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Fitness |OT| Pumpin' Iron and Spittin' Blood.

Cutty Flam

HIIT eliptical work out until i spit bloody stars and stripes

Was thinking about buying one if I can find a stellar deal. But then, those things break like every year probably / need maintenance. Hell of a machine though, beats the hell out of the exercycle bike I have

Elliptical are the truth for low impact cardio, or if you're lucky enough to live near a pool

Fuck China for sabotaging the gym rat lifestyle and safety. Will probably never forgive those fuckers
After my normal morning warm-up, I worked in the garden all morning and afternoon. Spring/summer crops are either done or finishing up, so I planted a bunch of fall/winter stuff. First I weeded the garden for about two hours, and I was impressed by my own stamina. Even though I was bent over most of the time, my back didn't get sore. Then I shoveled a few dozen wheelbarrows full of compost and spread it on the beds. This was about four hours of work. I planted onions, lettuces, peas, beets, turnips, cucumbers, beans, parsley, cilantro, and some sunflowers.

Anyway, the point of this story is that one of my aims was to improve strength via exercise for the sake of being able to do manual labour more comfortably and for longer hours, and that appears to be paying off.


oh hell yeah

psychopathic calisthenics until midnight amidst games of apex and titanfall 2


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Cutty Flam

Walked in the hot sun for about 30 min, came home and did a legs routine (nothing much just PT routine)

I injured something in my left ankle area. How I cannot say for sure, but my mistake likely had to do with several important factors

I walked for 30 min which is a lot for someone with my issues. All I had for breakfast was a protein shake with blueberries, a tbsp and a half of peanut butter, maybe 3-5 oz of blueberries. I probably should have had more food to start off with

Another major mistake I think I’ve been making and it finally added up is all the exercises I’ve been doing, I’ve been clenching my toes to the ground in sort of a towel crunch (with toes) isometric hold. I’d say I’ve been doing this for about 3 months or so with any standing exercise I do. It’s too much strain overtime. The ankle complex is so small, the muscles of the foot are so small. It made no sense for me to clench the concrete with my toes like that. Maybe the slightest bit, just for stability in addition to my core, but I was going like 60% with these holds. Too much

And them I did glute medius raises in which I am standing on one foot and clenching and that puts tremendous amount of effort on each ankle. On top of the excess squeezing I was doing with the toes, this might have been the straw that broke the camel’s back

Or maybe the final straw was this: I’ve been working on dorsiflexion stretches and I did a pretty intense 6 second contract and release going into 30 second stretches. I think that definitely could be the main cause since I was putting a lot of weight onto the area

Just wanted to document my mistake here. I hope this will heal quickly so I can continue on. It’s painful and definitely having an inflammatory response but I’m hoping it is merely a nerve or something I aggravated or maybe a it’s a small muscle? Hopefully not the ankle complex that is hurt/damaged because this is the same exact ankle I fucked up bad about 4 years ago. I’ve aggravated nerves before, it’s not nearly as touch as coming back from muscle strains. Takes like 4-6 days and you’re good whereas muscle strains I’m lucky if I can get back to activity in like 12-14 days most times I’d say

I get so into training and know a decent bit, but yet it’s still so easy to make a mistake and ruin your body. Maybe I’m doing too much. Usually is the case. But this time, I think it’s more or less another simple mistake and a lesson learned in several areas. The pain is highly uncomfortable and annoying, and this is very disappointing. But I’ve been down this road 100s if not close to 1,000 times. Injuries are part of the game. Not going to let it get me down; I have to recognize those negative thoughts and instead focus on healing, fun, positivity and learning. The pain and mistakes and falling down is what makes the glory all the better when you’re standing tall and blessed to see your work pay off, and you can enjoy the health you’ve learned to gain + maintain + increase
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rest, ice, compression, elevation

i've had some trouble with my ankle since i was 16 (three bolts and 13 screws after an accident)

always doing circles with the synovial joint, flexion and extensions to keep things loose

get well soon!

