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Fitness |OT| Pumpin' Iron and Spittin' Blood.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I’m extremely happy with my results that I’ve been getting throughout my 3 months of intense dieting (1700 calcs, 185cm, original weight 77kg) with 5 days of working out no exceptions and no cheat meals/days...

... except for my damn tits and chest in which I never noticed abs or good breast ”structure”.

Then it happened. My brother told me to trim that fucking hair on my body and I did... and I should’ve known. Holy shit, I actually have a solid ass body and it completely motivated me more than ever. I know it’s an ego thing but I’ve never had abs (and I’ve always been ”small fat” or w/e it’s called), so it was incredible finally seeing SOMETHING behind that damn bush. I never thought I’d say this but I’m going clean from now on 😂

Oh and some stats:

Started out 6th july at 77kg
Now 4th september at 70kg
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God Enel

today is skill day I think. Planche training (which I’m slowly progressing but still far away from the actual planche.. currently progressing to the tuck planche hold?). Handstand training - yesterday was great - but I’m sooo damn inconsistent. Yesterday was I was like yeah I finally nailed it. Let’s see how it’s gonna be today, most probably I can’t hold for 5 seconds. Always the same shit. Back lever training though I’m almost there. Front lever - still far away. Muscle up and the cross on rings are on the plan. And dragon flag.
A little bit playing around. Let’s see how it gonna be.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Fuck it, I’m going to try and post as much as possible in this thread despite me feeling like a beta cuck in here. I really want to continue improving my form and everything else and I think posting here allows me to gain more knowledge than randomly Googling shit. So, first question:

I’m 70kgs and I’m currently deffing at 1700 cals (maintenance 2200). How much protein do I go for? I have zero problems reaching 180g every day -without- the protein shake. Do I even need to take the shake then? I feel like I might as well use those 180 cals on delicious food during lunch/dinner?


Did legs and abs today. My legs surprisingly didn't lose as much strength as other parts of my body, but I still took it easy on them because I want to be able to walk over the next few days. My abs were brutal. I basically lost all my core strength. I didn't even hit them that hard and I can still feel it an hour later. I'll have ab doms for a week+.


Fuck it, I’m going to try and post as much as possible in this thread despite me feeling like a beta cuck in here. I really want to continue improving my form and everything else and I think posting here allows me to gain more knowledge than randomly Googling shit. So, first question:

I’m 70kgs and I’m currently deffing at 1700 cals (maintenance 2200). How much protein do I go for? I have zero problems reaching 180g every day -without- the protein shake. Do I even need to take the shake then? I feel like I might as well use those 180 cals on delicious food during lunch/dinner?
1g / pound / day is my thing, up to 190g of whole food

eat delicious foods wherever possible, surplus with shakes (ymmv, i prefer plant)
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And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
1g / pound / day is my thing, up to 190g of whole food wherever possible

eat delicious foods wherever possible, surplus with shakes (ymmb, i prefer plant)
Alright so I easily reach that daily so I literally don’t need the protein shake right? I mean it’s delicious but I’d rather eat other stuff that fits my macros and is even tastier!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Next question!

It’s finally saturday and I always take sat/sun off from work and gym. With that being said, I’m going to be honest and say that almost every weekend I feel like going to the gym despite having gone mon-fri.

Is there real, actual studies regarding resting your muscle groups? I mean, will there factually be no gain (or any bad side effects) from going a 6th or 7th day on the week?

When I started my diet and workout schedule I went 6d/w and the girl at the counter told me she had noticed me going way too often. She started explaining how it can be dangerous and how my body literally needed time off to start gaining muscles. After this I went to my 5d/w strategy but I’m now asking you guys.
Next question!

It’s finally saturday and I always take sat/sun off from work and gym. With that being said, I’m going to be honest and say that almost every weekend I feel like going to the gym despite having gone mon-fri.

Is there real, actual studies regarding resting your muscle groups? I mean, will there factually be no gain (or any bad side effects) from going a 6th or 7th day on the week?

When I started my diet and workout schedule I went 6d/w and the girl at the counter told me she had noticed me going way too often. She started explaining how it can be dangerous and how my body literally needed time off to start gaining muscles. After this I went to my 5d/w strategy but I’m now asking you guys.
You can work out every single day. I do, and have been doing so since the beginning of March.

