The effect is great the first few times you use it, but then it tapers off unfortunately.
Not to mention that if you use it all the time you'll fry your adrenals.
The effect is great the first few times you use it, but then it tapers off unfortunately.
Hello scary fitness GAF, I have a question which I'm hoping someone here can answer (or at least give an opinion on).
I'm back in a fairly basic cardio routine for the first time in a couple of years and something odd is going on. For whatever reason my heart rate is very quickly heading past 85%+ MHR but I'm not getting out of breath. I just did some gentle aerobics (jumping jacks, squats, knee highs, squat thrusts, that sort of thing) and I was able to sustain it pretty well for an hour without really getting out of puff much at all. Limit seemed to be crappy muscle conditioning and just feeling fatigued rather than anything else.
Thought maybe my heart rate monitor was faulty but I checked manually twice and it seemed to be providing an accurate value. I'm quite overweight at the moment and very unfit, so it's not like I'm just blowing through it. Besides, if I was fit I wouldn't be getting such an insane heart rate on moderate exercise.
Strange thing is, once I finished I felt mostly fine, a little muscle tiredness but after a quick break I could have gone on for a good while more. Was the same on my turbo trainer the other day. Heart rate going nuts, but not breathing particularly heavy at all. WTF is going on?
If it makes any difference, I quit smoking a couple of years ago, not long after I quit exercising. Even with the smoking though I was considerably fitter then. Of course, back then my breathing had the good decency to keep pace with my heart.![]()
What's your guys suggestion on wanting to lose weight and also get more fit?
I'm currently ~190 6'2, and trying to get down to about 175-178. Should I lost weight first then start working on getting fit, or is there a way to approach them simultaneously?
175 at 6'2" is pretty borderline, unless you're going for the heroin chic look.
PR on bench today. Think I'm going up again next week too.
Made possible by a weekend of steak and cheese, calzones, and pizza.
Sounds.........healthy. NOT.
So you were doing like a circuit of different body weight stuff? No rest in between? I used to do a circuit of body weight and it was pretty grueling. Stuff that is easy by itself gets a lot harder when you do a bunch of other different types of movements strung together with no rest in between. It would only take me 20-30 minutes though, would never do that kind of workout for an hour. I would also put in balancing and core exercises as "rest" points.I was there today, he said little more than "get more fit" (didn't seem concerned). Was just interested in what the fitness heads here had to say on the matter.
Having a high heart rate wasn't surprising at all to me. Not getting out of breath was. I've always assumed that the two go hand in hand (your body obviously struggles for oxygen when you spent too long in the anaerobic zone).
I think I might spend some more time on the bike where it's easier to stay in certain zones. That way I can make sure I spend a reasonable amount of time in the aerobic zone. Plus, I'm generally far less likely to recover as it's constant exercise rather than stop start / muscle reliant.
I don't think I've ever had that happen. I used to be very fit (going back about 8 years) for competitive kickboxing, but I don't think I've ever found the idea of weights particularly appealing. Exercise, maybe, but only if you count mountain biking and DDR.Crave it even.
From my experience, being out of breath is a combination of improper breathing habits and lack of conditioning. The latter is self-explanatory but as for the former: I had(and am still working on eliminating) a bad habit of holding my breath. It's a common thing to hold it when exerting force or not timing your breathing with the movement. Even now(with my cardiovascular health being much better), I still find myself out of breath fairly early in my cardio or parkour training if I forget to do it properly. Breathe in on impact, breathe out on exertion.I was there today, he said little more than "get more fit" (didn't seem concerned). Was just interested in what the fitness heads here had to say on the matter.
Having a high heart rate wasn't surprising at all to me. Not getting out of breath was. I've always assumed that the two go hand in hand (your body obviously struggles for oxygen when you spent too long in the anaerobic zone).
I think I might spend some more time on the bike where it's easier to stay in certain zones. That way I can make sure I spend a reasonable amount of time in the aerobic zone. Plus, I'm generally far less likely to recover as it's constant exercise rather than stop start / muscle reliant.
Did you take your pulse, or just go by the heart rate monitor? I don't put a lot of stock in those things.Hello scary fitness GAF, I have a question which I'm hoping someone here can answer (or at least give an opinion on).
