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Fitness |OT| Pumpin' Iron and Spittin' Blood.



About 3 weeks of consistent 40-50F mornings and I am beginning to feel the bite of the cold without the sting.

Good to see you're back in the game! A summary post of mine from earlier in the thread that lists my four must-have home gym pieces of equipment.

Good kettlebell vid below. I think EviLore EviLore linked to me earlier in the thread. I've watched it multiple times and I've rec'd it to ppl in this thread mulitple times.

Here's my cold training / breathing thread which I consider to be absolute pillars of my fitness. Fasting is another pillar, so I'm thrilled to see you diving right into that.

Consistency is everything, so keep posting in the thread diary-style if it helps keep you honest.

Thanks. That kettlebell guy was the same one that was on Rogan, right? I'm going to complete that 30 day calisthenics plan first and will then look in to getting some kettlebells. Winter is on its way, so I'm sure those breathing routines will come in useful.

I did a 72 hour fast earlier this year. I may try a 5 day one sometime, but for now I'm going to see how doing a 24 hour fast every other day works. In terms of diet, I'm going to make sure I eat a decent amount of protein and plenty of vegetables while keeping the sugar and junk food fairly low, but I'm not going to be super strict. I'll see how it goes in the next month or so. If the weight loss is slow then I may need to tighten up my diet game. I've been hovering around the same weight for a while now, so have probably reached some kind of equilibrium with my current lifestyle and diet. The added calorie burn from the additional exercise and the calorie restriction from the fasting should prove enough to start shedding the excess fat.
Today was back and bis. I do really miss having a lat pull down and row system.
Hanging rows, pull/chin ups, pelican curls, etc on the gym rings bruh. Resistance bands / cables to fill in the gaps.

I still own my trusty orbital rowing machine as well as resistance cables that hook to the wall, but both are dust-collectors. Back is now the domain of rings and kettlebells (for me).
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DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi

Those are some good suggestions, thanks. I really want to buy another pull up bar for the middle of my rack so that I can work on my iron cross strength. I was a competitive gymnast until I quit in college. I am excited to use my rings. I just wish my ceiling was higher so that I could do more ring handstand press work.
say wat?

How are you not dropping mad ring knowledge in this thread, then?! I'm a complete amateur and would like to know any tips you have to get stronger on the rings.
It’s been a long time since I did gymnastics, almost 20 years now. We didn’t use the rings for as much strength training besides muscle ups, crosses, planches, dips, Ls and Vs, handstand presses, front/back levers, and handstand push ups. You could do inverted crosses too.

I really need some parallettes. Those would be great for Ls, Vs, planches, handstand presses, and HS pushups.

I am going to make the parallettes out of pvc pipe. That’s what we used and it’s cheap.
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Legs and shoulders today:

3 x 8

Front squats
Barbell lunges each leg x 8
Nordic hamstring curls (3 x 10)

Interior/exterior shoulder rotation w/cables
Single arm lateral raises w/cables
Barbell shoulder presses
Dumbbell shoulder press

Next round intend to add deadlifts, dumbbell squats, weighted calf raises, dumbbell lateral and front raises, and shrugs.
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Another fasting day successfully completed. I was pretty tempted to eat something after my evening jog, but resisted the urge and feel mentally strengthened by it. I don't think I was actually that hungry, I think it was more a case of wanting that "mouth pleasure" that you get from eating.

Speaking of jogging, it was raining today and a little bit cold too, so I considered skipping it for today. But then I thought "What would Goggins do?", and got my answer:

So I hardened the fuck up and got out there. Glad I did! A 30 minute yoga session in the morning means this has been a good day fitness wise. The discipline is slowly returning, although the physical fitness will take longer. I found a tape measure, so decided to measure my belly. 38.25 inches when taken around the belly button...


