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First Fable Review??? (Maybe, maybe not. Decide for yourself)

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Blazing Sword said:
Holy Christ, this guy practically hates western games, worships japanese games, and says HALO is 'creepy and wrong.' Why on EARTH GMR, did you let a guy like this review one of XBOX biggest games thats western developed when he clearly has a huge bias?

People with huge bias like this shouldn't be reviewers period.


ScientificNinja said:
Oh that's very rich, coming from someone working on the publication. Like I said, I don't really pay attention to much outside of this forum. Look, if you want to be cute about the very clear qualification I'd made, then perhaps you'd like to explain what your review is based on? I'm quite familiar with all of the builds of the game, and I know yours isn't really the review build at all. So what exactly is your credibility built on again? Have a nice day :)

yes...how dare I defend my job...?

this is the first post in the thread:


The review itself is actually very, very pathetic. It goes over everything we already know about the game with the reviewer (Christian Nutt) saying things like "The game is difficult." and "Both the magic and combat systems are held back by clunky controls that see the Xbox controller overflowing with functions."

Based on my time with the game at Gencon, the controls were FINE. Like I said, this review is going over everything we already know with a few bits of opinions scattered extremely lightly throughout

without having read the review, this is what you based your accusation of fabrication ("played for five minutes, if at all") on. am I missing something obvious here? honestly, I've been reading numerous threads at different forums and not picking up on everything. tell me what I'm missing.

our review is based on the code that was made available to us, deemed reviewable by the provider, and is I can only assume the same code that appeared in U.S. magazine offices a mere two days after our return from england.

our credibility is built on the word of the publisher giving us the review code, who I imagine would not intentionally give us bad review code, which we would assuredly write about. if it turns out that in the final, retail code, they changed the control scheme or miraculously added online kart racing (which would be awesome), we'd print a correction in a future issue.

and since I'll be going home soon and avoiding this bullshit, my evening will be just lovely, thanks.
If this game got a 10, I guarantee there'd be a completely different set of people complaining about the exact same thing from an opposite angle. You can't please everyone and it's impossible to find a completely unbiased, robot clone reviewer... If I were involved, I wouldn't even bother arguing it.


Blazing Sword said:
Holy Christ, this guy practically hates western games, worships japanese games, and says HALO is 'creepy and wrong.' Why on EARTH GMR, did you let a guy like this review one of XBOX biggest games thats western developed when he clearly has a huge bias?

This was entirely intentional. The proof is in the pudding:

Christians journal
today whilst he was playing burnout 3, che accused me of hating it. not that he'd ever heard me say so -- in fact, he'd already heard the opposite. but my longterm lack of appreciation for the fruits of western developers has been well-documented over the course of our 8-year (!?!) association.
i'll admit it: i typically don't groove to the western beat, despite the fact that i, myself, am of pale-skinned and hopelessly dorky stock. i grew up in new jersey, for chrissakes, on a diet of NES, SMS, turbografx, genesis, SNES, saturn, playstation, dreamcast...

and the first western (console -- i loved old PC adventure games) game to turn my head (after wrestlemania, RC pro-am, and anticipation on NES -- back when rare was worth a shit) was probably wipeout. suddenly i was grooving to this british game, and its sequel (WOXL) was just divine. but more often i found myself suckered in by japanese games.

this generation has started to turn it around. i've played some good, some bad, and some indifferent western games, and i've played many more japanese games, and i'm beginning to understand the grooves western developers can be in.

i am still largely indifferent to FPSes -- halo is fun with 8+ players, but what the hell wouldn't be.

i still absolutely detest straight military themes. for one, they're about as boring and uncreative as possible, just tedious, humorless men with guns. for another, i just don't like the whole thing. it feels creepy and wrong to me. that's just me, of course, but i can't shake it and don't want to fantasize about it.

