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Fitness |OT| Pumpin' Iron and Spittin' Blood.


Powerblocks get! Another week and my rig and flooring should be in!

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Gold Member
7 days my brothers, 7 days and I can finally get back in there. I should probably wait a little while to go back as the gyms can only operate at 33% capacity. It'll be curious to see how they enforce that. Will people just have to wait outside the gym?

My guess would be some gyms will require you to schedule beforehand. Probably won't be a huge issue since people will still be avoiding gyms. Let us know how it goes. I'm curious as well how they're going to handle such limited capacity.
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My guess would be some gyms will require you to schedule beforehand. Probably won't be a huge issue since people will still be avoiding gyms. Let us know how it goes. I'm curious as well how they're going to handle such limited capacity.

Exactly like you said, you have to schedule your arrival in advance and you're limited with time slots (for example no more than 1h). One of the gyms where I live worked like that but it was a pretty high traffic one, the other one that I frequent had no set limitations because it usually has 7 to 8 people there at most.


Add up the 1-year cost of the gym in question and invest it into home equipment, in my opinion. Who knows how long the next lockdown will be? Who knows how stringent the lockdown restrictions will be?

Shit, I almost bought a pullup/dips tower when the lockdown started. If it comes to it again I'm ordering it day 1. If I had money to throw around I'd get one of those (relatively) heavy duty all in one racks for about 4000$, but I'm worried my downstairs neighbours would get an announced visit after I stacked some weight on it :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Add up the 1-year cost of the gym in question and invest it into home equipment, in my opinion. Who knows how long the next lockdown will be? Who knows how stringent the lockdown restrictions will be?

Honestly I view gyms as a waste of money unless it is a space issue. Home gyms really are brilliant especially with the world turned upside down with Covid.

God Enel

Haven’t been here in some days. Still working out. Though this weekend is haram. I’m in Brussels and gonna eat waffles, drink beer and other shit. On Monday I’ll be back in the trot.

VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler I read your post in regards to moving. There wasn’t that much. Still have me a nice sweat. As we’re living in apartments in Germanyyou do have your “fair share of action” when you have to carry a washing machine or a fridge through a stairway. It’s fucking annoying but yeah. It definitely was my workout for that day. Especially as we had to bring the washing machine to her sister and it basically consumed the whole day.
you use so many different muscles when moving in comparison to working out it’s kinda funny lol
Think I may have gone too far today.

I usually do my 10 set challenge on Saturday (either at home or at the gym). Felt good today and thought I up it a notch. Usually it's 10 sets of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 goblet squats and 20 KB swings with a minute break in between. Today I figured, what the hell... 20 bench press, 15 military press, 10 pull ups, 15 goblet squats, 20 KB swings.... 10 sets....

Well, it's been a few hours, I had my recovery shake and my big dinner... Could barely get up when I finished eating and currently dread of going through the ordeal of washing my hair...

I'm dead...

Next weeks again. :messenger_sunglasses:
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Cutty Flam

Think I may have gone too far today.

I usually do my 10 set challenge on Saturday (either at home or at the gym). Felt good today and thought I up it a notch. Usually it's 10 sets of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 goblet squats and 20 KB swings with a minute break in between. Today I figured, what the hell... 20 bench press, 15 military press, 10 pull ups, 15 goblet squats, 20 KB swings.... 10 sets....

Well, it's been a few hours, I had my recovery shake and my big dinner... Could barely get up when I finished eating and currently dread of going through the ordeal of washing my hair...

I'm dead...

Next weeks again. :messenger_sunglasses:
That’s one hell of a workout bro

Cutty Flam

Fushitsusha Fushitsusha train like Roronoa Zoro AKA, Mr. Bushidō

I’ve been doing upper body routines and improving there, trying to patch up a re-injured hamstring. Getting an MRI on it soon to better assess where the tissue was damaged at, exactly. Would advise anybody, if you ever have a hamstring strain, get an MRI and PT. You do not want to let that sucker go and just wing your own path to recovery and strength. One of the greatest and most challenging mistakes I’ve made yet...