Bigger than I expected! Ah well, it will make having a 6-pack next summer all the more satisfying :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Cutty Flam


Pushing through a decent bit of pain, probably like 3.7/10 to 4/10 usually. Made a major mistake on 9/22/2020 and had another setback. Still getting the training in, but I can already tell the next two or three weeks are going to be very trying, physically and mentally to power through. I think I’ll need to focus on a healing and uplifting positive attitude more than ever. been doing a lot of things wrong need to reflect on a lot of choices and ease up on some things. i’m definitely fucking up

“There’s always a better way to do something”

-Rich Piana


Unconfirmed Member
So I had hit I think about 13 stone 5 at peak lockdown fatness. I'm down to 12 stone 2 which is a nice drop, still want to drop another stone then look at packing on that muscle. Currently though the focus is entirely on getting lean, getting my cardio fitness up to an acceptable level, etc to give myself a firm foundation on which to build.
Got to the gym early. Feels good to get it out of the way. Back and shoulder stuff mostly today. Incorporating more lower back exercises to avoid injury. Any suggestions on strengthening that area?
I will never not suggest kettlebell swings for lower back.

Premium exercise.

EDIT: oh and I do "reverse planks" (what a stupid name) each day too, to strengthen the back with isometrics. Great strengthener for the shoulders as well.

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Couldn't remember what weight I was doing dumbbell rows at for my 5x10. I guessed wrong, stiffened up last night while sleeping. Ouch. Time to add a new stretch to the routine.
I will never not suggest kettlebell swings for lower back.

Premium exercise.

EDIT: oh and I do "reverse planks" (what a stupid name) each day too, to strengthen the back with isometrics. Great strengthener for the shoulders, too.

I'll have to give these a try, only time I've injured myself was because of my lower back not keeping up
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Cutty Flam

Got to the gym early. Feels good to get it out of the way. Back and shoulder stuff mostly today. Incorporating more lower back exercises to avoid injury. Any suggestions on strengthening that area?
I’m a huge fan of back extensions on the back extension adjustable bench

I haven’t had access to one ever since the shutdown, so I try to make due with supermans but tbh, I think supermans are a fairly unnatural movement, just my opinion. How often do we usually move like that in real life?

If you have it, can do back extensions on a back extension bench or bird dogs. Bird dogs are great for lower back and core
I actually like the arch rockers and alternate with hollow rockers for core.

We used to do sets of these:

30 sec hollow hold, 10 v ups, 30 sec hh, 10 lemon squeezes, 30 sec hold, 10 legs raised, crunches 30, sec hh

30 sec arch hold hold, 15 Sm rockers, 30 Sm hold, 15 Superman’s, 30 arch hold

When you alternate between the hollow and arch sets, it helps balance the stress on your back & abs.

Also, I’m a huge fan of inverted crunches, it is easier on your spine and allows for you to go really slowly down and get a great workout.
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God Enel

VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler I just read your post and thank you (and your wife) so much for the time and effort to write it down and film it. ❤️
For sure I’ll incorporate some of the exercises in my training. 100% I’ll buy a bag of rice and do the rice bucket bean fishing thing 😄 And the kettlebell curls with a band wrapped around your thumb looks amazing as well. Will do that the next time I’m working my biceps and I’m fucking excited to see what it feels like. And I have to find something for the leverage lifts. Have to look around my home or in the gym what I’m able to lift. How many reps do you do?
The False grip on rings I’m already when I’m working out with rings, eg on the cross, muscle ups or just ring pull ups.

And doing the rice shit while watching a show is a genius idea and I can see myself doing that, too. 👍🏼👍🏼

absolutely appreciate your post. You guys are inspiring as shit. And I agree with you this is the best thread on neogaf and I’m happy to see more people posting in here


Gold Member
The women's workout section at my gym has been turned into a crossfit area. Kettlebells, TRX bands, row machines, sleds, battle ropes, jump platforms, etc. Got a killer workout using some of that stuff and I think I'm done until Monday. Pretty beaten down at the moment. The kettlebell movements in particular wore me the fuck out.




VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler I just read your post and thank you (and your wife) so much for the time and effort to write it down and film it. ❤
For sure I’ll incorporate some of the exercises in my training. 100% I’ll buy a bag of rice and do the rice bucket bean fishing thing 😄 And the kettlebell curls with a band wrapped around your thumb looks amazing as well. Will do that the next time I’m working my biceps and I’m fucking excited to see what it feels like. And I have to find something for the leverage lifts. Have to look around my home or in the gym what I’m able to lift. How many reps do you do?
The False grip on rings I’m already when I’m working out with rings, eg on the cross, muscle ups or just ring pull ups.

