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Fitness |OT| Pumpin' Iron and Spittin' Blood.


Well guys, I have completely lost routine. Got sick, recovered and then my job changed. I havent figured out a workout schedule that will work. I haven't gained much weight, but ive lost all my progress with toning, etc.

Just a plain old guy. Trying to figure out how to get started again.

I dont do gyms, I have stuff at home. My work hours can be long, its kind of unpredictable.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Well guys, I have completely lost routine. Got sick, recovered and then my job changed. I havent figured out a workout schedule that will work. I haven't gained much weight, but ive lost all my progress with toning, etc.

Just a plain old guy. Trying to figure out how to get started again.

I dont do gyms, I have stuff at home. My work hours can be long, its kind of unpredictable.
Days I go into the office I prioritize my workout before leaving the house. It helps that I’m an early riser. My normal preference is to work out right before lunch, as it’s usually my first meal of the day. Anytime in the afternoon and I know I’m not giving 100%.

Experiment when you can. You will find something that works, just give it time.


Days I go into the office I prioritize my workout before leaving the house. It helps that I’m an early riser. My normal preference is to work out right before lunch, as it’s usually my first meal of the day. Anytime in the afternoon and I know I’m not giving 100%.

Experiment when you can. You will find something that works, just give it time.
I'm not a morning person but if I want to keep in shape think im gonna have to be, I dont really see any other way at the moment.


ChatGPT 0.1
145lbs and bench pressing 170 started a year ago have to remember I’m doing it in the morning under harder sleepy elements I respect big bench presses. In terms of getting creative I think swimming in lakes, long dog walks or climbing hills is creative. Sometimes I lower the weight and just smash the reps.


advanced basic bitch
Hey guys. I've been very slowly getting back into exercise and watching what I eat. I was thinking of getting a rowing machine. My plan is to do about 30 minutes of rowing in the morning and about 30 to 45 minutes of weights in the evening. Probably about 4 days a week. I'm not a gym guy so I'd prefer to do my exercise at home. What do you think? Good plan? How do you guys like rowing machines?

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Hey guys. I've been very slowly getting back into exercise and watching what I eat. I was thinking of getting a rowing machine. My plan is to do about 30 minutes of rowing in the morning and about 30 to 45 minutes of weights in the evening. Probably about 4 days a week. I'm not a gym guy so I'd prefer to do my exercise at home. What do you think? Good plan? How do you guys like rowing machines?
I want one so bad for the winter months. I kayak a lot during the warm months for a workout. I’ve grown to love it in a weird meditative way. Something about manual labor and long, multi-hour sessions. I think I was meant to be a work horse. Though, when I’m in it, I probably don’t think so fondly of the experience. :)
Has anyone here actually managed to do a clean bulk? I‘d like to go to 100 kg bodyweight (currently 92 kg), am at 3800 cals and basically dying from all the foods. Yesterday I ate 2 full plates for dinner and could not sleep because of it, only to wake up to a weight gain of 0,2 kg. This is unreal. I have no intention put sugar back into my diet as it gives me horrible skin (and I‘ve generally come to hate it) so I see myself at a loss. Seems like I‘m slowly hitting my threshhold here. I only option left to me seems to be to eat peanut butter like there is no end. If that doesn’t help, I‘m prolly going to throw in the towel.
Has anyone here actually managed to do a clean bulk? I‘d like to go to 100 kg bodyweight (currently 92 kg), am at 3800 cals and basically dying from all the foods. Yesterday I ate 2 full plates for dinner and could not sleep because of it, only to wake up to a weight gain of 0,2 kg. This is unreal. I have no intention put sugar back into my diet as it gives me horrible skin (and I‘ve generally come to hate it) so I see myself at a loss. Seems like I‘m slowly hitting my threshhold here. I only option left to me seems to be to eat peanut butter like there is no end. If that doesn’t help, I‘m prolly going to throw in the towel.
I definitely think that it's possible to bulk without ending up in Dave Tate territory (where it's just Wendy's and Pop Tarts all day). I'd suggest starting simple and adding a PB & J sandwich to your day, etc. and seeing how it goes. Remember that bulking properly takes time.
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I should really stop listening to the Huberman Lab podcast. This guy gives me crazy ideas. Just had my first ice cold shower in years - and as per suggestion in 3 parts this time. Shower cold, wait, soaps, shower cold, wait, shave chest, shower cold. Good thing I‘m alone here because I was screaming.

This guy just makes too much sense though. What a find this podcast was. I can only recommend it to everyone.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I should really stop listening to the Huberman Lab podcast. This guy gives me crazy ideas. Just had my first ice cold shower in years - and as per suggestion in 3 parts this time. Shower cold, wait, soaps, shower cold, wait, shave chest, shower cold. Good thing I‘m alone here because I was screaming.

