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Fitness |OT| Pumpin' Iron and Spittin' Blood.

God Enel

about to hit it hard, exercise and hyper scape

eliptical, push ups, goblin squats, farmer's walks, lunges, high knees running, jumping jacks

empty stomach until tomorrow morning, then back to chicken breast and brown rice, green beans

I did a midweek fast no food for me from Monday evening to Thursday evening (yesterday). It get pretty good. During that time I did 2 workouts - I skipped one day as I had to help a friend.
A lot of people ask me how you can exercises without eating for 3 days. And imho it’s not that hard it your body is used to not eating for a day. And tbh I’m not observing any strength loss - maybe full fed I can do a rep more here and there but in general I’m not weaker with an empty stomach.
Think it’s way harder to work out and stay focused with sleep deprivation.

Love the Diablo 2 track btw. Dunno how many times I heard this song when I was playing it all day long.
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Doesn't really fit elsewhere. I indulged and bought some cool 'Skinners' socks. They arrived today.

Pretense: I'm into month... five of working from home, primarily from my breezy front porch. I think I went a stretch of two weeks where I didn't put on any shoes or socks, not on purpose, it just happened that way. I'm walking around barefoot when I do all these exercises and routines, so my feet are getting sunned, tightened, stronger, flexible, etc. I'm not a barefoot fanatic. Actually, I hated sandals / flip-flops until just recently. I prefer Red Wings or Wolverine work boots. Even at an office job, I'm very comfy lacing up leather work boots, shined up a bit with Obenaufs or something.

But nowadays I'm at home, not the office, so I'm 95% barefoot. Feels like a "eh, might as well 🤷‍♀️ " thing because putting on shoes is pointless on most days.

I try to walk in my yard carefully, but sometimes it can be painful to step on large woodchips in bare feet. Toe shoes and rubber Crock-abortions aren't my thing. Like I said, I'm 95% barefoot at this point. I want a slight step up. Cloth socks offer some protection but they get things stuck on the bottom, and they get wet.

I remember using rubber grit-gloves on a regular basis at my old plumbing job. They are waterproof so you don't get shit-water all over your hands, but they have grit to prevent pinching (rubber gloves will pinch and snag on those rotating metal drain cables). Wonderful gloves for a very specific purpose.


So I looked to see if there was something similar, like slip-on shoes or socks dipped in grit, and lo, Skinners exist. I didn't think this warranted its own thread but I thought I'd mention em. They fit snugly. They grip concrete, grass, woodchips, etc but I can't get them to 'skid' either, which tells me the rubber is fairly durable. The socks are breathable and don't seem to get sweaty. I'd like to test them in rainy weather because that's where I hope they shine.


They were $60 for a single pair. So if you're thinking of buying nice socks, these are absurdly expensive. But if you're in a similar boat as me, trying to get some lighter daily footwear that will last for at least a year or two, I think these are good value, coming from the perspective of a guy who is otherwise walking around all day on grass, concrete, and woodchips in my bare feet.

Quick edit: they perform fine in wet grass, even if I try to make them slip. Niiiice. Also perform fine when jumping rope on bare concrete, which tears up my feet if I do it too much.

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Doing some heavy recovery today. Since it's a recovery day, amount of sets will depend on how my arms feel. I went so hard last arm wrestling practice I'll be surprised if I even get 2.

Planche progression ( Tesseract Tesseract You've inspired me)

Pelican curl progression

Catch curls (with some drop curls mixed in) with the 10 pound ball, aiming for 100 reps each arm but will go till failure.

Turkish Get-Ups gripping the 10 pound ball. Aiming for 100 but will go till failure. These are immensely enjoyable for me for whatever reason. (Thanks DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi for getting me hooked)

I'll be watching the punisher over again while I workout.

Clang and bang gentlemen.

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surprised more users aren't jumping into this thread, now is the best time to invest in the health of your mind and body

"So when the heavy hand of death is here to take me away I'll be the solid grip of time, forever holding my stay Nobody ever made a force that took a beating like me I call the earth and every scum to come and try to fight me Because when I made the choice to live beyond the dirt that we tread I felt the curse of mortal limit fall before it was said When this season ends"

"One final heart-break And blinding lights will guide our way Free us our blind state They will call us by our name Undying"

"Tearing through these days I find the tolerance to strive and push on I know what lies beyond this life for me is already won No one can take away the blood that covers over my fall Without the blood of perfect life I know I'm nothing at all So now I reign forever hallowed in eternity's hand No man can shake me from the everlasting ground that I stand When this season ends"

"One final heart-break And blinding lights will guide our way Free us our blind state They will call us by our name Undying"

"We are the ones who will still remain when all is laid to waste We are the ones who, when angels cry, will see them face to face We are the ones When this season ends"

"One final heart-break And blinding lights will guide our way Free us our blind state They will call us by our name Undying"
Exercised to this album all weekend in those fancy socks. Warm breezy stormy Michigan weather. Felt like I was living in an 80s aerobics video.