God Enel

i wanna get back to sleeping on the floor, was great for my back in my twenties

currently resting in bed with my phone, emulating shit on a modded wii u, hooked to a pentagon electrode array

easy come and go, friends

I actually tried that once on my yoga mat. it was a really wakeful night. Was turning around a lot. Otherwise I really like the idea. Maybe I need one of these Japanese mats?
How are you going to do it? Are you using anything at all?

btw. I’m showering cold every day now. - just skipped it once but otherwise I’m really digging it. Cutty Flam Cutty Flam tips have helped me a lot - and I’m moving way faster to my upper body. Biggest weak point is when the cold water hits the back of my head and my neck. Then all my breathing messes up and I’m all hectic for a while. Even though I try to calm down and trying to get it back to normal I have a hard time. I have to look up for a video of the wim Hof breathing method to see how it’s done properly.

I kinda now feel that my body needs the cold shower it’s awesome - health benefits I don’t see them right now. I’m showering cold for around 5 minutes. Is that enough?

today is leg day. Gonna do some squats, Nordic curls, straight leg dead lifts, pistol squats, Bulgarian split squats and so on today. Gonna try to work out more the back of my legs today - and my friends gonna hate it - because it sucks 😄

No pain no gain brothers (and sisters)

Cutty Flam

rest, ice, compression, elevation

i've had some trouble with my ankle since i was 16 (three bolts and 13 screws after an accident)

always doing circles with the synovial joint, flexion and extensions to keep things loose

get well soon!
Thanks Tesseract Tesseract , really appreciate it brother. I elevate it a lot yesterday. Today I did maybe 6 or 7 cycles of contrast therapy hot+cold. Helped a lot. And the pain is down a lot from yesterday. I think I’ll elevate a lot more today when I am resting (I have found that 10-15 minutes of elevation and then some time to walk around let the injured area be where it’s supposed to be and then repeat again X amount of times feels best) and I’m going to be going to PT later so that might help some too

How’d you injure your ankle so badly bro? Football / skateboarding?

I actually tried that once on my yoga mat. it was a really wakeful night. Was turning around a lot. Otherwise I really like the idea. Maybe I need one of these Japanese mats?
How are you going to do it? Are you using anything at all?

btw. I’m showering cold every day now. - just skipped it once but otherwise I’m really digging it. Cutty Flam Cutty Flam tips have helped me a lot - and I’m moving way faster to my upper body. Biggest weak point is when the cold water hits the back of my head and my neck. Then all my breathing messes up and I’m all hectic for a while. Even though I try to calm down and trying to get it back to normal I have a hard time. I have to look up for a video of the wim Hof breathing method to see how it’s done properly.

I kinda now feel that my body needs the cold shower it’s awesome - health benefits I don’t see them right now. I’m showering cold for around 5 minutes. Is that enough?

today is leg day. Gonna do some squats, Nordic curls, straight leg dead lifts, pistol squats, Bulgarian split squats and so on today. Gonna try to work out more the back of my legs today - and my friends gonna hate it - because it sucks 😄

No pain no gain brothers (and sisters)

Solid work God Enel God Enel , keep it going

The neck and upper region/area seem to be the most sensitive to temperature, I agree. That’s why I usually start with the cold water hitting the head for the first 5 seconds or so. Then I’ll let it hit my neck and maybe my left side neck and upper back, to mid-back, then I back away and let my hands bring cold water to my legs from ankle to mid-section and repeat with the right side. I try to bring cold water to the sensitive areas first. It’s very easy, almost like nothing if you rapidly introduce the cold water to your body with your hands. It bring the cold to the pores quickly and you also get a slight flush of warmth from your hands to blunt the shock a very small amount if that makes sense

Letting the water stay on the chest and then sort of swaying gently or turning your trunk lightly to the left and right so the water will hit your necks side, traps + rhomboids + lats etc is the key imo. The upper body is what I always try to acclimate the most. My legs are never the primary focus, I simply wet them and then go straight away to focusing on the upper body

