Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
What that video is missing, which I think is as important as lifting upwards, is placing the bar back down. That's a part that I believe can cause some issues for people, especially issues relating to the lower back.
If you don't set the bar back in a vertical fashion, and if you don't keep your shins vertical and drive with your hips back, you are prone to letting the bar travel over and in front of your knees which then tends to cause you to use your lower back to overcompensate. That's not good.
Keep your shins vertical, drive your hips back, and place that bar back down in a completely vertical fashion to avoid engaging your lower back.
reilo - good point, i kinda get that but can you find a video link illustrating that? i think ive done that before, and known i was doing shit wrong/stopped doing it for that reason.
Basically the only thing you need to remember is keep the bar in contact with your shins and thighs.
I was tired last night, I usually post two videos, but I didn't think it would be needed again.
Here's the follow up.
How do you guys do double sessions? Wouldn't that be considered overtraining?
Overtraining doesn't happen over days or weeks. It happens over extended periods of continually doing it (I.E Months and longer).