but i've come to appreciate what western designers bring to the table. i am looking forward to a world in which the genres blend together. even if the games aren't to my taste, thematically, i'm looking forward to cross-cultural influences in both directions getting bigger and bolder. deus ex and GTA can teach japan about freedom; just about any japanese game can teach the west about presentation, character, and style. ico, katamari damacy, shin megami tensei: nocturne... there's a lot to learn there, guys.

so i'm hoping that FFXII isn't a freak accident, and i'm hoping that cool games like fable and maybe jade empire (let's see how it turns out before i deem it officially 'cool') keep cross-pollinating, creating games from every side that really call out to me: maybe my xbox 2 and playstation 3 libraries won't be so skewed toward the east. maybe? we'll see"
Christians Journal

Im glad you posted this, because I just posted how I feel alienated after reading gmr because I love the western style games and have yet to get into the japanese games. The magazine really feels slanted to me in this regard.


Pimpbaa said:
People with huge bias like this shouldn't be reviewers period.

Geez, some of you are rabid. Those journal entries don't read "OMG, haha sillie westurners! I hate teh poopy westurn games" They say he grew up on Eastern content, and is slowly gaining more and more appreciation for what the western devs have to offer. Even if he feels that Eastern games still remain generally more polished.

Your going to have a hard time finding reviewers of console games who don't feel that up until this point the general trend is that Eastern games have been better or more polished on average.


hyperbolically metafictive
plus if you look at his blog, it says he likes anime, manga, karaoke, and haruki murakami. i'd be tempted to let murakami slide on merit, but how much serious postmodern fiction do you suppose this dude reads? would he be into murakami if his name was schneider or thompson or paz? probably not. wouldn't be his species of the exotic. the sheer redundancy of it is what strikes me: he lists all this japanese stuff he likes, when he could've just said "i really like anime" and let us assume the rest. it's gratuitous. i don't trust these silly anime people to do much of anything, let alone review the videogames we hold dear. it's sinister and pathological. it's pearl harbor all over again and where's my gas mask.


Blazing Sword said:
Holy Christ, this guy practically hates western games, worships japanese games, and says HALO is 'creepy and wrong.' Why on EARTH GMR, did you let a guy like this review one of XBOX biggest games thats western developed when he clearly has a huge bias?

This was entirely intentional. The proof is in the pudding:

Christians journal
today whilst he was playing burnout 3, che accused me of hating it. not that he'd ever heard me say so -- in fact, he'd already heard the opposite. but my longterm lack of appreciation for the fruits of western developers has been well-documented over the course of our 8-year (!?!) association.
i'll admit it: i typically don't groove to the western beat, despite the fact that i, myself, am of pale-skinned and hopelessly dorky stock. i grew up in new jersey, for chrissakes, on a diet of NES, SMS, turbografx, genesis, SNES, saturn, playstation, dreamcast...

and the first western (console -- i loved old PC adventure games) game to turn my head (after wrestlemania, RC pro-am, and anticipation on NES -- back when rare was worth a shit) was probably wipeout. suddenly i was grooving to this british game, and its sequel (WOXL) was just divine. but more often i found myself suckered in by japanese games.

this generation has started to turn it around. i've played some good, some bad, and some indifferent western games, and i've played many more japanese games, and i'm beginning to understand the grooves western developers can be in.

i am still largely indifferent to FPSes -- halo is fun with 8+ players, but what the hell wouldn't be.

i still absolutely detest straight military themes. for one, they're about as boring and uncreative as possible, just tedious, humorless men with guns. for another, i just don't like the whole thing. it feels creepy and wrong to me. that's just me, of course, but i can't shake it and don't want to fantasize about it.

but i've come to appreciate what western designers bring to the table. i am looking forward to a world in which the genres blend together. even if the games aren't to my taste, thematically, i'm looking forward to cross-cultural influences in both directions getting bigger and bolder. deus ex and GTA can teach japan about freedom; just about any japanese game can teach the west about presentation, character, and style. ico, katamari damacy, shin megami tensei: nocturne... there's a lot to learn there, guys.

