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Fire Emblem Warriors Review Thread

My review.

Cubed3 - 7/10

Despite making the most sense out of all Warriors crossovers so far, Fire Emblem Warriors hasn't quite lived up to its potential after the content-heavy Hyrule Warriors. Some questionable character omissions and a lack of modes, as well as an extremely subpar core narrative, is offset by relying on past scenarios in the History Mode. Fans of both sets of franchises will surely get good enjoyment out of this, though, as the strategic elements of Nintendo's long-running series meshes perfectly with the real-time combat of Koei Tecmo's property, creating one of the best Warriors entries, whereas it falls short of expectations as a spinoff of the RPG series.
Can you explain what makes this one better? Or point me to a review that doea a direct comparison between Hyrule Warriors and Fire Emblem Warriors? HW is one of the only Musou games I've played, so how they compare is interesting to me.

the post just above yours should answer your question :p


Which ones of the reviewers have actual knowledge about Musou (and like the concept) and can compare it to the best of them - and then judge the game based on that?


Obviously the Metro reviewer really wanted dynasty warriors 3 as a youngster, after working hard for months and months at saving his hard earned dish washing and lawn cutting money he finally manages to save enough.

He proceeds to his local GAME, finds a copy, pays for it and leaves the store. He is overjoyed. A new chapter in his Musou life is about to begin.

Suddenly swarms of bullies emerge from the underdark and a real life Musou battle begins, one which finds our hero beaten and savaged and his copy of dynasty warriors 3 beaten from his hands.

Metro reviewer swore, from that day onwards, that nobody would enjoy Musou games as long as he could review them....and a dark evil power was born..


Which ones of the reviewers have actual knowledge about Musou (and like the concept) and can compare it to the best of them - and then judge the game based on that?

Wait for jim sterling's review, he's probably one of the few big named reviewers that actually knows how the game series works (in terms of arguing against people who say "Press Square to win over and over" and how playing on the hardest mode requires strategy outside of the easy "button mashing")


The Switch Player review has not played the Fire Emblem or Dynasty Warriors series, if you want that sort of perspective.

Personally, I thought the Fates story was mildly duller and dumber than usual FE standards, but the series isn't known for having the best stories. Of course I have zero expectation for this game's story, so who cares really.


I liked Hyrule Warriors so I pre-ordered this. Looks like good fun from the videos I've watched. Gonna take some of these reviews lightly as they sound like this type of game just isn't for them.
Wait for jim sterling's review, he's probably one of the few big named reviewers that actually knows how the game series works.

He also has absolutely no interest in Fire Emblem for a contrast though. He wasn't all that bothered about playing it last week when Laura mentioned it in Podquisition.

I'd be interested as to his thoughts but they might not be forthcoming
Hyrule Warriors recognition is all I needed for this to be an instant buy. Wolfenstein, this and Mario gonna tide me over for the next few months.
Thanks for including my review OP.

Also my ranking for warriors games now = 1. DQH2 2. FE Warriors. 3. SW4 Empires. 4. Hyrule Warriors Legends.


He also has absolutely no interest in Fire Emblem for a contrast though. He wasn't all that bothered about playing it last week when Laura mentioned it in Podquisition.

I'd be interested as to his thoughts but they might not be forthcoming

to be fair people said he doesnt like legend of zelda (honestly i dont know or care if he does) yet he gave hyrule warriors a 4.5/5 and praised the shit out of its dlc.


Neo Member
Yeah I can see where a lot of the complaints of missed potential are coming from.

This was a prime opportunity to have DW be more tactical and strategic. Shame about having so much of the roster be the Fates siblings too.

I might pick it up maybe a year from now when all the DLC is out (and I get Tharja).
Quite a shame they couldn't surpass Hyrule Warriors it seems.
Modern Fire Emblem stories and characters are "deep" in the same way the Fate series is "deep", lol.

People pretend older games were deep, we can pretend the modern ones are too. Point is: Awakening and Fates are million sellers because most people enjoy the game, story and characters. That's all I'm saying.

I've never seen anyone praise the story of these games. Just the characters. If they are, then they should be fine with the quality of this story.

Maybe you should read Awakening and Fates reviews. Both critically acclaimed. Niche gaming boards =/= General opinion.


What’s the word on game modes? Is there anything extra other than the history mode, those extra challenge maps in hyrule warriors were awesome
Most people like Fates stories and characters? Hahaha.

I like the characters, particularly in reference to an action/hack 'n slash game like this. Killing people as Xander, Chrom, Ryoma and Takumi is gonna be great. I ain't going to say that the story in any of the Fates games is remarkable though, because in my opinion it wasn't.

People could be a bit less hostile about things ITT TBH.


What’s the word on game modes? Is there anything extra other than the history mode, those extra challenge maps in hyrule warriors were awesome

I don;t think there is anything outside of the story mode and history mode.