However, I follow a program tailored toward performing a high number of brief sets, long rests (5-10m between sets instead of the usual 1-2m), and all-day exercise. This simply will not work if you plan to go to the gym, bust your butt for an hour, then return home. The soviets spent decades figuring this out with their athletes as the test subjects. There are numerous books and articles but these articles are a short primer.

Stop thinking of muscles as muscles and zoom out a bit: your body builds muscle tissue in response to a stress input. This process is not "free", however. Hypertrophy and muscle tearing will prompt growth, but a not-zero amount of patience and energy must be spent on repair. Pushing yourself into anaerobic metabolism will prompt some of the growth triggers in muscle, but a not-zero amount of patience and energy must be spent to flush that out and refuel the systems, plus there is a mental tax for these (pain, hormonal alarms going off, exhaustion, laziness).

The point is that if you avoid red-lining yourself but instead build up all-day "Farmer's strength", you will be stronger overall to perform the lifts you want to lift, even during your high-intensity sets and 1 rep max attempts. Your body will not be forced to devote as much energy and repair, which can instead be spent on more training/conditioning. Avoiding injury and forced-rest will gain you a tremendous amount of training time.

Physiology doesn't lie. If you push your muscles into hypertrophy and repair mode, you WILL require 12 hours, 24 hours, 2 days,etc for that muscle to recover. This is time that could be spent on more conditioning and training, but instead you are taking it easy on that leg/arm/whatever because you pushed it so hard. Meanwhile, the every-day trainer is still investing more hours while you have to take a rest. Over time, there will be a very wide gap of total hours when comparing the 3-day-a-week gym rat and the person who exercises every day, all day.

Another caveat: you'd better be eating enough protein and fat or else nothing will really work for you. Your body needs those materials in order to complete the desired upgrades. I recommend at least taking a spoonful of collagen / unflavored gelatin once per day to build up and repair your tendons and joints.
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Cutty Flam

Fuck it, I’m going to try and post as much as possible in this thread despite me feeling like a beta cuck in here. I really want to continue improving my form and everything else and I think posting here allows me to gain more knowledge than randomly Googling shit. So, first question:

I’m 70kgs and I’m currently deffing at 1700 cals (maintenance 2200). How much protein do I go for? I have zero problems reaching 180g every day -without- the protein shake. Do I even need to take the shake then? I feel like I might as well use those 180 cals on delicious food during lunch/dinner?
I’m with Tesseract Tesseract on the 1g / lb of bodyweight just to be on the safer side. You want to be find your “sweet spot” with protein because I think everyone’s needs regarding protein is going to vary. I’m almost 6’1 usually sitting somewhere around 195-200lbs and I feel like I can get by alright on 110-120g of protein on the lower side right now because I’m really only working my upper body extensively and activity level is much lower than it typically is (was) But when I was lifting hard, very active I probably should have been shooting for 160g minimum, probably closer to 200g just to be safe. If you intend to train hard, and often you should really focus heavily on reaching your macros every single day (carbs/proteins/fats) and keep in mind that it should all ideally come from high quality foods with a lot of nutrients. Nutrition and rest are to be taken every bit as seriously as the training. You have to perfect all three to reach your goals as efficiently as possible. Training, rest, nutrition they’re like the holy trinity of gains

Positive nitrogen balance is important, better to get a little bit more than what you need, than less imo
Next question!

It’s finally saturday and I always take sat/sun off from work and gym. With that being said, I’m going to be honest and say that almost every weekend I feel like going to the gym despite having gone mon-fri.

Is there real, actual studies regarding resting your muscle groups? I mean, will there factually be no gain (or any bad side effects) from going a 6th or 7th day on the week?

When I started my diet and workout schedule I went 6d/w and the girl at the counter told me she had noticed me going way too often. She started explaining how it can be dangerous and how my body literally needed time off to start gaining muscles. After this I went to my 5d/w strategy but I’m now asking you guys.
It’s an interesting topic of discussion. I think of the few studies I’ve read on the subject of recovery time needed post-workout, the recovery process was typically finished 36-48 hours after a training session

There are a lot of factors to consider, but 48-72 hrs is a safe way to ensure your body is likely ready for the time you train muscle group(s) again. Probably could take even longer if you’re an advanced lifter and really fry your muscle groups like a maniac. There were times when I would go so fucking hard on back and legs day, that I would come home after a 2hrs 30 min training session just obliterating the muscle groups with ridiculous volume and intensity, that I would need a solid 3 days of rest. Body was put through the test and came out stronger but it took a bit longer than the usual two days that I always hoped it would take. You’ll get a feel for how much time you need after a while but can’t really go wrong with at least two days rest if you’re just starting out

Tomorrow morning the forecast is 48F/9C, so I will be outside in shorts soaking up the cold. We're inching closer to winter and I am so excited.

