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[Financial Times] Why Japan Should Sell Nintendo - A sale of one of its crown jewels could be transformative for the country

Yes, allow a Western corpo to buy them so they can uglify all the characters, shoehorn incongruous LGBT shenanigans, ruthlessly milk the player base, drive Nintendo into the ground, then cannibalise it's twitching corpse. In the aftermath, they will say 'nobody could have forseen this'.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Seek protection by allowing MS to buy you… MS evangelists and friends pushing propaganda out, 🤷‍♂️.

100% THIS! Please Japanese keep your ownership! Don't let these people trick you out of what you created. All they do is TAKE TAKE TAKE. They are corporate whores that have raped the American middle class. And now they are looking to do the same to Japan.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Yes, allow a Western corpo to buy them so they can uglify all the characters, shoehorn incongruous LGBT shenanigans, ruthlessly milk the player base, drive Nintendo into the ground, then cannibalise it's twitching corpse. In the aftermath, they will say 'nobody could have forseen this'.
I can also see their IP trashed and licensed to hell and back. Devaluing them indefinitely, for those burst bucks within the short term.


Acquisitions inevitably destroy the culture of the company, which is what makes Nintendo what it is.

So fuck off and let them be.

No American company would let TotK take 6 years to come out, and without that dev time we wouldn’t have gotten the GOTY.
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Pretty sure “Japan” doesn’t own Nintendo and that it’s owned by individuals, including JPMorgan. So how could “Japan” sell it?


Only true masters of the universe will understand it's context.
Understand Captain America GIF
Microsoft-funded fluff piece. Even uses Microsoft-friendly language like "thought experiment" right there in the article.

Nintendo better buy back ValueAct's shares ASAP; nothing good can come from them, acting as a proxy for Microsoft's destabilization efforts.


What time is it?
I called up Japan and demanded they sell me Nintendo. They countered with SEGA. I hung up the phone in disgust. They called back and negotiations progressed quickly. I now own Hello Kitty.



Thinks Microaggressions are Real
No mention of how such a sale would benefit Nintendo, its products, or its customers. These fucking vultures only care about valuation and seeing the line graph go up. They have no concept of creating anything other than wealth for themselves. They're incapable of even thinking about this. Xbox is barely managing its own house, yet all these leeches want them to start taking in more and more assets for them to mismanage to shit.

Phil doesn't care about what makes Nintendo so successful. He doesn't care about what makes them able to foster and grow creativity. He definitely doesn't care about how Nintendo is able to make mistakes and course correct quickly and effectively. He doesn't care about why Nintendo fans love the platform and the games so much.

He cares about having more exclusive content for GamePass so line graph goes up.


"Japan" is just not enough stupid to sell Nintendo, this is not America.

Cat Idea GIF by EOSNET

Nintendo have a real enterprise culture and there is a reason if employees keep their job for a lifetime at Nintendo which have one of the best stats of this matter: they just love it.
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I can already see people defend it:
"Game failure has nothing to do with being woke/political, it's just that the game itself is bad".
Nintendo had been getting a lot better at diversity at its not hampered the quality of their games. So I don't think it's impossible to have both.
Also anyone notice how this selling of Nintendo to (Microsoft) is supposedly to help stimulate Japan's economy, but just "conveniently" means an American corporation gaining even more of an economic foothold in Japan and making the Japanese economy dependent on America that much more?

You'd think if they actually cared about Japan's sovereign economic state, they'd suggest Japanese companies either merging together or making acquisitions of domestic & foreign entities before "conveniently" suggesting the American tech mega-conglomerate eat up a prized Japanese gaming/electronics corporation.

Gotta love (hate) this new era of American imperialism masquerading as pseudo-economic progressivism. Such trash.

A whole thread of knee jerk reactions. The article is basically rage bait.

We're simply getting tired of seeing this shit. It's so obvious now. All of these think tanks writing paid advertisement pieces, galvanizing more and more people to cheerlead and support M&As but only when it very conveniently seems can benefit Microsoft (or in light of that, some other American Big Tech conglomerate).

We know what the intent is behind these types of articles and I'm tired of it. Simple as that.
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I don't think they ever cared lmfao
They care about games being engaging and super fun to play. Thats their signature, creating fun and creative games.
They were bad in the past, but there's clearly been more attention now on making more types of people appear in their games and being more inclusive (for example, the older Animal Crossing games didn't let you play as someone with dark skin).
Negative. The article is astroturfing. Far from "knee jerk reactions," what you are seeing here is genuine disgust with FT's obvious shill article.