I'm back in a fairly basic cardio routine for the first time in a couple of years and something odd is going on. For whatever reason my heart rate is very quickly heading past 85%+ MHR but I'm not getting out of breath. I just did some gentle aerobics (jumping jacks, squats, knee highs, squat thrusts, that sort of thing) and I was able to sustain it pretty well for an hour without really getting out of puff much at all. Limit seemed to be crappy muscle conditioning and just feeling fatigued rather than anything else.
Thought maybe my heart rate monitor was faulty but I checked manually twice and it seemed to be providing an accurate value. I'm quite overweight at the moment and very unfit, so it's not like I'm just blowing through it. Besides, if I was fit I wouldn't be getting such an insane heart rate on moderate exercise.
Strange thing is, once I finished I felt mostly fine, a little muscle tiredness but after a quick break I could have gone on for a good while more. Was the same on my turbo trainer the other day. Heart rate going nuts, but not breathing particularly heavy at all. WTF is going on?
If it makes any difference, I quit smoking a couple of years ago, not long after I quit exercising. Even with the smoking though I was considerably fitter then. Of course, back then my breathing had the good decency to keep pace with my heart.![]()
Other way around. Not out of breath when I think I should be.From my experience, being out of breath is a combination of improper breathing habits and lack of conditioning...
Checked it manually a few times to be sure. It was reading accurately (it's a fairly high end one and it's done me well for many years).Did you take your pulse, or just go by the heart rate monitor? I don't put a lot of stock in those things.
Breathe in on impact, breathe out on exertion.
As far as I know, what I've said applies to ground locomotion. In boxing, weightlifting, and swimming, there's another element working against you. In parkour, I know breathing in on contact/absorption to be incredibly effective. Say, for instance, I'm about to perform a tic tac(fancy way of saying kick off a wall onto something) to land on a railing. I've got to breath out on lift off, in when making contact with the wall, out when pushing off the wall, and in when I land on the rail. It establishes a tempo for breathing. Holding your breath makes you overcompensate and makes you tense up, which can get you seriously hurt. The last thing you want is pressure when your landing on concrete. I'm not sure how applicable it is to everything, but aerobics isn't too far away from that.I'm not sure that is correct. You SHOULD be holding your breath when you are exerting yourself in such a way that you are putting strain on your back. The reasoning behind it is that you increase your abdominal pressure which "braces" your back.
A second thought, I think I read somewhere that when you are struck (like in boxing and stuff) you should exhale before you are struck.
I have no idea how this relates to parkour, I know that when I run I tend to time my breaths to my steps (it takes me 2 steps to inhale, and two more to exhale) And when I swim I obviously have a strict breathing schedule.
Doesn't matter. Round up or down once when determining where to start. Afterwards all of your jumps will be either 5 or 10 pounds.Quick question about Wendler's 5/3/1. You're supposed to calculate your sets based on 90% 1RM, but what do I do if my gym doesn't have the 1.25lb plates? I can only lift in multiples of 5, but the calculated weight for the set sometimes ends up at, say, 77. Do I just round up to 80?
Quick question about Wendler's 5/3/1. You're supposed to calculate your sets based on 90% 1RM, but what do I do if my gym doesn't have the 1.25lb plates? I can only lift in multiples of 5, but the calculated weight for the set sometimes ends up at, say, 77. Do I just round up to 80?
I saw this mentioned a few pages back but in addition to the traditional compound lifts, I am starting to implement chins/pullups in my routine. Dips as well. Now, I want to add pushups but I really have no problem doing 3x20. I need more variety/resistance. I know there are a ton of variations but is there a site or can someone tell me what are the more effective ones?
I saw this mentioned a few pages back but in addition to the traditional compound lifts, I am starting to implement chins/pullups in my routine. Dips as well. Now, I want to add pushups but I really have no problem doing 3x20. I need more variety/resistance. I know there are a ton of variations but is there a site or can someone tell me what are the more effective ones?
Sounds.........healthy. NOT.
I've been doing a SS variant, but I kept burning out at around the same point. Trying something different to see how it works.Do you have the e-book? It has a template for all that.
But yeah round up or down.
Remember though, 5/3/1 is supposed to be an intermediate/advance lifting program, as such, the gains are relatively slow. If your lifts are around 77lbs, you'd see much better gains with a novice/beginner program.
I've been doing a SS variant, but I kept burning out at around the same point. Trying something different to see how it works.
I saw this mentioned a few pages back but in addition to the traditional compound lifts, I am starting to implement chins/pullups in my routine. Dips as well. Now, I want to add pushups but I really have no problem doing 3x20. I need more variety/resistance. I know there are a ton of variations but is there a site or can someone tell me what are the more effective ones?