A 15lb rubber "slam ball" arrived today, because the old stitched one started leaking sand after a month of tossing it on the lawn. What a shame. Anyway, the new one holds up nicely and the namesake slam is a fun exercise that I'll do every so often (why not?). The sand sloshes inside the ball more freely but otherwise it's a standard medicine ball. I think I'll add a 25 or 30lb slam ball to the mix in the next year. However, for 40 pounds and beyond I will resort to pouring my own concrete balls like VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler mentioned.

These medicine balls are exceptional tools, highly recommended, but the higher-weight ones (40+ pounds) are too absurdly expensive for me to justify. I think everyone should own at least one, though.

My friend brought over a resistance-band kit this week, the sort that comes with a doorjam stopper and a bunch of colored rubber tubes. They go from 10 to 50 pounds. I'll have to look back through the thread to see what info has been posted on em but I don't expect to use them more than I use my current resistance bands. Nice to have for the home gym, I guess.
Oh boy, so much fun. 5 hours of pulling. What a ride. My first match was against a 220 pound kid... I actually won. I couldn't believe it. Eddie really wasn't lying when he said that I had the wrists of a pro. Nearly everyone commented on it and where surprised because of how new I was. Talk about an uplift in my spirit. That's so great to hear. A bit sore in the beginning as the lactic acid built up but once that subsided and my body started taking it away, my endurance lasted the entire day. Only a few of us where still going and felt great at that point. Weak and drained, but great and pain free.

There where some legends there, people I've seen on Arm Wrestling TV and such. I didn't want to ask or talk about it because I didn't want to make a huge deal out of it like a fangirl or something. Just such a privilege.

Tried to set up the tents but the wind wasn't having it and we didn't have enough weights for that. The breeze felt great... even though my face roasted by the end.


That's me in the front row, fourth from the left, backwards beige hat. Or the dude with the crazy Jack Nicholson face... That wasn't on purpose... Sun was in my eyes... Chicks took too long taking the photo... Ok, I was just really happy.

And Mr. Stapleton wasn't kidding when he said people are going to feel you on the table and then ask you how long you've been training and who you train with. As soon as I told them, they where like, "Oh, well that makes sense."

Funny story. A dude was gripping up with Sam, the skinny kid in the grey shirt in the back that can whoop my butt every time with his freaking presses... Anyway, they where gripping up and as soon as Sam went to wrap his thumb on the dudes hand, a yellow jacket flew right beneath it and he pinned it there on accident. It stung the other dude pretty bad and his hand swelled up. Well, a bit later, I spotted him walking around with a giant bag of ice on his hand lol.

So, I went to chat him up. We where talking and it was hot so I grabbed an ice cube out of the bag. I put it under my hat to let it sit and melt there. Felt great. But the cube was a bit too big so I figured I'd break it down a bit... I went to take it out of my hat and it fell to the ground. So I bent over to pick it up instead of getting a new one because I didn't want anyone to slip on it... My shorts ripped, a giant hole, right at my butt crack... And I didn't have any underwear on... Took my hat off as fast as I could and and covered it. Called my friend over as I made my way to the side of the building, away from the crowd.

Had my friend go grab me a pair of shorts from the store next door while I stood there with my butt to the wall. People eventually came over to stand with me and ended up chatting me up. I just couldn't hide the fact that I had a giant gaping hole in the rear of my shorts as they where trying to make small talk. So I ended up telling them what happened. Got a great chuckle out of some old burly dudes. I'm ok with that. Glad I could make their day brighter.

Anyway. It was a fantastic day. Lots of new data to store and process. Time for me to heal. Prolly gonna go pass out now.

Thanks for reading as I share my journey guys. Keep at it champs.