Horse stance + front swing snatch hold with either hand for 30+ seconds with these sexy bass notes in my ears, repeated throughout the day. I pushed my shoulders too hard last week. Woke up with stiffness/soreness three mornings in a row in that area so the weekend was focused on isos and recovery. itstimetostop_filthy.jpg


(this, plus a 20 lb kettlebell balanced on the top of the extended wrist, minus the clean-shaven monk look)

Resting/stretching shoulders excludes a lot of my regular kettlebell stuff / regular heavy stuff. Iso holds, swinging lightly on the rings, aerobics, horse stance + snatch holds, and light 1h farmer walks this weekend. Felt good to change things up but now it's back to Sisyphus pushing the 60lb kettlebell via 1h swings and cleans.

Glad I got ya hooked on turkish getups VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler lol. I got my wife to start doing them recently, just 2-3 per arm / a few sets a day, and she is already swearing by them. :messenger_beaming:

God Enel

Doing some heavy recovery today. Since it's a recovery day, amount of sets will depend on how my arms feel. I went so hard last arm wrestling practice I'll be surprised if I even get 2.

Planche progression ( Tesseract Tesseract You've inspired me)

Pelican curl progression

Catch curls (with some drop curls mixed in) with the 10 pound ball, aiming for 100 reps each arm but will go till failure.

Turkish Get-Ups gripping the 10 pound ball. Aiming for 100 but will go till failure. These are immensely enjoyable for me for whatever reason. (Thanks DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi for getting me hooked)

I'll be watching the punisher over again while I workout.

Clang and bang gentlemen.

Do you or Tesseract Tesseract have a nice planche progression routine?

God Enel

surprised more users aren't jumping into this thread, now is the best time to invest in the health of your mind and body
So true always seeing the same guys posting here (no offense, you guys are awesome).
Maybe people are just lurking :/

EviLore EviLore what about you? what’s your workout routine? Are you still into Martial arts? (I think I remembered that you’ve been doing.. muay Thai?)

Cutty Flam

Decided to go with assisted pullups yesterday in addition to extra shrugs with weight, those are the new additions to the upper body routine. Upper body routine went extremely well

Did legs today but made the mistake of eating just a protein shake and like half a hand of pistachios. Muscles quit on me before I was even halfway through. Got the hip thrusts done and 2/3 sets of squats but had to stop. Lack of nutrients and I could tell it was going to go south real fast if I continued, probably injury so I’ll pick up tmrw with the rest

Amped up the marching as a warmup about 30 seconds as well, so I’m up to 2:30 of that. Re-introducing force feels great, still have a long way to go but my mind is in the right place to get there and achieve these goals in reaching that level again

God Enel

Yesterday was leg dat. did 160kg on the leg press (I think i can go higher as somehow it doesnt matter how much you put on this shit, you can kinda always press it up lol)
Was my first time doing weighted pistol squats more or less at the end of the workout. Used a 4kg dumbbell and did 3 sets of 4 reps each side (switching legs after each rep). It was kinda okay. Think this will be my way to go from now on. Next time I'm gonna do 4 with one leg, then 4 with the other one. That's way more taxing :)

btw. is anybody doing shrimp squats? I have a weird problem with them. As soon as is grab my leg (the one in the air obviously) and press it against my ..ass, I cannot stand up anymore as soon as my knee hit the ground. Without holding my leg it's perfectly fine, I can do like 10 in a row and then switch legs. I tried different positions, I'm leaning as much as I can - nothing moves.

Afterwards I did a nice stretching session. My splits are progressing really well. Though when I'm doing the front splits and my right leg is in front I have a much much harder time to adjust my hips, they tend to not be in front where my leg is but rather want to "break out" to the side. I have to work on that. Left leg in front is perfectly fine and way way easier to do.

Todays plan back and biceps. Deadlift, pull ups, rows, ....
So, as I was going to give the update for todays practice I just realized I hadn't given an update for last week. Sorry bout that. Things have been hectic here and my attention has been all over the place.

Anyway, last week I felt AMAZING. I won every match between my friend and I and still felt strong afterwards. His arms where blown after the first match with me. The way we do it is we both start against Mr. Stapleton. He trashes our arms and focuses on our weaknesses. Then we go against each-other and then back to Mr. Stapleton again all day. In-between matches or whenever we are waiting for the table, barbell pushups, kettlebell lifts, eagleloop finger grip finger lifts with the hub, special forces barbell curls, fat grip dumbbell carries, resistance band wrist curls, resistance band bounce curls with the band wrapped around a dumbbell, squats, medicine ball/shotput catch/drop curls are among some of the things we do.

So I was still feeling really strong at the end of the day so I decided to train some side pressure. Basically you put your hand in an ankle strap. It has a resistance band attached to it with the other end attached to the handle at the end of the table. At first I had the strap all the way out to the ends of my fingers with my hand open. This is how my friend had just been doing it because he needed to train his wrists since it's his weak point (My bicep is my weak-point and we give each-other motivational crap sometimes when we struggle) and he challenged me to do the same since I might have made fun of him struggling a bit...