What always helps me personally is that feeling of the cold bringing me back to the beach. And when I really focus on my breath (im not good at this when in the shower at all btw) that’s when I feel most in the moment. When I am focusing on the breath and staying in the cold, the feeling is sublime. Probably would be even more so if I could open up the window for fresh air. But what makes it so easy for me, is imagining the beach, the very cool and refreshing sea, the fresh air, just entire beach scenery and such is very relaxing. And also focusing on that one memory where I was in a very, very cool air conditioned house alone as a kid after being in a pool on a very hot day. The feeling was indescribable that day. It was so cold and chilled in the house as I stayed by the air conditioner, being in the coolest area possible, my skin wet so it was even cooler. Nobody to distract me at all. It was very serene, and the cold in conjunction with the peace and quiet brought me to some point of being that felt like a form of paradise. It’s tough to describe. But I try to breathe into the belly or diaphragm muscle as best I can concentrate for, and stay still in the cold, thinking of the beach usually and it helps a lot. I try to stay in for at least 3-5 minutes

I can actually feel the blood from my feet rushing to probably the organs, is my guess to protect from the cold? I just know that the cold water causes the flush of blood to different sites because I feel the discomfort and stiffness in my feet, ankle area, achilles area, plantar fascia area because some portion of the blood must temporarily leave the area I would guess

I did some ice therapy with the feet. It’s a different level completely than simply the cold shower. If your breathing isn’t set, it’s going to be tough. I still have to train much more consciously with the breath to reach that level. I don’t want to waste the ice, so I want to be in there for at least 4 min when I do think I’m ready for that level. Keep it up, cold showers definitely helps bring blood to different areas of the body it wouldnt be otherwise. If I ever decide the gym is a practical idea again given the nature of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and Covid-19 disease, I’m going to make contrast therapy a regular part if my weekly routine to maximize the speed of the recovery process. 7 cycles just as Kobe Bryant would do. If that’s how a world class athlete, the toughest player to ever play basketball does it, then that’s the standard of maintaining the body at the best ways we know how. He was one tough son of a bitch. Perhaps top 3 toughest players to ever play the game. But as big of a fan and supporter of Kobe I am, Wilt Chamberlain, Bill Russell and Jerry West were up there too. Larry Bird as well, all five of them. Then you have Michael Jordan of course. Different topic for another day

Two pages from the book, The Mamba Mentality: How I Play, touching on contrast therapy



God Enel

Thanks for your write up dude. I’m gonna change the routine today and hit my head first with the cold water just to shake things up and see how it goes. I never used my hands. Just hitting my legs and so on straight with the shower head. I’m also starting to move it way faster towards the rest of my body. First two or so days I was just doing it going from one body part to another. Now I’m more or less working my way up (hope that doesn’t contradict my previous post). Though I start with the right leg I moveto my balls and stomach to the right one up to my chest, then it hits my left and right arm and then my back and neck. And in the end my head.
when i let the cold water run on my head for - what feels like a - minute or so I kinda feel like my heads going to explode - but not in a bad way or so just like there’s a shitload going on. Same with my feet like they’re tingling - especially the first two-three days.

sadly I don’t have a bathtub not a big refrigerator to try an ice bath. But I’m gonna fill a bucket with ice and ice-bath my feet just to see what it feels like.

With that being said the human body is an amazing vessel, that is capable of so many things be it enduring the cold, skipping meals (for a day and more), sports, “brain shit” and so on. Sad to see people don’t try and figure it out themselves. Maybe some things will help them tremendously but if you never try you never know. I was the biggest bitch in regards to cold showers. Now I’m a #belieber ;)

Howoften people tell me that I’m insane when I’m telling them that I ate nothing today/yesterday (or for more than 24 hours)

Cutty Flam

Thanks for your write up dude. I’m gonna change the routine today and hit my head first with the cold water just to shake things up and see how it goes. I never used my hands. Just hitting my legs and so on straight with the shower head. I’m also starting to move it way faster towards the rest of my body. First two or so days I was just doing it going from one body part to another. Now I’m more or less working my way up (hope that doesn’t contradict my previous post). Though I start with the right leg I moveto my balls and stomach to the right one up to my chest, then it hits my left and right arm and then my back and neck. And in the end my head.
when i let the cold water run on my head for - what feels like a - minute or so I kinda feel like my heads going to explode - but not in a bad way or so just like there’s a shitload going on. Same with my feet like they’re tingling - especially the first two-three days.

sadly I don’t have a bathtub not a big refrigerator to try an ice bath. But I’m gonna fill a bucket with ice and ice-bath my feet just to see what it feels like.

