The second one he's using his knees it looks like, but it's admittedly hard to tell at that angle (which would make it a push press).
The first one I'm not even sure what you're showing. It's hard to see anything in that one.
The hipdrive I'm talking about is what Rippetoe mentions in his press videos, It's pushing back at the hips just like the guy in your first video does for leverage.
Right at the end, he also mentions it in other videos.
Regardless, I'm not sure what this has to do with the military/ohp debate. I'm more than happy to be wrong, I love learning new shit, I just want some kind of legit source explaining the difference between the two since I've come up learning they are the same thing, and everywhere I look they are the same.
Also, you didn't clarify the power lift stats thing. Are they actually out of date/low? How come press isn't on that list? I thought press was a power lift.
I realize I can come off as "biting" in my posts, and that's not the case, believe me. I'm not trying to be aggressive/defensive or confrontational. My posts are just direct typically. If we had this conversation in person it would play out differently. Rest assured I'm not meaning to come off as an asshole, I'd just like clarification on what's what, and if you're more knowledgeable than me (which is very likely) I'd like some good info for my own edification.