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FireFox reaches 25%, IE hits 65%!

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Sort of anyway:

It looks like Firefox is unstoppable. In spite of the vulnerabilities discovered lately, the open-source browser continues to rise in the top of the user’s preferences.

According to W3schools, a site known amongst web developers,

Firefox reached a market share of 25%, while Internet Explorer plummeted to 64.8%. If we take into consideration the entire browsing solutions suite, Mozilla Foundation now owns a market share of almost 30%.

A study of the Secunia security company shows that regardless of all the security bugs recently discovered, the users haven’t lost their faith in the “Internet’s sly fox”, but quite the opposite, the speed at which the open-source developers took care of these problems was highly appreciated.

In November 2004, Internet Explorer had a market share of 95%, in January this year it had dropped to 84.1%, and now, according to the w3schools website, the “almighty” browser’s share of the market reached 64.8%.

If we take into consideration the fact that Firefox is not embedded into an operating system as Internet Explorer is, and does not benefit from the same kind of advertising-dedicated funds as Microsoft does, the open-source browser’s performances are even more impressive.

If the browser maintains its adoption rate, Firefox will turn from the small thorn in Internet Explorer’s side into a humongous pole, and Windows’ integrated browser might end up in Netscape’s situation, with 1% market share.

Source: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Firefox-about-to-get-IE-on-its-knees-2416.shtml

As noted in the original article's comments, the results are skewed somewhat, so for those that don't care to click through:

Those results are flawed, W3Schools is a website where web developers go to learn stuff, so a lot more web developers would use Firefox because it is more standard's complient. The general home user who uses IE would not bother to go to W3Schools, because it is irrelvant to them. The use of IE would be much higher if tested by checking hundreds of websites and averaging them.

Impressive anyway.


I love Firefox. Honestly, since using this, I can't imagine going back to IE, and everytime I hit a site that won't run properly on Firefox for some reason, I cringe :(


Same for me, I prefer firefox over internet explorer and it sucks when I get a website that won't work with it but most sites work fine.


Even as a huge fan of Firefox, I know this is bullshit. No way does Firefox gain 18% of marketshare in like a few weeks. We can be happy when it gets to 10%.. 25% is honestly years down the road, if ever.
galeninjapan said:
I like Safari!

Seriously though, I doubt FireFox would remain open source if their marketshare ever rose to a huge percentage.

Yay Safari! I used to use FireFox, but Safari 2.0 is WICKED FAST so I swithced back. Plus the integrated RSS is awesome and has totally changed the way I browse the web.


miyuru said:
I'd prefer Firefox to be unpopular, and have all the hackers, etc. target IE.
Yeah, it's bittersweet :(

On the other hand, the more popular it gets, the more sites that will accommodate for FF.


Yeah, already there are a bunch of sites that can circumvent Firefox's pop-up blocking....including that shady-ass site gaming-age.com. I suppose it won't be too long before I'm being asked to install weirdo spyware aps before I read a sub-par review of the next Team Ninja game.

I bet MS is still rushing their ass off to get the next IE off the ground. These numbers seem a little big, but are not entirely surprising. Both my office and my college have Firefox enabled as one of their browsers on community PCs -- if major businesses and academic institutions are starting to make Firefox available, it isn't any huge surprise that the usage numbers are going up.


miyuru said:
I'd prefer Firefox to be unpopular, and have all the hackers, etc. target IE.

The advantage to being open source (and popular) is that the bugs will be fixed quicker; in case you didn't notice, the vulnerabilities that FireFox had recently were all remedied quickly in succession. Microsoft tends to be far slower in issuing updates. And if that fails, there's always Opera.


posting on contract only
I don't get what's so great about FireFox. I tried it for a while, and it has some nice tricks that IE doesn't, but it's not a big deal or anything.

Kon Tiki

ConfusingJazz said:
Does Microsoft make you use IE, seeing you are sucking from their teet and everything this summer?
Well Joe does not care about security. I would suggest MYIE2 to him aswell.