It was pretty easy for me. I think it's only a 25 ish pound band. I got to 50 and MR. Stapleton saw how easy it was for me... He stepped over to the table and told me to keep going till 100. "Now every time I want you to slam into the pad like it's your enemy. Yes, that's good." Easy... Then he grabbed the band and said, "Now I want you to understand, everything we do here we do for your own good..." He put his elbow on the handle the band had been on and held the end straight up above it... This changed the angle and pressure I felt a lot. "Now do another 100" he said... So I began, it was fast becoming hard. "This is how I trained side pressure. I did this until I was drenched in sweat. Till I felt like I was so tired that if I stopped I could fall right to sleep. And that's exactly what I did. As soon as I let go of the band I'd lay down right there on the couch and sleep."

I finished and was starting to sweat. Before I could walk away he moved the end of the band again, away from the end and toward the other side of the table this time and said, "Again." So I did. My friend was watching and I could tell he was impressed. But watching me also motivates him a lot. This time it was a struggle. I had to really focus my breathing and I began to growl with every slam trying to keep everything locked, all the proper muscles activated. I stopped half way through because my sweat had collected into a small pool on the pad and my elbow was slipping off constantly. I quickly cleaned it and spread some chalk on it and rubbed some on my elbow as well. A few minutes later and done.... But he moved again. "I know you're hurting. Do another 100. We're going to do every angle." This is when it got real and I knew I was in for a fight.

I fought through 3 more angles when he said, "Alright, now we're really going to bring the pain. I don't expect you to do 100 of these, just do as many as you can." He moved to the corner and back, stretching the band a lot... I went to hit in with the side pressure and as I did, he gave the band a jerk. Holy freaking crap. That pad quickly became the embodiment of all my frustrations and I was determined to slam the ever living crap out of it. And I did. But after 5 or so he started moving it all around that corner, working all angles. I only got to 50.

My friend had been watching and Mr. Stapleton said, "Alright, you're next." I handed him the band but I couldn't let go of the strap. He had to peel my fingers off of it while he was laughing. "Now go start on your other arm." That's when I realized I had a whole other arm to do. But I must have gotten a second wind or something because I felt great. So I went to the other table and did the same thing. I did around 150 at that one angle. Did some wrist work while waiting for my friend to finish up. I walked back to the table Mr. Stapleton was set up at and did the same with the other arm.

Went home and passed out immediately.

Man. I don't know what it was but I felt so drained for the rest of the week. Every workout was a huge struggle. I just felt like a battery that lost it's charge. So I took everything really easily. My kid got a little sick for a day and a half so I was up all every now and then all night two nights before practice which threw off my sleep schedule. The day of I was still in a funk and hadn't even gotten any sleep due to a weird clogged nose that suddenly went away right when the sun went up...

So let the guys know I was feeling totally funky. And it really showed. I felt so weak even after one round with Mr. Stapleton. My arms where just blown. I fought through it though. Won every round outside of the strap. But it was painful. Much like how it felt the first month of pulling with them. Bio gelled the crap out of my arms and fought on.

1 hour left and Mr. Stapleton said, "I know what you need." He took us to the benching room. He said that sometimes when he gets the funk, this is what he does. Now, this is the first time I'd benched in many, many years so he showed me proper form and such. All my friend used to do is lift so he was fine. Anyway, he had us lay down and do 25 reverse grip presses. Easy.

Then he adjusted the bench all the way up in a sitting position and had us normal grip press at every notch on the bench. At the top, the first notch, he had us go till failure and that was our minimum rep number that we had to hit for each notch with a max of 15. It was a 50 pound barbell with an angled bar on it btw. Mr. Stapleton said it's about reps, not so much the weight. At the top I could only do... 6. Boy, that was embarrassing but at the same time it's good to know your weaknesses. Both of them hit 15. Then, as soon as we did one set, he had us get on the treadmill or elliptical until our next turn on the bench and hit it as hard as we felt like we could. As we went down the notches and less load was on my shoulders I was able to do more and more reps each time. I even finished with 25. It took about 50 minutes till the last notch on the incline and the bench was flat again. Toward the end I realized I felt great. No pain. Full of energy. The funk was gone. We ended with 25 barbell curls. Don't know what they're called but you only go down till your forearms are horizontal, hold it there for a second and then go back up. I did the Hoff breathing while I did it and it felt so good.

Felt so good that I went back down to the dungeon and pulled against Mr. Stapleton one last time before we hit the road. It felt TOTALLY different than how I came in. I felt strong again.

After I got home and rested a bit it hit me that my body may have been holding onto the lactic acid produced from the previous week since I went so hard. It may have been more than my body is used to draining. All the bench work with my arms up in the air, and the HIIT like cardio probably helped drain it from my system.

Well, I'm feeling good so I'm gonna go hit the rice bucket while I re-watch Hannibal.

Never give up, never surrender, champions.

and? are you progressing?
How did I miss this? Well, I just started the progression. So it's going to be hard to tell how much I'm progressing till a few weeks. Thing is, I do so much with my arms that this will likely take longer for me. Needing to fit it in with everything else means I can't focus solely on this.

