Should have just pulled the trigger on a Flash movie instead of this cheap crap.
Should have just pulled the trigger on a Flash movie instead of this cheap crap.
Should have just pulled the trigger on a Flash movie instead of this cheap crap.
Really surprised people are excited about this and think it looks good. Looks like garbage to me. Is it just because it's The Flash?
No sir have not seen it.Have you watched Arrow yet?
I do admit the running is still looks a bit odd, but it was a pretty good teaser.
No sir have not seen it.
People poo-pooing this for being corny are going to be livid when Gorilla Grood makes an appearance.
Just go full on nuts and have a dude in a cruddy looking good suit.Don't know how they'll pull him off without awful CGI.
He looks so camp, it's impossible to make this with a serious tone. lol.
What song is playing? I like it.
I've seen better cosplay suits.
Yeah I don't know what the haters are talking about. Suit looks fantastic.
I've seen better cosplay suits.
Because Gotham is about a bunch of lame nobodies and The Flash is about the most powerful superhero in DC.How can this look so fun and Gotham look like such shit?
"Game on"
god forbid they be FUN and not brooding like Batman![]()
god forbid they be FUN and not brooding like Batman![]()
I am very happy to have a hero that is happy and having fun with his powers. It will be a great breath of fresh air.
God I hope Grant and Stephen Amell get to be in Justice League.
Batman? Brooding.
Wonder Woman? Stoic.
Superman? Serious and self-doubting.
Green Lantern? ???
Cyborg? ???
Aquaman? ???
Green Arrow? Past the brooding phase and just being a badass.
Flash? Fanboying the fuck out.
Seems to be channeling the DCAU Flash which can only be awesome, can't wait for next season