With that being said the human body is an amazing vessel, that is capable of so many things be it enduring the cold, skipping meals (for a day and more), sports, “brain shit” and so on. Sad to see people don’t try and figure it out themselves. Maybe some things will help them tremendously but if you never try you never know. I was the biggest bitch in regards to cold showers. Now I’m a #belieber ;)

Howoften people tell me that I’m insane when I’m telling them that I ate nothing today/yesterday (or for more than 24 hours)
Truly is. Was just talking yesterday with my bro and out friend about the body being able to withstand 4-5 minutes underwater. Everyone can if they truly had to. All mammals apparently have this one mechanism that kicks in called the diving reflex

Kind of interesting. The body is definitely an amazing vessel I agree

Fasting is the truth too. I love Intermittent Fasting. And fasting past 24 hrs as well. I have to play it safely though. Next time I go for it again, Going to do +28 hrs plus fast and have a certain amount of pink salt throughout the day. Plus I’m going to break the fast with bone broth soup next time from Fire and Kettle to keep the ketones going. Last time my nervous system seemed to take a hit...I did 36 hrs or so and walked after my fast and my abdomen area felt pretty damn abused. Going to test it again and see if the pink salt’s minerals will prevent that from happening again. Idk how dudes are training fasted and doing hardcore training at that. I guess I’m not built for it because I tried a few times and I felt pretty damn thrashed each time . Definitely have my best training after I eat. Wish it wasn’t so; it would amplify fat loss like no other


Hi all, just decided to put my best foot forward starting today in getting into some kind of shape. I've been lazy as fuck through the pandemic and my self esteem took a big hit these past few months. I set up a mini-gym in my garage since I can't really go to a gym right now, so I'm looking for ideas for an extremely beginner-friendly routine I can get into.

My equipment:
  • Excercise bike
  • Weight Bench with the leg piece, similar to this
  • tOo8i5ydoqQg0UtC142O8rcfBBEW3ww-baRcOrL5AOQCAxxQKby-72q4cYsiolNW_kBncxUa4mPlmopmLU1d4ofqo4OFDedKj1jhJe43cr8NEgLxagXU8j9ASgZX42vpRgj93L7lQWj8ftSi2TgDkIdFmnror3q3ctKL3YLBSjPG0f_I5315UTPc9yCCoEWpJRVFIYNSi3_pYQDtQkp21g
  • Ab curler with knobs to add weight, similar to this
  • Ab-Roller-EV.jpg
  • 180~ish lbs of various weights
  • Yoga mat

It's pretty basic, and I'm planning on getting a misting fan to keep cool. I have another ~$300 i can spend for anything else worthwhile.

I've been doing 30 mins on bike, followed by stretches, followed by benching and doing whatever the leg excercises are with that thing on the end of my bench. Then every other day I do 2 sets of crunches with no added weight.

Anyways, I haven't researched anything, I just go in and kinda wing it, so any suggestions on a formal routine would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Hey guys! After quarantine all I did was run and some light weights and push ups. When gyms opened back up I've went 25 days in a row. I'm up 11 lbs and I'm right about where I was before quarantine strength wise. Feels so good to be back. Yea I guess I'm sort of a gym bro but the positive effects on the mind are extremely important. Without it I was freaking struggling and I was pissy all the time. I need that shit. I can't stress enough to people how good it is on the mind to work hard at being fit. Stay pumped my fitness peeps. Also stay safe.


I'm still in lockdown so have been doing nothing but running (finally, I'm actually starting to somewhat enjoy outdoor running), skipping, various bodyweight exercises (thank fuck for my pull up and dip station), kettlebell exercises, various cardio based routines and Yoga (although I have no idea if im doing this correctly as I'm just following YouTube videos - shout out to Sarah Beth Yoga who is an absolute fucking babe! Seriously, check her out :messenger_smiling_hearts:)

I really miss Boxing though and unfortunately I smashed my bag out of the ceiling early on into quarantine and need to do some repairs to get it back up hanging.