I don't usually recommend anything I haven't done and found success with but the vids where the best progression I could find and they made sense to me. But I'll be sure to give updates since you're curious.

Cutty Flam

So, as I was going to give the update for todays practice I just realized I hadn't given an update for last week. Sorry bout that. Things have been hectic here and my attention has been all over the place.

Anyway, last week I felt AMAZING. I won every match between my friend and I and still felt strong afterwards. His arms where blown after the first match with me. The way we do it is we both start against Mr. Stapleton. He trashes our arms and focuses on our weaknesses. Then we go against each-other and then back to Mr. Stapleton again all day. In-between matches or whenever we are waiting for the table, barbell pushups, kettlebell lifts, eagleloop finger grip finger lifts with the hub, special forces barbell curls, fat grip dumbbell carries, resistance band wrist curls, resistance band bounce curls with the band wrapped around a dumbbell, squats, medicine ball/shotput catch/drop curls are among some of the things we do.

So I was still feeling really strong at the end of the day so I decided to train some side pressure. Basically you put your hand in an ankle strap. It has a resistance band attached to it with the other end attached to the handle at the end of the table. At first I had the strap all the way out to the ends of my fingers with my hand open. This is how my friend had just been doing it because he needed to train his wrists since it's his weak point (My bicep is my weak-point and we give each-other motivational crap sometimes when we struggle) and he challenged me to do the same since I might have made fun of him struggling a bit...

It was pretty easy for me. I think it's only a 25 ish pound band. I got to 50 and MR. Stapleton saw how easy it was for me... He stepped over to the table and told me to keep going till 100. "Now every time I want you to slam into the pad like it's your enemy. Yes, that's good." Easy... Then he grabbed the band and said, "Now I want you to understand, everything we do here we do for your own good..." He put his elbow on the handle the band had been on and held the end straight up above it... This changed the angle and pressure I felt a lot. "Now do another 100" he said... So I began, it was fast becoming hard. "This is how I trained side pressure. I did this until I was drenched in sweat. Till I felt like I was so tired that if I stopped I could fall right to sleep. And that's exactly what I did. As soon as I let go of the band I'd lay down right there on the couch and sleep."

I finished and was starting to sweat. Before I could walk away he moved the end of the band again, away from the end and toward the other side of the table this time and said, "Again." So I did. My friend was watching and I could tell he was impressed. But watching me also motivates him a lot. This time it was a struggle. I had to really focus my breathing and I began to growl with every slam trying to keep everything locked, all the proper muscles activated. I stopped half way through because my sweat had collected into a small pool on the pad and my elbow was slipping off constantly. I quickly cleaned it and spread some chalk on it and rubbed some on my elbow as well. A few minutes later and done.... But he moved again. "I know you're hurting. Do another 100. We're going to do every angle." This is when it got real and I knew I was in for a fight.

I fought through 3 more angles when he said, "Alright, now we're really going to bring the pain. I don't expect you to do 100 of these, just do as many as you can." He moved to the corner and back, stretching the band a lot... I went to hit in with the side pressure and as I did, he gave the band a jerk. Holy freaking crap. That pad quickly became the embodiment of all my frustrations and I was determined to slam the ever living crap out of it. And I did. But after 5 or so he started moving it all around that corner, working all angles. I only got to 50.

My friend had been watching and Mr. Stapleton said, "Alright, you're next." I handed him the band but I couldn't let go of the strap. He had to peel my fingers off of it while he was laughing. "Now go start on your other arm." That's when I realized I had a whole other arm to do. But I must have gotten a second wind or something because I felt great. So I went to the other table and did the same thing. I did around 150 at that one angle. Did some wrist work while waiting for my friend to finish up. I walked back to the table Mr. Stapleton was set up at and did the same with the other arm.

Went home and passed out immediately.

Man. I don't know what it was but I felt so drained for the rest of the week. Every workout was a huge struggle. I just felt like a battery that lost it's charge. So I took everything really easily. My kid got a little sick for a day and a half so I was up all every now and then all night two nights before practice which threw off my sleep schedule. The day of I was still in a funk and hadn't even gotten any sleep due to a weird clogged nose that suddenly went away right when the sun went up...

So let the guys know I was feeling totally funky. And it really showed. I felt so weak even after one round with Mr. Stapleton. My arms where just blown. I fought through it though. Won every round outside of the strap. But it was painful. Much like how it felt the first month of pulling with them. Bio gelled the crap out of my arms and fought on.

1 hour left and Mr. Stapleton said, "I know what you need." He took us to the benching room. He said that sometimes when he gets the funk, this is what he does. Now, this is the first time I'd benched in many, many years so he showed me proper form and such. All my friend used to do is lift so he was fine. Anyway, he had us lay down and do 25 reverse grip presses. Easy.