And doing the rice shit while watching a show is a genius idea and I can see myself doing that, too. 👍🏼👍🏼

absolutely appreciate your post. You guys are inspiring as shit. And I agree with you this is the best thread on neogaf and I’m happy to see more people posting in here
So glad you've found it helpful. Can't wait to hear what you have to say. Hopefully you didn't miss the card tearing vid as well.

I'll have to make a slight adjustment to the recommended amounts to do weekly for the card tearing I think. I kinda, mighta, maybe over trained my hands making them sore as heck and I also kinda, mighta, maybe ripped off a big chunk of my calloused thumb skin right where the strap and peoples thumbs meat my hand and last arm wrestling practice might have suuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked. So, if you ever get up to where it takes you a couple mins to rip through... maybe think about backing off on the amount by like 10 cards or so and adding 2 a week again from there. It's hard for me because I have a high pain tolerance and I'll blast right through something if I'm determined. Then again, none of you arm wrestle so you aren't putting your wrists through the wringer like I do once a week so you could probably get away with it. Depending on what your max is at the start, you might be able to beat me.

As for everything else, I do at least 100 reps and I aim for 3 sets. So find a weight you can do 100 comfortably and then as time goes on and you feel stronger, aim for up to 3 sets. Then after you've got that down and you feel like upping the weight, aim for 1 set of 100 again with the new, heavier weight/resistance. However, for the movements that allow me, I will switch up grips between sets. So if I hammer curled for one set, I'll pronate curl the next, then normal curl. Or just mix it up per rep.

Now, depending on how I feel, I'll either do the same workouts sets sets back to back, or I'll spread the sets for the different workouts out and do other apposing muscle groups or wrist work and then repeat all those again 3 times. I generally don't do more than 3 sets of something that targets a certain muscle group for a session. But I also try to work out 3 times a day since I don't do manual labor at the moment. I count any lengthy heavy lifting or yard work and chores as one of the workouts.

I, like DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi wait about 4-5 minutes in-between sets.

Here is an example of one of the 3 normal routines these days. (NOTE: I either move on to the next exercise after one set or I'll do all 3 sets for that same movement back to back with the same 5ish minute break. Depending on how I feel.)

I do the stretching. Arms, ankles, wrists and legs.

Table top bicep curls. 100 reps. Pronate curls, hammer curls, normal curls. Keeping my knuckles up. I'll do these for all 3 sets.

up to 5min rest.

Tricep pull downs. 100 reps. I attach a 25 pound band to my rings raised high and do them like that. I can move forward or backwards and hit the muscle at different angles. I can grip it like a single rope, or like two separate. I'll also do these for all 3 sets but in different positions.

up to 5min rest.

Table top bicep static holds. At least 6 minutes. I've explained these pretty well in my last post I think. Depending on how I feel, I'll do these in a very wide range of deviation from the starting position. As in, the weight will be coming from a wide range of angles and I'll perhaps even add a band coming from another angle.

up to 5 min rest.

Wrist curls. 100 reps. Explained as well. I'll sometimes do the cupping carries till failure for one of these 3 sets.

up to 5 min rest.

Leverage lift. 100 reps. As explained before. I'll sometimes throw the finger/bicep lifts in here as well for one of the sets depending on how I feel.

So, 3 of those a day. Every morning I roll out of bed, literally, and do 35 pushups. Before bed these days, I've been feeling really antsy. Especially if I miss one of the workouts. So I'll do a kettle bell routine or and Ido Portal routine to properly burn myself out and to also hit the legs. Did 40 turkish getups, and 200 halo's last Sat. Prob gonna end up hitting 50 getups tonight. We'll see. This week I've been babying my hands so I haven't done too much. But all that freaking energy is calling me something fierce right now.

As the week goes on towards practice I'll up the intensity. Then I'll stop 2 days before practice for now. So I'll have plenty of recovery time before practice.

Oh, and as for legs, I jog on the trampoline a whole lot. On and off all day and whenever I watch a show, if I'm not in the rice bucket, I'm on the tramp. I also try hit legs hard at arm wrestling practice. (Haha, hard for me. I still baby my back even though I might not need to anymore.) Mr. Stapleton has a barbell I squat with. 45 pounds around 50 reps per set. I'll do that on and off throughout the 3 hours.