I do miss heavy lifting as well and have dropped down from 92KG to 87KG but at least I'm looking a bit leaner now (and I probably should be walking around under 200lbs anyway as I'm only just barely 6ft). I'm sure it'll only take a month or so to get my strength back anyway.

A renewed interest in MMA (I've been a fan for well over 10 years now but burned out for a year or two) means that I'll likely go back to BJJ training once I can get back in a gym again - fingers crossed that's only a few weeks away now for the UK.

Stay safe, lean and strong Brothers.


hope everyone is strong and healthy

gonna push even harder past summer, into winter and beyond

sorta glad i lost most of my twenties to injuries and shit, whatever doesn't kill you

I wonder what makes someone like that. That winner, never give up attitude. Wish I had it! #spokenlikealoser


After my normal morning warm-up, I worked in the garden all morning and afternoon. Spring/summer crops are either done or finishing up, so I planted a bunch of fall/winter stuff. First I weeded the garden for about two hours, and I was impressed by my own stamina. Even though I was bent over most of the time, my back didn't get sore. Then I shoveled a few dozen wheelbarrows full of compost and spread it on the beds. This was about four hours of work. I planted onions, lettuces, peas, beets, turnips, cucumbers, beans, parsley, cilantro, and some sunflowers.

Anyway, the point of this story is that one of my aims was to improve strength via exercise for the sake of being able to do manual labour more comfortably and for longer hours, and that appears to be paying off.

I started a garden, too. It's my first one so I just started with tomatoes, cucumbers, and spinach, but I hacked away at the weeds in the garden for a couple hours and it was a really good and satisfying work out. I do enjoy running and going for walks but this is a different kind of exercise that leaves you feeling accomplished when you're done.
Figured it was time for a self-reflective checkup.

I posted this about 4 months ago, March 17th:

I've moved up from two-handed swings to one-handed alternating swings with the kettlebell. Getting more consistent form with the cleans. I practiced some snatches (clean + overhead press in one movement) with the lighter 20lb kettlebel last nightl. Just did some w the 35 lb... brutal :messenger_dizzy:

I've stuck with the general routine the whole time, training for sets per day / sets per week. Now I've made a circle and returned to this same beginner stage (Transitioning from 2h to 1h swings, improving cleans, etc) with the 60 lb kettlebell. It's encouraging to return to these basics with a higher weight and make more improvements. In a few more months I'll be on to the 80 lb and will repeat it again.

Based on 4mo of kettlebelling my favs are:

American 1h swing - full-body exercise and a good stretch. My back feels stronger than when I was a teen playing sports
Turkish getup - full-body exercise that would probably make me a great wrestler if I was into that
Halos around hips + variations - great rotational torso exercise. I'll never bother with laying on the floor for sit-ups/obliques again
Overhead 1h farmer's walk - full-body exercise that has repaired and strengthened my shoulders and back

I am exercising outside + in sun whenever I can and it has been 90F for about a month. I don't mind. I love the relaxing, exhausting heat. My tan is looking great. However I'm already done w summer and I want winter. I feel as though I will be able to perform 5x better when it gets cold outside (50F and below).

I started a garden, too. It's my first one so I just started with tomatoes, cucumbers, and spinach, but I hacked away at the weeds in the garden for a couple hours and it was a really good and satisfying work out. I do enjoy running and going for walks but this is a different kind of exercise that leaves you feeling accomplished when you're done.
Nicely done! Gardening is a great lifestyle / hobby. Attain a healthier body, exercise and work hard to achieve your results, connect to your primal side, learn about plants, engage with dirt and insects, soak up sunshine, etc etc

I hope you get a great harvest this year.


also -->

my training mask finally came in, i'll let you know how things go throughout the week

(i'd like to thank the pentagon)

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trying to figure a new regimen that balances endurance, speed, stamina, strength, flexibility, agility, reflexes, dexterity, resilience, reaction time, et alia

seems like an impossible task, ratios of work / output only let you do so much at once

kinda sucks we don't have deus ex augs yet, the body is so limited

God Enel

also -->

my training mask finally came in, i'll let you know how things go throughout the week

(i'd like to thank the pentagon)

wow this one looks great. Noob Saibot.

today I was working my shoulders and did some core work. Leg raises Russian twists and so on.