so i'm hoping that FFXII isn't a freak accident, and i'm hoping that cool games like fable and maybe jade empire (let's see how it turns out before i deem it officially 'cool') keep cross-pollinating, creating games from every side that really call out to me: maybe my xbox 2 and playstation 3 libraries won't be so skewed toward the east. maybe? we'll see"
Christians Journal

but i've come to appreciate what western designers bring to the table. i am looking forward to a world in which the genres blend together. even if the games aren't to my taste, thematically, i'm looking forward to cross-cultural influences in both directions getting bigger and bolder. deus ex and GTA can teach japan about freedom; just about any japanese game can teach the west about presentation, character, and style. ico, katamari damacy, shin megami tensei: nocturne... there's a lot to learn there, guys.

so i'm hoping that FFXII isn't a freak accident, and i'm hoping that cool games like fable and maybe jade empire (let's see how it turns out before i deem it officially 'cool') keep cross-pollinating, creating games from every side that really call out to me: maybe my xbox 2 and playstation 3 libraries won't be so skewed toward the east. maybe? we'll see"

it's amazing what happens when you bold differently, isn't it?
All I ask is that for the JADE EMPIRE review, GMR gets someone who actually will review the game and not care what hemisphere it was developed in.
Why is everyone fixated over a review they haven't read? Better yet, why don't you wait for some more reviews before you freak out about this specific magazine giving it an "average" 8? I'll bet you guys don't know this, but Mario 64 got a couple B's-80s-8s when it came out! Just fucking wait and shut up. Or even better, play the game for your fucking selves.
skip said:
without having read the review, this is what you based your accusation of fabrication ("played for five minutes, if at all") on. am I missing something obvious here? honestly, I've been reading numerous threads at different forums and not picking up on everything. tell me what I'm missing.

You're missing the fact that my first post was not directed specifically at Christian until the end para, which itself carried a hefty qualification. You've got great comprehension skills, by the way.


drohne said:
i don't trust these silly anime people to do much of anything, let alone review the videogames we hold dear. it's sinister and pathological. it's pearl harbor all over again and where's my gas mask.

Ya know, if you're gonna just be a shit disturber, you could at least be subtle about it.

Luckily, I can get away with liking Murakami because they made me read his shit in college. Didn't make a lick of fucking sense to me when I was fourteen.



drohne said:
i don't trust these silly anime people to do much of anything, let alone review the videogames we hold dear. it's sinister and pathological. it's pearl harbor all over again and where's my gas mask.

hahaha, ok that made me bust out laughing.


Holy Christ, this guy practically hates western games, worships japanese games, and says HALO is 'creepy and wrong.' Why on EARTH GMR, did you let a guy like this review one of XBOX biggest games thats western developed when he clearly has a huge bias?

This was entirely intentional. The proof is in the pudding:

Sorry, that is pathetic. So someone that is paid for his work has put a not so great score to a game based on that he doesn´t like West games(BTW where he says such thing?, not every west game is a FPS or based on war), because he says that his personal preference as player are japanese games?

Read the review, play the game and then bring a counter-review, something that beyond opinion, invalidates the review of GMR (that is, with facts). Actually is an empty exercise since reviews are subjective opinions and are very hard to "correct" at least they have clear mistakes. But you can try, will be something interesting to read and will be more useful that an absurd conspiracy theory based on personal entries in a blog.


SyNapSe said:
Geez, some of you are rabid. Those journal entries don't read "OMG, haha sillie westurners! I hate teh poopy westurn games" They say he grew up on Eastern content, and is slowly gaining more and more appreciation for what the western devs have to offer. Even if he feels that Eastern games still remain generally more polished.

Your going to have a hard time finding reviewers of console games who don't feel that up until this point the general trend is that Eastern games have been better or more polished on average.

I still stand by what i said. Reviewers should be completely open minded to games regardless of where they came from or what genre they are. I grew up on mostly eastern games too, but I prefer western games at the moment (I too would be a bad reviewer). It shouldn't be used as an excuse for whatever bias they have.
Does his review, at any point, mention that he dislikes the fact that the characters aren't tailored to his Japanese sensibilities? If not, you guys have no case and really need to shut up.