Hope that helps mate. I can tell you that it certainly has been working for me. My body is transforming for sure. Never felt so confident with a shirt off. Even my wife is giving me looks that I haven't had since when she use to drive from college to my house at 20 miles above the speed limit...

Anyway, I'm off to meet the Wizard of gainz. Keep hitting it boyz.

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I've raised my slip bag to head height and started doing teeps on it, just to see if I had the flexibility yet. Surprisingly I can bop it on the "chin" with a bit of strength. Still trying to invest as much time as I can into planks, ring holds, horse stance, etc to keep building up that full-limb stability.

The women's workout section at my gym has been turned into a crossfit area. Kettlebells, TRX bands, row machines, sleds, battle ropes, jump platforms, etc. Got a killer workout using some of that stuff and I think I'm done until Monday. Pretty beaten down at the moment. The kettlebell movements in particular wore me the fuck out.




Those medicine balls and the kettlebells look like a treasure-trove to me. I'd be a pig in mud there.

God Enel

So glad you've found it helpful. Can't wait to hear what you have to say. Hopefully you didn't miss the card tearing vid as well.

I love your posts dude. Especially because you’re giving us (not just me) a lot of insight into.. well a niche sport and their training techniques. + I never had any contact with arm wrestling, only saw the vids where people break their arms. So yeah it’s quite interesting.
the training methods/ exercises you posted are exercises you don’t see in a regular gyms and personally, I love to try new stuff and see what it feels like. And if I feel that I like it or it benefits me, I’ll incorporate it into my workouts.

Most probably I will only try the card ripping. For me it’s kind of a waste of material so that’s not gonna be an option for me. I don’t need to “see the progress” (ie how many cards you can rip in two) in my wrist/fingers/forarms as you do for your arm wrestling competitions. I just need to feel it. That’s perfectly fine for me.
If I can rip half of the cards you did in your vid in half, I’ll be happy 😄

so if anyone else is doing some “weird sports/training routines” please post them here 🙏🏼I and some others will appreciate it.

Btw. Today is Painstorm 2nd try for me. Trying to beat my time of .. think it was around ~1:24. Not sure if I will though after two weeks of vacation and I’m tired as fuck. Anyways I’ll give my best. Working out since I came back so I’m still a little sore in my legs and back.


Today is a non-fasting day, so I got to have my sausage and bacon :messenger_beaming:

I'm going to do a weigh-in and measure up every Sunday. This week's results (well, 4 days since I started):
86.4kg/190lb (-0.5kg/1.1lb)
Waist 38 inches (-a quarter of an inch)

I think losing one kilo/two pounds a week is a realistic goal. I recently got back from living in Asia, so I've been taking the opportunity to eat a lot of the foods I couldn't get over there - cheese, bread, cake, chocolate etc. I'll indulge myself for another week before starting to clean things up diet-wise. Since I'm fasting every other day I'm still confident of meeting my goal of losing a kilo (and maybe another quarter of an inch off the belly)

This week I started off the exercising pretty lightly, with 20 minutes of yoga daily, plus a slow jog. I'll keep the jogging distance the same, but up the pace a little, with some faster sections of running, and I'll up the yoga to 30 min a day.

God Enel

Today’s Painstorm was horrible. I improved my time by 12 seconds though. During round five I was honestly thinking to just quit. Sleep deprivation is the biggest workout killer. I somehow pushed through. Maybe the 2 friends I’m working out with are helping in this regard.

Today’s time:


It’s okay.. I guess 😄
My friend lent me a copy of Bruce Lee's Fighting Method and told me to invest time into the footwork drills. I'm already doing punches and teeps so I figured I would add another planet to the orrery.

The footwork itself is not difficult. The endurance needed to do the footwork accurately, quickly, and lightly for a sustained period of time (even 5 minutes) is the harder part. Transferring some of your momentum into a strike without losing balance / overextending is also quite difficult, but I grok the "hip transfer" necessary from prior sports experience. All the leg conditioning over the past few months gives me a head-start that I wouldn't otherwise have, so I am grateful. The advance/retreat shuffle, quick retreat/advance, the burst, and the sidesteps are all very simple in execution. The book recommends doing punches on a paper target at the same time as you practice footwork, so I'm using that or using the punching bags. As if i wasn't already doing a lot of leg balance/flexibility work... this just gives me another set of tools.