This guy just makes too much sense though. What a find this podcast was. I can only recommend it to everyone.
Yep. Huberman is great!
So today I Just passed 93 kg bodyweight this morning.... Pretty interesting.

According to the data from MyFitnessPAL I was pumping 3.500 cals per day at 87 kg bodyweight at 01.01.2022. Now (27.04.2022) I'm at 3.800 cals per week. Pretty impressive. 6 kg weight gain with such a little caloric increase.

I can say for certain that the weight gain is due to one of two things:

1. Adding carbs back into my diet (was low carb/keto last year)
2. Making drastic changes to my workout (it's more nuanced now, last year was basically bro split with high weights, now it's push/pull/legs with both high and lower weights)

Also started to do fasted training on Friday-Sunday morning 5am last weekend and eating after the training instead of before (again thanks to Huberman). Curious to see what the effects of that'll be after a few weeks.

Another small thing that made a huge difference for me was elektrolytes. I used to just drink water during my training but now I bump in a dextro energy + some glutamine and the difference in how I feel is quite astonishing.

From next month on I will also bump in L-Carnitine during the week when I'm Keto. And yeah, I'll try to do cold showers 3 times a week. That one's going to be the hardest. Damn...


Gold Member
Finally broke past 205lbs while cutting some COVID fat. Diet game on point whike switching to lower volume but more frequent workouts. Hip thrusts just shy of 300lbs and dead lift finally getting back to 250lbs for sets. All in all, good progress post-covid.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
27 pounds down since a very heavy Christmas, not done yet but that's nearly 2 stone at the 4 month mark. Done almost entirely through home cooking every meal and not eating much junk at all. Treat days on Saturdays, couple weekends with too many treats (parties).



not tag worthy
Bought 2 * 10 kilo kettlebells

So far have done two days of 50 swings and lots of walking and eating less crap.

Did press ups as well 40

I could immediately feel it in my abs and upper back after doing the swing.

Kettlebells are legit.

Later will add more to the mix but learning the swing as all the sites and video recommend that as the main core of the kettle bell.
Doing exercises today
After two rounds 10 push ups with kettle bells as bars and 25 swings with the kettlebell

I’m wiped out. Holy shit.

I’m gonna try and make it to four rounds in total.
Did all four rounds. But had a long rest in between. Holy shit that’s hard as faarrk. Going forward increase press-ups. But for now. Wow will keep this up.
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Bodyweight guy here. After two years of steadily progressing up to it was able to execute three damn near perfect pistol squats today on my right leg, now to get my left leg across the finish line. Super stoked to start incorporating these into my usual squatting routine and seeing what kind of results I get. Pretty excited about this so just wanted to brag a little. 😂
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Just checking in. I had a plateau bust over the last few weeks and my waist line is shirnking. Im at the very hard to lose pounds now to get a six-pack. So even half a pound loss (especially with no muscle loss), is cause to celebrate.

Wait, I'm a gold member?!
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Just checking in. I had a plateau bust over the last few weeks and my waist line is shirnking. Im at the very hard to lose pounds now to get a six-pack. So even half a pound loss (especially with no muscle loss), is cause to celebrate.

Wait, I'm a gold member?!
Welcome to the gold tier brother!

I went in hard as fuck on my weight lifting yesterday and my shoulders and upper back are feeling it today.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
First outdoor run this season. My times were terrible but it felt good getting out and not worrying about work or home. 4.8 miles was not so bad as I expected wanting to tap out after 3.


First outdoor run this season. My times were terrible but it felt good getting out and not worrying about work or home. 4.8 miles was not so bad as I expected wanting to tap out after 3.
Nice work! (I don't know how some folks run indoors....unless its simply the arctic tundra (or Chicago) out there).

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Nice work! (I don't know how some folks run indoors....unless its simply the arctic tundra (or Chicago) out there).
My climate in the winter is comparable to Chicago. I don’t mind treadmill running. I either do a guided workout, listen to music, or watch YouTube to make it enjoyable. Outdoors is definitely my favorite though.


My climate in the winter is comparable to Chicago. I don’t mind treadmill running. I either do a guided workout, listen to music, or watch YouTube to make it enjoyable. Outdoors is definitely my favorite though.
Fair enough.

Im in Texas...So there is no excuse for me not to be running outside. (Yes, including in the 104 degree heat of last weekend).
What would youz guys say is the best pre workout out there?

