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First Fable Review??? (Maybe, maybe not. Decide for yourself)

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Lukas said:
This thread is hillarious really. This is the same Magazine that thinks Custom Robo is > Far Cry, Call of Duty, Prince of Persia, Max Payne 2, and is equal to Fable.
different reviewers, different tastes. using scores to compare reviews is difficult at best, as easy as it is to do. it's one of the things that's so painful about scoring games -- it's so hard to judge them relative to one another, especially when others review them. turns out DOAU got a 9 and fable got an 8... but i'd much rather play fable than DOAU, and i never would have given DOAU a 9. but milky luvz the DOA and respects the artistry of itagaki's games and the live support. and so it goes. it's not an unreasonable perspective, after all.

i mean, fuck. i'm going to buy fable and play it again. for fun. that's a good game, to my mind.

not that you warrant such a thoughtful response. i'm just in the mood.

why do you guys have your panties all up in a wad, you wanna bet that Fable is getting 9.3+ scores on IGN, Gamespot, Gamespy, and the places that actually hold credibility
if i were still working at gamespy, as i was earlier this year, i almost certainly would have reviewed fable. OMG ITS LIKE A PARADOX IN MY BRAIN
I guess I'm going to subscribe to GMR. I hear a lot of good things about it.

Too bad for Fable...A horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE "8".


evilromero said:
I guess I'm going to subscribe to GMR. I hear a lot of good things about it.

Too bad for Fable...A horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE "8".

lol GMR is so bad they are giving it away for free, you dont need to subscribe
i feel sorry if you do, this latest cover looks like some retard from the 80s made it


Lukas said:
lol GMR is so bad they are giving it away for free, you dont need to subscribe
i feel sorry if you do, this latest cover looks like some retard from the 80s made it

I'm going to miss you Lukas, much in the same way I'll miss this headache once it passes.
Lukas said:
lol GMR is so bad they are giving it away for free, you dont need to subscribe
i feel sorry if you do, this latest cover looks like some retard from the 80s made it
Retards from the 80's need jobs just like you and me. And I am quite fond of the 80's. Especially the decore. The contrast of hot colors blending with brooding dark spaces. It was a killer combination.


What I would like to know id why publishers still think it is a good idea to give out these "exclusive" early reviews.

If you have a game with a lot of hype going for it (which Fable certainly does), it seems like the risk of getting slammed with a disappointing review is far greater than any marginal benefit that you would get from a good review that just confirms everyone's expectations.

Case in point: we now have a 250+ post thread about people cancelling pre-orders over a "bad" 8 score, and barely a mention of the 9 score for DOA in the same issue (which, I guess, is a "good" score).


Rhindle said:
What I would like to know id why publishers still think it is a good idea to give out these "exclusive" early reviews.

If you have a game with a lot of hype going for it (which Fable certainly does), it seems like the risk of getting slammed with a disappointing review is far greater than any marginal benefit that you would get from a good review that just confirms everyone's expectations.

Case in point: we now have a 250+ post thread about people cancelling pre-orders over a "bad" 8 score, and barely a mention of the 9 score for DOA in the same issue (which, I guess, is a "good" score).

no one reads GMR so MS probably doesnt really care. Fable will sell 1 million of hype alone either way.


Rhindle said:
What I would like to know id why publishers still think it is a good idea to give out these "exclusive" early reviews.

Because, and thank god, GAF isn't representative of the gaming populace. Thankfully, we..and people like us, make up a very small precentage of today's gaming audience - which is easily proven every time NPDs hit.


I would be embarrased to be seen holding that disgusting hot pink magazine in my hand in a gay bar in sanfrancisco , i dont see too many people skipping over the OXM with its free demo, or the PSM with the free demo, or EGM, to flaunt this flamingly gay magazine out the door of a store


Mejilan said:
Lukas, are you like an anti-GMR fanboi or something?

yes, its the worst, most biased, unprofessional magazine out there, and this guy has the nerve to come here on GA and defend himself after the statements he along with GMR has made


I thought Lukas got the ban stick in a nasty place? Anyway, I think GMR is a great magazine though I'm still wondering about that Metroid Prime review. A perfect score? Great game but not perfect. Fable, great game (maybe) but not perfect? Surely Fable could of got another point somewhere. Oh well.
Woah. Now hold it a minute. Nobody wants to comment on my 80's pictoral portayal? I mean, doesn't anyone remember art clashing with capitalism in a way we'll never experience again? If you lived in Oklahoma during that time surely you remember "Enterprise Square" the place where kids learned capitalism is fun and at the same time were exposed to creepy space aliens and exotic but trance-inducing color combinations (the long dark hallways reminded me of some lucid dream I had about a sci-fi flicks).