I'm also doing more stuff on the rings now that I can hang and support-hold for a few minutes at a time. To begin and end my day, I hang on the rings for at least a minute but try to go for 5 minutes, slowly breathing and relaxing. It's amazing how big of an obstacle something as simple as hanging/holding on the rings can be, but I'm glad I invested the time. I'm strong enough to do knee raises/L-sits, chin-ups (only 1 or 2), pelican curl negatives, ring pushups/planks, false grip rows, and that's about it, nothing fancy in the least, nothing even remotely impressive, but leaps and bounds beyond anything I could do back in March/April when I first began.

Kettlebells have not fallen out of favor but I'm not doing anything novel with them right now. Same ol' faithful stuff. Lots of farmer walks, swings, cleans, and orbits with the 60 pounder, plus doing a few walks with the 80 pounder each week.

Right now I have a glut of tools in my orbit (literal tools and also "knowledge tools" like books, videos, posts in this thread, etc). I need to settle deeper into routine/habit/discipline for the tools I have before expanding outward much further.

Thanks for all the insight and encouragement. Braindumping in this thread has helped me arrange my thoughts and build confidence as I tip-toed back into fitness.
My friend lent me a copy of Bruce Lee's Fighting Method and told me to invest time into the footwork drills. I'm already doing punches and teeps so I figured I would add another planet to the orrery.

The footwork itself is not difficult. The endurance needed to do the footwork accurately, quickly, and lightly for a sustained period of time (even 5 minutes) is the harder part. Transferring some of your momentum into a strike without losing balance / overextending is also quite difficult, but I grok the "hip transfer" necessary from prior sports experience. All the leg conditioning over the past few months gives me a head-start that I wouldn't otherwise have, so I am grateful. The advance/retreat shuffle, quick retreat/advance, the burst, and the sidesteps are all very simple in execution. The book recommends doing punches on a paper target at the same time as you practice footwork, so I'm using that or using the punching bags. As if i wasn't already doing a lot of leg balance/flexibility work... this just gives me another set of tools.

I'm also doing more stuff on the rings now that I can hang and support-hold for a few minutes at a time. To begin and end my day, I hang on the rings for at least a minute but try to go for 5 minutes, slowly breathing and relaxing. It's amazing how big of an obstacle something as simple as hanging/holding on the rings can be, but I'm glad I invested the time. I'm strong enough to do knee raises/L-sits, chin-ups (only 1 or 2), pelican curl negatives, ring pushups/planks, false grip rows, and that's about it, nothing fancy in the least, nothing even remotely impressive, but leaps and bounds beyond anything I could do back in March/April when I first began.

Kettlebells have not fallen out of favor but I'm not doing anything novel with them right now. Same ol' faithful stuff. Lots of farmer walks, swings, cleans, and orbits with the 60 pounder, plus doing a few walks with the 80 pounder each week.

Right now I have a glut of tools in my orbit (literal tools and also "knowledge tools" like books, videos, posts in this thread, etc). I need to settle deeper into routine/habit/discipline for the tools I have before expanding outward much further.

Thanks for all the insight and encouragement. Braindumping in this thread has helped me arrange my thoughts and build confidence as I tip-toed back into fitness.
Just wanted to say that it will never not be impressive to me when big strong dudes are able to check themselves and start at the beginning of progressions. Amazing work and progress. Big props man. (BTW I too am stuck on the pelican negatives because of the thrashing my arms take during practice so you might actually beat me here! :messenger_bicep: )

Only thing I might ad is something to keep in mind on the Bruce Lee kicking. I don't know how in depth the book or vid goes on this but as you know, Bruce was a small and very agile dude. This allowed him to be able to perform certain movements more efficiently simply because of his biology.