Pimpbaa said:
I still stand by what i said. Reviewers should be completely open minded to games regardless of where they came from or what genre they are. I grew up on mostly eastern games too, but I prefer western games at the moment (I too would be a bad reviewer). It shouldn't be used as an excuse for whatever bias they have.

This is probably going to be difficult if you are looking to have HUMANS review the games.

Justin Bailey

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Pimpbaa said:
I still stand by what i said. Reviewers should be completely open minded to games regardless of where they came from or what genre they are. I grew up on mostly eastern games too, but I prefer western games at the moment (I too would be a bad reviewer). It shouldn't be used as an excuse for whatever bias they have.
Believe it or not, you can actually have a preference for something and be open-minded at the same time. Crazy, I know.


SyNapSe said:
This is probably going to be difficult if you are looking to have HUMANS review the games.

Then get robots to do it then! :D Seriously, there has to be some people out there completely open minded, or at least mostly open minded.


Microsoft must be smoking something seriously henious this side of Cinncinnati to let any review hit before the game sells on day one. The game had so much hype it didn't need a review, much less an 8/10 review. This went from must have to I'll wait like I usually do. Only $50 for AAA games.


john tv

For chrissakes, the game got an 8. What do you people expect? The intelligence level of this place is baffling sometimes. For every calm, logical, clear-thinking poster, there's 42 trolls, idiots and retards.

Christian is one of the fairest game reviewers out there right now, IMO, and if you were familiar with his work you wouldn't be getting so worked up about biases and whether or not he's fit to review Fable. He's definitely more than qualified -- a lot more than about 99.9% of you, in fact -- so I think it's time you all relaxed and got back to discussion of the actual review itself. Keep up with the baseless reviewer bashing and I'm gonna break out the ban stick. :p


ScientificNinja said:
You're missing the fact that my first post was not directed specifically at Christian until the end para, which itself carried a hefty qualification. You've got great comprehension skills, by the way.

what was said:

Anyway, enough ranting. The score is ultimately subjective, but for my money, based on the first post in this thread, I'd say Christian Nutt didn't get to play the game for more than five minutes, if at all.

...how am I wrong in interpreting this as "I didn't read the review, but I'd say that Christian Nutt didn't play the game and made it up?"




(quitting time, off the clock!)

and kindly fuck off with the personal quips, by the way.
Sysgen said:
Microsoft must be smoking something seriously henious this side of Cinncinnati to let any review hit before the game sells on day one. The game had so much hype it didn't need a review, much less an 8/10 review. This went from must have to I'll wait like I usually do. Only $50 for AAA games.

It's sad to see what ONE review will do to some people. Also consider that some horrific games sell millions (Superman 64).


Justin Bailey said:
Believe it or not, you can actually have a preference for something and be open-minded at the same time. Crazy, I know.

I agree, it just seems unlikely for that particular reviewer going by that journal post (although he did say he's come to appreciate what western designers bring to the table). Guess i should read the review first before i say anymore tho :p
Pimpbaa said:
I agree, it just seems unlikely for that particular reviewer going by that journal post tho.
I guess it'd be dishonest of a reviewer to also list his/her favorite games. If that sort of information got out, there'd be no way I could trust his/her opinion!


I must say though that if this was a Nintendo game (and this has nothing to do with the reviewer personally :) ) it definitely scores a 9+.

GMR Metroid Prime review with cumbersome controls included 10/10.

Defense rests :)


Announcer: "We're here tonight at the "Fable Review" event of the Olympic Games, and we've got a dandy here. We've got angered XBox fans and GMR Staffers going head-to-head over an 8/10 score, deemed a "buy" by GMR Standards, but has caused outrage from these fanb...fans."

