I agree. It might even be better to just add 5-10 pounds a week instead of shooting up 40 pounds at once. It adds up pretty fast and in a few weeks time you'll be at your max. Use the fact that it might be a bit too easy to work on your form (especially your hip drive).
So long as my traps fail to tear the neck of all my dress shirts they will always be a weak point for me.What makes you think your traps are a weak point?
Increase reps or weight? Either way the traps never seemed to be the lynchpin in helping or hindering my pullups.FallingEdge said:I just want to find a way to increase my chins, pullups, rows, and lat pulldowns. I don't have any specific exercises that targets the traps exclusively and thought that I would add something to my routine but to be honest, I can be thinking about it too much.
That's a Smith machine. You don't want to use it, because it does change your form and bastardizes many of the benefits of performing compound movements in the first place.Heh I'm limited by my gym's free weight barbell limits anyway. It only goes up to 60kg/132lbs and then I have to move on to this weird benching machine which is just a barbell that moves up and down on a rail. I don't like it very much because for some reason I can't get good positioning on it and it somehow changes my form :S
So long as my traps fail to tear the neck of all my dress shirts they will always be a weak point for me.
Increase reps or weight? Either way the traps never seemed to be the lynchpin in helping or hindering my pullups.
'Tis always the rotator cuff. Well, usually. Don't quote me on that. Can you do DB bench at all? What about OHP? Hang clean?
Are you telling me that your gym has no real barbell and plates? That's just...
It's a small gym across the road from me whilst in my currently unemployed state. I hope to soon move to a proper gym once I get a job which should be soon.
There are plates available but the bore is too large for the barbells (although they fit the Smith's machine!) with pre-fitted weights on them (which go up to what I use so far). Although I'm pretty sure there should be a barbell that fits the bore of the plates somewhere....I just have to ask!
you guys think you're flexible?
All I know is this guy probably gets more pussy than I do.
Well, he is a crossfitter.Yeah, I don't think it would matter with low bar squat. He's saying he never wants to see that "hinging" in either the lower back or upper back, both of which happen in squatting/pressing/deadlifting in a lot of high profile lifters/videos. The whole "chest forward" thing is what I'm talking about, and what Kelly doesn't like, just like the hip drive of Rip/FTS/most bit squatters.
This is the one video Kelly made that has me saying WTF?!? He doesn't want it happening any time.
The pain is on the surface so I don't think it's the rotator cuff.
Pendlay Rows.I'm trying to follow the OP routine, and my gym doesn't really have a good setup for power cleans, does anyone have recommendations for a substitute for it?
I'm trying to follow the OP routine, and my gym doesn't really have a good setup for power cleans, does anyone have recommendations for a substitute for it?
Power Cleans? Are you saying that your gym doesn't have a barbell?
There are only two "free" barbells (i.e. not locked into an assisted machine) with limited mobility space. I blame it on the fact that it's a Planet Fitness.
Two free barbells? *mindfuck*
How many barbell benches and squat racks does your gym have? Two total?
They have four squat racks, but like I said they are in those locked in machine where you can't remove the bar (not sure of the technical term for it). And then two bench racks which is where the "free" barbells are. Again this is a Planet Fitness, so it's not that surprising.
I'm doing ss and I rotate between chins/pulls each workout. Would I be better off sticking to just one? I only ask as was reading the leangains website the other day and he seems to lean towards just chins.
There are only two "free" barbells (i.e. not locked into an assisted machine) with limited mobility space. They are normally set up for people to do bench press regardless. I blame it on the fact that it's a Planet Fitness.
LoL Planet Fitness
The Planet Fitness here prides itself on not having a single barbell in the building. I actually went there to see what the place was like and promptly walked out after the tour. Judgment Free Zone really turned me off.
It sucks but I moved to a small town in Wisconsin out of college and this is what they've got. I'm a beginner so their lack of equipment is still better than what my body is used to.
It sucks but I moved to a small town in Wisconsin out of college and this is what they've got. I'm a beginner so their lack of equipment is still better than what my body is used to.
Yes, Ask. Listen, I'm not going to get down on you, but a barbell, plates, and a squat rack are necessary pieces of equipment for a gym. Accept no substitutes. Good luck.
Well, he is a crossfitter.In seriousness, I don't know what his workout is, but the forms he teaches might just be for AMRAP, in which case, you'd want to be extra careful with any spinal flexion.
I guess I thought "stripper back" was different from the common "chest up, shoulders back," but you may be right; that may be his exaggeration of that.
On the other hand, powerlifters do things that probably aren't best for regular people who want to get strong but aren't competing, so I personally wouldn't go by videos of high level athletes as what I should do (although you are at another level). Rippetoe said his SS forms aren't necessarily what competitive lifters are going to do.
The Planet Fitness here prides itself on not having a single barbell in the building. I actually went there to see what the place was like and promptly walked out after the tour. Judgment Free Zone really turned me off.
Wow I thought my PF was bad, what with no power racks. At least I can bench and OHP and hang clean and deadlift. I don't understand how you can have a gym with no barbells/plates lol...
Treadmill barns, I like that. Where did you hear that one? I thought the 24 hour fitness I'm attending could have qualified as such, once upon a time, but seeing the dearth of proper equipment in other gyms has changed my opinion.Those are treadmill barns, not gyms.
Treadmill barns, I like that. Where did you hear that one? I thought the 24 hour fitness I'm attending could have qualified as such, once upon a time, but seeing the dearth of proper equipment in other gyms has changed my opinion.
One squat rack and one power rack is two more than many other gyms supply.
You can use it.![]()
There would be one alternative and that's the fitness club run through our hospitality business within the company I work for. I didn't look into a membership there because it's very sophisticated, and figured I'd be paying a premium for facilities I wouldn't likely use. It's $70/month compared to $20 at PF. But the $70 can be knocked down 50% if I go 12 times a month, which is doable considering I've been doing that and then some at PF.
I thought deadlifting was banned at all Planet Fitness
I have a question for you accomplished squatters.
Where do you "feel it" when you're done? I get a kind of sore feeling in that part rippetoe always taps on people when he coaches them, right in the round/flat of the back above/at the top of the hip, is that right/normal?
Right here.
I'm not sure what's normal but its my ass mostly. (lol)
Most of mine is in the out side quad and in that spot I mentioned before.
Same for me as well.
So yours is outside quad and that area middle right at the top of the hip/pelvis too like shown in that video I posted?
That's good then, may I ask your squat numbers?
Same for me but I've only been doing SS since mid August. Currently squatting 96.5kg.
Anyone heard of Herschel Walker, some former NFL star and now MMA guy?
He only eats one meal a day, which is a soup and a salad. very little protein:
And only does body weight workouts.. wtf how can he be so ripped by just doing all that shit? He does do a lot though everyday:
* 750 to 1,500 Pushups
* 2,000 to 3,500 Situps
Still, I don't get it. may be hes got good genes.