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First baby born without a gender in Canada


Oh yeah, I'm sure not having a sex specified in his/her birth certificate will totally not cause any (totally unnecessary) trouble down the line.
Isn't the whole debate about the "social construct" of gender anyway? It's hard to argue against your baby being born as male or female...

Also lol at the lawyer. I'd like to only be adressed by my name spelled backwards with every second letter in different capitalization.
This is not the first non gendered baby to ever be born. Pretty much no baby has a concept of what gender even is, so they're all born genderless

Im pretty sure the idea though is too convey the "Sex" of the baby, IE it's genetic sex. So IDK if this will stand just out of practicality, or if theyre just going to change the word.

Also, the Lawyers name is amazing, don't hate, that's IRL shitposting

This is actually an important thing to bring up as it helps people in this thread understand the difference between gender and biological sex better. Gender is something that is completely fictional and forced onto young children by society, not something they even know about or understand when their growing up in infant age.

Its not something they should even care about, most of it is just some human fantasy because we have this obsession of organizing things and putting them into categories without thinking about whether or not it makes sense or is fair (see: gender inequality).


This is actually an important thing to bring up as it helps people in this thread understand the difference between gender and biological sex better. Gender is something that is completely fictional and forced onto young children by society, not something they even know about or understand when their growing up in infant age. Its not something they should even care about, most of it is just some human fantasy because we have this obsession of organizing things and putting them into categories without thinking about whether or not it makes sense or is fair (see: gender inequality).

Damn straight.

So it is just to get some attention.

It's to make a point. Whether that gets attention is not the point.

PS why do you care?


Oh, come on...


pretty much.


The amount of people focusing on the lawyer's name is interesting. Have y'all never heard of bell hooks?
yeah i *quickly googles* know of the feminist author bell hooks i read all of her books like uhm Feminism Is for Everybody yes that one

in seriousness seeing people hung up on that i doubt i'm the only one


That's entirely the point.

On her website:

"My name is spelled without capital letters. People make many assumptions about why that is. Here is the story. I have always signed my name without capital letters. When I was taking a Master of Laws degree in 1990, I had letterhead designed and my name was in lower case. I liked it, so I continued it when I returned to private practice in 1992. What an uproar! Lawyers called me up to say that they had a vote in their firm about why I chose that spelling; a court rejected an Order because my name was not properly spelled; and the local queer newspaper refused for years to spell my name without capital letters.

I realized that I had a perfect illustration of how we react when someone moves even a tiny bit away from a norm of behaviour, even with respect to something that has no impact on anyone else. So I have kept that spelling, and I tell this story in unlearning oppression workshops."

Hmm. Okay then. Not sure I'd go with a lawyer who might lose the case based on the insistence of the capitalization of their name. I also reject the idea that someone reacting to the name is in any way equivalent to prejudice and bigotry


Why does Findlay spell her name without capital letters? Is it some kind of statement? I don't get it.

Well in montell Jordans song "this is how we do it" he states

You see the hood's been good to me
Ever since I was a lower-case G
But now I'm a big G.
The girls see I got the money
A hundred-dollar bills y'all

So maybe the lawyer is just still w kid at heart or doesn't have hundreds dollar bills to throw around


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
What a shitty title. Child is not born without a gender. Biologically it does have a gender. But not assigned one.
I really thought this thread was gonna be about a baby born with the body of a ken doll, no genitals. Not male, not female, nothing.

At least I got a chuckle out of the capital letters name haha.


Most likely they'd go by 'they' as opposed to he/she. I know we gender a lot of things in life, but that can be pretty easily worked around for someone who wants to.

So like, think of a situation in which having a gender that is either male or female is essential for getting through the day - it probably doesn't really exist.

I'm thinking from simple stuff like going to a public bathroom to having to deal with paperwork where the gender is a required field. I mean, yeah, there are not probably many cases where gender is 100% essential for getting through the day, but I'm sure things might be a lot more difficult. On the other hand, I find it kinda fascinating that someone can't relate to being neither a man nor female or having a gender. I know that's because society has "wired" us in the "you have to be one or the other", but still.