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Cutty Flam


Yesterday was upper body. I’ve been thinking about buying a skateboard too, more exercise is a plus. Still looking into wheels and thinking about board size

Tesseract Tesseract , wanted to ask your opinion on that tens unit bro, i know you said it’s a must have for recovery in an earlier post maybe a few weeks back

can you feel the difference or notice the difference when you don’t make use of it, in comparison to when you do?

im trying to alleviate/reduce pain and if it delivers blood flow to the area i will probably buy one soon. have you noticed great benefits?


I've been running a lot with my dog lately

Spent too long going ham on that protein powder and whole milk greek yogurt and sitting on my ass working 12 hours a day like a dunce

Packed on some weight back

Lately been just eating a lot of fruit and running

I ain't going out like that
This week has been brutal for hiking as temps have been over 110 most of the week. I have kept with the swimming and the resistance bands as recommended. Cutting food intake is the worst as I have found comfort eating is a joy. Lots of water, lots of swimming and lots of hiking. I cannot wait for the weather to cool off.

Best of luck everyone. Kick ass keep doing shit and when you have a bad day week just know everyone does and get back to the grind.



Yesterday was upper body. I’ve been thinking about buying a skateboard too, more exercise is a plus. Still looking into wheels and thinking about board size

Tesseract Tesseract , wanted to ask your opinion on that tens unit bro, i know you said it’s a must have for recovery in an earlier post maybe a few weeks back

can you feel the difference or notice the difference when you don’t make use of it, in comparison to when you do?

im trying to alleviate/reduce pain and if it delivers blood flow to the area i will probably buy one soon. have you noticed great benefits?
i think it's vital for rapid recovery when working to failure, especially if you wanna limit your rest days

colossal difference noticed here, especially w / stabilizer muscles
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I went to the gym yesterday and did assisted pull-ups, lat pulldowns, and regular pushups. Feeling it today.

I overdid it on the cycling so some knee pain has been flaring up. So been trying to avoid anything to aggravate that while doing a daily lower body stretch routine that I learned in gym class in college. I had a lot of knee pain in my early 20s from running but that routine stopped it, so hoping for the best (I’m 36).

I saw DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi ’s post about gelatin last night and ordered some of that. Maybe it will help with the knee pain, maybe not. Can’t hurt to try.

Also been watching kettlebell videos and Pavel talking about GTG.
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Always liked reading the Fitness OT, even when I wasn't a user just a guest.
But I want to make a lot more progress before commenting more. I am a beginner doing some kind of starting strength. So I do Squats, Deadlifts, OHP, Bench mainly and some smaller movements which aren't listed in SS (hence why I said some kind of SS).

Anyways, pleasure to read your guys' journey. Keep it up. Also started the cold showers (1-2 minutes at the end of the shower), feels great. Thanks again for reminding me about that.

Some against-the-grain information to consider if you are supplementing with powders or trying to hit 100+ grams of protein per day.

tl;dr is that 1.6 g per 1 kg of body weight per day (0.72 g per 1 pound) is the ceiling of measurable gains from protein intake. And this is the ceiling. You start seeing diminishing returns beyond .5 or .6g per pound. Anywhere from .5 to .7g per pound should be sufficient.

EDIT: I think there's not enough emphasis on the digestibility of nutrients and the health of the digestive tract in these considerations, protein included. A higher percentage of 75g of high quality protein passed through a healthy intestine will be absorbed compared to 150g of casein protein passed through a cramped, leaky gut. Drink your milk kefir and eat your sauerkraut, for gains!
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Gold Member
I went to the gym yesterday and did assisted pull-ups, lat pulldowns, and regular pushups. Feeling it today.

I overdid it on the cycling so some knee pain has been flaring up. So been trying to avoid anything to aggravate that while doing a daily lower body stretch routine that I learned in gym class in college. I had a lot of knee pain in my early 20s from running but that routine stopped it, so hoping for the best (I’m 36).

I saw DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi ’s post about gelatin last night and ordered some of that. Maybe it will help with the knee pain, maybe not. Can’t hurt to try.

Also been watching kettlebell videos and Pavel talking about GTG.

this is collagen powder is pretty nice that I get from whole foods.

i dump 2 scoops in my green smoothies and drink up every other day.