If Fable can reproduce that aesthetic of my childhood then it's the best game ever.


I'm still of the opinion that an 8 is worth getting excited about, myself. A score like that from GMR is quite a bit more significant than the same score would be coming from a site like IGN. Then again, I also don't subscribe to the warped GAF view of game ratings, where 7 means 'borderline unplayable'. :p
Mejilan said:
I've purchased, played, reviewed, and loved games with scores lower than an 8.
Ditto. Hell I LOVED Pokemon Colosseum and Custom Robo. But those got just below an 8 or so. Same with Sonic Heroes, Wario Ware Mega Party Games and 1080 (easily the most underrated game of the year...or was it Kirby?).


Lukas said:
ive already been banned like 5 times, get over it
[23:04] <BuddyC_Laptop> sp0rsks, can we say goodbye to Lukas yet?
[23:04] <sp0rsks> i think its about time
[23:05] <sp0rsks> okay
[23:05] <sp0rsks> permabanned


Sucks at viral marketing
Mejilan said:
I've purchased, played, reviewed, and loved games with scores lower than an 8.
You so cray-zay!!!

[EDIT]Wait.... you've reviewed games that you loved and still given them less than an 8? Was this a scale of 5?


Running off of Custom Firmware
Sure. I've played games I've absolutely loved in concept and even liked in execution, but were severely lacking in various regards. Grandia II on the PS2, Aidyn Chronicles The First Mage on the N64, Lufia III on the GBC, Lunar Legends on the GBA, Lufia RoL on the GBA, etc. I don't remember the exact scores I gave them anymore, though. I'm sure there were more.

On a scale of 10 or 100 (in which case, the 8 would have been 80.)
ferricide said:
i could not have said it better myself. i was thinking "pompous asshole" actually. but that works too.

You're painting a fantastic picture of yourself, being such a great ambassador for your magazine and all, lashing out at your audience and all. Oh wait a minute, I don't read your magazine precisely because of who you are. My bad. Flame away, good sir.


ScientificNinja said:
You're painting a fantastic picture of yourself, being such a great ambassador for your magazine and all, lashing out at your audience and all. Oh wait a minute, I don't read your magazine precisely because of who you are. My bad. Flame away, good sir.

i rest my case. you spend this whole thread being a windbag and baiting this kind of response, and then when it happens you act injured and superior? lukas has nothing on you.


Milkman said:
NOTE: For the One Piece fans who suggest that our cover is complete "shit," or "garbage," I'm glad we evoked such firm reaction to our cover. Better some reaction than none at all. Helps grab the eye.
While I have a subscription to GMR, so the following comments don't necessarily apply to me, your reasoning is faulty. The classic "no publicity is bad publicity" line doesn't apply to the appearence of items in a retail setting, especially in a competitve market. I provide the following two different examples:

1. Fruit: My attention is grabbed by a poor looking piece of fruit in the market before "average" fruit. Guess which one I buy?

2. Book covers/titles: Waaaaay back when I was 14 I read Piers Anthony's Xanth series, which at that time was up to 15 (repetitve) books. The title of the 15th book was "The Color of her Panties". While I tend to buy books rather than go to the library, that particular book was checked out with the new-fangled self checkout machine at the library. The title and cover were simply too embarassing to purchase for a younger, more insecure person (and frankly, I'd still be hestitant over being pegged as a pedo).


Gaijin To Ronin said:
I see, so if a gay reviewer put The Sims 2 a 8. You don´t need to see his text to know that he is absolutely biased because The Sims 2 doen´t have gay relationship, as you already know that his tastes are different that yours. Is that?

Do whatever you want, myself like checking all the reviews and opinions I can. The personal taste, situation of a person shouldn´t be reflected on his profesional duty. People here, like you, are assuming that because his personal taste, his review is biased and wrong, without reading it, and before playing the game itself. I say, first check the review, then play the game, and finally come here to tell us if you are agree or not and why.

Any other thing is worthless.

I have a subscription to the magazine(the eb offer), and find that there is alot of japanese love there, and alot of knox on the xbox. Im an xbox fan, and find that i get annoyed with the magazine as Im reading it. From his personal crib the reviewer admits he likes eastern style games. There reviews of nintendo games are very high, the games there most excited about (hot flames is how they measure it) are japanese.