Then he adjusted the bench all the way up in a sitting position and had us normal grip press at every notch on the bench. At the top, the first notch, he had us go till failure and that was our minimum rep number that we had to hit for each notch with a max of 15. It was a 50 pound barbell with an angled bar on it btw. Mr. Stapleton said it's about reps, not so much the weight. At the top I could only do... 6. Boy, that was embarrassing but at the same time it's good to know your weaknesses. Both of them hit 15. Then, as soon as we did one set, he had us get on the treadmill or elliptical until our next turn on the bench and hit it as hard as we felt like we could. As we went down the notches and less load was on my shoulders I was able to do more and more reps each time. I even finished with 25. It took about 50 minutes till the last notch on the incline and the bench was flat again. Toward the end I realized I felt great. No pain. Full of energy. The funk was gone. We ended with 25 barbell curls. Don't know what they're called but you only go down till your forearms are horizontal, hold it there for a second and then go back up. I did the Hoff breathing while I did it and it felt so good.

Felt so good that I went back down to the dungeon and pulled against Mr. Stapleton one last time before we hit the road. It felt TOTALLY different than how I came in. I felt strong again.

After I got home and rested a bit it hit me that my body may have been holding onto the lactic acid produced from the previous week since I went so hard. It may have been more than my body is used to draining. All the bench work with my arms up in the air, and the HIIT like cardio probably helped drain it from my system.

Well, I'm feeling good so I'm gonna go hit the rice bucket while I re-watch Hannibal.

Never give up, never surrender, champions.

10/10 post bro. Man, I swear this Mr. Stapleton guy is like a legendary figure. It’s like he knows how to push his students to the absolute max every time without injuring them. Incredible training sessions

I never even thought to do resistance band wrist curls. I’m going to add that exercise to the regimen. Good look Vlaud, thanks for listing out the exercises of the training session

Mr. Stapleton should write a book about his career and all his training methods, nutrition and such. I would definitely buy it. If he really did bicep curl 50s for three hours straight, only stopping because the audience was bored, I would gladly pay like $50 for a book of his if it was well written
10/10 post bro. Man, I swear this Mr. Stapleton guy is like a legendary figure. It’s like he knows how to push his students to the absolute max every time without injuring them. Incredible training sessions

I never even thought to do resistance band wrist curls. I’m going to add that exercise to the regimen. Good look Vlaud, thanks for listing out the exercises of the training session

Mr. Stapleton should write a book about his career and all his training methods, nutrition and such. I would definitely buy it. If he really did bicep curl 50s for three hours straight, only stopping because the audience was bored, I would gladly pay like $50 for a book of his if it was well written
Slight correction, they where two 45lb dumbbells in each hand according to my friend. It's slipped my mind to ask Mr. Stapleton directly about it every time I'm over haha. I'll have to do that and get it from the horses mouth at some point. But let me tell you, after having felt him and seen some of the stuff he does... I believe it.

When he went to Worlds, he was honored by the speaker by being the first family to have a husband, wife and son all qualify for top 10. He himself got 7th but that was only because he fouled... his own elbow right at the beginning. He was devastated. Especially because the person who placed second was one of his teammates on the US team. And he knew he could beat him. So he'll never know if he could have taken first. "Some lessons you learn really hard and really quick. I'll never make that mistake ever again."

He's got a tv screen in the practice room and always has an arm-wrestling tourney going. The WAL championships where on last time and he kept saying, "Yeah, so and so is really strong, I've beat him, but man is he strong. Good guy too." He's pretty much met all the older blokes and wrestled them. It really is a privilege to be able to be trained by him. I try very hard not to let him down.

Oh, and just so you know, dollar general (don't know if you have those stores near you) sells really cheap flat (5$) resistance bands that actually last quite a while. Which is what I currently use along with my tube bands.

But when I have some extra cash to throw around I'll be getting some of these.

Mr. Stapleton swears by Rouge Fitness bands. He was bounce curling the 55 pound kettlebell the other day with one of them.

Cutty Flam

Slight correction, they where two 45lb dumbbells in each hand according to my friend. It's slipped my mind to ask Mr. Stapleton directly about it every time I'm over haha. I'll have to do that and get it from the horses mouth at some point. But let me tell you, after having felt him and seen some of the stuff he does... I believe it.

When he went to Worlds, he was honored by the speaker by being the first family to have a husband, wife and son all qualify for top 10. He himself got 7th but that was only because he fouled... his own elbow right at the beginning. He was devastated. Especially because the person who placed second was one of his teammates on the US team. And he knew he could beat him. So he'll never know if he could have taken first. "Some lessons you learn really hard and really quick. I'll never make that mistake ever again."

He's got a tv screen in the practice room and always has an arm-wrestling tourney going. The WAL championships where on last time and he kept saying, "Yeah, so and so is really strong, I've beat him, but man is he strong. Good guy too." He's pretty much met all the older blokes and wrestled them. It really is a privilege to be able to be trained by him. I try very hard not to let him down.

Oh, and just so you know, dollar general (don't know if you have those stores near you) sells really cheap flat (5$) resistance bands that actually last quite a while. Which is what I currently use along with my tube bands.