Legs were my focus all week. Lots of pancake stretches, lots of front/side splits practice, horse stance, cossack squats, slow lunges, leaps, hopping on one foot, sprinting, side-shuffles, jump rope, various squat isos, medicine ball throw-and-sprints, and good ol' standing on one foot with knee raised.

With the punching bag hung, I have daily teep practice. Teep kicks seem like good conditioners for leg flexibility and snappy speed. Now that I have sufficient ankle/leg strength, I will sift out a few of my leg balance-builders and do more teeps (incorporates both balance conditioning and muscle exertion). I'm having a lot of fun trying to keep the bag from swinging back toward myself, timing the kick with the sway of the bag without losing my balance or making the bag spin/wobble. These make my legs ache in a way my other leg exercises don't, so I must be on the right track.

(I don't follow this exactly, but the video shows the basics: front and rear teeps, and holding teeps)

I also do shin kicks, trying to pendulum repeatedly on one leg while balancing on the other and not touching down my foot. Sometimes I can get in a good rhythm and get 5 or 6 right-foot kicks hits in before I have to touch my foot down but my left leg is weaker. I wobble and can barely get two in a row.

I don't own a leg press. Squats / lifts / carries can only do so much for the legs, so kicking a mushy 190lb bag seemed like a good add. If any others have suggestions for kicking bag exercise for a non-martial artist / amateur, please @ me.
Some really good leg stretches for those interested. From a legend.

The anatomy lesson at the beginning of this one is some good info and goes into why it's good to stretch and that you shouldn't push it when you do. If you can't hit a split, watch the intro lesson then jump to the next vid.

Split progression.

Why is he a legend you might ask?

I just followed this along as a beginner and damn, I sure can feel it in a good way.
My muscles felt short so I am doing a lot more stretches. Especially my hip hurts a little when squatting. Any other stretching routines you guys can recommend? Full body even, my neck and shoulders could really use that.
Otherwise I will just watch some youtube videos. :D

Cutty Flam

I just followed this along as a beginner and damn, I sure can feel it in a good way.
My muscles felt short so I am doing a lot more stretches. Especially my hip hurts a little when squatting. Any other stretching routines you guys can recommend? Full body even, my neck and shoulders could really use that.
Otherwise I will just watch some youtube videos. :D
I can post some pics tmrw night; they should help you some. I just need to find these two books and snap the pictures. Helped me a ton. Do you have a foam roller or any kind of ball whether it be a lacross ball, baseball, golf ball? Tissue work is a vital part of the game imo and those items are crucial to any athlete, anyone at all really. They're invaluable tools to help you recover and help avoid injury when used correctly
Hello everyone!! So, I just got a pull up bar and was thinking about a bodyweight workout with pull ups, push ups and squats.

Any suggestions of series and reps? Well rested I can manage 5 or 6 pull ups in a row, 20 push ups and a lot of squats I guess.
Love those three exercises. I like to superset legs with pushups or pullups a lot. Feels like the perfect workout every time

Maybe something like this after you get warmed up well with your cardio:

Warm Up Circuit (2 rounds):
-15 squats (1/4 squat or 1/2 squats) , 10 Pullups with resistance band of choosing, 15 pushups on knees
-(optional) 12 squats, 8 pullups with resistance band maybe a few regular pullups, 12 pushups on knees, 5 or so actual pushups

Circuit Training:
-20 Bodyweight Squats superset with 6 Pullups
-20 Bodyweight Squats superset with 20 pushups

^^ one cycle

-20 squats superset w/ 4 perfect form pullups or # you can manage w/ perfect form
-20 squats superset w/ 10-15 perfect pushups or # you can manage w/ perfect form

^^ that'll be your second cycle/round and you can either repeat for a third cycle (or however many you think you can do) and call it when form starts to go out the window. Perfect form over everything. Cheating sometimes has its time and its place but during an intense circuit training session sometimes the intensity and all the hormones an endorphins and such feel so good that you think you can handle anything and it's easy, real easy, in my experiences to want to go overboard and get more sets or reps in. I would say stick to a round or two or three, whatever feels right for you and do a little bit more the next session in a couple days or whenever that will be for you. Full body routines are the way imo

Could replace the squats with jumprope if you want something different when you become a bit more fatigued. Can use regressions if you want to continue to do more and do pullups with a resistance band, pushups on knees until you've trained to failure there too if that's what you're looking to do

