the club ("hey Jedi ... looking for a good time?"), and then got chided by Obi-Wan about it.

The diner was a bit too much though, I agree.

evil ways

IAmtheFMan said:
This whole thing kinda reminded me of ROTJ, when they go rescue Han. I cannot figure out what the hell the initial plan was. Send the droids to see if they can negotiate for Han, but give the droids to Jabba whether he accepts or not. Great, well that fails. Send in Leia in disguise to give them Chewie, but to get Han out of Carbonite. Well they got Han out of carbonite, but now you're down two droids and Chewie; net loss of 2. But they get captured, so now Leia's gone too. Finally send in Luke to try and negotiate one more time for Han and Chewie (for some reason he forgets about the droids and bikini Leia) but then gets captured in the process. Meanwhile, Lando's just sitting around doing really nothing when he could've been the one to free Han initially and just gotten the hell out of dodge.

But hey... it's Star Wars. You just go with the flow.

I always thought that the plan from the beginning was to get everyone inside Jabba's Palace, which is why Lando was disguised as a Skiff guard.
soundwave05 said:
The other thing is yes, not only did Jake Lloyd have more chemistry with Natalie Portman, but he also got her into his bedroom within like 2 minutes.

"Want to see my droid?"

This kid is good ... real good.

:lol :lol
mrkgoo said:
It may sound like an odd complaint, but places like Jabbas palace and the canteen seemed out of this world, but the nightclub on coruscant? Deathsticks? a DINER FOR GODSAKES?! JEsus, it's another galaxy far far away, and the chef has 4 arms, and the best costume they can give him is a T-shirt? These things are really disturbing in a Star Wars universe. I'm surprised Obi-wan didn't order a coke and fries.

Yea also in Ep 1 Anakins backpack was just like my jansport backpack. I laugh everytime I see that little backpack that shouldn't exist in his world.
evil ways said:
I always thought that the plan from the beginning was to get everyone inside Jabba's Palace, which is why Lando was disguised as a Skiff guard.

Leia makes it pretty clear that she wants to leave. ("C'mon, we gotta get out of here.") but then Jabba grabs her and bikinis her up.
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