Opera's been my browser of choice for years, going back to 1998-99. Firefox is a nice alternative though. IE I only use if a webpage doesn't work with the other two.


i have around 28% of firefox users on my site, it's disgusting, i don't want this kind of audience. i'm thinking of making the code incompatible with FF, redirecting them automatically to maxthon.com

looking at my logs, pics i posted on GA have around 32% of hits from firefox.
Excelion said:
i have around 28% of firefox users on my site, it's disgusting, i don't want this kind of audience. i'm thinking of making the code incompatible with FF, redirecting them automatically to maxthon.com

looking at my logs, pics i posted on GA have around 32% of hits from firefox.



There's nothing wrong wit Maxthon. It has all the features of Firefox an average user would need and I've never had my system hacked or attacked by spyware with it.



I like Operas tabs and ability to place objects :|


firefox atleast lit up's MS ass about the horrible IE6 that we had for like 4-5 years now. Competition is good.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The only thing I don't like about Firefox is that some sites that seem to use flash objects embedded in the iframe or something like that, are twitching like crazy while they are loading in the firefox. IGN and Gamespot most notably. Has anyone figured a fix for this? I find it pretty weird that Firefox devs couldn't fix that by now. I'm using Firefox 1.01 on Windows XP.


Well maybe if my IE worked anymore I'd use it. As of now the spyware has destroyed it so much it runs at a crawl, at least 10x slower than Firefox. Anytime I try to reinstall IE to maybe fix the problem (because I'm sick and tired of having guests go "YOUR INTERNET DOESNT WORK" when they use my computer) it just goes "you alredy have the version of IE", well no SHIT, that's the definition of reinstallation.


f_elz said:
I very much doubt that Firefox reached 25%...

IBM has embraced it and now supports both IE and Firefox for their internal users. I don't doubt if it's not at 25% that it can soon blow past that number and gain an even greater share.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Not too suprising.

All computers at my business and my school have Firefox on them.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I somehow doubt that it's at that percentage as well, but I'm glad that people are slowly wising up. At my workplace we install Firefox on all newer images as an option with IE as the initial default browser. More and more people seem to be switching to it. We also install OpenOffice just to let our users know that there's a world beyond Microsoft.


So one web development website's statistics are something to go by? No. :lol

Take the stats from a site like news.com or cnn.com. IE isn't going to drop below 90%.


StrikerObi said:
Yay Safari! I used to use FireFox, but Safari 2.0 is WICKED FAST so I swithced back. Plus the integrated RSS is awesome and has totally changed the way I browse the web.

Yeah, I have to say that Safari 2.0 has definitely pushed me away from Firefox for the moment. Its still in the dock so I can launch it from time to time, but I'm pretty much sold on being a Safari man for now.

Jim Bowie

I think it's funny how the tables have turned. Most people that I've talked to that believe that they're worth their salt on any level with computers and still use IE are viciously, obstinantly adamant about how much better IE is than everything else. Whereas before hand, it used to be the Firefox fans being totally opposed and bitterly adamant that Firefox pwns everything else.

I don't think that Firefox has 25% of the market at the moment, but I believe it will get there. And it will get there very, very soon.

On a side note, I don't really like Firefox for Mac. I still keep it on there, y'know, as a second browser, with Shiira's latest stable build as a third, but Safari 2.0 really smothers out any would-be competition. But thus far, nothing tops Firefox on the old Windows based PC.


border said:
Yeah, already there are a bunch of sites that can circumvent Firefox's pop-up blocking....including that shady-ass site gaming-age.com. I suppose it won't be too long before I'm being asked to install weirdo spyware aps before I read a sub-par review of the next Team Ninja game.

i haven't got a pop up in years...and I'm still on 0.9.1...


i used to have a 'tabs' menu in my menu toolbar in between bookmarks and tools...then i installed v 1.0.4...i got tabbrowser prefrences...but i still can't go to recently closed tabs and stuf like that...

any ideas? was this part of another extension?


Looking for Pants
ConfusingJazz said:
Does Microsoft make you use IE, seeing you are sucking from their teet and everything this summer?
I'm in my office at MS right now using Firefox and Trillian. They don't care at all... unless you're in the IE7 team I'm guessing.
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