That arena mode they were advertising at E3 seems to not be in the final game.
I've never played a FE game, but I want to. Reading that there are key battles you can replay makes me want to wait to pick this up after I've run through a couple of the games.

just a fair warning: this has not much to do with a "real" FE game. This is a Dynasty Warriors game with a FE theme. There's a traditional FE coming to Switch next year.

sorry if you already knew this


I imagine they aren't into playing the exact same thing for the eleventh time.

one of the biggest reductionisms on this game series that gets spread around, hell if i used that logic all mario games are the same (outside the 3d like ones, mario 64, galaxy,sunshine, that elk) and thus bring nothing new to the table and should be rated as shit ( Jim sterling goes over this point in one of his videos and its a good watch)
here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDbb6OOSh7o
Metro gave Dynasty Warriors 8 a 4/10 as well

And strangely enough even though it's the same score, the review itself is a little more tempered and is a little more accepting of the things it does right even though they hate what the series is. This fire emblem warriors review just reeks of alot of hatred which makes it seem they were never gonna really give this game a chance.
Maybe you should read Awakening and Fates reviews. Both critically acclaimed. Niche gaming boards =/= General opinion.
I'm looking at gamespot which isn't niche at all

While the narrative is filled with interesting melodrama and political intrigue, the unwavering evilness of some of the villains is ridiculous and makes some parts of the story hard to take seriously.
Despite the caustic setup, Conquest's story is fairly middle-of-the-road, but it introduces a variety of genuinely charming characters that you ride into battle with.
As for the narrative, there are some awkward moments and cheap drama that pull you out of the moment, but these are brief and overshadowed by a handful of powerful scenes. Even the melodrama can't keep Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright from being worthy experience.
Predictably, no one believes you because of the cagey details you give. It's laughable, and isn't melodrama so much as it is lazy writing. But, happily, this is the only piece of Revelation's story that lacks meaning, and although it's a weak excuse for characters to mistrust you, the resulting dialogue and twists are both entertaining and at times genuinely affecting.

I mean this isnt really that praise-y


Eh, I think it's good to have those sorts of reviews. It gives some perspective for others who don't typically enjoy these games; it lets them know that this particular title won't be up their alley, either.

I think it's fine to review something in a genre you're not a fan of, but if you read the review, it's clear he never even gave it a chance.

If he went in with an open mind that would be one thing. Instead, it feels like he took the review just so he could rant about the massive hate boner he has for the Warriors series.

It's one thing to be like "I normally don't like these games but I gave this one a chance and it's still not for me" vs "These games fucking suck and this one sucks too." One is a reasonable argument, the other isn't.


Wait for jim sterling's review, he's probably one of the few big named reviewers that actually knows how the game series works (in terms of arguing against people who say "Press Square to win over and over" and how playing on the hardest mode requires strategy outside of the easy "button mashing")

I believe Jim recently said he was done doing reviews for any games.

I'm sure he'll provide impressions, but I doubt we'll get a score.


Not shocked that it's a polished Dynasty Warriors game considering what we got with Hyrule Warriors.

It's just a shame that I'm uninterested in the game. Excitement for a crossover like this is entirely dependent on excitement for the roster, which I just don't have. Here's hoping the polish means it sells well and we can see a sequel some day with some other fan favorites.


Oh boy, it's the 3DS FE Hate Brigade. Damn anyone who actually enjoyed those games and its chatacters, am I right?


I loved Hyrule Warriors so this was already going to be a must-buy for me, but glad to see it getting such good reviews! (I really need to buy a Switch)

Also surprised the Metro review is the outlier, and not the opposite, Warriors games are typically pretty niche so I expected this game to get middling reviews across the board due to the nature of the series, so I'm pleasantly surprised
Oh boy, it's the 3DS FE Hate Brigade. Damn anyone who actually enjoyed those games and its chatacters, am I right?
Yea it gets tiring.
I loved Hyrule Warriors so this was already going to be a must-buy for me, but glad to see it getting such good reviews! (I really need to buy a Switch)

Also surprised the Metro review is the outlier, and not the opposite, Warriors games are typically pretty niche so I expected this game to get middling reviews across the board due to the nature of the series, so I'm pleasantly surprised

I liked it enough to order the CE on Switch and get a 3DS physical copy.
I'm looking at gamespot which isn't niche at all

I mean this isnt really that praise-y


Literally every excerpt there has something positive to say about either the characters or the story/plot. Seems praise-y to me.

Can we just sorta maybe I dunno accept that the 'modern' Fire Emblem games are worth playing despite a cast of characters and story filled with tropes and/or cliches? And subsequently Warriors might actually be cool too?

Is my stance here so controversial or something? I don't get it, Fates was/is fantastic so many varied and fun options for combat in lots of fun maps and way more production value than any Fire Emblem before it yet it's led to... this. Stupid back-and-forth in a thread about a different game entirely.

Can we draw a line here please? You're perfectly fine to detest video games but there are maybe more suitable times when this is appropriate.
Oh hey, english voice acting in a musou once more, that's actually a point they should put on the box.
"Understand what people are actually yelling about when your mission is on the brink of destruction and the warning text is delayed by 5 minutes for some reason!"

Obviously not everyone likes the stories (I even hate Conquest's story), but the sales and good critical reception proves that is strange to say "no one likes them", especially when characters like Lucina got super popular.

Oh boy, it's the 3DS FE Hate Brigade. Damn anyone who actually enjoyed those games and its chatacters, am I right?

It's annoying how you can't even talk about anything Fire Emblem without some people complaining about the 3DS games and pretending no one likes these million seller titles.


Is my stance here so controversial or something? I don't get it, Fates was/is fantastic so many varied and fun options for combat in lots of fun maps and way more production value than any Fire Emblem before it yet it's led to... this. Stupid back-and-forth in a thread about a different game entirely..

No. It's controversial to like this title that got 88 on metacritic and almost 2M copies sold, so we have to talk about it in a thread about a completely different title.


I see Musou games still review poorly compared to other genres but it's fine, I know I love them since I touched Samurai Warriors 3 on the Wii.
As long as the gameplay is great, which it seems to be so far, it'll help waiting for Hyrule Warriors 2.
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