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Fitness Apps


That crazy Japanese Moon Language
I'm currently looking for a fitness app that contains a set routine and can track my progress, or at the very least, let me know what workouts to do on what day and possibly pair them with a meal plan.

Some back story; I used to be very active. Used to ride my bike everywhere, run marathons, my regular workout was crossfit, but over the past 6 months I have basically stopped working out completely.
I moved to another part of the country, got into a new relationship, new job, still getting used to living in Hawaii instead of Washington DC and that along with a terrible ankle injury, have all but made me into a pudgy mess.

Years ago, I did P-90X and really liked it, but I don't want to deal witht he video aspect of the thing. I'd rather the workouts/type of workout be illustrated in a mobile app. I've been looking into the other workout plan called "Body Beast" and have seen great reviews, but yet again, it is DVD based. I want to know if there is any iPhone or iPad app that can replace the video aspect.

EDIT: welp, this should not be in the community forum. Mods please delete.
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