So, I may be seeing things, but since I've upped my whey intake to 3 double serving shakes a day I feel like I'm losing fat. I don't know if it's in my head or something else is contributing but I definitely feel like I'm getting thinner. I haven't changed my diet at all except for that. I'm wondering if perhaps I was under consuming protein before.
Shit's got me wondering what's up.
So I'm really skinny, only weigh 122 pounds (at 5'7) but it's definitely better than what I weighed about 2 months back (113 pounds). So my diet has been working, and I've been working out with free weights and have already noticed results (nothing big, but it's noticeable).
I'm mostly focusing on my arms and broadening my shoulders, but I'm working out everything, including legs and abs. But I realized that I haven't really been doing anything for my forearms. Anyone know any good exercises?
I've yet to sign up to a gym, for now I'm just working out with 10-15 pound dumbbells, doing some push-ups, crunches, leg exercises like squats and lunges, and jogging. Is it necessary to sign up to a gym still, or can I keep this up for a while longer? (Until the 15 pound weights don't do much for me I guess) Or maybe I was thinking of keeping up with these exercises but also signing up to some swimming classes. Not sure what would work more in my favor.
I remember when I was doing the 2 scoop shakes at night, I'd wake up in the morning and feel really dried out. This always made me look thinner because my body was probably using more of my water weight to process the extra protein. At least that's what I've always believed it was, but I'm not an expert.
From Wikipedia:
"Protein attracts water and plays an important role in water balance. In cases of severe protein deficiency, the blood may not contain enough protein to attract water from the tissue spaces back into the capillaries. This is why pictures of starving people often show an enlarged abdomen. The abdomen is swollen with edema or water retention caused by the lack of protein in their diet.
When the capillary walls are over-permeable (too leaky), protein can leak out of the blood and settle in the tissue spaces. It will then act like a magnet for water, continuously attracting more water from the blood to accumulate in the tissue spaces."
If you've added another 2 scoop shake (~50 grams of protein) or one more scoop to each shake (~75 grams of protein), then that would be a decent increase assuming you're already probably eating a lot of protein.
Well I do creatine too, I don't wake up feeling thirsty/dried out tbh, I wake up and drink my Tully's french roast or Kona blend asap.
I do 1 double serving shake at breakfast, one right after workout and one right before bed.
And yeah, my diet is also pretty decent with protein.
Whatever is going on, I like it.
Also, the trainer with the amazatron ass was in the gym today. My god her ass is mythical. The stuff of legends I tell you.
Well that wouldn't be the first time someone's body went crazy for a woman. ; )
Did some deadlifts in rage mode last night after playing basketball with some shitty people, and by golly did I crush them. I'm still cautious about the weight I lift (because I just started DL), but I ended up at 165 with good form.
Where should I be putting my legs? Spread wide outside my arms, or inside them?
Did some deadlifts in rage mode last night after playing basketball with some shitty people, and by golly did I crush them. I'm still cautious about the weight I lift (because I just started DL), but I ended up at 165 with good form.
Where should I be putting my legs? Spread wide outside my arms, or inside them?
Did some deadlifts in rage mode last night after playing basketball with some shitty people, and by golly did I crush them. I'm still cautious about the weight I lift (because I just started DL), but I ended up at 165 with good form.
Where should I be putting my legs? Spread wide outside my arms, or inside them?
Both are valid ways to deadlift. Legs outside arms - sumo deadlift, more upright torso, easier on the back. Legs inside arms - conventional deadlift, requires a bit more flexibility. I'd say whatever feels best for you.
How do you know if you're doing them with proper form in you're uncertain where to put you legs?
Sumo deadlifts legs spread wipe, conventional deads legs inside your arms.
Is that the butter face though?
There was a girl in short shorts doing squats yesterday with a big fat ass. It had a great shape, kinda fatty but I don't mind that at all if the overall shape suggests muscle underneath.
I'm not kidding when I say this girl has no fat on her and you could probably set a 6 pack on her ass and it wouldn't fall off.
Yeah, it's the butterface.
No, I just remember random things that people say.Do you two go to the same gym or something?
Do you two go to the same gym or something?
edit-not worth it
Didn't do my bench tonight because of the sore left shoulder :-\
Gonna give it a go on Friday though.