But when I have some extra cash to throw around I'll be getting some of these.

Mr. Stapleton swears by Rouge Fitness bands. He was bounce curling the 55 pound kettlebell the other day with one of them.
Dope bruh really dope I like hearing these stories a lot. Hearing about dudes with such savage feats to their name shows it's possible to get there. Maybe not for everyone, but it is possible and inspiring in many ways knowing that somewhere one dude was building superhuman strength and making incredible gains you wouldn't think could even happen. What's most crazy about all this, is these older guys did it all with hard work, grit, and experimenting--it was all on them. There wasn't much science at all to support any of the things they're doing, to ensure there was a path to take to reach success; they were the ones paving the path for us. So much respect for the oldschool athletes and bodybuilders, strongmen and all doing their thing

Also wanted to say that it seems like a blessing IMO to be working alongside such a powerful competitor and I'm glad you're not taking a single thing for granted. If you keep it up, it seems like you might reach half of Mr. Stapleton's strength one day, maybe more. Half would seem reasonable considering Mr Stapleton could probably fuck up a silverback if he wanted to lmao
VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler Rogue Fitness bands are just chin-up assistance bands, so unless they're using gold-flecked rubber you should save your $ and buy from a lesser-known brand


I bought these. They've been great so far and I've had them since March 20th or so. Using 3 times a week or so. I'm not sure how to tell quality with the bands though. As soon as Trump made the speech, I was like damn this shit is for real, researched a little and purchased two days later. Best investment I've made in a while. Resistance bands are the fucking truth. I'm still learning though, don't know enough exercises and variants of them to completely go without weights. I love the prospect of improving joint capsule health and improving mobility with the help of bands too

yeah this! Imaging him like he's one of the 4 yonko LOL

VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler awesome post as always <3

Gonna start with the planche progression, too. Thanks for inspiration. This will take a shitload of time though.
Forreal dude. Kaido level strength
C Cutty nice kit! I use the bands a lot, but I don't use them for a lot of exercises, if that makes sense. I use em for iso holds and for weighted stretching, especially for my shoulders and back. :messenger_weary: :messenger_ok: I'd never go all-bands, though. The body has unique physiological responses to bearing a weight, and this cannot be replicated by a resistance band. Also, complex joint movements can be awkward / impossible.


Gold Member
not sure why I have problems getting my reps up. Like after 4/5/6 good form reps the strength suddenly drops.

control isn’t the point nor are getting myarms wobly. It’s just the power is lost to push it up. 60 kg 12 res are no problem whatsoever. The 70 though.next time I’ll try 65 for 12 reps and see how it goes. 🤔

Sounds more like a mental issue. That's not a huge jump in weight and if you can do 12 reps of 60kg, you can most definitely do at least a rep of 70kg. I take it you don't have anyone to spot you? If not, take the clamps off the bar and just fucking go for it. If you can't get the weight up all the way, you can just tip the bar and the plates will fall off. Also, make sure you are getting in a lot of calories. Especially a lot of carbs pre-workout. It makes a big difference. You will hit 70kg. 🤜🤛
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God Enel

Sounds more like a mental issue. That's not a huge jump in weight and if you can do 12 reps of 60kg, you can most definitely do at least a rep of 70kg. I take it you don't have anyone to spot you? If not, take the clamps off the bar and just fucking go for it. If you can't get the weight up all the way, you can just tip the bar and the plates will fall off. Also, make sure you are getting in a lot of calories. Especially a lot of carbs pre-workout. It makes a big difference. You will hit 70kg. 🤜🤛

I have a spotter, so that’s not the problem.
The carb thing could seriously be a thing. Mostly I’m hitting the gym with an empty stomach. Maybe I made a mistake when writing the post. I’m doing 12x60kg relatively easy. Ican do three sets 12x60. As soon as I hat 70 the number drops to 4/5/6 depending on the day. Last time I did chest I tried 80kg and I could do like 2 reps. Though my goal is to do 12 reps of 80 (my body weight atm is 77-79). Do you have any tips how to get to the 80? Have a feeling this will be a slow process for me. Should I do 3 sets of 12 reps with 70 and try my best to get there or should I try 80 on my last set? Or maybe I Should do more sets?
I have a spotter, so that’s not the problem.
The carb thing could seriously be a thing. Mostly I’m hitting the gym with an empty stomach. Maybe I made a mistake when writing the post. I’m doing 12x60kg relatively easy. Ican do three sets 12x60. As soon as I hat 70 the number drops to 4/5/6 depending on the day. Last time I did chest I tried 80kg and I could do like 2 reps. Though my goal is to do 12 reps of 80 (my body weight atm is 77-79). Do you have any tips how to get to the 80? Have a feeling this will be a slow process for me. Should I do 3 sets of 12 reps with 70 and try my best to get there or should I try 80 on my last set? Or maybe I Should do more sets?
Our practice is always in the morning and I don't eat anything but a small, plain collagen shake half an hour to an hour beforehand. This is the only sup that I take other than calcium and magnesium. Everyone else there does the same thing. Apparently your body digests nearly all of the collagen really easily during exertion. But I don't want my body spending too much energy, or diverting it's attention to digestion when I want it focused on other things. This helps let my body know that it needs to store certain things for the times I need it and that it also needs to learn to use the stores that it already has instead of taking it straight from the stomach so to speak.

