Developer: Intelligent Systems; DeNA; Nintendo
Genre: Strategy RPG
Platforms: iOS App Store; Google Play
Release: February 2nd All Regions
Price: Free with In-App Purchases
Requirements: iOS 8 and up; Android w/2GB RAM.

In the far reaches of the Outrealms, the two nations, The Kingdom of Aske and the Emblia Empire fight in order to uphold their ideals and protect their sovereignty.
The MyUnits of Fire Emblem Heroes, Alfonse and Sharon, summon assistance from legendary heroes of Fire Emblem from across the gate to form a band alliance called the Vice Brave.
Alongside these heroes, you are set to defend Aske from invasion and conquest by Veronica of Emblia and her own band of heroes.

Alfonse (CV. Suzuki Tatsuhisa)

Prince of Aske; Specializes in Red (Swords)
Sharon (CV. Maaya Uchida)

Princess of Aske; Specializes in Blue (Lances)
Anna (CV. Saori Seto)

Extradimensional Shopkeeper who finds herself in Aske; Specializes in Green (Axes)
Veronica (CV. Rina Hidaka)

Princess of Emblia who manipulates Heroes she summons to invade Aske.
Mysterious Man (CV. Shinichiro Miki)

He's hot. That's pretty much all we know.
Leon (CV. Mamoru Miyano)

The prodigal prince of Nohr here to protect Aske and be the savior to us all.
And all the other heroes that can you can potentially bribe to join the Vice Brave.

Alongside the Vice Brave, you will be traversing map working to rout the Emblia forces all in strategy RPG style.

Like in past games, you can choose between a Normal, Hard, and Lunatic difficulty map to attempt and use your tactics to traverse the battlefield and attack the enemy. The missions will be subjected to a Stamina cost, and you will be able to attempt more by waiting or spending Prisma Orbs to go and battle again right away.
When choosing to attack an enemy or when being attacked, you will be subjected to the weapon triangle, to see whether your unit is at a disadvantage or not.

Follow the colors and you will be okay.
Each character will also have their own unique set of stats, support skills, passive skills, and a unique ougi that will activate over a set number of turns.
For those who are busy on their commute, an auto-mode is also implemented so that an AI can move for you.
At the moment, there is just AI PvP. Actual PvP will be considered to be added at a later date.
Like most other smartphone games, there will be events to maintain player base and interest. These will be announced over time.
Tower of Training and Arena can be used to go gain experience and level up your units.

Here you can go and review a summary of all the heroes in your possession

From here you can adjust your party composition, learn skills, equip skills, level up, promote units, merge units, and delete units.

2* Upgrade: 20 Feathers
3* Upgrade: 200 Feathers
4* Upgrade: 2,000 Feathers
5* Upgrade: 20,000 Feathers
By partaking in story maps and missions, you will be able to collect insignias and feathers that can be used to limit break and upgrade your Heroes' rarity and stats. You can also do this through stacking multiple copies of the same Hero.
You can also gain feathers by deleting characters you don't want.
As you level up and upgrade your units, they will unlock new skills to help you in battle.
You can get a total of 6,000 feathers from missions this month from doing 140 total arena battles + 40 on hard + 20 on lunatic. It sounds like a lot, but over the span of 20 days it's not that bad.
You get 60 free reset swords over that span. And each mission tier gives you 10 swords, so another 90 battles on top of that if you spend it.
On top of that, you can get feathers from ranking.
So if you're able to hit the top 1,000 or 5,000 rank each week, you can get a total of at least 4,600 feathers each week you rank that high.
So combine that all, you can get at least 22,400 feathers each month if you try and put effort into it. Granted you need to win consistently, and you may need to spend orbs. But spending orbs to do this is a more than worth it investment if you're not strong enough.
That's pretty fair, Nintendo's learning how to run a smartphone game and listening at least.
Basically at Lv40, every character has a total base stat total and average stat total for all their stats.
For example a typical Ryoma's average stats is this
At Lv40 you will always hit a majority of those stats and will always add up to his base stat total of 173.
However, some units have different stat parameters that alter 2 or more stats. But your stat totals will always hit their total.
My Ryoma is a +3 Speed/+1 Res/-4 Def unit.
His base stat total is still 173, it's just distributed differently. Most characters will have a +3/-3 distribution for two stats, or a neutral nature. In other rare cases, you might have a +4/-4 or have variations in multiple stats like +2/+2/-2/-2 in 4 stats.
You will always hit your base stat total though at Level 40 despite the stat variations.
The great thing about merging is that on top of extra SP, you can boost your maximum base stat total. Every +1 character you merge into another, your character gains +1 to 2 of their stats.
Every merge would bring their total base stat total up by 2. If you merge 10 characters, you get a total base stat increase of 20, and +4 to every single one of your stats including your nature.
So for example, my Ryoma if I merged my spare one into him his stats would be
He would gain +1 HP and +1 Speed, and his base stat total would be 175 instead of 173. He would also have a Lv40+1 next to his name to show that he was merged.
If her were to get a +10, his stats would total up to 183, and would look like this
That's a huge increase and devastate any kind of traditional check or counter to him because of the raw increase in stats.
However getting 10 duplicates of a single character is ridiculously hard because of draw rates and only whales do it.
It's really important to merge characters to reach a base stat total increase, but that increase is usually only noticeable after the +4 mark or so. A +1 helps in very close stat situations, but aren't you aren't going to dunk anyone anytime soon.
So merging is useful, at a certain point. Other times it's just as useful to run two duplicate characters on the same team. My double Ryoma team is really good because of that.
So my advice stands, hold onto them instead of reducing right away. Don't merge unless you legitimately have no need for them. Feathers aren't difficult to come by if you can rank every week.

You can earn Prisma Orbs to go spend and go bribe heroes from other worlds to join your cause.
You can spend real life ¥¥¥¥¥ and $$$$$ to go bribe even more heroes if you choose to do so.
Rates are: 3-Star: 61%, 4-Star: 36%, 5-Star: 3%
For every consecutive gacha draw, the orb requirement goes down
First Time: 5 Orbs
Second, Third, Fourth Times: 4 Orbs
5th Time: 3 Orbs
Guides, Optimization, and Rerolling?
Stat Calculator
Fire Emblem Heroes Discord
Quote to see Friend ID Google Doc.
Kancolle style to be added in a future update.

Thread will be updated over time to account for new information, patches, etc.
Thread will also be cleaned up when we can get more proper screenshots of every system and mechanic when the game releases later tonight.