Color Commentator: "You're right, but this fight is just getting started. If you're just tuning in, you've missed out on some general "WTF" reactions, followed by a steady flow of "Oh shit, it begins" posts."

Announcer: "Those are usually quite the popular choice and...oh boy, the GMR staffers are really coming out in full force, with some solid support of their reviewer."

Color Commentator: "And Nutt himself (*On a serious note, that wasn't in any way meant to insult the name, my last name ends with the same thing*) has come into the thread himself, maybe attempting to stomp out the flames of fury."

Announcer: "But it looks like all he's done is caught the eye of "The Bolder"."

Color Commentator: "Well, they seem to have advance right past XBox Hater, which is surprising. What else can they go for? Japan-crazed Western-Based Game hater?"

Announcer: "Actually, it seems like that's the entirety of the argument at this point; they seem to be claiming he was too biased to do the review, and are using bolded journal entries to prove their point"

Color Commentator: "Okay, who the fuck bolds shit? I mean really, just edit out all of the other stuff! You don't leave the points that contradict your argument, you get rid of them entirely. Sheesh...it's like they've never tried to completely destroy someone's credibility as a journalist before."

Announcer: "The GMR staffers seem to be almost setting up a pre-emptive strike here...do you think they should have held their hand until people played the game?"

Color Commentator: "Wait, Fable is actually coming out? Well I'll be. No, GMR is probably within their bounds; it's one thing to say "GMR sucks" after a review is out, but to questions a person's ability and credibility over something you haven't read isn't exactly something that should be taken lightly"

Announcer: So here we are...GMR staffers seem to be rallying around their review and defending it, while others fight the Asia-Loving, West-Fearing, Anime-Toting reviewer still. I'm Joseph P. Itsareviewgetoverit, along with Ralph Areyouseriouslystillarguingoverthis, and we'll update you on this exciting event later on in our broadcast"

Color Commentator: "Fable is seriously coming out? Wow!"


drohne said:
how much serious postmodern fiction do you suppose this dude reads? would he be into murakami if his name was schneider or thompson or paz? probably not. wouldn't be his species of the exotic.

bingo! in general, this is the problem i have w/ most intellectual japanophiles.


Gaijin To Ronin said:
Sorry, that is pathetic. So someone that is paid for his work has put a not so great score to a game based on that he doen´t like West games? Because he says that his personal preference as player are japanese games?

Read the review, play the game and then bring a counter-review, something that beyond opinion, invalidates the review of GMR (that is, with facts). Actually is an empty exercise since reviews are subjective opinions and are very hard to "correct" at least they have clear mistakes. But you can try, will be something interesting to read and will be more useful that an absurd conspiracy theory based on personal entries in a blog.

It isnt that the review is incorrect, but that its from a person who prefers eastern style games, which is the exact opposite of me. Since my tastes are different than his, im better off finding a reviewer, like gamespot, who is more attuned to what I like.

The fact it got an 8 from a guy like this is actually encouraging to me when I think about it.

I wonder if he was fighting between a 7-8 range or 8-9 range.


I like Baldur's Gate 2 and Valkyrie Profile, a lot. I played two years of UO and have been playing FFXI since beta, also, I am going to pre-order Fable later today, and SMT3 in a few weeks

That said, I fully expect someone in this topic to literally explode upon reading this post.


This thread is amusing.

I'll have to make sure to pick up the newest GMR so I can use it as a reference as I play through Fable......


Memles said:
Announcer: "We're here tonight at the "Fable Review" event of the Olympic Games, and we've got a dandy here. We've got angered XBox fans and GMR Staffers going head-to-head over an 8/10 score, deemed a "buy" by GMR Standards, but has caused outrage from these fanb...fans."

Color Commentator: "You're right, but this fight is just getting started. If you're just tuning in, you've missed out on some general "WTF" reactions, followed by a steady flow of "Oh shit, it begins" posts."

Announcer: "Those are usually quite the popular choice and...oh boy, the GMR staffers are really coming out in full force, with some solid support of their reviewer."

