Also, there's a rumor going around that there may not be midnight Cruise's psycho request.
"It's fantastic. Spielberg is back to the type of films we love him for. No cute teddy bears, or candy-munching aliens to be seen here. This film is an outstanding return to form. Aside from the special effects, which were as good as you could hope (more on them later) Spielberg has come up with some fantastic set-pieces including an almost silent game of hide and seek in a waterlogged basement.
The destruction of buildings by the tripods is top notch. The film kept a real sense of B-movie charm, especially when you see how the tripod's laser disposes of humans. There is also one long shot where Spielberg has the camera pan around a speeding car, all the while following the conversation between Tom and his kids. This shot blew me away. Cruise does play a pretty shitty Dad, and he doesn't try to save the world. His mission is to save his daughter and son - though he does get one hero moment involving a Tripod cage.
The film is just what I wanted. It's got humor, horror, and amazing effects. By the way, fans of the book will NOT be disappointed. Considering BATMAN BEGINS, SIN CITY, and EPISODE III have all been so good, we're on track to have one of the most memorable geek summers ever."
Also, there's a rumor going around that there may not be midnight Cruise's psycho request.