That's a simple little routine but very effective. I think supersets go a long way if you're disciplined enough to go right into the next set. I didn't superset the pullups with the pushups because I feel like that's pretty taxing in my experience. I once strained my rhomboids while doing pushups (from constantly retracting my scapula all throughout the movement) and it was then that I realized that I was recruiting some of my lats, rhomboids, traps, and rotator cuff muscles pretty strongly. I figured they weren't really working that hard no matter how hard I focused my mind on contracting them while doing a pushup. Ever since then, I made sure to monitor what I'm doing and how I'm feeling during my upperbody programming. I think supersetting pushups with pullups is an amazing way to train upperbody but I would advise using caution; listening to your body very carefully and definitely working withing your limits. Just my two cents based off my experiences

I can post some pics tmrw night; they should help you some. I just need to find these two books and snap the pictures. Helped me a ton. Do you have a foam roller or any kind of ball whether it be a lacross ball, baseball, golf ball? Tissue work is a vital part of the game imo and those items are crucial to any athlete, anyone at all really. They're invaluable tools to help you recover and help avoid injury when used correctly

This is the only roller I have at the moment but I thought about getting myself a ball as well because they can go in deeper and with more pinpoint accuracy. Thanks btw.


Love those three exercises. I like to superset legs with pushups or pullups a lot. Feels like the perfect workout every time

Maybe something like this after you get warmed up well with your cardio:

Warm Up Circuit (2 rounds):
-15 squats (1/4 squat or 1/2 squats) , 10 Pullups with resistance band of choosing, 15 pushups on knees
-(optional) 12 squats, 8 pullups with resistance band maybe a few regular pullups, 12 pushups on knees, 5 or so actual pushups

Circuit Training:
-20 Bodyweight Squats superset with 6 Pullups
-20 Bodyweight Squats superset with 20 pushups

^^ one cycle

-20 squats superset w/ 4 perfect form pullups or # you can manage w/ perfect form
-20 squats superset w/ 10-15 perfect pushups or # you can manage w/ perfect form

^^ that'll be your second cycle/round and you can either repeat for a third cycle (or however many you think you can do) and call it when form starts to go out the window. Perfect form over everything. Cheating sometimes has its time and its place but during an intense circuit training session sometimes the intensity and all the hormones an endorphins and such feel so good that you think you can handle anything and it's easy, real easy, in my experiences to want to go overboard and get more sets or reps in. I would say stick to a round or two or three, whatever feels right for you and do a little bit more the next session in a couple days or whenever that will be for you. Full body routines are the way imo

Could replace the squats with jumprope if you want something different when you become a bit more fatigued. Can use regressions if you want to continue to do more and do pullups with a resistance band, pushups on knees until you've trained to failure there too if that's what you're looking to do

That's a simple little routine but very effective. I think supersets go a long way if you're disciplined enough to go right into the next set. I didn't superset the pullups with the pushups because I feel like that's pretty taxing in my experience. I once strained my rhomboids while doing pushups (from constantly retracting my scapula all throughout the movement) and it was then that I realized that I was recruiting some of my lats, rhomboids, traps, and rotator cuff muscles pretty strongly. I figured they weren't really working that hard no matter how hard I focused my mind on contracting them while doing a pushup. Ever since then, I made sure to monitor what I'm doing and how I'm feeling during my upperbody programming. I think supersetting pushups with pullups is an amazing way to train upperbody but I would advise using caution; listening to your body very carefully and definitely working withing your limits. Just my two cents based off my experiences

Wow, thanks so much, Cutty!! I'll try it and report back! Also, from today's 6km run:

Previous was 3:51!! Feels good man!


Just a check in.

I overdid it on my last workout (Sunday Sep. 6). Should have started strength training slower / less weight / fewer reps. I've mostly rested except for a run and some walks this whole week, and it's driving me nuts.

Had some wrist pain which is gradually going away, and the inside of my elbow joints have been inflamed / irritated. Most of the muscle soreness is finally gone but it lasted since Sunday.

I ordered knee braces to see if that helps with the knee pain.

I am planning to go a lot easier my next trip to the gym.

Also just got this book in the mail today (didn't order my kettlebell yet since the one I want is out of stock):

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