Until today I used some trash European pre but now decided to try C4... Holy shit.. Stuffs legit. I drank it around 5am, had amazing training and only felt it wear off around 9am. xD
Blew me away. I just order Total War (since this one's always recommended) and C4 Extreme Energy. Anything else that can be recommended?

Lady Jane

I knocked it out last week and feeling great. Also been using the "Strong" app to track everything for the last couple months and it's made it considerably easier to keep on routines.
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Hi guys, I'm a fat fuck and joined a gym next to my house today. I'm 6ft 300lbs. Haven't really exercised in a couple years since covid started. Even then always been a stocky, lazy dude. I'm looking to lose some fat and just feel better. How many times a week should I go? What's the best time of the day to go? How long should I do cardio vs weights? Should I just get a personal trainer LOL??? Tips from anyone that has lost some weight in the past would be appreciated <3

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Hi guys, I'm a fat fuck and joined a gym next to my house today. I'm 6ft 300lbs. Haven't really exercised in a couple years since covid started. Even then always been a stocky, lazy dude. I'm looking to lose some fat and just feel better. How many times a week should I go? What's the best time of the day to go? How long should I do cardio vs weights? Should I just get a personal trainer LOL??? Tips from anyone that has lost some weight in the past would be appreciated <3
Yes on the trainer, especially as a beginner. Form is critical. Best time to go is what works best for you. Routine is key. Habit must be formed.

Weight loss will happen most quickly if you track calories against energy burnt. Do this and get your diet / portions under control.
Fitness is awesome and I commend and respect all of those who participate. Whether you are trying to lose weight, get buff or just fit. Kudos.

Also, a word or advice - never ever compare yourself to other people or try to replicate someone else's body. I've seen too many people put themselves into that trap and it's awful and demotivating.

The only person you should compare yourself too is the one you see in the mirror everyday when you brush your teeth.

Also, check this video out. I love gym idiots because of amazing roasting like this!

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Hi guys, I'm a fat fuck and joined a gym next to my house today. I'm 6ft 300lbs. Haven't really exercised in a couple years since covid started. Even then always been a stocky, lazy dude. I'm looking to lose some fat and just feel better. How many times a week should I go? What's the best time of the day to go? How long should I do cardio vs weights? Should I just get a personal trainer LOL??? Tips from anyone that has lost some weight in the past would be appreciated <3
Good for you dude!

Man, I'd say start 3x a week and work on getting your diet squared away. That will get you feeling good in a hurry. And yes to the personal trainer for about a month or so.

Get into the cadence of things...Then decide where you want to go from there.


Hi guys, I'm a fat fuck and joined a gym next to my house today. I'm 6ft 300lbs. Haven't really exercised in a couple years since covid started. Even then always been a stocky, lazy dude. I'm looking to lose some fat and just feel better. How many times a week should I go? What's the best time of the day to go? How long should I do cardio vs weights? Should I just get a personal trainer LOL??? Tips from anyone that has lost some weight in the past would be appreciated <3

As mentioned, a good diet and tracking calories is the big portion (pun lol) of the work. It will make a difference and you don't want to undo your hard work at gym by eating trash.

The gym may offer a free personal trainer session. Make sure you build up slowly, learn the form and establish a routine. Learn the ropes and I would recommend a professional to support you.

I used to go early morning before work but it took practice, I hated it at first. It allowed me to focus and not worry about other stuff because this was the start of the day. I had more energy for the rest of the day and I was always in a better mood.

I started off rowing as a total beginner because it was low impact and I started enjoying it. I would go 3 days a week initially and supported this with walking or playing sports.

You will find a lot of advice, tailor it to fit your schedule and focus on yourself, don't stress about others. Patience, dedication and consistency will pave the way to your success.

Godspeed citrus brah👍


Thank you guys that have responded! I've been to the gym every day aside from yesterday since I made that post on Thursday! I really like the routine thus far. It helps that the gym is fairly quiet, very clean, and nice and chilly. I have been going after work on work days and just when I feel like it on weekends. Been doing 30 mins on a preloaded "Level 10" fat burn, then I go and do a couple machines and end with like 5-10 on an elliptical. What do you think a good addition to this would be? I feel like maybe something that works core?

I've also adjusted my diet- been just trying to make conscious choices at every meal. I haven't been perfect but I think it's a lot better because I feel a lot better, already.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Thank you guys that have responded! I've been to the gym every day aside from yesterday since I made that post on Thursday! I really like the routine thus far. It helps that the gym is fairly quiet, very clean, and nice and chilly. I have been going after work on work days and just when I feel like it on weekends. Been doing 30 mins on a preloaded "Level 10" fat burn, then I go and do a couple machines and end with like 5-10 on an elliptical. What do you think a good addition to this would be? I feel like maybe something that works core?