Afterwards though, my wife usually has a big protein rich meal ready. Then I try to go heavy on the plant fiber.

Pressing isn't my area of expertise, but it was Mr. Stapleton's and he says every exercise he's ever done he's had the same mindset about. low weight, high reps. He only lifts heavy once a week at most. But when I say heavy I really mean it.

If I had to guess he'd tell you to lift low weight at really high reps at every angle. High reps for him is at least 100 jsyk. And then to do the same for all apposing muscle groups. This grows tendon strength, vasculature and endurance through mitochondrial growth as well. But you have to understand that tendons take far longer, up to 3 times as long if I remember correctly, than larger muscle fibers to grow. So it's just going to take some time.


Stronk workout, crispy chicken hearts and a bit of biking. Really getting back into squats, still doing it for reps, 4x12x176lbs, did 130 miles by bike on the weekend, secondary muscles still felt weak, didn't want to overdo it.

Cottage cheese and lean potato salad today, feeling aight so far.
Not taking supplements apart from vitamins, whatchu guys do?


Gold Member
I have a spotter, so that’s not the problem.
The carb thing could seriously be a thing. Mostly I’m hitting the gym with an empty stomach. Maybe I made a mistake when writing the post. I’m doing 12x60kg relatively easy. Ican do three sets 12x60. As soon as I hat 70 the number drops to 4/5/6 depending on the day. Last time I did chest I tried 80kg and I could do like 2 reps. Though my goal is to do 12 reps of 80 (my body weight atm is 77-79). Do you have any tips how to get to the 80? Have a feeling this will be a slow process for me. Should I do 3 sets of 12 reps with 70 and try my best to get there or should I try 80 on my last set? Or maybe I Should do more sets?

Warm up and do 1 set of 70. Then go up from there. 3 sets of 12 is quite a bit and you may be exhausting your muscles without realizing it.

Personally, I would hit bench about twice a week, usually. Ate about 4k calories a day. Lots of carbs, especially before lifting. I would switch it up with heavy dumbell bench. I would also throw in some incline bench occasionally. My bench went up about 50+ lbs in 2 or 3 months. You have to be okay with gaining some weight in fat though. Also, are you doing any other compound lifts?
But you have to understand that tendons take far longer, up to 3 times as long if I remember correctly, than larger muscle fibers to grow. So it's just going to take some time.
Yeah I think tendons take about a month to appreciably form/reform. Connective tissue takes even longer to reform e.g. collagen takes 3 years to fully break down and reform in a particular area, which is why I slam gelatin every day.

Stronk workout, crispy chicken hearts and a bit of biking. Really getting back into squats, still doing it for reps, 4x12x176lbs, did 130 miles by bike on the weekend, secondary muscles still felt weak, didn't want to overdo it.

Cottage cheese and lean potato salad today, feeling aight so far.
Not taking supplements apart from vitamins, whatchu guys do?
Tess is the mad-scientist when it comes to powders and supplements.

I take raw cacao, ashwaganda root, mushroom powder (like lion's mane), unflavored gelatin powder, sodium sorbate (Vit C), and mix it into my morning tea. If my joints are feeling stiff I add turmeric powder + black pepper, which I should be doing every day but... flavor :yuck:
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about to hit it hard, exercise and hyper scape

eliptical, push ups, goblin squats, farmer's walks, lunges, high knees running, jumping jacks

empty stomach until tomorrow morning, then back to chicken breast and brown rice, green beans

I started using a weighted jump rope. It's harder than it sounds (not so much the physical part, but the timing of it all), but the workout is amazing, and it really helps with your coordination.
Thanks @ SpiceRacz SpiceRacz and VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler - I’ll try it the next times I’m doing bench presses. Maybe it’s going to help.

VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler what exactly do you mean by low weight and high reps? How many reps are we talking about?

And do you guys have any good videos for resistance band exercises or some unusual stuff?
If I understand him correctly he'd say to lower the weight to whatever you need to in order to at least achieve 100 reps in a set for 3 sets. Stay at that for a while until you can bang it out easily. Then switch up and go just one set till failure. Whenever you want to increase the weight, switch back to 3 sets and make sure whatever weight you add will allow you to achieve at least 100 reps per set again. And don't forget the antagonist muscles. Do them the same day. If you push, you try to pull at some point that day in the same way, focusing on the apposing muscles that you used before.

This mentality with ALL his workouts is how he's gradually climbed to the incredible strength and phenomenal endurance that he still has to this day even in his 50's. He said his father taught him the mentality. His father was in the special forces and learned it there. Old school special forces training ain't no joke. Mr. Stapleton is the one that added the bands to the madness though which lead him to becoming a professional strongman and earned the nickname Superman from all the people in the communities he performed in. Then onto being ranked 7th in the world for arm-wrestling.

