So, I went to BestBuy and I bought the "Spider Man Legacy Collection" on Blu-ray with the steelbooks and all that shit.
...and I watched Spider-Man 2.1.
On a side note, I always enjoyed Spider-Man 2 - it was like a guilty pleasure, anyways...
After the credits rolled on Spider-Man 2.1 -
and this is coming from a Batman fan - Spider-Man is my new favorite superhero and this is the greatest superhero movie of all time, yes...I totally agree.
It has everything; it has a hero's motivation, it has cool, powerful abilities, it has the hero being revealed to innocents - but they wouldn't tell anyone who he is - and the villain is incredible.
It really is almost perfect and I'm really sorry that I never saw it before.
Yes, Sam Raimi's "Spider-Man 2" is the GOAT of all superhero movies...-...equal to "The Amazing Spider-Man", because I love that movie also