Color Commentator: "And Nutt himself (*On a serious note, that wasn't in any way meant to insult the name, my last name ends with the same thing*) has come into the thread himself, maybe attempting to stomp out the flames of fury."

Announcer: "But it looks like all he's done is caught the eye of "The Bolder"."

Color Commentator: "Well, they seem to have advance right past XBox Hater, which is surprising. What else can they go for? Japan-crazed Western-Based Game hater?"

Announcer: "Actually, it seems like that's the entirety of the argument at this point; they seem to be claiming he was too biased to do the review, and are using bolded journal entries to prove their point"

Color Commentator: "Okay, who the fuck bolds shit? I mean really, just edit out all of the other stuff! You don't leave the points that contradict your argument, you get rid of them entirely. Sheesh...it's like they've never tried to completely destroy someone's credibility as a journalist before."

Announcer: "The GMR staffers seem to be almost setting up a pre-emptive strike here...do you think they should have held their hand until people played the game?"

Color Commentator: "Wait, Fable is actually coming out? Well I'll be. No, GMR is probably within their bounds; it's one thing to say "GMR sucks" after a review is out, but to questions a person's ability and credibility over something you haven't read isn't exactly something that should be taken lightly"

Announcer: So here we are...GMR staffers seem to be rallying around their review and defending it, while others fight the Asia-Loving, West-Fearing, Anime-Toting reviewer still. I'm Joseph P. Itsareviewgetoverit, along with Ralph Areyouseriouslystillarguingoverthis, and we'll update you on this exciting event later on in our broadcast"

Color Commentator: "Fable is seriously coming out? Wow!"

thanks for the perspective. :) I'm out.

I suggest you guys start up a new thread when the actual review is out, might be more productive.

(and it was never considered for a 7.)


fuck man, two air traffic planes nearly simultaniously crashed in russia and you guys are still bitching about a score.


Justin Bailey said:
Great, let's turn this thread into a japanophile hate circle-jerk.
im a japanophile as well, you missed my point. i find most to be limited in their global knowledge. even having limited knowledge is fine, so long as you dont make outlandish claims.
you cant claim final fantasy is the best rpg, when that is the only rpg you have ever played!
you cant claim kurosawa is the best director of all time, w/o having seen a goddard movie and other frech new wave movies that directly influenced kurosawa!
but again, i didnt want to derail the thread, its just that drohne said something i very much agree with.
skip said:
...how am I wrong in interpreting this as "I didn't read the review, but I'd say that Christian Nutt didn't play the game and made it up?"




(quitting time, off the clock!)

and kindly fuck off with the personal quips, by the way.

What is it about "based on the first post in this thread" that you don't understand? It means "if what the first post said is true, then this is what I believe", plain and simple. Obviously there's a lot more to the review, so the qualified statement doesn't stand. No harm, no foul. But nooo - you're just too protective about your magazine's reputation. I have no intention of fucking off on the personal quips - you are the person who is using his professional privileges to rebuke other posters. As such I feel perfectly entitled to challenge it - and again, I think your journalistic skills, specifically with comprehension, are perfectly fit to question.


ScientificNinja said:
Oh that's very rich, coming from someone working on the publication. Like I said, I don't really pay attention to much outside of this forum. Look, if you want to be cute about the very clear qualification I'd made, then perhaps you'd like to explain what your review is based on? I'm quite familiar with all of the builds of the game, and I know yours isn't really the review build at all. So what exactly is your credibility built on again? Have a nice day :)

See, this is the sort of crap that made me stop reading this forum to begin with. Passive-aggressive dissing based on assumption and nothing regarding actual knowledge. Apparently 8 is the new 6.8, and people who say we don't use the full spectrum of the 1 to 10 scale might actually want to read the magazine and see how many 3s and 4s we dole out. Maybe people are just better at making decent games these days.

As for your pompous pooh-poohing and backpeddaling and hoity-toity delivery, stick it in your own review, as we can already see the headlines written in the clouds "Game of teh Year!"