NSD Spinner is incredible. Thanks Vlaud+ Tesseract for recommending, this thing is crucial in these times of constant typing, computer work. For anybody really, I’d highly recommend it for your health. Only $20 bucks too

^^^ Very fun to use as well, it feels more like a game sort of than exercise, starting it up without the string is a rewarding feeling. That is an excellent fitness tool, the NSD Spinner. I used to have one when I was in hs not sure what happened to it though
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Fushitsusha Fushitsusha train like Roronoa Zoro AKA, Mr. Bushidō

^^^ Very fun to use as well, it feels more like a game sort of than exercise, starting it up without the string is a rewarding feeling. That is an excellent fitness tool, the NSD Spinner. I used to have one when I was in hs not sure what happened to it though

Does it matter what kind of gyro ball you get? Unfortunately amazon is out of stock with NSD, but Powerballs are available here.

Cutty Flam

Does it matter what kind of gyro ball you get? Unfortunately amazon is out of stock with NSD, but Powerballs are available here.
I've only tried the $20 one from NSD Spinner. But I imagine their other products are just as good if not better. I personally wouldn't purchase a knockoff brand even if it is a little bit cheaper, but that's only by preference, maybe the Powerballs are decent and will hold up the same / have similar quality

God Enel

3 days of eating shit. As of Today it’s gonna be a fasting session for.. I’ll try 3 days as well. Let’s see how it goes.
As I’m quarantined right now - did a COVID Test today because Germany declared Brussels as a risk area - I have to work out at home.

Basically push ups, dips, extensions, static holds. ~Push day it’s gonna be :)
Does it matter what kind of gyro ball you get? Unfortunately amazon is out of stock with NSD, but Powerballs are available here.

This is the one I use and I've been using it for a while now, seems to be pretty good quality to me. It's much heavier than the others posted here and outputs far more torque at 10,000 rpms. Around 50 pounds compared to 24 or so for the lighter ones. Although, I have pretty strong hands and wrists to begin with so it's prob a good idea for most to start with a lighter one. I've been specifically training my grip, wrists and forearms for a few months now and I'd been using my friends lighter one off and on for a bit and wanted one that gave my forearms/grip/wrists a bit more of a work out at higher speeds. The thing I like about it though is that I can still get a great pump and terrific warmup and cooldown going even at lower speeds with this one.

NSD makes a heavy model as well but it's way too expensive for me.

Also. I'm up to 34 cards that I can rip through now without too much struggle. I think I'll be right on track for a whole deck by the end of the year.
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Cutty Flam


Did mostly ‘push’ today with some Farmers Carries, and biceps on the side, improvements in OHP and bicep curls

Myofascial release with the barbell smashing (lacross ball taped to said barbell) the upper chest and shoulder area to open up ROM, and eliminate any possibility of impingement is such a massive game changer. It’s night and day. Internal rotation / external rotation is much better off when taking the time. Only takes 2 min per side too

Would highly recommend it, to anyone who has a barbell. A few examples:

Cardi O!


This week I pushed my heart, lungs, and mental focus. Intense sets followed by a cycles of Wim Hof breathing. The goal was simple: spike my heart as often as possible during the day, then take it back down with Wim Hof. Over and over throughout the week. I am also fasting which caps your energy levels, makes your head fuzzy, and makes your heart spike faster.

Surprisingly, the best sets were with the medicine ball, not with the kettlebell. I throw the medicine ball as far as I can, sprint to it, then pick it up and throw back to the starting position. I try to sprint fast enough to reach the ball before it stops rolling. I cycle between these:

- standing throw behind the head (ACFT item)
- one handed "shot put" throw across the body
- chest pass (like basketball)
- overhead step-and-throw (inbounds throw in soccer)

It only takes a few minutes of throwing and sprinting before I start sucking wind.

Also I ask for your courtesy while I repeat myself for the 1,200th time: TURKISH GETUPS.


No doubt, I've improved a lot at Turkish Getups over the past few months. I can do higher reps, and my stability is much better. I can also do them smoother / faster.


They still wreck me. It only takes a few minutes on each arm before I am wobbly enough to start fearing for my safety, and every time I make improvements in TGs I see "magic" improvements in other exercises, especially full body ones. I'm not strong enough to hold that 60lb above my head so maybe I'll transition to "slow getups" while I build enough strength for the 60lb TGs.

Still investing a lot of time/sets into isos. Holds on the rings, 1h planks, squats held at various knee angles, balancing on 1 foot, etc
What do you reckon is the importance of 'animal protein'? I heard Joe Rogan talk about it a while back.
I've almost completely stopped eating dead animals, was wondering how this affects my GAINZ.

Do eggs count? What about yogurt (I eat the 10% fat 'greek' stuff)

Occasionally I will eat some mackarel from a tin, or some <whatever> should I eat out (which is rarely).
What do you reckon is the importance of 'animal protein'? I heard Joe Rogan talk about it a while back.
I've almost completely stopped eating dead animals, was wondering how this affects my GAINZ.