Still a better parent than most parents who force their children to wear pink or blue, only let them play with "gender appropriate" toys, tell them "boys/girls don't do that!", assume they're heterosexual, and adhere to a bunch of other outdated gender roles that are in no way rooted in biology.
Hmm. Okay then. Not sure I'd go with a lawyer who might lose the case based on the insistence of the capitalization of their name. I also reject the idea that someone reacting to the name is in any way equivalent to prejudice and bigotry

Luckily the law isn't as dumb as seeing a name and dismissing something. Christ. Lol


Hmm. Okay then. Not sure I'd go with a lawyer who might lose the case based on the insistence of the capitalization of their name. I also reject the idea that someone reacting to the name is in any way equivalent to prejudice and bigotry

You drew that equivalence, not her. The only reason she did this was to highlight "how we react when someone moves even a tiny bit away from a norm of behaviour".


Luckily the law isn't as dumb as seeing a name and dismissing something. Christ. Lo

This was part of the quote I was responding to

"a court rejected an Order because my name was not properly spelled"

I don't know much about law but that sounds like a bad thing.

You drew that equivalence, not her. The only reason she did this was to highlight "how we react when someone moves even a tiny bit away from a norm of behaviour".

You're right. Fair enough.


( ≖‿≖)
Attach the baby to an IV drip in each arm 24/7, one with pure testosterone and one with pure estrogen, and see which wins out after a few years.


If this thread doesn't end up the GAF archives as the best thread derail, I'll start spelling my name with only capital letters! Oh I'll do it! I'm crazy man! *Frantically waves pen like a knife*


I wonder if we just renamed the male and female genders (to make them more distinct from biological sex), would that clear up a lot of confusion around gender identity?

Or, like, if we exclusively used M and F for sex, and never for anything else, where boy/girl, man/woman are exclusively gender descriptors? So you could have like a male woman or a female man.

I mean, it seems weird to champion disassociating gender from sex, then push to do the exact opposite on your newborn's birth certificate.


I wonder if we just renamed the male and female genders (to make them more distinct from biological sex), would that clear up a lot of confusion around gender identity?

Like, if we exclusively used M and F for sex, and never for anything else, where boy/girl, man/woman are exclusively gender descriptors? So you could have like a male woman or a female man.

I mean, it seems weird to champion disassociating gender from sex, then push to do the exact opposite on your newborn's birth certificate.

Good idea imo.

Anyway, this thread's a nightmare, I'm out


On today's episode of GAF, we learn that understanding things that we cannot relate to is hard. So we should probably just dismiss them and insult the idea altogether.


You'd think that after damn near 40 years of gender studies people would understand that the word gender is regularly used to describe social and mental structures and the term sex used to describe biology...

The title is grossly misleading, no child is born with a gender, it's learned behaviour from external social sources which a child will discover through external influences and internal mental processes as they grow up, and it's not the same thing as biological sex (relating to chromosomes and body type, not identity).

The sensible answer here is to clear up our terminology on official documents and mark down the sex of children on their birth certificates (though even this is not a binary thing, some people are intersex or born without typical biological definitions), not their gender, which they are free to determine and discover on their own damn terms without you making your gross comments about how humanity is 'going downhill' or whatever the fuck.

If you don't see that it's the same thing as calling non-heterosexual people 'mentally ill' or 'degenerates' twenty years ago, then you're on the wrong side of compassion and history.


Junior Member
There is absolutely zero justification for this kind of bullshit.

For the vast majority of the population, your genotype influences your phenotype.

The world has lost the plot.


Still a better parent than most parents who force their children to wear pink or blue, only let them play with "gender appropriate" toys, tell them "boys/girls don't do that!", assume they're heterosexual, and adhere to a bunch of other outdated gender roles that are in no way rooted in biology.
How do you figure? A girl who will eventually identify as lesbian getting a doll or a boy that in their adolescence will realize they are gay getting a truck does not affect them or does not play into heterosexual roles. Gay men can play with trucks and end up with a truck in their adult life like a lesbian woman can play with doll and be a mother in her adult life. Is really more how open a parent or family deal with a child/adult when they come out.

A sex not being defined and raising a child that can't grasp these issues (hell most adults can't) makes a bigger pain and headaches for the kid through their life.


You drew that equivalence, not her. The only reason she did this was to highlight "how we react when someone moves even a tiny bit away from a norm of behaviour".

Capitalising proper nouns is not a "behaviour". It's a prerequisite to function in English-speaking society (and pretty much any place that uses the Arabic alphabet).


On today's episode of GAF, we learn that understanding things that we cannot relate to are hard. So we should probably just dismiss them and insult the idea altogether.
It's amazing how they all trip over themselves to prove the lawyer's point without a hint of self-awareness.
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