Has anybody a good kettlebell routine (total body) for tomorrow?
havent used them in a while. Only thing when working with kettlebells are the fucking swings.
Need a good workout to have a nice sweat.
If you want a pre-built kettlebell routine with x reps and x sets of such-and-such fifteen exercises, I'm afraid I won't be much help. That's just not how I exercise anymore. I'm also still an amateur to the routines.

These four are the core of my kettlebell workout. Perform each exercise for 120 seconds (if you can) then cycle to another type. Keep up this pace for 10 minutes (if you can). 10m of sustained kettlebells is fairly strenuous without being exhausting, and you can push it longer if you wish. You should know how far you're supposed to push your body. Never ever push to exhaustion when kettlebelling because its too risky.

Round-the-waist halos. Pass the kettlebell between hands in front of yourself / behind yourself. Make bigger swings to stress your torso more. Works the entire trunk, and your shoulders a bit. Also works the wrist/grip strength and rotational wrist strength. Variation would be swinging the bell up to chest height and pushing the kettlebell back out with the opposite arm, kind of like a 1h pushup. Use the momentum to swing it back around your body and repeat with the other hand, alternating.

1-handed American swings. The goal is to hold/press the bell up at the peak, balancing it for a few seconds, stretching up into the kettlebell. Be sensible because you're holding a heavy metal weight above your head. Regression: Do normal 2h swings or 1h swings to chest height and build up to 1h American swings if you do not yet have the stability.

Turkish getups. Look up a video on how to perform them properly. You are pressing your kettlebell from a laying position all the way up to a standing overhead press. Full-body stability especially in the shoulders, back, and hips is required. Your viking presses, cleans, and overhead farmers walks all contribute to a solid turkish getup.

You could just do 10 minutes of getups and nothing else for a complete workout.

Deep knee weighted squat + overhead press. Do a flat-footed squat all the way down (my wife and I call them bus-stop squats) and hold your kettlebell in front of yourself with both hands. It is almost identical to a goblet squat but you are going all the way down. Slowly push yourself up, controlling your legs/knees/back. You aren't thrusting with momentum. Bring the kettlebell up to chest height, and if you're feeling saucy, complete the motion by pushing it over your head with two hands firmly on the handles.

My regressions for these four main ones are 1h overhead presses, cleans, 2h swings, 1h farmer walks, goblet farmers walks, and some others. My amateur opinion is that you should invest most of your time on a very narrow toolkit of advanced, full-body kettlebell movements like the ones listed above and work your way up to them if they are outside your reach/strength using regressions and other forms of exercise. Ideally you would be doing these four for a straight hour without getting tired. Good luck.

Also, general kettlebell tutorial below if you're rusty on the techniques.

EDIT lol wrong video link:

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God Enel

Thank you for the write up. Have to look up what American swings are. As it sounds they are basically like normal swings that you swing above your head. Gonna watch a video or two to perform the exercise properly. Same with Turkish get ups. Last time I did them was around Christmas last year.

Gonna be fun. Especially finding the proper weight for the exercises lol. If I remember correctly I did the Turkish get ups with 12kg? And I had more problems with holding the kettlebell up with my left hand - my left side is generally weaker than my right side.

I’ll watch the videos when I’m home
No practice yesterday and had a buttload of yardwork to do. Got that all done so it's some hard training tonight for at least 3 hours. Prob going to go more. Side pressure and curls.

For side pressure as always I'm setting up my bands and tubs as you guys have already seen.

For curls... I've been practicing something new. Mr. Stapleton suggested I do this and my friend went ahead and bought me the ball for it. Now, Mr. Stapleton does this with an 18 pound shot put... I'm not at that level yet.