Do eggs count? What about yogurt (I eat the 10% fat 'greek' stuff)

Occasionally I will eat some mackarel from a tin, or some <whatever> should I eat out (which is rarely).
Your body is made of animal protein, and homo sapiens are omnivores with a digestive system that is capable of handling both meat and plants. I think it's pretty straightforward from a zoomed-out view.

But for your individual needs? Dunno. Look at meat's nutrition value compared to its calories and make a decision based on nutrition. I think meat will fare pretty well against most other foods, especially if you omit frankenfoods and refined powders.
I throw the medicine ball as far as I can, sprint to it, then pick it up and throw back to the starting position. I try to sprint fast enough to reach the ball before it stops rolling.

Um... you stole my patented how to wear my 7 year old out training technique. This is highly evolved from when she was 5 and I pointed at an object across the park such as a light post, tree, swing and then told her to run at it. I had to introduce the ball as she caught on that perhaps I was fucking with her. You should just use a tennis ball and make that cardio extreme but I can see the medicine balls weight would be better for overall work out routine.

It has been 6 days since I asked for help. Ordered the recommended basic gear minus a kettlebell because I cannot find one anywhere. Thanks for the advice and I will check back in a week from now to report if I am dead or not.
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Um... you stole my patented how to wear my 7 year old out training technique. This is highly evolved from when she was 5 and I pointed at an object across the park such as a light post, tree, swing and then told her to run at it. I had to introduce the ball as she caught on that perhaps I was fucking with her. You should just use a tennis ball and make that cardio extreme but I can see the medicine balls weight would be better for overall work out routine.

It has been 6 days since I asked for help. Ordered the recommended basic gear minus a kettlebell because I cannot find one anywhere. Thanks for the advice and I will check back in a week from now to report if I am dead or not.
lol good thinking. I'll have to do some longer sprints at the park or something. I am not a runner and have not been in running shape for years, but I am kinda-sorta back at it now after the last month of farmer walking (to build up my joints). I am slowly adding in more forms of cardio but it is typically still of some weighted/harder variety, like long kettlebell flows with a lower weight, or jump-rope on one foot, or jogging with the medicine ball, or doing the aforementioned medicine ball sprints, etc.

I know that cardio has a bad rep in some gym rat circles but for me the issue of cardio has been simpler: fat-assery and smoking cigs.. Thankfully both of those are well in hand now and I like improving in an area that has been a bottleneck for ~10 years.


Went to the foot doctor yesterday after a 2 month wait for my appointment.

You know your in trouble when he starts with “wow” when you take your socks off.
Apparently my arches are super high and the root of my problem.

Uhg, I guess we will try these othodics to try and reduce some of this constant foot pain. Let’s hope insurance can pick up some of this nasty bill...

Hope this works, sucks cutting workouts short with foot pain. Or skipping them...


Well that was humbling. I basically lost all my strength. I usually warmup with 12 reps of 95 pounds on bench press just to get the blood flowing. After hitting 10 I'm thinking to myself "I don't remember 95 pounds weighing so much". I got freaking 5 reps at 105 on my 4th set. I was repping 165 consistently before the shutdown. Got a lot of work to do bros.

God Enel

Today was shoulders. Did a lot of handstands. Some supersets for the front back and side.
I see slow progress on the planche but it’s still far away. Baby steps basically. I just have to stay focused. And I hope I’m not gonna lose my motivation in the long run.
The training today went really well. I have to admit that I’m fasting like DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi since Sunday. No headaches, no dizziness the hunger is creeping up on me though. Tomorrow evening I’m gonna eat and refill the tank.
what I notice though since I haven’t eaten anything since Sunday and working out Monday-Wednesday is that my body doesn’t recover as quickly. I feel sore in my upper body. Especially the back and biceps which I did yesterday.

tomorrow I’m gonna do a big core session with a lot of work on my lower back 🙏🏼

God Enel

Hmm.. I only a have a shower and im still showering cold. That’s all I can do right now. :/

The soreness is not horrible I just recognize that food is crucial for a faster/proper regeneration.
It’s super interesting to experiment with your body this way. How far you can go without food. I think I can fast for 7 days (with working out - just an assumption never tried to go that long). But 4 is enough for now.
I’m at 75-76 kg right now. When I stopped eating bullshit I was at 82-83 and I cut a lot of fat. Feels great tbh. Though the last bit on my belly is the hardest. As people say abs are made in the kitchen (and with a lot of discipline).
You'd better post your notes today Cutty Flam Cutty Flam cause I need to keep cheatin off them like a public school kid at final exam.