I've long been a proponent of learning the basics and principles of something, the methods behind the madness and the reasonings for certain styles and movements. Figure out what is considered safe and what isn't and the why's behind that. Then, instead of trying to force a style fit you like a cookie cutter, make your own mold from the information you've gathered. Take all that, and your intimate relationship with your own body and figure out how to most efficiently move it in any manner you choose. Take the time to experiment and formulate. I firmly believe those who study like this, and study multiple forms of martial arts are better equipped when dealing with their own biology.

In Arm Wrestling for instance, people with long arms have advantages over people with short arms when using certain techniques and vice versa. They also feel completely different on the table. When at practice, I'll always ask the people with long arms, or who are short like me for pointers. It's weird for me, since I'm both short and have pretty dang long arms. So as I'm learning the basics and the principles in this sport, I'm really leveraging all that knowledge with how I feel on the table and formulating my own style of pulling. And I have to. Because I can't pull exactly like Mr. Stapleton. Because I'm not him. Even my wrists are literally formed differently and move at different angles.

Anyway lol, all this to say, don't worry about feeling like you need to stick to one style. It really is about figuring out how your biology allows you to move most efficiently and effectively, not trying to move exactly like the people whom you are learning from. I just brought it up because I've known many to hit that wall and I've watched them literally torture themselves trying to make themselves be able to do the amazing things they are seeing. Even when if they moved in a slightly different way they would be stronger, faster and more effective.
Just wanted to say that it will never not be impressive to me when big strong dudes are able to check themselves and start at the beginning of progressions. Amazing work and progress. Big props man. (BTW I too am stuck on the pelican negatives because of the thrashing my arms take during practice so you might actually beat me here! :messenger_bicep: )

Only thing I might ad is something to keep in mind on the Bruce Lee kicking. I don't know how in depth the book or vid goes on this but as you know, Bruce was a small and very agile dude. This allowed him to be able to perform certain movements more efficiently simply because of his biology.

I've long been a proponent of learning the basics and principles of something, the methods behind the madness and the reasonings for certain styles and movements. Figure out what is considered safe and what isn't and the why's behind that. Then, instead of trying to force a style fit you like a cookie cutter, make your own mold from the information you've gathered. Take all that, and your intimate relationship with your own body and figure out how to most efficiently move it in any manner you choose. Take the time to experiment and formulate. I firmly believe those who study like this, and study multiple forms of martial arts are better equipped when dealing with their own biology.

In Arm Wrestling for instance, people with long arms have advantages over people with short arms when using certain techniques and vice versa. They also feel completely different on the table. When at practice, I'll always ask the people with long arms, or who are short like me for pointers. It's weird for me, since I'm both short and have pretty dang long arms. So as I'm learning the basics and the principles in this sport, I'm really leveraging all that knowledge with how I feel on the table and formulating my own style of pulling. And I have to. Because I can't pull exactly like Mr. Stapleton. Because I'm not him. Even my wrists are literally formed differently and move at different angles.

Anyway lol, all this to say, don't worry about feeling like you need to stick to one style. It really is about figuring out how your biology allows you to move most efficiently and effectively, not trying to move exactly like the people whom you are learning from. I just brought it up because I've known many to hit that wall and I've watched them literally torture themselves trying to make themselves be able to do the amazing things they are seeing. Even when if they moved in a slightly different way they would be stronger, faster and more effective.
This is great advice. I always try to temper my appetite for new knowledge / new "moves" with patience, observing my own body to see if it can "handle" what I am throwing at it. Working out alone removes any ego or pressure, at least for me. I will get there when I get there. Injury is such an devastating interruption to this forward progress, so I am probably leaving "gains" on the table by being too cautious. That is why I am happy to invest hours into isos, into ring holds, into rice bucket, etc because I know THAT kind of strength will prevent injury, allowing me to be less cautious and exert myself more as I get stronger.

Definitely not trying to mold myself according to a rigid pattern, either in the martial arts disciplines or into a specific "workout routine". I know better at this stage of life. Even though I mentioned JKD (and judo drills and muay thai stuff) in some posts, I not trying to give the impression that am "training in a martial art". My mindset is not set on "training in a martial art" or attaining a belt or form. Teeping the chin of the slip bag is an example of my attitude: I wasn't practicing that high kick. I wasn't aspiring to include it in some kata or whatever. I just wanted to see if my leg condition would let me kick that high, and I did. Then I went back to other stuff. I feel this is generally how sports and conditioning should be treated.