I tried seeing who owned shares in The Financial Times and while I'm still looking to see if Microsoft does (or if they own shares in the parent company, kind of like how Microsoft purchased shares from the London Stock Exchange whose parent company owns Reuters), I did find that Microsoft wanted to buy a ton of shares in Softbank Group.

The only connection between FT and Softbank is I came across is through Nikkei Inc: Nikkei Inc owns The Financial Times, and Nikkei reported on Microsoft (and other Big Tech) companies looking to buy up to $70 billion combined shares in Softbank Group's Visions Fund a few years ago. In 2021, Softbank Group offloaded billions of dollars into purchasing stock of Big Tech American companies including, obviously, Microsoft Corp.

Basically, any ties between Microsoft and The Financial Times are unknown, at least to me. Nikkei Inc. owns the FT but Japanese law prevents corporations from owning newspaper companies (they aren't publicly traded). So Microsoft couldn't have shares in them even if they wanted to. Could they have an inside person at Nikkei or Financial Times though? It's possible. Dunno if Japanese law prevents privately owned newspaper companies from investing in publicly-traded corporations, but I don't think there's a law preventing individuals at such a company from owning investments or shares in other companies.

I also don't know if that law extends to the FT because even though Nikkei Inc. owns them, FT are based in Britain, so wouldn't they be under British law in terms of if they can be publicly traded or not? Could also be that Microsoft & FT and/or Nikkei (or people from those companies) have mutually shared investments i.e investments in the same company, entity etc. But that's some deep investigation type of stuff, I wouldn't even know where to start.


They were bad in the past, but there's clearly been more attention now on making more types of people appear in their games and being more inclusive (for example, the older Animal Crossing games didn't let you play as someone with dark skin).

This is just the nature of character creation.
Honestly I find this theme pretty dumb to discuss, not even worth discussing.
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This is just the nature of character creation.
And I think one of the reasons for moving towards a character creator is that people aren't stuck with one skin colour (,the games always let you choose gender).

Another example would be Pikmin. I don't think it's a coincidence that the first three games only had light skinned characters, while the team in Pikmin 4 has a variety of skin tones.


Disney is a mass grave for beloved franchises. Microsoft wants a monopoly on games but very clearly only cares about growing the business. Don't rob Japan.
I’d love to see Nintendo in the hands of another company because their lack of a want to push any kind of technical aspects of their games makes it so it’s hard for me to get excited for their games. They’ve stuck with the same design philosophy for their marquee games and for me, someone who didn’t grow up on Nintendo , it rarely speaks to me. I’d love to see them utilize modern GPUs and engines. Their creative teams are hampered by a lack of technological freedom.

Astral Dog

over my dead body
I’d love to see Nintendo in the hands of another company because their lack of a want to push any kind of technical aspects of their games makes it so it’s hard for me to get excited for their games. They’ve stuck with the same design philosophy for their marquee games and for me, someone who didn’t grow up on Nintendo , it rarely speaks to me. I’d love to see them utilize modern GPUs and engines. Their creative teams are hampered by a lack of technological freedom.
This doesn't make sense anymore as its not a long wait to finally see what a Switch 2 can do


Nintendo knows exactly what to do with Nintendo.
Microsoft doesn't know what to do with Microsoft.
In no world does this make sense.


I’d love to see Nintendo in the hands of another company because their lack of a want to push any kind of technical aspects of their games makes it so it’s hard for me to get excited for their games. They’ve stuck with the same design philosophy for their marquee games and for me, someone who didn’t grow up on Nintendo , it rarely speaks to me. I’d love to see them utilize modern GPUs and engines. Their creative teams are hampered by a lack of technological freedom.
What technology would you have liked them to use in a $299 hybrid in early 2017? Or would have preferred them to release a higher priced device?


over my dead body

This doesn't make sense anymore as its not a long wait to finally see what a Switch 2 can do
There are Steam Deck and ROG Ally, so baseline is pretty much known, there is nothing to "finally see". Also I even doubt that nintendo will be on this level of performance, because housewives won't buy 500$ handhelds.

Astral Dog

There are Steam Deck and ROG Ally, so baseline is pretty much known, there is nothing to "finally see". Also I even doubt that nintendo will be on this level of performance, because housewives won't buy 500$ handhelds.
It doesn't need to be high end for the games to look "modern" enough,and introduce new gameplay possibilities, it will be a big jump over the current Switch
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The article was what you call a fluff piece or clickbait or shallow. It literally didn't make any intelligent case for selling Nintendo to someone else. There was no point to it.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
It's not impossible, but I don't see Nintendo suffering a hostile takeover.

If Nintendo agrees, they could be sold to a western company. But it's gonna be a long arduous process. And I doubt Microsoft would be at the helm of that . Maybe Apple or Disney, and that's a big maybe..
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