I've also adjusted my diet- been just trying to make conscious choices at every meal. I haven't been perfect but I think it's a lot better because I feel a lot better, already.
I’d recommend adding in free weights to build your stabilizing muscles. More cardio if you can handle it. Rowing machines are a good cardio workout if the ellipitical gets old. Station bikes too. Running if you can.

Are you looking to build muscle as well or just weight loss?


Thank you guys that have responded! I've been to the gym every day aside from yesterday since I made that post on Thursday! I really like the routine thus far. It helps that the gym is fairly quiet, very clean, and nice and chilly. I have been going after work on work days and just when I feel like it on weekends. Been doing 30 mins on a preloaded "Level 10" fat burn, then I go and do a couple machines and end with like 5-10 on an elliptical. What do you think a good addition to this would be? I feel like maybe something that works core?

I've also adjusted my diet- been just trying to make conscious choices at every meal. I haven't been perfect but I think it's a lot better because I feel a lot better, already.

As you fix your diet, you'll have even more energy for exercise. You can't run a car with shoddy fuel... just like you shouldn't run your body with shoddy fuel

Baby steps brother. Don't let any slight missteps send you down the wrong path either. If you slip, just get right back on course, it's not an excuse to binge on pizza and cheesecake (I've been there lol)
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I’d recommend adding in free weights to build your stabilizing muscles. More cardio if you can handle it. Rowing machines are a good cardio workout if the ellipitical gets old. Station bikes too. Running if you can.

Are you looking to build muscle as well or just weight loss?
I'm embarrassed to say I've not got any experience with just free weights, I've always just messed with machines in the past. Is there a basic routine you can link me to, or just share? I'll start it tonight after work. I'll also try to bump the 30 min treadmill to 35-40. Rowing sounds like a good idea.

I'm looking to lose weight right now, and when I'm more fit I'll be looking to build some muscle. I'm not trying to be huge or anything I just want to look and feel healthy.


As you fix your diet, you'll have even more energy for exercise. You can't run a car with shoddy fuel... just like you shouldn't run your body with shoddy fuel

Baby steps brother. Don't let any slight missteps send you down the wrong path either. If you slip, just get right back on course, it's not an excuse to binge on pizza and cheesecake (I've been there lol)
Makes total sense! I've cut carbs down a bit, been doing more protein, and soda almost completely out. Lots more water. Once I'm out of my special Mtn Dews I got at home that's it for me for a while haha.

Oh I know I'll slip up but I'm not too worried. I'm into it and don't feel myself getting discouraged any time soon. I really want this for myself.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I'm embarrassed to say I've not got any experience with just free weights, I've always just messed with machines in the past. Is there a basic routine you can link me to, or just share? I'll start it tonight after work. I'll also try to bump the 30 min treadmill to 35-40. Rowing sounds like a good idea.

I'm looking to lose weight right now, and when I'm more fit I'll be looking to build some muscle. I'm not trying to be huge or anything I just want to look and feel healthy.
Honestly, this is going to be a shit response but… I’d recommend reading through the fitness subreddits wiki:

A trainer should help build your workout with/for you. I’d recommend getting one to form check & teach the mechanics alone.
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Makes total sense! I've cut carbs down a bit, been doing more protein, and soda almost completely out. Lots more water. Once I'm out of my special Mtn Dews I got at home that's it for me for a while haha.

Oh I know I'll slip up but I'm not too worried. I'm into it and don't feel myself getting discouraged any time soon. I really want this for myself.

Yes stay super hydrated. Even moreso than you think. You're gonna need it, especially if you're a bigger dude. It also helps you stay more satiated longer

Your main goal for now should just be losing weight. Muscle burns more energy than fat so adding some will only increase your weight loss as you go

Free weights are fairly easy, just grab some dumb bells to start off with and lift em like Arnold

Remember this is a lifestyle change overall. Don't let yourself burn out and ensure your life changes are ones you can live with comfortably

Cheers dude 👍 👌 🙌


Also, a word or advice - never ever compare yourself to other people or try to replicate someone else's body. I've seen too many people put themselves into that trap and it's awful and demotivating.

The only person you should compare yourself too is the one you see in the mirror everyday when you brush your teeth.

Wait- you guys brush your teeth? 😳


Honestly, this is going to be a shit response but… I’d recommend reading through the fitness subreddits wiki:

A trainer should help build your workout with/for you. I’d recommend getting one to form check & teach the mechanics alone.
Not a shit response at all I need the absolute basics so this is good. I'll look into a trainer too, could potentially pick up bad habits without realizing it, without one.
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