On the flip side, I'm clever enough to know that all the time/discipline I spend now on some basic "jabs", footwork, and conditioning will give me an excellent foundation if I want to learn more about martial arts in a formal setting someday down the road. With 4 kids... probably not in my future for the next year at least, and that's ok. 🤷‍♀️

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Hit the gym for the first time since March and damn, these are some muscle pains. Had been doing body weight training at home the whole time, so strength didn't really decline, but the DOMS are going to be epic tomorrow and the day after...


I've recently decided to hop back on the keto trend wagon

All I remember is last time I did this, I lost like 50lbs (pretty much just eating keto and walking a lot) and just felt a ton of mental clarity

Fairly certain I've got a dose of my ma's crazy gene in me, and during quarantine, I'm gonna need all the help I can get.

Already stocked up on spinach, eggs, beef, cheese, pork rinds, low carb yogurt, and broccoli.

I'm in it to win it like Yzerman

Cutty Flam

14 working sets today. I think keeping it intense and focusing on 10-16 sets each workout should be a point of focus (for my specific goals)

Superset OHP w/ Pullups and I wanted to make note that there is something about antagonist supersets that just feel more natural. The pump always seems to be way better and the routine just feels way safer when supersetting opposing muscle groups

Probably after this week the pain will subside a lot and I’ll be able to do a bit more in the way of legs exercises, up the cardio again

Been getting more sunlight than usual so I think that's going to contribute a lot to everything being boosted in the following weeks if I can get 10-20 minutes in each day (was being lazy and neglecting this part of the routine). Vitamin D is a powerhouse of a vitamin

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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Maiden Voyage Maiden Voyage

how goes, m8

did you get that speed bag?

My routine over the last 3 months has been:
-Music Days: Run 3-4 miles, weights (kb swings, bicep curls) +(switching it up between: squats, pushups, shoulder shrugs, punching bag), 20-40 mins yoga
-Youtube Video Days: Walk for 1-2 hours (treadmill), yoga for 30-40 mins
I alternate these 2 routines. I don't take days off. I do this every morning & it takes between 1.5-3 hours per day. Weekends are the longer days (always go hard on weekends). Had last week off so went hard as fuck throughout the time. I had to give up booze to make my daily routine happen--no regrets there.

My hips/back/knee have been fucked up for decades and the yoga is really making life better. Bless Goggins for mentioning the psoas, because I started yoga routines based around it and quickly realized what my problem was. I think I'm around 80% healed, but I need to keep at it so I build strength that's been absent for those decades to prevent further problems.

I'm intermittent fasting every day, min of 18 hours but closer to 20. Trying to eat 1.5-2.5k calories in a short window can be a bitch but I get it done.

15-30 mins meditation every day as well to keep mental balance & focus.

Overall, I've lost ~30lbs of fat during the year. Replaced ~5-10 with muscle. I'm still not where I want to be in terms of physique, but I am on the path with no looking back. I did lose about 3-4 months trying out various other routines. The present one is the one that has stuck the best. I'll keep it going until at least end of year. I can re-evaluate once I've got a solid 6 months under my belt.


Had a few days off for private stuff, dog, a wedding and some travel, back to the gym today. Felt great, upped all weights and reps, now back home munching on an OG Mozzarella.
Not drinking during the week and if 'possible' also not on the weekend, getting positive comments left and right.

Oh, @haxan7 . Probably the best thing is to watch and listen to all the sweet workout music vids we post. They're really good and super motivational and totally not weird at all...

Got tickets for next year, gonna be suh-weet.


not tag worthy
Bummed out for two reasons. One I haven’t lost anything. And
Well looks like with new restrictions etc I think a lot of weight flirting equipment is selling out so the dream of a home gym might not happen until the the new year / end of restrictions.

tomorrow i have a doctors appointment about my blood pressure. I’m. Worried All the stuff I am doing isn’t gonna make a change.

but I will carry on. On the plus I am sure my tummy is getting less.
Haven’t run today as was travelling so very tired. Will commence tomorrow until Saturday.
Still counting the calories etc.

maybe lack of sleep I making me negative ...
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