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Fire Bad, FIRE BAD! [VGCats]



:lol :lol

That was a pretty good one.


the sim; no door.. .pee ...fire ... death image from another thread was way funnier. You don't need to draw it. The game itself is hilarious enough to get a huge laugh.


iapetus said:
Like all VGCats strips, about twice as long as it needs to be. Condense the funny, people.

I keep hearing this. Think of it this way: They only out once a week, on a Monday. Think of it as a Sunday Funny.

Not too bad now is it?


Scary Euro Man

No, it's still twice as long as it needs to be. If you want a Sunday funny, then put in twice as much funny. That way you can have twice as many panels too.


Scary Euro Man
pilonv1 said:
It also suffers from PA syndrome - useless last panel.

I just can't tell what you're smoking. In this strip, as in most of the PA ones, the funny is in the last panel.


I think it's just a cultural thing that most Americans feel the need to explain jokes and draw them out, leading to last panels that aren't needed.

And there's no funny at all, even in the last panel. OH I GET IT THE SIMS AND HE'S EVIL HAR HAR HAR! WELCOME TO 2000!
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