I dont knock them for there tastes, everyone has them. But unlike you, I dont buy that professionals are unbiased. There people, with personal tastes that have a bias, there is no such thing as a 100% objective review. Nor are there any wrong reviews(you can only get facts wrong, not opinions), as I said in my opening sentence that you responded to. I have a bias, its for western games. Having had the magazine for 8 months I know that I often disagree with them. All im saying is that im waiting for gamespot, and these guys and there magazine is not something I will continue with in the future once my eb bonus subscription runs out because of the magazine content.


force push the doodoo rock
ScientificNinja said:
You're painting a fantastic picture of yourself, being such a great ambassador for your magazine and all, lashing out at your audience and all. Oh wait a minute, I don't read your magazine precisely because of who you are. My bad. Flame away, good sir.

what is your point here?


force push the doodoo rock
ScientificNinja said:

Nothing, really. I think all we've established here is that I'm no friend of GMR and that GMR is no friend of mine :D

then why are you posting in this thread?
sp0rsk said:
then why are you posting in this thread?

At this point in time? Unless I'm mistaken, I'm answering a perfectly legitimate question. Otherwise I was about to leave the discussion, unless of course someone else from GMR wants to chew the fat.


force push the doodoo rock
ScientificNinja said:
At this point in time? Unless I'm mistaken, I'm answering a perfectly legitimate question. Otherwise I was about to leave the discussion, unless of course someone else from GMR wants to chew the fat.

k. see ya.


I really think 8 is a just above average from GMR's perspective, which is sort of disappointing.

Oh well... no biggie.

It certainly isn't GA's C-.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
is there a reason I should read this thread, or did fable just get a 8/10(which btw last time I checked was a good score)?





Unconfirmed Member
john tv said:
For chrissakes, the game got an 8. What do you people expect? The intelligence level of this place is baffling sometimes. For every calm, logical, clear-thinking poster, there's 42 trolls, idiots and retards.

LOL/ :(

Its funny, and sad.

This thread is almost as good as "C-", but it is missing a lot more bannings, virulent e-mails from south american countries, and the word "idots".


Unconfirmed Member
JJConrad said:
You so cray-zay!!!

[EDIT]Wait.... you've reviewed games that you loved and still given them less than an 8? Was this a scale of 5?
I love a lot of games that just don't deserve 8-10. There is nothing wrong with that. They are just different ways of approaching your evaluation, both of which are valid.
I'm confused by all the anger...how is it even possible for one to disagree with a review they haven't read of a game they haven't played?


Sucks at viral marketing
GashPrex said:
is there a reason I should read this thread, or did fable just get a 8/10(which btw last time I checked was a good score)?
If you have the time, read it. It made a fun popcorn thread. It starts off the typical GAF responces (though not nearly as harsh as other games), "It Begins," stiff like that. Then comes the denial of the review being real, but once its confrimed, it turns into bashfest against GMR and the reviewer. Some stupid thing about the reviewer being a western game hater, with select highlights to make their point. About this time, writers from the mag come in and defend the review.

The central arguement revolved around the idea that the reviewer only played two hours of the game. While this theory was killed early on in the thread's life, it plays a key role throughout. The thread was locked and unlocked. There were minor discussions about the cover of the mag. There were 2 versions, one with DOAU (alright) and one for Fable... all pink and nasty.

Basically, it was GAF. Personally, I'd give this thread an 8.


Sucks at viral marketing
scola said:
I love a lot of games that just don't deserve 8-10. There is nothing wrong with that. They are just different ways of approaching your evaluation, both of which are valid.
It just seems odd to me. I've always rated games based on my enjoyment of the game. Technical stuff is secondary.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Fun Factor is but one aspect of a game that needs to be reviewed. IMHO.

I love games based on Fun Factor, to quote Gamepro's term, but I don't rate exclusively by it.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
how can you review a game at a studio? If a game is not reviewed from your couch distraction free, I consider what is written another set of impressions.


Sucks at viral marketing
Mejilan said:
Fun Factor is but one aspect of a game that needs to be reviewed. IMHO.

I love games based on Fun Factor, to quote Gamepro's term, but I don't rate exclusively by it.
I'd think it would the most important aspect, though. Why else play games?

I wish more mags and site would stop using an over-all score and start breaking down their review by catagory. Different people have different ideas of "what's important." For me, that even changes from genre to genre.
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