I've been doing assisted handstands by walking my feet up the base of a tree and just chilling there for awhile, letting the weight press down while keeping everything aligned. Feels amazing for my lungs (weird?) and opens them up, like I was breathing fresh ocean air afterward. Over time I hope to do normal handstands without needing a tree but it's on the backburner.

Now horse stance time. I hope VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler is cooking up the purest hit of forearm-training madness for us to learn more. :messenger_weary::messenger_ok:


Cutty Flam

You'd better post your notes today Cutty Flam Cutty Flam cause I need to keep cheatin off them like a public school kid at final exam.

I've been doing assisted handstands by walking my feet up the base of a tree and just chilling there for awhile, letting the weight press down while keeping everything aligned. Feels amazing for my lungs (weird?) and opens them up, like I was breathing fresh ocean air afterward. Over time I hope to do normal handstands without needing a tree but it's on the backburner.

Now horse stance time. I hope VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler is cooking up the purest hit of forearm-training madness for us to learn more. :messenger_weary::messenger_ok:

I’m going to hit back today,biceps, hopefully some abs, neck. Might do upper body in full but will decide after back routine is completed and will assess

I need to write to Trump and ask him kindly if he will write and enact the first piece of legislature that is aimed towards protecting one’s gainz

Alright, well yesterday was supposed to be a rest day but... My drip line setup came for my garden. We've been having sort of a drought here and keeping everything watered manually was getting really time consuming so we invested in a drip line. First time I've ever run one. Seems to be working out great so I made a video to share my hard work and for those interested in gardening. We've been eating an entire helping off of those beans every day now for at least a week, they produce that much btw. And good Lord, we're about to have a mountain of tomatoes. We established it a bit late, as this was our first in-ground garden at our new home and we needed to start from scratch with the resources we had. It's not too large but we intend to expand it all the way to the end of the house next year if all goes to plan.

First time I've ever made a youtube vid. Had to find an editor to combine the two vids I took.

The porch is all cut up from when we had to have the foundation waterproofed. That's going to be my next big project. Gonna turn most of that space into planters.

I also just now saw that either the kids or cats have decimated the kids room blinds... Gat dangit.

Why post this here? I just wanted to show an example of how I turn work into a workout. I squatted the whole time. No sitting or crawling (unless I had too in tight spaces).

I must have spent 3 whole hours just squatting. I don't even know how many times I squatted...

On top of that, they make tools to insert the sprinklers into the line and they also recommend you use a lighter to heat the hose first to make it easy to slide the hose onto the fittings and adaptors... But I said screw it, I'm gonna test my strength. Holy crap. My thumb was completely swollen and blistered afterwards. If it weren't for my thick callous I'm pretty sure that skin would be gone.

My back was on fire by the end. So where my arms, which where already on fire from arm wrestling. So I took all morning and most of the evening to rest up again. I feel GREAT now. So I'm gonna do a couple hundred reps of my arm routines and then maybe some rice bucket afterwards.

If you always try to keep that warrior mentality, you can find ways to stay fit no matter what you're doing.


Cutty Flam




Nice workout today. Took my first official pre-workout today (that i bought, only tried free sample ones before) and it was decent. It takes the edge off. It’s like the nerves can fire without any trouble / you don’t have to worry about being too panicky about any reps as long as you stay within your typical range. I’ll see how everything feels tmrw though. The taste is very good too, blue raspberry. I took like a little less than half a scoop and just downed it with a gulp of water. Tasted like candy lol but it’s only stevia so nothing to worry about. Next time I’ll go with a full scoop

Still making improvements, taking my time and paying great attention to everything. Excited to say also, that once my hamstring heals up again, a friend is going to allow me to use her pool to rehab, which will make all the difference in the world. Especially with what I know now, should be a much easier transition. If anybody has a pool, use it every day if you can, just get in, maybe do some squats in there and just swim for a little bit. So important to do exercises that work everything. Swimming seems to work nearly all the muscles

Cutty Flam

VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler one of the strongest people I know runs his own landscape design business. He never goes to the gym he just puts in six days a week 12 hours a day like a boss.
I worked with a dude like that once. Just works long days every week has the traps of a pro bodybuilder

edit: meant to say lats and traps of a pro bodybuilder, pretty much the v-taper of seasoned bodybuilder
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