NOTE: For the One Piece fans who suggest that our cover is complete "shit," or "garbage," I'm glad we evoked such firm reaction to our cover. Better some reaction than none at all. Helps grab the eye.


It isnt that the review is incorrect, but that its from a person who prefers eastern style games, which is the exact opposite of me. Since my tastes are different than his, im better off finding a reviewer, like gamespot, who is more attuned to what I like.

I see, so if a gay reviewer put The Sims 2 a 8. You don´t need to see his text to know that he is absolutely biased because The Sims 2 doen´t have gay relationship, as you already know that his tastes are different that yours. Is that?

Do whatever you want, myself like checking all the reviews and opinions I can. The personal taste, situation of a person shouldn´t be reflected on his profesional duty. People here, like you, are assuming that because his personal taste, his review is biased and wrong, without reading it, and before playing the game itself. I say, first check the review, then play the game, and finally come here to tell us if you are agree or not and why.

Any other thing is worthless.


This thread sucks, time for loli


Justin Bailey

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nitewulf said:
im a japanophile as well, you missed my point. i find most to be limited in their global knowledge. even having limited knowledge is fine, so long as you dont make outlandish claims.
you cant claim final fantasy is the best rpg, when that is the only rpg you have ever played!
you cant claim kurosawa is the best director of all time, w/o having seen a goddard movie and other frech new wave movies that directly influenced kurosawa!
but again, i didnt want to derail the thread, its just that drohne said something i very much agree with.
Yeah I saw that just fine, but do you think this applies to the reviewer? That's what drohne was saying. Honestly, I can't see how you could come up with something like that unless you knew the guy personally, but whatever.


ScientificNinja said:
What is it about "based on the first post in this thread" that you don't understand? It means "if what the first post said is true, then this is what I believe", plain and simple.

Newsflash: This is still a non-qualitative argument of the review, and his point still stands. It was a harsh claim for someone who has not seen, read, or comprehended the review itself. It doesn't matter whether or not you had read the rest of the thread, it was still a stupid thing to say.
God, you idiots make me sick. I'm sorry than an 8/10 (EIGHT? of TEN? Since when is this a bad score?) somehow invalidates your existence. And I'm sorry that the possibility that Christian might possibly be competent is also hurts your head.

He PLAYED the game. It was a REVIEWABLE copy. He LIKED it a great deal, and has said so to me privately on multiple occasions. So it didn't change his life. Given the cutbacks in gameplay over the past few years, it should have been obvious Fable that had gone from The Future of Interactive Media to a being an ambitious, pretty good game. It happens. Get over it. Shut up.

P.S. The newspaper cutout cover rules, and fuck you too if you have no fucking design sense!


ScientificNinja said:
you are the person who is using his professional privileges to rebuke other posters.

No, he's using his ability to log on to this forum like any other jack to rebuke other posters. No great mathematical formula there, he who hides behind mother's Pentium.

I've figured it out. ScientificNinja is the new DaveLong! Awesome! Arguing for arguments sake when there's really nothing to argue about! Back to FFXI I go!
Milkman said:
See, this is the sort of crap that made me stop reading this forum to begin with. Passive-aggressive dissing based on assumption and nothing regarding actual knowledge. Apparently 8 is the new 6.8, and people who say we don't use the full spectrum of the 1 to 10 scale might actually want to read the magazine and see how many 3s and 4s we dole out. Maybe people are just better at making decent games these days.

As for your pompous pooh-poohing and backpeddaling and hoity-toity delivery, stick it in your own review, as we can already see the headlines written in the clouds "Game of teh Year!"

NOTE: For the One Piece fans who suggest that our cover is complete "shit," or "garbage," I'm glad we evoked such firm reaction to our cover. Better some reaction than none at all. Helps grab the eye.

It's really, truly sad when the editorial staff of a magazine doesn't know how to handle a little criticism, misguided or misinformed as it may be. Real professionals wouldn't give a monkey's :D
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