He got me a TKO toning ball I think...

It's approx 6.6 inches in diameter and weighs all of 10 pounds.

Again, this is something that's hard to explain so I made another little vid.

I do two exercises with it that I rep atm. I don't know what they are officially called if they even are so I just made some names up lol.

First, catch hammer curls. I find myself doing these all throughout the day every day... I'm addicted.

You can't hear the audio but my hand is smacking it pretty dang hard. I have to in order to be able to grip it.

Then, drop reverse curls while letting my wrist collapse... But this actually makes it harder because I still need to hold on to it. Using your grip at that angle is pretty stinking difficult.

Again, no audio but when I drop it, it hits my hand pretty hard with a loud smack.

Guys, if you decide to try these. Please be warned. It can be VERY shocking to your nerves. Which is one of the points of doing it. Please, take the time to do some wrist stretches/warmup before hand. The wrist routine I've posted in the past would be a great idea for those who aren't used to shocks to their wrist. But it also shocks your elbow as well. I started off at 10 pounds because I've been doing some hard core training. I might not look like much, the genetics lottery wasn't kind to my aesthetics, but trust me, when it comes to certain things it's definitely not about what's on the outside. I've seen much bigger and bulgier guys hurt themselves trying to do some of the things I do because they didn't start off slow. I'm not trying to brag. In fact, posting these vids is hard for me to do and isn't something I wouldn't do anywhere but here cuz I trust you dudes and I want to encourage others as well. I just don't want anyone to get hurt.

Anyway, for at least 3 hours...

I'm doing 25 side pressure movements for each arm.

In-between I do one of the ball exercises. 20 reps each hand if catch curling. 10 reps if drop curling. Occasionally I'll do pushups in between to get some counter movements in there. Oh, and if my heartbeat gets too low, I hop on the rebounder and jog for few minutes.

Might stick my hands back in the rice again tonight after I'm done. I did 1 hour each hand last night and I feel flipping great but I do need some sleep lol.

Anyway, I train like this because when I wrestle, each person is a fight. And I have to have the...
endurance, speed, stamina, strength, flexibility, agility, reflexes, dexterity, resilience, reaction time, et alia
to be able to last hours during a tournament with little rest in-between. And trust me, I use all of that arm-wrestling.

Anyway, gonna get to it. Keep on slaying, warriors.

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God Enel

fuck me you both are inspiring as hell. I have to check this thread out more often. especially when I dont feel like working out/ I'm in a slump

btw. VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler love your "blog" and insights :D Always great to see "new" exercises that are "out of the box" and not as usual as the regular curls and stuff you do in the gym. Would love to try the arm-workouts you're doing with the ball lol

Seems you're now in this game? I remember a post of you where you have been... well.. more or less "sceptical" about this whole thing.
Thank you for the write up. Have to look up what American swings are. As it sounds they are basically like normal swings that you swing above your head. Gonna watch a video or two to perform the exercise properly. Same with Turkish get ups. Last time I did them was around Christmas last year.

Gonna be fun. Especially finding the proper weight for the exercises lol. If I remember correctly I did the Turkish get ups with 12kg? And I had more problems with holding the kettlebell up with my left hand - my left side is generally weaker than my right side.

I’ll watch the videos when I’m home
You're welcome. Like I said, I'm still an amateur but I've devoured/distilled a fair amount of content on the subject. So those four are where I am currently landing.

Aim for volume / sets and not high weight. If you need a bit of extra weight, then extend the range of motion for the exercise (easy example: extending your normal swings to American swings).

God Enel

You're welcome. Like I said, I'm still an amateur but I've devoured/distilled a fair amount of content on the subject. So those four are where I am currently landing.