I do these with resistance bands at home btw. Pretty sure he started out doing it with them as well. I don't have a bench table so I just line up some tough storage tubs and run the bands underneath them and attach each end to a straight, portable doorway pull up bar that I have.

Anyway, I'm gonna get a workout it tonight.

Shoulders feel shredded, going to focus on biceps again. Gonna do some blood flow work this time so very light weight.

Bicep curls, each arm till failure. Every angle. Hammer curls, reverse grip curls, top rolls. Resistance band triceps pull downs in-between.

Table top curls, each arm till failure. Triceps right after.

Then some resistance band wrist work. Each arm, every angle till failure. Hooks, top rolls, holds, reverse grip holds and apposing directions.

Lat and trap activation + bicep. Pulling on bands from standing with the band attached to one of my rings set high, leaning back and holding onto the other ring with my other arm. You pull your fist back to your shoulder almost as if curling without letting your elbow go past your back, keeping it tight to your side while focusing on activating your lats and traps. Each arm Till failure.

Might end it with some standing push offs on my rings since my shoulders are still so raw. Don't want to be putting too much load on them rn. Will focus on getting some blood to them.

Keep on hackin, you jive turkeys.


Cutty Flam

Trained some earlier, felt a little bit of pain, like the slightest twinge of pain in my right hamstring when doing my 3rd exercise of the session (donkey kicks) so I stopped. I wanted to go on so badly because this is the second or third time I had to stop due to pain in the past two weeks but I'm glad I decided to stop right then and there. Correct decision. Still got the workout in (maybe not as many exercises and sets as I had planned for, but I made improvements in everything before calling it (Faster pace walking, added an extra minute to marching warmup which is re-introducing force to my body so I progress to jogging eventually, did additional reps in hip/glute bridges and squats)

Might just focus on those two for a while and leave out the donkey kicks until I begin to master the bridges and squats. Before the hamstring injury on May 9th, I was doing about 150 reps of bridges in 4-5 sets so to be where I am now at 3/26 reps plus 3/16 squats I should be thankful just to be now reaching a decent level of intensity again given my history with the hamstrings. Hell of a muscle group to injure and correct; it's much more complex than I gave it credit for. If it weren't, I would have been able to heal and program all by myself. Always work on your mobility bros, and STRETCH!!!!!!!! Also, learn as much as you can about every single exercise you are performing. The learning should never stop IMO. When you become complacent, and don't give 100% towards your body that's when things get out of control fast and spiral down to a crash. I've been treating fitness like it's sacred lately, and trying to absorb all information from all minds and sort of just think about it constantly

This guy has some valuable information on his channel. The only issue is, he's like a professor in the way he delivers it. It's tough to follow. Let me know what you guys think or if you understand most of it, if anybody has the patience to listen intently. I'm going to have to take out a pen and some paper next time to fully grasp the concepts he's teaching. I zoned out often a lot throughout the several videos I watched. I'll have to give it another go and take notes next time. Dude's name is Chris Beardsley and has a couple of books out for like $3, I might check them out if I can understand his videos and get something out of those first

July fasting is almost done. My attempted feat was to only eat 3 meals max per week, and I have more-or-less succeeded. Broke a 4 day fast last night. Cooking myself a delicious lamb roast tonight with other lebanese food like tabbouleh, falafel, hummus, pita, etc. then it's back on another fast.

This schedule aims to break up loose skin and scar tissue, not so much pure fat loss. I woke up this morning with shoulders/back/knees /feet feeling completely refreshed and renewed.

If anyone is chasing after endurance training, especially the mental grit aspect of "'endurance", then you will see new horizons after hauling weights on your third day of an empty stomach.

Always work on your mobility bros, and STRETCH!!!!!!!!

Also, learn as much as you can about every single exercise you are performing. The learning should never stop IMO. When you become complacent, and don't give 100% towards your body that's when things get out of control fast and spiral down to a crash. I've been treating fitness like it's sacred lately, and trying to absorb all information from all minds and sort of just think about it constantly
Also agree, though sometimes people can obsess too much over the numbers and the knowledge instead of simply doing it and staying consistent with it over a long period of time*.

Hanging on to a reason for doing the exercise helps motivate me. I tend to ponder on something over and over. However, I don't believe in exercise dogmas i.e. you MUST do push ups for chest building, you MUST do deadlifts for core strength, etc., but if you have a crystal-clear reason in your head for doing it, you are more likely to stay consistent with it week after week.

*gaming example: in the shmup and fighting game communities, I see a lot of conversation about how to "best" play a particular game. Lots of back-and-forth about how this route through stage 3 or this character's frame advantage make them better than some other character, but only a few people out of the group are actually putting in the time to post high scores / 1cc / compete in some manner. At a certain point you need to stop fiddling and to trust your method for a period of time to see if it works.

EDIT: oops I've forgotten my tune contribution yet again. Put on your shortest shorts, snap those sweatbands, peel the shirt off, and soak up the sunshine.

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