Aim for volume / sets and not high weight. If you need a bit of extra weight, then extend the range of motion for the exercise (easy example: extending your normal swings to American swings).

thank you. Do you have any other sourcefor kettlebell exercises?
Watched the whole video you posted and the tips he’s giving are not only good for kettlebell Workouts but for a lot of exercises in general. Especially Beginners should watch it to improve their form and give attention to certain elements while exercising. (Where you shoulders have to be located while exercising etc)

Think I’m gonna start with the two minutes as you said and let’s see where it goes. Additionally I’ll include halos around the head but dunno how good they will go as I fucked up my right shoulder so I have to be careful


Beep amping up the quarantine workouts.

At this point I'm 30-45 minutes of weighted calisthenics a day in the morning and a ten mile bike ride in the evenings. This has worked wonders and I'm becoming less and less "mooby" and my flat tire is shrinking in all directions and it's fucking awesome! I'm pissed I let so many people take me away from fitness because they saw all their failings in me, fuck being fat.
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thank you. Do you have any other sourcefor kettlebell exercises?
Yes, quite a few, but I want to also echo the advice that I keep seeing in kettlebell material: focus on a few core, full-body exercise and don't leap right into the fancy / weird stuff. Here are some vids where I picked up more moves. Hopefully you'll see some fun ones (look for fun ones! Those are the ones you'll do more frequently)

The Pavel video I linked above is a great source for exercises, but they're kinda scattered across the full 45m video. It contains sooooo many excellent exercises, though, so don't pass it over.

Bioneer is a solid source of info imo and his kb vid is excellent.

Sequel to the Pavel routine. Most of this stuff is still too advanced for me. I love the deep knee squat (mentioned in the earlier post) and the "front raise snatch" (timestamped at about 7:45)

Short and sweet. Fits with my kettlebell mindset which is using complex "bigger" moves instead of 1,000 weird / different kettlebell moves. Notice how he just strings together a few of the basics into a killer flow? That's kettlebelling.

I mean.... you can YouTube or websearch "important kettlebell movements" and you'll have hours and hours of material to sift through. Have fun and if you find any good moves, please share. I'm still learning.

Watched the whole video you posted and the tips he’s giving are not only good for kettlebell Workouts but for a lot of exercises in general. Especially Beginners should watch it to improve their form and give attention to certain elements while exercising. (Where you shoulders have to be located while exercising etc)

Think I’m gonna start with the two minutes as you said and let’s see where it goes. Additionally I’ll include halos around the head but dunno how good they will go as I fucked up my right shoulder so I have to be careful
Kbs are good for cardio, too.

Halos actually loosen up my shoulders and feel wonderful. Don't overdo them, though. 1-handed farmer walks are excellent for a weak shoulder but again, don't overdo them. Consistency over time > heavy reps. Before you know it you'll be doing 1-footed, 1-handed viking presses without breaking a sweat.

Song contribution for those good, deep burning sets (like iso holds)


God Enel

Thanks for all the input.
I actually did the 12 minutes.
- 2 minutes with Halos around the head
- 2 minutes swings and changing hands mid air
- 2 minutes of halos around the body
- 2 minutes of snatches (1min each hand)
- 2 minutes of your goblet squat (I was holding the kettlebell at the bottom and not at the grip)
- 2 minutes of Turkish get ups
— 1-3 minute break I don’t remember
Repeat 3x

the first round I did with an 8 kg kettlebell and the 2nd round I did with a 12kg kettlebell. The third round wasa weird mash of 8 and 12 kg. I switched them.

It was a great workout and I had a nice sweat.

though there’s a lot to improve. Especially with the Turkish get up and the snatch.

Turkish get up is hard for my right shoulder and I clearly felt pain but I was pulling through as it wasn’t that bad. Though 8kg was enough as I clearly was more unstable than I thought I would be. Plus the floor was wet later on from all the sweat and I had to be careful.

the snatch wass tricky. And I tried my best to avoid “swinging” the Kettlebell up and fall On my wrist. I think my grip has to be more loose so that it can slide down and around my wrist instead of letting it fall down at a certain point. Sometimes it was okay but more often it was not. As the left is my weak side it was way harder to do it properly with the left.
There’s a lot to improve with my technique not just with the snatch but all the exercises. I think it’ll come in time when your body gets more used to working out in this fashion.

Though I think I was doing okay in general🤷🏻‍♂️
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